Book 2: Chapter 86: Titles


After a long bout of people congratulating me, with Cynthia and Allen having to leave early amidst it due to work and the others all keeping their distance from the girl in my lap, I finally exit the magical reality. Only to find a System Notification in my vision that has me freezing stiff as the pod Im in slowly opens.

Warning! This is a universal notification!

Lucius tor de blackheart has attained a new title-bearing mythic skill!

Lucius otherwise known by the title Lord of death has now attained the title the reaper.

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

The fuck?

Whats a title? And why did the System send out a universal notification for it?

Actually, what is a universal notification? A notification thats sent out to everyone in the universe?

Woah, slow down there, Tar says while I push my way out of the pod immediately into a crowd of people who are all trying to surround me for autographs and to just talk to me. But I dont have the time, so I instead jump over all their heads and make a break for the exit. To answer your question about universal notifications first, they arent very common, but they happen when a System user accomplishes something so great that the achievement is announced to every single System user in the universe. So they generally only appear for people getting Title-Bearing Mythic skills or earning achievements that will give them etched skill slots. They wont show to regular humans or demons who are not initiated into the System though, which is probably why you didnt know about it. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if there hasnt been a single universal notification in your entire lifetime.

Oh. And the title thing?

Tar answers as I push my way straight through the front doors of the building before jumping up onto the walls, then the roofs of the buildings, Its Title, not title, Tar says, putting emphasis on the word Title as if it were special as I run across the rooftops, only to stop at some point and instead sit down at the edge of a building in the snow. But a Title is only ever given out alongside a mythic skill. And not all mythic skills come with Titles. Only a very small portion of them.

So if someone has a Title, theyre important?

Very, Tar says while appearing in front of me, seemingly not bothered at all by the snow falling down and the cold around us. Then again, neither am I. To list off a few people who have Titles, theres all five Knights of Humanity, all four Demon Lords, and the Demon King for example. I cant tell you their exact Titles until you reach higher Classes though.

Oh. Yeah, those are definitely important people.

Whos this Lord of Death person though? Sounds like an important Title. Not to mention his new Title.

And the name sounds like a demon.

The Lords I can go ahead and tell you their Demon Lord Titles for, because they arent important information and are basic for any Demon Lord, Tar says before answering, the Lord of Death is one of the four Demon Lords of Tartarus. A ghoul.

Hmm, yeah, guess the Lord part does kind of give that way. But who are the other Lords? I mean, whatre their Titles?

Well, theres the Blood Lord, who is a blood lycan and the son of the current Demon King, theres the Lord of Devouring, who is a Mindeater, and the Lord of Hellfire, who is, of course, an oni, Tar answers, making me frown slightly. And you already know the Knights Titles.

I blink at that last bit.

Wait a second, are you serious?

The tanuki floating in front of me nods his head.


So the White Knight of Humanity is actually recognized by the System as that? I wonder what sort of mythic skill came bearing that Title

That I cant tell you, nor can I tell you any other Titles or the number of Titles any of them have, Tar says, only to pause. Or at least, I cant right now. There is one other Title I will be able to tell you after you ascend to Class II.

Oh? Then I guess I might as well ascend now.

No! Dont do it here! Tar quite literally shouts at me out loud as I climb to my feet.

Why not?

Lets just say that the ascension process isnt pleasant, Tar says, growing quieter with his voice echoing in my head again and not out loud.

Okay. I already knew that. So what?

Uh, well, how do I put this Tar continues, making me grow more and more suspicious the longer he speaks. Ascension for most people simply means an improvement to their reality and their own genes, but for you it involves your human genes being devoured while all of the rest of your genes are improved. All at the same time.

I stare at the tanuki for a few seconds before muttering out loud rather quietly, Oh.

Thats going to hurt, isnt it? A lot more than I was expecting

Yeah Tar mutters. Itll be much worse for you than the average person.

A few seconds pass in silence.

I should go find a private training room. Or better yet, just go to my own bedroom. Its soundproof after all, so no one should be able to hear me screaming in there. And no one should be able to walk in on me either.

Right, Tar says with a nod of his head. Great idea!

The silence returns again.

After a few seconds I finally stretch a little and begin running off towards the top class student residential area of the campus. And upon arriving, Im immediately congratulated by a few guards who must have already heard of my winning.

If it werent for the fact that I already know that the university prioritizes people who dont have any intentions of watching the tournaments when hiring security for the campus during Interschool Tournaments, then Id probably pity these two. But since I know that I just nod my head once before continuing on towards the dorm that is the giant mansion hosting my suite of rooms.

Time to go ascend. And feel a lot of pain in the process most likely.

I just hope pain diffusion works during an ascension.

It doesnt, Tar says, crushing my hopes immediately.

This is going to suck.

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