Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 2: Chapter 31: Core Assault Part I

Book 2: Chapter 31: Core Assault Part I


Without wasting a second, I rush straight at the knight before slamming my fist right in its armored face, sending it crashing to the ground a few meters away thanks to the level gap of forty levels between us. I then land on the ground myself and immediately jump again, bringing both my fists down on the creatures chest, making it cough out a massive amount of blood before dying.

[Blood Thirst Effect applied. Stack is now 1]

I stand up again while grinning, only to turn to the others to find them looking rather amused. Well, except Arthur who looks kind of shocked.

Well, Ill be heading out then, I say with a wave at them before running off just seconds later in the direction of the center of the mall, where I suspect the core is at.

Because this time Im going core hunting.

And youre sure about this? Tar asks as I run through the wide open malls, slaughtering any demons I find in my path with ease and saving the civilians theyre attacking without stopping to accept their thanks.

Yes. I am.

Its been an entire month since the Class II Fracture, but throughout all that time, with all those Fractures we fought in, I only leveled up a grand total of five times. Which is absolutely disgusting compared to my previous leveling speed.

And to make matters worse? I havent gotten a single Skill Point outside of when I hit the kill 1000 total demons achievement and got a free thirty from it.

Well, it makes sense considering that youre level 90, and there are generally only three or four demons at most at that level or above in a Class I Fracture, Tar explains as I continue running, having shifted my arm into that of a beast at some point and split my blood shadow off of me, letting blood regeneration take care of the blood I lose from it.

I understand that. But its still frustrating.

So Im going to take this mall as a chance to finally go after a core for the first time.

If youre sure, Tar says, and I nod my head at that while rushing by a level forty spawn and ripping its heart out before throwing it away without even giving it the chance to react or stopping my run in the process.

Besides. The strongest demon in a Class I Fracture is only level 100, and Ive fought and killed a level 126 demon on my own before, along with several others above level one hundred.

You may be right about that, but a demon captain is far smarter than a demon acolyte is. Just about as smart as a human is, and you should know that, Tar says, warning me as I get closer and closer to the center of the mall. So on that note, I begin to slow down a little bit before jumping up onto the wall and climbing to the second floor bridge I find where I then continue heading towards the center of the mall. Which happens to be a skating rink of ice, just like the mall we were at the first time the team and I ever worked together in a Fracture.

But this time Im a much higher level.

Actually, come to think of it, a lot of the malls weve fought at during Fractures malls being a rather common place for Fractures to appear thanks to the large number of people there have the ice skating rink at the center of the building. Or at least at the main open area.

It makes sense when you think about it, Tar comments as I search around the main area for the core, which doesnt take long to find as its just sitting next to a fountain with the captain standing next to it alongside about five knights and dozens of spawn who are currently spreading out throughout the area. The place holding the court of ice needs to be rather large, meaning them being in

Tar trails off as he realizes Im focusing on checking out the demons numbers and not his estimate on why malls are designed the way they are.

The captain shouldnt be much of a problem outside of his directing the other demons. After all, even if hes level 100, hes still just Class I, unlike the Class IIs Ive killed before. Meaning he only has a Class I multiplier from his capabilities and not a Class II multiplier, which should be a few hundredths of a point higher than the Class I multipliers used when calculating your mana, physical strength, and other things like that. So my main issue here is dealing with their numbers.

Looks like most of the people in the main area of the hall have already gathered into several areas and are being protected by Guardians. Although I cant help but notice that there arent any Class II Guardians here. Which, if I had to guess, is likely due to this being a smaller and lower scale mall than the other ones Ive been to.

And it doesnt have a VIP area, which is a big must have for more famous Guardians who dont like just walking around in public as they go about their daily lives.

The Guardians who are here appear to be mostly between level fifty to level eighty or so in terms of mana level, and while some of them are clearly struggling, most are able to at least defend the civilians while they push their way back to bunkers.

I narrow my eyes at the demons before an idea comes to me and I raise my hand into the air, summoning seven different daggers made of blood.

None of these demons are terribly powerful, meaning I can probably kill a lot of them simply from here using my ranged skills.

So with that thought in mind, I immediately begin sending daggers of blood flying downwards at the demons while also using blood boil and life drain on each and every one nearby. And my level ten blood boil skill has the level forty to level sixty or so demons practically writhing on the ground in agony, the skill allowing me to use it on up to fifteen or so targets at once now.

My actions quickly draw a lot of attention towards me both from demons, civilians, and Guardians alike.

Including the captain.

Looks like its time to take on my first fully intelligent demon.

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