Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 2: Chapter 21.2: A Battle of Wills and Magic Part II

Book 2: Chapter 21.2: A Battle of Wills and Magic Part II


My plan goes awry almost immediately when the door is blasted off its hinges by a fireball, sending a wave of heat towards me and my blood shadow. But fortunately neither of us were close enough to the door for it to hurt us, me having at least considered this to be a possibility, even if not a very large one. The plan then goes back on track afterwards when a single fomorian enters and my blood shadow immediately launches an attack at it, stabbing its sword straight at a gap in the armor on its arm, piercing partially into its elbow.

The fomorian lets out a loud growl before swinging its left fist straight towards my blood shadow, landing a blow to its torso. But I jump straight at the back of the fomorian and reach for its throat with my claws, grabbing onto it and trying to crush it with all I have, making the creature topple over in the process, landing on its front and accidentally cutting itself with its sword while doing so. This makes it easier for me to finish it off via distracting it as I burn more blood to finally rip its throat out before immediately jumping off of the creature.

And not a moment too late either, because a sword swings right past where I was after that, barely missing me in the process.

I alternate my gaze between the fomorian standing at the door now and the two behind him, the only noise that I can hear being that of my own heavy breathing from exhaustion and blood loss, along with the growling of the fomorians.

Attack! the acolyte shouts again, just like earlier, adding onto the noise.

My blood shadow recovers enough to stand up again, and I wave my hand over to it, creating another sword of blood that it quickly grabs as I watch the remaining fomorians enter the recording studio. But surprisingly, the acolyte stays back outside of the room.

After a second though, the reason comes to me in the form of a memory about acolytes.

Specifically, the fact that theyre bloody cowards and like to force their team of guards into the narrow and dangerous places for battle while staying at a safe distance.

So its going to stay out there instead of coming inside, meaning I wont have to worry about fireballs.

If thats the case, then the acolyte can be considered out of the battle for now, unless it starts buffing the other demons. Which I doubt since this acolyte seems to use fire magic. And one of the fomorians is down too, and even gave me a couple of levels along with its brave sacrifice.

My only issue right now I open my status.

(I added a line of red between the inherent/achievement-locked skills and the purchased skills. The top are inherent/achievement-locked for both passive and active while the bottom are purchased.)

Name: Scarlet AsgerSpecies: Human/Blood Lycan HybridMagic: Blood Age: 19Level: 77SP: 8 Stats: Physical: 190Mental: 186Magical: 185 Physical/Level: 2Mental/Level: 1Magical/Level: 2 Free Points: 4Mana: 7186/17205Free Points/Level: 2 Active Skills: Blood ClawsSkill Level: 10Description Blood SiphonSkill Level: 10Description Life DrainSkill Level: 10Description Partial ShiftSkill Level: StaticDescription Blood DiffusionSkill Level: 1Description Blood ShadowSkill Level: 5Description Blood RetributionSkill Level: 5Description Blood ManifestationSkill Level: 5Description Blood SacrificeSkill Level: 10Description Blood BoilSkill Level: 6Description Blood BankSkill Level: 5Description CleanSkill Level: StaticDescription RepairSkill Level: StaticDescription RechargeSkill Level: StaticDescription Passive Skills: Blood RegenerationSkill Level: 5Description Blood ThirstSkill Level: 6Description Predator VSkill Level: StaticDescription

Using blood retribution took out an entire fifth of my remaining mana. And while I do have a lot more mana now that Im at a higher level and can still cope, another couple uses of that will be the end of my mana pool for this fight.

I glance at my blood shadow before focusing on the fomorians again as I have it begin strengthening the shadows around it, making it harder to see in the dark of the room that currently has no lights nor windows. A nice benefit that the skill got from reaching level 5.

Two of the fomorians look around for a second, confused as to where the blood shadow went, but I take advantage of that to rush forwards and attack the closest one to me, burning more of my blood while using blood boil and life drain on all of them including the acolyte outside of the room and blood retribution on myself just in case I end up getting hit.

Unlike my first ambush though, these fomorians are ready for it and the one closest to me immediately swings its sword the moment it feels the pain of blood boil, very nearly cutting me in half if it werent for my blood shadow suddenly throwing the sword at me, hitting me in the side with the hilt and knocking me out of the way enough that the blade only cuts open my left side with a gash that must be at least a few inches deep and has me crying out as I crash into a sofa just a few meters away.

I grit my teeth while trying to push myself up off the sofa through the pain, only to see one of the other fomorians other than the one that is falling to its knees from red steam floating off of its skin stepping towards me with its sword raised above its head to strike.

Damnit, is this how Im gonna die?

Suddenly Tar appears in front of me and full on tackles the fomorians arm holding the sword, making it wobble a little right before it goes to bring it down, ending up with the sword digging into the ground right next to me instead.

Go! he shouts, and I dont need to be told twice as I climb to my feet, blood gushing out of my stomach and side, then begin rushing over as fast as I can to the bunker while my blood shadow begins distracting them.

Just a little more.

Once I reach the bunker shield and turn around, I focus on the fomorians again.

One of them is still kneeling on the ground with large amounts of red steam leaking from its skin, whereas another is ripping its sword out of the floor that it got partially stuck in, and the last is fighting with the blood shadow in a rather one sided match.

My eyes narrow as I hold my wounded side with one hand and raise the other to begin manifesting blood manifestation.

Almost there.

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