Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 2: Chapter 14: Fractured Interview Part I

Book 2: Chapter 14: Fractured Interview Part I

Terra New Station #1 TNS1

Over two weeks later

Now miss Asger, how do you feel about your time as a Guardian so far now that youve been one for almost a month now? Jeff asks from his place seated on a comfortable reclining chair across a glass table from the wolf eared Guardian, a large window to his left and a set of cameras to his right.

Busy, Scarlet answers with a single word, painting a picture of her personality much clearer than the forums and videos Jeff has seen over her on the internet.

When he was first told that hed be interviewing her at the request of the Silver Associations leader, Cipher, he was over the moon. The very idea of being the very first news company to interview an up and coming star of a Guardian was a dream come true for anyone. But after just a little bit of research, that excitement quickly dampened as he began to realize just how difficult the interview might turn out to be.

She really is just like I thought. Stoic and quiet, with very little care for social media or interacting with the public.

The corner of Jeffs mouth twitches slightly upwards.

I can work with that.

Jeff makes a hand signal with his left hand away from the view of the camera, making the room go dark as the window suddenly turns into a video showing one of the girls fights, this one being against a demon knight in her most recent Fracture just the day before today. Very understandable, considering your track record of Fractures youve fought in in just your first month as a Guardian. And youre doing it as a student at Lions Heart as well! An incredible achievement! One that not many Guardians are able to claim to have!

The reporter watches as the girl looks at the screen without saying anything, the video just playing to show her avoiding a knights sword swing and moving around it while sending a blade of blood flying straight into its chest as she goes in to tear out its throat. She then quickly turns around, her jacket which is more like a coat flaring around her in the process before she walks over to a family in the middle of the office building and checks on a child.

I for one would love to express my appreciation for all the work youve done for us, Scarlet Wolf, Jeff says as the recording moves on from showing her leading the family to a bunker to instead show another video of her fighting a demon breeder this time. During every single Demonic Assault weve had over the last month, youve participated in at least two Fractures along with your team. And that is as a brand new Guardian. So please accept my thank you. He finishes with a light bow of his head, making Scarlets eyes widen slightly.

After he raises his head again, a light smile touches his lips and he makes another hand signal, which leads to the video changing once again to this time show her fighting the wraith before her clothing got too damaged.

Now, I would also ask, if you dont mind, do you plan on sticking with your team, or are you going to change teams at some point? Because youre clearly growing much faster than the other members of your group, Jeff asks, quickly finding the girls brows to furrow for a second. But he doesnt panic and instead patiently waits for her response.

A second passes before the girl answers, My plan is to stay with them as a team but move off on my own when we arrive at new Fractures from now on.

Jeffs smile widens slightly.

Good. The people clearly seem to like her a lot more than Inferno or Druid, so having her split up from them will likely positively affect the views on her videos.

That sounds like a good plan, Jeff says as the screen pauses on the video before it gets to a part where too much of Scarlets clothing is destroyed by the wraith. It then once again changes to show several other significant battles that the girl has fought in over the past weeks, such as the one against a group of knights defending a breeder that happened during the last week, or even her fight against the pack of twenty hounds where she slaughtered them like cattle. But what do you plan on doing for the Interschool Tournament? Im sure weve all heard the news about you being selected as the prime participant for the Class I Primaries from Lions Heart. So how are you going to deal with that?

The girl answers right away this time, seemingly getting a little bit more used to the questions by now, I will be competing in the teams Class I tournament with them in addition to my participation in the Solo Class I Primaries.

Good, shes getting used to it. So now I just need to close out with one more question and we can take a commercial break.

So your team doesnt have any reservations about you branching off and going partially solo? Jeff asks, but before she can answer, he adds, What about the leader of your team? The Druid, Michael Winters?

Scarlet blinks seemingly in surprise and answers, They were expecting it the moment I joined their team, so it didnt come as much of a surprise for them.

Good. Very good. Thisll play into her image as a lone wolf very well. Ah, thats good to hear. Ive heard of a lot of teams breaking up when just a single person left, so I couldnt help but worry, Jeff says, showing a relieved smile. He then closes out the session with a short cliffhanger ending, leaving the viewers hopefully wanting more before starting the commercial break.

Nice work, miss Asger, he says, the relieved smile on his face vanishing, replaced solely by a normal one. You did splendidly for your first time in front of a camera.

The girl just shrugs.

To be expected.

The commercial break will last for about five or so minutes, so go ahead and grab some refreshments if youd like, he says while getting up himself and walking off the set, soon hearing her doing the same behind him.

So far so good. I just hope everything continues as planned.

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