Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 493: Legendary item: Evidence of Elements! (big

To know.

Fire Dragon Tribulation is just an inconspicuous talent spell, and it is still Levi's first talent.

  It is Levi's normal attack.

The current power is more powerful than the regular Yuanhun Wizard's ultimate move!

 This is the power of Sunlight’s Wonderful Objects!

“However, many of the outstanding eighth-ring wizards at this stage have refined the Sun Sun Rare Items, and their innate spells cannot be treated with common sense. In future battles, we still cannot take it lightly and be careful not to make big mistakes.”


The power of Levi's other burning faction spells has also been significantly enhanced.

 He opened the proficiency panel.

 The Sword of the Flame Emperor is a strange object that brings about some unexpected changes, which are related to the talent of [Ether Master].


[Ether Lord: Shield of the Rock Emperor (missing), Sword of the Flame Emperor (completed), Robe of the Wind Emperor (missing), Boots of the Blue Emperor (missing), Crown of the Thunder Emperor (missing), Seat of the Ice Emperor (missing) ), Jin Emperor’s Palace (missing)]

 Because of the proficiency panel and the initial talent of Son of Chaos, which can learn anything but nothing.

Livy embarked on a path of learning everything.

The talent of [Ether Master] comes from the "Ether Meditation Method" that Levi originally integrated.

"These latter things seem to be all rare objects from the sun. Some of them are recorded in the "Illustrated Book of Strange Objects", and some are not. It seems that the [Sword of Emperor Yan], as well as six other kinds of rare objects, should be The matching ones...could it be possible that when combined, they become a [Legendary Item]?"

Li Wei's eyes swept over these strange objects one by one, and a stream of information poured into his mind.

 “Proof of the Elements?”

This name was very familiar, and he quickly opened the "Illustrated Book of Strange Objects".

 At the end of the illustrated book, a legendary item is recorded.

  【Certificate of Elements: Legendary item, after refining, you can obtain a level 10 legendary profession. 】

 The introduction is very simple and there is no other content at all.

In this illustrated book of rare objects, the more advanced the rare object, the less information there is.

 There are even some legendary items that just have names and the rest is all guesswork.

 “That’s really the case.”

“These seven sun-drenched wonders are all non-sequential wonders, but they can be integrated into one legendary wonder.”

“It’s a pity that there is only one [Sword of Emperor Yan] in the war merit store.”

Li Wei has seen the ninth-level demon-slaying list, and there are no other strange objects on this list.

 As for whether there is a treasury in the parliament, he does not know.

 It seems that these strange objects have to be figured out by themselves.

 Since the proficiency panel has prompted this, his goal and direction are very clear.

 Before being promoted to legend, collect these seven strange objects and fuse them into [Certificate of Elements].

 In this way, you should be able to get a legendary career.

This legendary profession spans seven major factions and must be very strong.

 My own legendary path has gradually become clear.

"I wonder if there are any in the back floors of the Ancient Dark Tower? I will be able to take the eighth-level trial soon and become an eighth-level law enforcer. I can look for it next."

 Li Wei is looking forward to it.

Looking at it now, [Proof of Elements] is the most suitable legendary item for you.

 Except these.

 [Sword of Emperor Yan] also gave Li Wei a talent called [Emperor Yan].

The talent is very simple, it just roughly increases his fire element affinity.

He has the blood bonus of the Red Emperor Dragon, and his affinity with the fire element is already very strong.

 The two phases are superimposed, which makes them stronger and stronger.

 Simon, who is gifted with twin fires, is like a younger brother to him.

 The speed of meditation, as well as the efficiency of practicing the burning faction spells, will inevitably be improved to the next level.

Li Wei's consciousness entered his mind, and the eight-story Dharma Ring Holy Tower was spinning slowly.

 In the first floor space of the Holy Tower, seven stone platforms with simple shapes appeared at some unknown time.

 A red flaming sword is suspended on one of the stone platforms. It is the [Sword of Emperor Yan].

 The other six stone platforms are empty.

 “Interesting, this is the first time I’ve seen this happen.”

“It seems that every time a sub-wonderful object of [Elemental Evidence] is refined from now on, it will appear on the stone platform, which is equivalent to a collection of proofs.”

 The previous Shadow Crest did not have this situation.

"It's a pity that such a powerful rare object does not have an accompanying spiritual object, and the Shadow Crest does not have an accompanying spiritual object. Is the spiritual object explosion rate of the Sunlight Rare Item so low... Regardless, continue to refine the other two Bright Moon Rare Items .”

Li Wei first took out the dragon fish rare item from the Death Faction.

This arowana has cunning eyes and twists and turns like a loach in its hands.

 “I hope you can be of some use.”

For him, refining the bright moon wonders is effortless.

  Half a year later, Levi looked at the upper limit of mental power [25400] on Klein’s crystal ball.

“It’s not bad, it actually increased by 200 points in one breath, which is comparable to the original [White Emperor’s Holy Sword].”

  200 points should be the limit of the Haoyue Rare Object.

Levi has never seen a number higher than this number.

This shows that this strange object is very powerful, and it is among the most powerful bright moon strange objects under the sun.

 As for whether to increase the upper limit of mental power or improve mental power, Li Wei doesn't care.

 In his mind, Ah Jin screamed.

 Levi’s consciousness came to the Holy Tower.

Ajin, Frey, Abiao, Si Lei, Nick...these spiritual beings are much stronger than before.

Especially Si Lei, he is becoming more and more godlike, making the spiritual creatures next to him afraid to look directly at him.

Now, these spiritual creatures are all looking at the corner curiously.

 There, there is a meandering mini Yellow River.

 The dim yellow river water exudes strong negative energy and death.

 It’s a bit like the yellow spring water that Li Wei saw in Falling Dragon Valley.

This is a river-shaped companion creature, which is very rare.

  Sensing Li Wei's consciousness, the river floated gently and appeared in Li Wei's palm.

 The lingering aura of death caused the flowers and plants around Li Wei to wither quickly.

 Suddenly, this companion creature seemed to sense something.

It rushed into the sky and flew towards the direction of Gu Rong You Mansion.

 Li Wei followed suit.


 Ancient Rongyou Mansion.

The tombstones of the deceased stood silently, and the living soil has now expanded to about a square radius, and the speed is not bad.

 Some confused skeletons and ghosts wandering in the wilderness.

  Sensing Levi's aura, their soul fire transmitted excitement and obedient mental power fluctuations.

Li Wei, as the master of the Ancient Banyan Palace, has absolute control over them.

The yellow river has now penetrated under the stele of the dead.


Accompanied by the gurgling sound of the clear spring, a yellow spring eye began to emerge under the stone monument.

That is the yellow river bubbling, like an eel hiding in the sand.

 “It... looks like you like staying here.”

 Levi speculated that it might be the strong death energy here that attracted this spiritual creature.

 “In that case, let’s call you Huangquan.”

 Levi murmured.

Huang Quan keeps blowing bubbles, and more and more spring water gushes out of his body.

 Like the Tablet of the Dead, it can convert elemental power into death energy.

These springs flow on the resting soil and seem to accelerate its growth rate.

 This made Li Wei feel happy.

 It seems that it won’t be long before the Ancient Banyan Palace can be completely transformed into the underworld.

By then, more undead creatures will be born below.

 Perhaps, wait until the distant future.

 You don’t need to do anything to have an undead army sweeping across multiple planes.

You can also have an elite army of heroic spirits.

“In this case, let’s call this strange thing [Dragon of the Underworld].”

Livy completed this kind of strange object in the "Illustrated Book of Strange Objects".

 Unknowingly, he also recorded many unique and strange things in this book.

 When it is passed on to others in the future, he will also be one of the compilers.

 It is equivalent to him and Sauron cutting an "Illustrated Book of Strange Objects" with one sword and one sword.

 Finally, Levi took out the black eyeball.

"Although it's a bit weird, it's just a rare artifact from the Haoyue. It's not a big problem. In the final analysis, any cultivation faction is just a tool. It's not them that's wrong, it's the people... As long as you have strong willpower and enough xinxing, neither is the Burning faction. Everyone is as violent as Simon, and the death faction is not all sinister and cunning people, the majority are normal people."


half year later.

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 477 years of **** battle.

 The black eyeballs, Li Wei has also finished refining.

He opened his eyes, and a dim light pierced the void.

There is a dark and negative emotion lingering in my mind.

 Negative energy in a broad sense is very complex. Basically, except for the seven elements and light, the rest is negative energy.

 For example, nightmares, fears, or the seven deadly sins of man.

However, on the wizarding school side, there are only four mainstream ones:

 Darkness, death, shadow, blood.

 Among them, darkness is the most typical, most negative energy, and also the most powerful...

 This is why wizards call the universe they live in [the dark place].

 But this kind of energy is also the most difficult to master.

 If you are not careful, you can easily go astray and get lost in the darkness.

 After refining this strange thing, Li Wei had a deep understanding.

 But to him, a bright moon strange object really has no impact.

 There is no other reason. Darkness is just part of his spiritual practice.

 His main body is still the positive energy of the seven elements.

 With these here, this little bit of dark power can be easily suppressed.

But this thing is indeed powerful. If it were a sun-dark artifact from the dark faction, it might not be that simple.

 “Everyone has a negative part, that’s normal.”

“As long as you make sure you suppress your negative side with your positive side, you’ll be fine.”

 “It’s not normal if there’s no negative side at all.”

 Levi muttered to himself.

 This pitch-black eyeball has raised the upper limit of mental power by 150 points.

 Obviously the quality is not as good as [Dragon of the Underworld].

 Levi’s upper limit of mental power reached 25550 points.

 In addition, a special physique was also born.

 Its name is [Great Black Celestial Body].

  【Great Black Celestial Body】has three functions:

  1. Slightly enhanced his dark faction talent.

  2. At night or in dark places, the perception ability is significantly increased.

  3. Increase the damage to light-based beings, which can be wizards of the light school, extraordinary creatures, or even...gods.

 As we all know, gods like to use [light] to arm themselves.

 Among the gods in the star realm, there are many who are related to light.

 In the wizarding world, the School of Light is not a sect.

 But in the star realm, there are quite a few gods who hold [light authority].

 Among them, the most famous one is the one with whom Li Wei has dealt with many times.

 It is...the loving father of heaven!

 Livy did not know much about Shinto knowledge.

But he also knows some secret knowledge.

 It seems that the gods like to use "authority" to refer to the areas they control.

 Furthermore, to gods, [authority] is a huge cake.

 This quantity is fixed.

 Some gods have a lot of control over them, and they are very strong.

 Some gods can only control some scraps, and they are very weak.

Hence, the same gods have vastly different strengths.

 Some weak gods can be killed by just a fledgling legendary wizard.

 His strength can only be said to be above the great wizard and below the legend.

 This is why there are so many gods in the astral world, because many of them are fake.

 It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a false god. He has no realm but no strength.

Comparatively, the average strength of the legendary wizard is much stronger.

  Who can step into a legend step by step, who is not a person with great luck, great perseverance and great talent?

And some weak gods may just be lucky enough to gain a little bit of authority, condense their godhood, and obtain the right to live in the star realm...

Of course, some powerful gods, even Sauron, have to be wary.

 The Seven Gods, as well as the Lord of Chaos who previously tried to invade the Wizarding Federation, are the best among them.

 The four evil gods under his command are not ordinary existences in the star realm.

 There are more than four gods who serve him.

 In general, gods are still very strong. No matter how weak they are, they are still level ten existences, and non-legendary wizards cannot fight against them.

 In the history of the witchcraft world, there have only been a few cases where great wizards killed gods.

This is all achieved by relying on rare treasures, magical formations, and superior numbers.

Those great wizards themselves were all extraordinary people with perfect nine rings, and later they were promoted to legendary wizards.

 Concerning authority, Li Wei knew very little about this knowledge.

 In short, it is this thing that allows gods to form cliques just like mortals.

Wars between gods are generally related to the struggle for authority.


Five years later.

 700th year of Norah.

 486 years of **** battle.

  In the nightmare world, the figures of Levi and Lope confront each other in the chaotic wilderness.

 He did not use any means and only used part of his own strength.

His right hand turned into a giant hammer of flesh and blood, and the hammering wind destroyed the sky and the earth.

 One hammer, two hammers...In an instant, he had already swung one hundred and eight hammers.

It is the supreme combat skill of the Ghost Elephant Department, the Demonic Elephant Hammer!

The shadow of the hammer is like a turbulent wave, constantly superimposed, and finally turns into a fierce shadow of a giant elephant holding the sky.

Its eyes were fierce and collided with Lope's bone rod.


 The bone club shattered instantly, and the giant elephant pushed Lope hundreds of miles away, collapsing mountains one after another.


Lope’s figure dissipated and fell apart.

 “Master, I feel like I’m about to break through, hahaha!”

Before going offline, Lope’s ecstatic voice came.

Li Wei smiled slightly.

I don’t know if Lope can break through, but his hammering skills are at their peak.

"The power is indeed good. It is worthy of being created by a ninth-level strongman. Even the castrated version is far superior to the previous Barbarian King-level combat skills. Let's integrate it into "Ji Dao Ce"."

  One month later.

Li Wei's "Jidao Ce" has broken through to the eighth level.


 Ji Dao Strategy: Level 8 (1/100,000), special effects: Ten Jue Ji Dao, Ten Fierce Martial Arts.


                                                                                  gy number 1 】

【Ten evil martial arts: Heavenly Dragon, Heavenly Elephant, Heavenly Badger, Heavenly Peng, Heavenly Lion, Heavenly Whale, Heavenly Snake, Heavenly Cold, and Wuji. 】

 “Of the ten evils in martial arts, there are already nine evils.”

“The Heavenly Dragon Path and the Celestial Elephant Path can open up the [Dragon Elephant Path].”

His figure stepped out, surrounded by the shadows of dragons and elephants behind him, running forward.

Red Dragon Zante slashed forward, and in an instant, it was already the ultimate 108 sword!

His veins popped out, his flesh and blood bulged, and white waves of energy were released!


The terrifying sword galloped through the chaotic wilderness, splitting a thousand-mile-long gully of sword energy, and then disappeared without a trace.

 For Li Wei, the hammer method and the sword method are both common, but the hammer method is easier to exert powerful power.

“The combat skills are at level eight.”

Lope has gained some understanding of combat some time ago, and his combat skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

 In the chaotic wilderness, he was discussing with Emperor Mu.

 As he was about to go offline, Levi felt a sense of danger and looked at the skyline ahead.

 Not long after, spies came to report.

 A large number of nightmare creature legions suddenly appeared in front, rushing toward the Black Dragon Territory.

 The King of Huangre, the King of Dengue, and the King of Cholera.

These three great lords have formed a coalition, and they are coming fiercely!

While the Black Dragon Territory was developing silently, the outside world was also changing.

The Black Death King failed to send troops to the Black Dragon Territory, so he lost his wife and lost his troops.

Not long ago, King Smallpox, one of the eight kings, broke through to the late eighth level.

Just when the Black Death King was short of troops, it took advantage of it and moved in.

The King of Black Death was defeated and abandoned his territory. He took some of his trusted soldiers with him and fled the Blood Rain Realm without a trace.

 Then, the king of smallpox killed three kings one after another, and also defeated the three kings of yellow fever, dengue, and cholera.

 Since then, the Eight Kings Rebellion has come to an end in a short period of time.

 With the Blood Rain Overlord absent, King Smallpox, who is at the late eighth level, has become the nominal number one in the Blood Rain world.

 Called himself the “Smallpox Overlord”.

 Hundreds of lords declared their allegiance or surrender.

Those who resisted to the end were crushed to pieces.

Today, the only major forces in the Blood Rain Realm that have not surrendered are the Black Dragon Territory in the border areas.

The previous record of defeating the Black Death King made the Black Dragon Lord famous, and no one dared to offend him.

 But Li Wei knew that the Eight Kings were ambitious and would definitely attack him.

 I just didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

"Late level eight? With my current strength, I'm not afraid. At worst, I'll fight with all my strength. Whoever is afraid of death will be my grandson."

Levi, who has a nightmare clone, speaks with a strong voice.

“Lope, the Black Lotus Beast, call all the members of the Dragon Palace immediately.”

“Thousand Fantasy Knights, let the battle groups without **** battle missions go online.”

 He has the Shadow Dragons and the strength of one man, and he has the confidence to deal with these three coalition forces.

 The opportunity for actual combat in such a large-scale war is still given to his subordinates, so that they can be prepared to deal with the demon army in the later stage.

 The three kings of yellow fever, dengue, and cholera are the strongest, which is in the middle of the eighth level, and there is nothing to fear.

 The war order was immediately conveyed to all departments.

 Skyfire Fortress.

 Charizard fell to the ground with a crash, went to sleep, and went online in his sleep.

 “Jie Jie Jie, it’s time to kill.”

 The Heavenly Dragon Generals and the Earth Dragon Generals fell one by one.

On the ancient banyan tree, the black phoenix flies into its nest and falls asleep.

In Ji Lei Mountain, the Thunder Crocodile in imperial robes looked indifferently and said in a rather pretentious tone:

“After this battle, the Thunder Destroyer will definitely become famous!”

 All major groups, those who have no work for the time being, are gathered together.

 Then, they all...sleep!

 Nightmare world, start!


In the chaotic wilderness, the black dragon territory was completely surrounded by the vast army of nightmares.

This kind of military strength is no less than that of the previous thousand-year locust plague.

 Moreover, the quality is far better than the locust plague.

In the wizarding world, even the top wizarding organizations cannot stand it.

 Three soaring eighth-level auras fell in front.

 The King of Huangre, the King of Dengue, and the King of Cholera.

 Among them, the Yellow Fever King and the Dengue King are two giant mosquito beasts.

They have a wingspan of several kilometers and are covered with a hard carapace.

Hum buzz!

 The sound of vibrating wings is constant and disturbing.

 It has to be said that mosquitoes are the nightmare of countless mortals or beasts in multiple planes.

The Cholera King's body is a strange creature that looks like a nine-turn large intestine, constantly squirming, with black water flowing across it.

 It is the only mid-eighth level power among them.

  Triss was beside Levi, shaking her head constantly.

“What a disgusting guy, but it does have research value. It may inspire my seven-ring breakthrough potion. Can I get some materials afterwards?”

Li Wei smiled and said:

  “Ladies at your leisure.”

He looked into the distance and said calmly:

“I have never caused any trouble in this wasteland. I wonder why the three of you are causing trouble for me?”

King Huangre sneered.

“Why do we, the Eight Kings, need to explain to you what we do?”

Chorea king said:

"The Black Dragon Territory is an integral part of the Blood Rain Realm. Now that the Overlord of Small Flower has become the new master of the Blood Rain Realm, it likes talents the most and doesn't want to bury the Black Dragon Lord... All I need is that you take the Lord's Oath. From now on, only the King of Small Flowers will follow his lead. We will leave, and you may even gain the status of being on an equal footing with our three kings.”

Dengge Wangdao:

“Yes, the Blood Rain World has been divided for a long time, and it’s time to unify.”

Li Wei heard this and fell into deep thought.

 The three kings saw that the Black Dragon Lord was hesitant and knew that he was afraid.

Able to defeat the elites of the Black Death King, the Black Dragon Lord is indeed very strong.

 But in front of the Three Kings Alliance, it is not worth mentioning.

They looked around and saw no level eight strong men in the Black Dragon Territory. How could they resist them?

 In fact, Li Wei asked the aces such as Black Phoenix and Thunder Crocodile to be temporarily hidden to prevent scaring away the three kings.

Although he doesn't want to cause trouble, having unstable factors like the Eight Kings in the Blood Rain Realm is indeed troublesome.

 Let's just take this opportunity to get rid of these three kings to serve as a warning to others.

 The last king of smallpox, if it is sensible, don't bother yourself.

 Otherwise, he will directly hit the opponent's territory and try how strong he is in the late eighth level.

 It is not impossible to become the overlord of the Blood Rain Realm by then.

Chorea king said:

 “Lord Black Dragon, what do you think?”

Li Wei raised his head and said:

“I also have a plan, do you want to hear it?”

Dengge Wangdao:

"tell me the story."

Li Wei smiled and said:

“You swear a lord’s oath to me and serve me, and you can go back alive today!”

As soon as these words came out, the three kings camp was in an uproar.

 “What kind of thing is it? It’s worthy of being sworn by the king.”

“That is, people who don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is, so they sit in a well and look at the sky.”

King Cholera said angrily:

“Peel down the Black Dragon Territory! Whoever captures the Black Dragon Lord alive will receive a big reward!”


 The coalition forces of the three kings turned into a flood and charged towards the Black Dragon Territory.

 “The flaming executioner is here!”

Charizard, who loves to be in the limelight, **** his wings and sprays flames towards the nightmare army.

Li Wei raised the sword of victory high, recited a spell, and cast the [Wild Voice] spell on the Dragon Palace.

The beaten dragons turned into giant beasts that rushed into the military formation, killing, colliding, and crushing without any scruples!

 There is dragon breath, dragon flame, and dragon power everywhere!

 "Song of Ice and Fire Battle Group, all members attack!"

Beesita wore a new generation of Yakuza armor and fought with an enemy leader.

Hundreds of two-headed giants, with a purebred mountain giant Bogon sandwiched between them, began to charge into the formation.

 [Barbarian Ancestors], [Immortal Oath], and several apostle war groups guard the Black Dragon Territory from different directions.

The fur tribe turned into ferocious wild beasts and undead spirits from hell, with a murderous intent!

 It's just that although these battle groups have experienced hundreds of battles, they are all elite.

 But the number is far inferior to that of the Three Kings Alliance, and the nightmare creatures from the Black Dragon Territory must be the main force.

 After raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, tens of thousands of Black Dragon Territory troops rushed to the battlefield like a torrent and fought with the enemy.

The three kings stared at the black dragon leader, looking calm and composed.

The three of them are at level 8. If they can't take down the Black Dragon Territory, is there any justice?

  Triss said:

“With my current strength, I should be able to contend with King Huangre for a while. If you defeat the enemy, you can come and help me.”

 Levi shook his head.

“No, madam, you and Hei Feng will sit in the rear to prevent others from sneaking into the territory. Just leave the rest to me. I’m fully confident!”


"…All right."

 He snapped his fingers.

 The shadow army surges out from the shadow emblem on the chest.

 The wind of shadow sweeps across, all troops attack!

This legion has different shapes, mainly demons, nightmare creatures, and black beasts.

 The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the indomitable "magic generals".

Each statue has level seven strength, revealing extraordinary aura.

 The ordinary seventh-level general sitting down with the three kings is no match at all.

 It is worth mentioning that the upper limit of the number of Shadow Dragons has now reached 20,000.

But Li Wei didn’t have time to go to the **** battlefield to hunt demons and replenish his troops.

 Just take this opportunity to add some more.

 After doing all this, he stepped out and killed the three kings alone.

 To capture the thieves, capture the king first. Kill these three, and the rest will be easy to deal with.

  Triss said:

 “Be careful.”

However, thinking that this is a nightmare world, I suddenly feel that this warning is a bit redundant.

 “What am I worried about? Levi is not that boy from Aniya…”

 On the battlefield.

Seeing Li Wei coming alone, King Cholera smiled and said:

 “Have you regretted it?”

 Li Wei drew his sword.

 “I invite you all to get on your way!”

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    4,000 words will be added today, and the remaining 20,000 words are due.

  (End of this chapter)

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