Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 475: The Dragon Emperor's daughter! (big

Chapter 475 The Dragon Emperor’s daughter! (Please subscribe and vote for the big chapter)

 In life, you must learn to reconcile with yourself.

 Since you can’t beat it, then give up.

The black dragon wizard thought:

“I will never take the initiative to participate in the hunting operations of the Lord of the Dusk Palace in the future. Whoever wants to go can go, but Gandalf can make some plans.

 As the important person in charge of the Body Refining Department, this person is also a genius in body refining, so he must have a lot of good things in him.

Especially Gandalf's body-refining method. If it can be obtained and compared with mine, I may not be unable to enter the realm of nine-ring body-refining. However, Gandalf always acts with the other two, so he must find an opportunity to be alone. Just fine. "

 Facing the Lord of Twilight Hall, the Black Dragon Wizard was not confident. But Gandalf, who was only an ordinary seventh-ring cultivation level, was still confident.

 In the way of magic, he is indeed not very good now...but in the way of body refining, he does not allow the wizard world to have a being who is more powerful than himself.

 He, the black dragon wizard, is the king of body refining!


 The world of Blood River.

 In the sky, the blood moon hangs high.

A mighty **** river, I don’t know where it comes from and where it flows. It takes on a ring shape and surrounds the world of Blood River. There are countless capillary-like branching rivers that stretch into the void.

From time to time, the true spirits of the vampires can be seen pouring into the main trunk from these branch rivers and disappearing.

 In the river of blood, there are powerful auras entrenched.

One of the giant beasts, which was three thousand meters tall and covered with ferocious blood scales, opened its eyes with a surprised look on its face.

 “This Luo Wei is still defeated.”

 “Fortunately I didn’t go there by myself.”

“I didn’t expect that the Lord of the Dusk Palace has grown to such an extent. No wonder Lord Blood God pays so much attention to him.”


Times pass by.

 Four years later, Norah 490.

 The Endless Sea, Area 12 of the Outer Rim.

Li Wei, who is already 914 years old, opens the Demon Slaying List.

 His points have reached 500 million.

 The second-placed Thunder of Destruction only has 380 million, while the Divine Sword of Light and Hand of Vulcan can reach the level of more than 300 million. He is so far ahead now that no one will be able to surpass him for a long time.

Looking down the rankings, Irina is now among the top 20 players in the rankings, with 49 million points and 44 million combat achievements.

  After a few more years, she should be able to exchange it for the rare item of the bright moon. Such rapid progress cannot be achieved without the help of the wizard tower and accompanying creatures.

The three heroes of Gondor have all reached more than 30 points in the rankings. Gandalf has 40 million points, Victor has 39 million points, and the Holy Infant has 38.9 million points.

These three brothers are not only inseparable all day long, but they are also locked together in the standings. Probably because they have been cooperating in hunting demons, the battle merit is distributed relatively evenly.

 Over the past few years, the demon lords hunted by the three heroes of Gondor were no worse than those of the ace battle groups. They have accumulated a lot of materials and capital for the trio's magic circle, weapon making, and pharmaceutical business.

Soraya of the Mountain Giant Wizarding Group has improved rapidly after being promoted to the seventh ring. She has been hunting monsters all year round and started early, so her points are still above Hundred Blossoms, which has exceeded 50 million. Deputy Captain Lapu Lars, the points are about 30 million.

This is the 276th year of the **** war. In the blink of an eye, this civilized war has lasted for almost three hundred years. It is comparable to the lifespan of a secular dynasty, but it is only the early stage of the war.

Over the years, the top twenty Seventh Ring Wizards have all redeemed the Bright Moon Rare Items through their own efforts, achieving a qualitative change in their own strength. The overall strength of the Seventh Ring Wizards has significantly improved.

For ordinary seventh-ring wizards, it is unrealistic to use the seventh-ring environment to exchange for those seventh-ring-limited sundial wonders.

If they have the ability, they will definitely give priority to promotion to the eighth ring and pursue the sundial wonders limited to the eighth ring.

But for the monsters in the top ten rankings, such as the Divine Sword of Light, Gatling and the like, they most likely want to be stuck for a while before being promoted to the eighth level. On the one hand, it is to imprint more witch marks, and on the other hand, it is to exchange for sundial rare items. After that, it will be successfully promoted to the eighth ring and continue to work hard to exchange for sundial rare items limited to the eighth ring.

So far, although the wizarding world has lost many Yuanhun wizards, many new Yuanhun wizards have also been born. These wizards, who have been tempered by hundreds of years of war, all hope to go further and become the mainstay of the wizarding world.

On the seventh-level demon-slaying list, Supernova Link, with his sixth-ring veteran cultivation, relied on the Secret Sword Array to reach the top twenty of the rankings. The number of demon lords who died under him has exceeded the number of two palms, and even There are six late level demons.

Link also exchanged for his own Morning Star Rare Item, but unfortunately, it was not from the metal faction. He spent a lot of effort and exchanged it with others, and got the Morning Star Rare Item [Silver King Armband].

 After refining, it brings many benefits.

  Not only has his mental power increased, but he has also obtained the characteristic talent of the metal faction [Will of Silver]. He was originally the [Son of the Golden Element], and now he is even more powerful. In addition, Link also got his first companion spiritual object in his life, named [Silver King Sword Armor]. Although he had refined a lot of earth and sky-level wonders before, he had not obtained accompanying spiritual objects.

The Silver King Sword Armor is very special, it is in the form of armor. When used, the accompanying spiritual objects can appear around the body, transforming it into a silver battle armor.

On the back of the armor, there is a sword blade protruding, like a saber-toothed dragon. It is extremely handsome and can be launched to attack the enemy, so it is called sword armor.

 Sword armor and Link's sword formation methods are very compatible. Since its birth, Link has become even more difficult to solve in battles at the same level. The ordinary six-ring perfect wizard is no match for him.

And Link's airbending skills have also made rapid progress. He is now a fifth-level airbender. If he can break the void and comprehend the [shattering invisible sword energy] like Victor, he will be even more at home on the battlefield.

 Looking back at the past, Victor and Link, through the path of the White Emperor Sword Sect, brought more attention to the already declining Jinshi Qi Sect.

Boys and girls of the Panda tribe focus more on the Jinshi Sect, dreaming of becoming swordsmen, slaying demons, and galloping on the battlefield.

The Supernova Fire Dragon Knight, who also belongs to the Ancient Dragon Continent, has become more and more fierce after being promoted to the late sixth level.

He and the Fire Dragon Apostles under his command have become famous in the wizarding world and have become a fighting organization comparable to the elite wizarding groups.

The Fire Dragon Knight is currently ranked fifteenth on the Demon Slayer List, competing with a group of old monsters who have lived for more than a thousand years and have six perfect rings.

He also has many suitors in the witchcraft world, including Yuanhun witches. Many of them are members of the top wizard organizations, with extremely good looks and high status.

 But the Fire Dragon Knight doesn't like it very much. If you want to be his woman, you must join the Ancient Dragon Continent. Otherwise, there will be too many restrictions and it will be too troublesome.

In addition, the names of the Blood Knight and the Black Knight have all appeared in the top 100 of the seventh-level demon-slaying list. It is no longer just the Fire Dragon Knight who shines, and the knight's exposure is also more abundant.

The Shadow Queen, who is also a Gemini, ranks 17th on the list. After refining the Morning Star rare item [Shadow Dragon Heart], her shadow army, including the ability of shadow spells, has been greatly improved. .

In addition, she also gave birth to the companion creature [Lone Shadow Flying Dragon]. The Lone Shadow Flying Dragon has a powerful ability to shuttle to save lives, and can also summon a small number of shadow creatures to fight. This makes the Shadow Queen's actual combat ability far beyond its true state.

Li Wei did some statistics and found that Ancient Dragon Continent actually occupied four of the top 100 places on the seventh-level demon-slaying list, which was much better than he had imagined.

The competition among the sixth-level wizards is far more intense than that of the seventh-level wizards. Thousands of sixth-level wizards compete for the top spot, and traditional factions such as Earth, Fire, and Feng Shui are even more powerful, occupying half of the world.

“Time flies, not only me, but everyone is making progress.”

There are less than thirty years left before the ancient pagoda is next opened.

Li Wei originally planned to get the [Shadow Crest] before entering the ancient tower. After refining it, his strength could be further improved. When he enters the ancient tower again, he is confident that he will take down the Spider King, gain another general, and bring back the body of the Wind Fantasy Dragon.

 And he is still short of 1.1 billion in military merits. Calculated, he must ensure that he can get less than 40 million in military merits every year before he can complete it.

 After killing the Lord Demon Fish, he later killed an early level eight Balrog and got 20 million points.

If you can ensure that you can kill an eighth-level demon every year on average, this goal will not be difficult to achieve.

 But the difficulty is that the demon has also learned. After knowing that Li Wei was hunting the eighth-level demon, the demon sent more eighth-level demons.

 Each area is assigned at least two or three eighth-level guards, and there are even some in the middle and later stages of the eighth level. Levi has all his skills at his disposal. Although he can hunt level eight enemies, he is still a little weak against so many.

Moreover, the demons are also analyzing and deciphering Li Wei's methods. The devil is as good as the devil, and the two sides have launched a long game over this.

“That’s all, don’t be impatient. I’ve been a little too eager to achieve success in these years. Anyway, I’m far ahead. As long as I can exchange [Shadow Crest] and [Sword of the Flame Emperor] before being promoted to the eighth ring.”

 Levi has learned to reconcile with himself and no longer always requires himself to be too strict. As Gatlin said, there is no need to be too voluptuous.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Over the years, he hunting the magic, his mental tightness, dare not slack, and too tired. He intends to calm down and return to the ancient dragon continent for a while.

 Back to the human world, the land outside the sea.

Levi frowned, and the lens of his right eye appeared.

 In his field of vision, a vague demonic energy spread in the void and floated into the distance. And that direction is the Ancient Dragon Continent.

 “This demonic energy is at level eight.”

Levi immediately became invisible and chased after him. After a while, he stopped and looked around.

But in the void ahead, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the sea water turned into huge waves. The figures of two strong men exuding an eighth-level aura criss-crossed each other, stirring up the power of the surrounding world and shattering everything with their movements.

One of them is wearing black scale armor, tall and slender, holding a simple bright silver spear in his hand, but she is a foreign woman who is ten meters tall and about the same as a human being.

Behind her, there were puppets in silver and bronze armor, arranged in a battle formation, with extraordinary power. Arrows shot out from the hands of those puppets, turning into lasers and killing the enemy.

The person fighting against him was an eighth-level demon. The demon had an illusory figure, with thousands of faces constantly changing on its body, but its face was smooth and flat, with no facial features.

The monstrous demonic energy turned into black pythons, biting towards the foreign woman. Distorted faces flew out, wailing and killing, making a shrill roar.

 “It’s actually a formless demon…”

Up to now, Li Wei has never killed an eighth-level phaseless demon, not even a seventh-level demon. This kind of demon is too good at hiding and disguising itself.

Even if Li Wei can track the magic energy, it is difficult to detect it. It is a waste of time to search and is not cost-effective.

Phaseless demons are relatively rare, and with their powerful camouflage abilities, they are generally special forces of demons, so their value is very high, several times that of other eighth-level demons.

As for the female alien, Li Wei had never seen it, but the silver armor and bronze armor puppets around her reminded Li Wei of a new continent he explored a long time ago, where there were these things around the tomb owner, and he took it easy. I took two away and asked the Holy Infant to study them and make alchemical creatures.

“I didn’t expect that hundreds of years later, the owner of the tomb is still in the wizarding world.”

On the other side, the female alien who was fighting the phaseless demon frowned slightly. She seemed to sense that someone was nearby, but now that the enemy was ahead, she did not dare to slack off.

Her real name is Louise, and she is the princess of the Tomb Clan, a humanoid race. His father is the leader of the Tomb Clan in the Tomb Plane, Saint Keith, the Emperor of Nine Dragons.

A long time ago, in order to explore the outside world, she began to explore the dark land alone and began a long plane journey. During this period, she was seriously injured after being attacked by powerful pirates in the dark land.

In order to heal her injuries, she set up a tomb in a medium-sized plane in the manner of the Tomb Clan, and hibernated and slept to heal her injuries.

Unexpectedly, after waking up from sleep, people came to the wizarding world because of the intersection of planes.

 Later, she had a conflict with the pioneering group exploring the New World. After repelling the wizard, she returned to the dark land.

The Tomb Tribe is a species of immortality. She lives a long life. Because she has nothing to do, she becomes an ordinary person again, experiencing life in the wizarding world, feeling the exotic customs, and looking for the thief who stole her puppet in the past. When you get tired of playing, go back to your boring hometown.

 Three hundred years ago, the haze of **** war began to envelope the wizarding world.

 Louis suddenly thought of her old father, the Kowloon Emperor, who was alone at home.

She was worried that the **** war would also spread to the tomb plane, so she went through all kinds of hardships and returned to the Tomb Clan.

 Then, she saw the scene she least wanted to see.

The Tomb Clan was indeed invaded by demons.

A powerful existence from the 434th layer of the abyss, the Shadow Demon Queen Rexsa leads countless shadow demon armies, as well as many summoned shadow creatures, and is attacking the tomb plane, and the war is coming to an end.

 The Queen of Shadow Demon is the demon lord after the 400th level of the abyss. She is powerful and can kill gods.

Although his father is powerful, he is no match for him. After a hundred years of fighting, my father was finally defeated.

The Tomb Clan suffered heavy casualties. He and the generals of the Tomb Clan resisted desperately, allowing the Fire of the Tomb Clan to escape from the tomb plane and go to the dark land to find another way out. As for him, as the master, he has to coexist and die with the tomb plane.

Before his death, his father sent away all the nine legendary dragons used to pull the chariot, allowing them to regain their freedom. He also sent away all the strong men, princes, and princesses of the Tomb Clan who could be sent away, including herself.

In the dark land, she witnessed with her own eyes the death of the Nine Dragons Emperor, the invincible leader who made the Tomb Clan great. The tomb plane was taken over by the Abyss Demon, and the will of the plane was swallowed up by the Shadow Demon Queen.

 Then, the tomb plane disappeared... All civilizations defeated by the demons and occupied planes will eventually become part of the abyss.

 This is the origin of [Abyss]!

The abyss is like a black hole whirlpool, devouring civilizations from multiple dimensions all the time.

Like swatting a fly, Li Wei, who was wreaking havoc, was swatted flat.

 “Hahaha, what a death!”

The Ghost-faced Master laughed and continued to take pictures. But the pool of flesh and blood flowed together in an instant and transformed into Li Wei's appearance again.

At the same time, the Nine-Colored Emperor's giant sword raised and lowered its sword, cutting off the whale's fin.

 A thunder beast with fangs and claws exploded under the sea water. The black oblivion divine thunder like tarsal maggots penetrated into the body of the Ghost Faced Master. Negative toxins such as scarlet corruption also invaded the wound and began to spread.

 The Ghost Faced Master saw this scene and was already in despair.

 “How could this be? You can’t be beaten to death?”

The Ghost-faced Lord is ready to repeat his old trick and use the Sky-Chaos Magic Mirror to escape.

The Nine-Colored Emperor was mumbling something, and the new spell had been cast.

  Soul Soul Spell·Absolute Freezing Point!

 The Emperor pointed out a blue ray, which sank into the body of the Ghost-faced Master, like a mud cow sinking into the sea.

 The Ghost-faced Master sneered inwardly.

 “Such a spell, tickling is not even considered…”

Before it finished laughing, it discovered to its horror that it could no longer move. Its blood, its heart, and its brain all stopped at this moment. Even the surrounding sea water seemed to slow down and freeze in mid-air.

 Li Wei was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, this absolute freezing point successfully cast a spell on an eighth-level expert in its first actual combat.

It seems that he has good luck today, so he turned on [Absolute Luck] before taking action and cast the "Transportation Coin" spell. It turns out that this is how luck is used!

Although it was only frozen for a moment, it once again blocked the escape of the Ghost-faced Lord.

Taking this opportunity, Li Wei activated his full power blessing state, and together with the Nine-Colored Emperor, slashed their respective swords at the neck of the Ghost-faced Lord!



 Two terrifying sword auras in succession cut off the demon's head.

In order to prevent him from dying, fire dragon tribulations appeared in the palm of the emperor one after another, and he cast spells on the severed head!


The shocking explosion blew the formless demon's body into pieces from the inside out.

A frightened demon soul tried to escape from the void, but was caught by the emperor's big hand. The nine-color stream of light enveloped the demon soul, and the flames and thunder burned it almost to death. After ensuring that the demon soul could not cause any harm, Li Wei Opening the ancient banyan wonderland, Leon wrapped it in a spider web and injected it with venom.

 “Die here.”

 Not long after, the demon soul disappeared into thin air and turned into nothingness.

The shadow army emerged and went in all directions to pick up the pieces of fried meat one by one. Including the crystal core, heart, and brain of the phaseless demon. These are very important pharmaceutical materials and may be used in the future.

Li Wei held an ancient mirror in his hand and looked delighted.

“It’s really rare to have a treasure that has an anti-chaos space. I’ve earned it.”

He saw with his own eyes that the formless demon just looked at it with a mirror, and the female alien fell out of the void. With this rare treasure, I will be more able to face level eight experts with ease in the future.

the other side.

When the Lord Blackfish saw that Li Wei had returned safely, he knew that the Lord Ghost Face was likely to be in trouble.

It flicked its tail, spitting out black ink covering a hundred miles in radius, disrupting perception, and then disappeared from Louise's field of vision like a squid.

 Louis looked anxious and said quickly:

 “Don’t go!”

 She threw out her spear and flew towards the void!

Although Li Wei has the Magic Mirror of Chaotic Sky, he hasn't figured out how to use it yet.

 He also tried to attack, but the demon had already escaped.

 Withdrawing the spear, Louise was a little discouraged.

As the daughter of a former emperor, when has she ever been in such a miserable state?

 When she thought of this, she couldn't help but stamp her feet slightly.

 When she realized there was someone else behind her, her face turned slightly red, and then she sighed to herself.

“It’s a pity that it ran away. But thank you very much for helping me out.”

Li Wei smiled and said:

“You’re welcome, I see you are also wearing the uniform of the parliament. We are all Nora’s compatriots and we should help each other.”

 The phaseless demon just gave Li Wei more than 70 million points.

 Equivalent to two or three years of full-time demon hunting, it was a huge profit.

If you can kill a dozen more demons like this, you can directly redeem the [Shadow Emblem].

 In fact, if Levi wanted to exchange for 500 million random sunday rare items, one of the prerequisites was to kill ten level 8 demons, or one level 9 demon. As for rare items such as the Shadow Crest, there are no such prerequisites, as long as you have enough military exploits.

 Louis thought for a while and asked:

“I wonder if the Master of Twilight Hall still knows me?”

Levi said:

 “I don’t think I have met you.”

 Louis took out a puppet and said with a smile:

 “Do you recognize this thing?”

Li Wei looked like he was suddenly enlightened.

"I did find such a puppet in an ancient ruins in the New World before. It turned out to be yours. I didn't know it at the time. I hope you won't blame me. If compensation is needed, I will have no complaints."

 Louis sighed and said:

"That's not necessary. I am now responsible for guarding a new continent. Would you like to sit with me?"

She thought to herself that the Master of Twilight Palace was also a talented person and would definitely become a big shot in the wizarding world in the future.

If you can have a good relationship with him, it will be of great benefit to you in realizing your future plans.

Furthermore, she heard that the Gulong Continent where the Master of Dusk Hall was located was a place where everyone could be educated regardless of their race. Anyone who worked for him could settle down and buy a house and gain respect. She had already longed for it. But she is an eighth-level expert after all, so it would be inappropriate to beg him with shame.

 Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

 That’s why she used that puppet to open up the conversation between the two of them.

 It also made the Master of Dusk Hall realize that she is a generous woman.

Li Wei also wanted to get to know this woman, so he readily agreed.

On the way, Louise asked:

“Your Excellency Li Wei, is the formless demon dead just now?”

Levi said:

 “I beat him to death.”

Hearing this, Louise’s expression remained normal, but she couldn’t help being surprised.

"Although this phaseless demon is not good at frontal combat, it is proficient in the ability of demon spirits to change. It is extremely difficult for me to kill this demon, but I didn't expect that it was killed so quickly by a seven-ring perfect wizard... It seems that he As the rumors say, he is the reincarnation of a legendary wizard and cannot be measured by common sense."

 She made up her mind to take this opportunity to make a good friend with the Master of Dusk Hall.

Although this is somewhat utilitarian, it is still worth it for the Tomb Clan.


 Misty Continent.

 The place where Louise was buried in a coffin.

After defecting to the Wizards' Council, the authorities asked Louise to sit here, responsible for ensuring the smooth progress of the land reclamation work here, and at the same time hunting down the surrounding demons.

“Your Excellency Li Wei, this is the heart-clearing tea of ​​our Tomb Clan. Drinking it should be very useful for you wizards to meditate. I usually only take a sip before I have a breakthrough.”

Louise followed the local customs and transformed into human size. She changed out of the heavy black scale armor and put on a cool and breathable light yellow gauze skirt. Her long straight black hair was shawled over her shoulders, giving her a more feminine look.

Li Wei took the Qingxin tea and smelled it gently. He felt refreshed and his five orifices suddenly opened.

 It's like taking a meditation aid.

 “Good tea.”

He took a sip and praised it.

 Louis smiled and said:

“Your Excellency trusts me and is not afraid that I will harm you.”

Li Wei smiled slightly:

“Ms. Louise, I always use the greatest kindness to speculate on other people’s..."

 Once the danger is sensed, nothing happens.

Secondly, given his physical condition, even if the tea was a level eight poison, it would not be able to kill him.

Seeing Louise's melancholy look, Levi asked:

“I remember that the Tomb Clan is also a large plane. Why did the lady defect to the wizard?”

 Asked about her sadness, Louise said:

“We, the Tomb Clan, have perished and been trampled by the abyss for hundreds of years.”

 She did not mention her identity as a princess for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

Li Wei said:

“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy in seclusion these years and didn’t know about it.”

 He felt the horror of the **** battle so close. A large civilization guarded by level 10 warriors was destroyed within a hundred years.

The Emperor of Nine Dragons, Saint Keith, if Li Wei remembers correctly, this person is a tenth-level strongman who is thirty in front of the pan position.

With a look of grief on her face, Louise told Li Wei about the tragic experience of the Tomb Clan. Unknowingly, the two of them had been chatting until the starry night.

Before Levi left, Louise said:

“Your Excellency Li Wei, do you still want the Qingxin Tea?”

Li Wei smiled and said:

  "No merit, no reward. Madam, keep this precious thing for yourself and drink it."

   Typos should be corrected first and then corrected.



 (End of this chapter)

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