Chapter 464 Battle at Level 8! (Big chapter please give monthly tickets and subscribe)

Feeling the real threat of death, the giant ape who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke:

"I am willing to surrender to you, but there is one condition. You must teach me combat skills and fighting methods, otherwise you will kill me."

It lives its life unruly, and even when faced with the threat of death, it does not want to beg for mercy easily.

 As a legendary creature, it naturally has its own pride and dignity.

The reason why it obeyed Li Wei was that this man defeated himself on this sea at a level lower than his own, which was indeed extraordinary.

 Furthermore, it is also very envious of Li Wei's combat skills and wants to learn them.

 Levi was deep in thought.

This giant ape has a rebellious nature. Even if he submits to him now, it is not safe. He dares to negotiate terms with himself.

It is not a dragon. As a legendary creature, Li Wei's dragon power has little effect on it. On the contrary, it stimulates its ferocity.

 Just take it away with scarlet slavery to avoid causing trouble.

 Now he has 10 slave positions and two more vacancies, which is enough.

He also thought about using the Sword of Oath, but considering that it was a legendary creature, the method was not comparable to that of ordinary wizards.

He stretched out his hand, and the power of the scarlet dragon turned into a spear, condensed out, and stabbed the giant ape.

The giant ape struggled hard, and the Nine-Colored Emperor was in full power, holding it tightly.

 The emperor's sword broke through everything, directly piercing through his shoulder blade and nailing it into the void.

 After the scarlet slavery took effect, the giant ape stopped.

His arms were lowered, and the arrogant and unruly spirit had finally dissipated.


Li Wei stretched out his palm, and the power of the Death Ember Dragon turned into a river and poured into the giant ape's chest.

The wound that was bleeding profusely began to heal and repair in an instant.

 After level seven, Levi's healing ability also increased.

If we put it in the past, curing this seventh-level giant ape would have required a lot of physical strength, and it would not be able to achieve the current effect.

 Levi murmured in his heart.

“Sure enough, Scarlet Slavery is the one that reassures me the most.”

 He asked:

 “What’s your real name?”

The giant ape said:

"My real name is Lope, and my hometown is in the world of Terenas. A hundred years ago, my hometown was invaded by the Abyss. Within a month, it was completely destroyed and turned into a demon cave. I was chased by several eighth-level demon lords and fled to the dark place. He had just escaped from trouble and had been wandering in the dark land for decades, and then he was sucked into this mysterious ancient tower and fell into this world. Unable to bear the hunger, he hid in the endless sea, preyed on some small insects, and was then killed by the shark. The leader of the king was chasing me, so I hid in a secret realm and studied combat skills hard. I hope that I will be successful in learning as soon as possible, and I can take revenge on the Shark King..."

 The giant ape told Li Wei in detail about its experience and methods.

Li Wei heard that although this [Flood Disaster Giant Ape] is an ominous beast, this guy is also a poor guy.

“That’s all, when I have enough strength and confidence to suppress this unruly giant ape, I can release it from scarlet slavery and replace it with ordinary contract methods.”

Levi has never heard of the world of Terenas where the giant ape lives.

But it was wiped out by demons in a month. It is definitely not a large civilization, but it is not too weak. It should be around level nine.

 He asked:

 “Who taught you your combat skills?”

Lope said:

 “Master, my combat skills were developed by myself.”

Li Wei smiled slightly.

"If you want to learn combat skills, I will teach you. Today I will demonstrate to you the "Ape King War Code". This was created by a friend of mine and is most suitable for giant apes like you. I will take you out of this place later. Finally, you can ask him for advice."

 This "Ape King War Code" was naturally created by Emperor Mu.

 It was based on the previous battle skills of the Barbarian King, and was modified and understood by Emperor Mu himself.

Lope said happily:

 “Thank you, master.”

Li Wei said:

"After you master the "Ape King's War Code", I will teach you some more profound and unpredictable combat skills."

This Lope is extremely powerful, unruly, and unruly, and is most suitable for practicing the "Illustrated Book of the King of War" written by the Badger Barbarian King.

Li Wei made some innovations and revisions on the combat skills in "Illustrated Records of the King of War" based on the original ones. More powerful than the previous version.

If Lope can practice to the ninth level. With its foundation, looking at the wizarding world, it can easily compare with the top geniuses among the seven-ring perfect wizards.

  After all, it is not a bloodline of a legendary creature, it is a genuine underage legendary creature.

 Given time, the future will be on the same level as the Ash Dragon and Alexandra’s father!

At that time, he will definitely become the sacred beast of the Twilight Temple and the first guardian of the Ancient Dragon Continent!

 “Thank you, Master! Lope must practice diligently.”

 When Lope almost recovered from his injury, Levi sat on its shoulders.

Lope is a divine ape in the water, similar to Wuzhiqi in his previous life, and is particularly good at moving forward in bodies of water.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

It turned into an erratic current, wrapping Li Wei in it, just like the "water escape" in the previous life. At a speed that even Levi was amazed, he entered a magical world.

This world is completely dark, as if there is no sense of up and down in all directions. The endless rivers, oceans, creeks, and mountain springs form a dense water network.

Lope said:

“Master, this is the [Dark Water Dimension]. I can enter and exit it freely and travel freely here. Through these water systems, I can go anywhere in the world, and the speed is extremely fast.”

This [Dark Water Dimension] is similar to [Shadow Dimension], [Scarlet Dark Side], and the [Aurora Dimension] of the Goddess Knight. They are all special dimensions mastered by some powerful creatures.

Li Wei said:

 “Go to the south.”

 He is going to the Behemoth Forbidden Zone and meets the Spider King again.

He was still thinking about the pure-blood dragon corpse in the golden emperor's storage ring.

 The Fengchen Dragon, which had taken the blood crystal of the ninth-level Wind Fantasy Dragon, must also be brought back.

If this Fengchen Dragon is really successfully refined, then its future will be bright.

Even if there is no way to transform into a wind fantasy dragon and return to the ninth level.

 But it can also become the strongest sub-dragon species below the ninth level like the Black Lotus Beast.

  It is quite useful for practicing the Heavenly King Dragon Breathing Method.



  Human world.

 The land outside the sea.

Times have changed, and the once uninhabited outer sea now has hundreds of continents.

  Large, its area is comparable to the earthly continent, or even wider.

It is small, with a radius of only tens of thousands of miles. Compared with the vast ocean, it can only be regarded as an island.

On this day, tens of thousands of miles west of Gulong Continent, a shocking rumbling sound suddenly came.

 The sea level in the outer sea has risen a lot out of thin air.

 Generally speaking, the size of this new continent can be seen from the extent of sea level rise.

 In most of the New World, the changes were only slight and not so obvious.

 Obviously, the new continent that has arrived this time is definitely different from the past.

As the closest person, the detection station of Gulong Continent felt something strange for the first time.

 Not long after, the figures of Triss and Baihua appeared here.

They looked at the continent in front of them. What they saw was ravines and desolation. They thought they were on a continent abandoned by gods.

From one of the cracks in the ground, a strange insect with a black body, a carapace, and a body of tens of meters in length flew out, exuding a level 6 aura.

The strange insects were not afraid when they saw Triss and the two women, and buzzed towards the two women to kill them.

Triss transformed into a wizard's hand and squeezed it hard.

 The strange insects gnaw fiercely at the energy that makes up the wizard's hand spell.

  Triss frowned and pinched it to death.

"This zerg is very vicious. I have seen many zerg, but I don't see many like this."

Elena said:

"Sister, I seem to have heard Levi say that this thing is very dangerous..."

 She briefly mentioned the matter of the terrifying bugs to Triss.

  Triss looked solemn.

  “Is this strange insect so terrifying?”

 A powerful civilization with nine levels of strong men fell apart in an instant, which is unimaginable.

Since the matter was of great importance, the two women quickly reported the news of the emergence of the new continent to the Black Abyss Walker, and said that some kind of dangerous strange insect-like creature had been discovered.

This face is impartial and falls next to Gulong Continent. How can they not be worried?

The Tower of the Black Abyss.

The Black Abyss Walker also looked a little ugly after hearing this.

 Given his level, he must have such an attitude, so he must also know how powerful this strange insect is.

  After all, the culprit that caused his teacher Deep Blue Sage to commit suicide was inseparable from this strange insect.

 He quickly reported the matter to the legendary wizards of the Supreme Council using his power as a great councilor.

  Triss and Elena waited anxiously.

 I don’t know when, a middle-aged wizard with a tall figure and a handsome face appeared here wearing a red flame witch robe.

He stood there as if he were the center of the world, even the bright sun in the sky was inferior to it.

  Triss was startled and said quickly:

 “I’ve met the Speaker of the Great Council!”

Elena was also shocked inside. This matter actually alarmed the president of the Great Council, and it seemed that it was indeed no small matter.

The middle-aged wizard had a smile on his face and looked quite easy-going.

 But under the easygoing manner, there seems to be an indescribable domineering majesty!

Eamonn asked:

“Did you two discover this place first?”

  Triss said:

“Yes, we are in the Gulong Continent, not far from here. We felt the vibrations on the sea surface and rushed here as soon as possible.”

 Eamon said:

Somewhere in the Behemoth Forbidden Zone, there is a black lake full of corpses, and the fishy smell permeates the air.

On this day, the lake water suddenly exploded, and in the mist, hundreds of tentacles with teeth and claws, which were a thousand meters long, could be vaguely seen. The surface of the tentacles are all suction cups, and they are full of sharp teeth.

“No. 2, go and make that giant ape. If I make it into a clone, my strength will be even greater.”

 The Spider King has a deep inner peace. It never shows its face easily. It always appears in disguise. Anyone who has seen its true self has died.

Number 2 is one of its strongest weapons. Its body is the [Hundred-footed Giant Monster], the king of the Kraken clan. It is already at the early stage of the eighth level. There is even a trace of the legendary creature [Black Sea Monster] in its body. of blood.

  【Black Sea Kraken】is a giant beast that wanders in the dark land. It has countless tentacles, which when spread out, can surround the world and stir up the world.

The giant hundred-footed monster is like a huge mountain, breaking through the air. Wherever it passes, all beasts retreat and the restricted area is turbulent.


Lope holds a bone club in his hand and sweeps through thousands of armies, using the "Lion King's Battle Code" that he has just learned a little bit.

 Levi discovered that he had really found a treasure. Lope's combat talent is not inferior to that of the Eighteen Dusk Riders. If you cultivate them, you will definitely become a fierce general on the battlefield.


 Suddenly, countless cracks opened in the sky and the earth suddenly.

 Thick tentacles surrounded him from all directions and headed towards Lope.

Lope, who had been waiting for a long time, was not afraid. He roared loudly, wrapped his body with water armor, held a bone club in his hand, and slammed it down!

 It can feel the strength of the enemy, but it is a legendary creature! This centipede monster just has the bloodline of some legendary creatures.

“Here we go, this guy really has an eighth-level black beast clone, and he’s quite powerful. He’s actually a member of the sea monster clan.”

Levi was hiding in the distance and did not take action for the time being. He first let Lope test the strength of the Spider King's clone.

 The sixth-level siren Paul he had captured on the fourth floor could only be called his younger brother in front of this centipede siren.

Hentipod and Paul are two kinds of creatures, but they both belong to the siren family.

Levi thought in his heart that if he could conquer it, he might be able to take his Siren Knights a step further.

Nowadays, the Siren's Song Chapter is limited by the Siren's bloodline. The strongest is level 5. Some knights tried to break through level 6 before, but failed.

“Very good, the Spider King is full of good products. I’m looking forward to it more and more.”

The battle between Lope and the centipede monster didn't take many rounds before they fell into a disadvantage.

Faced with the intensive tentacle attacks, it is really unable to resist, not to mention, the realm is too suppressed.

 Suddenly, the wilderness began to tremble, and the earth within a radius of a hundred miles cracked.

 In the gap, red light emerged, pillars of fire shot straight into the sky, and magma flowed out.

With a terrifying roar, a sea of ​​red flames rising up covering a radius of forty miles.

 From the magma under the earth, a pair of strong and powerful red dragon claws stretched out.


 A giant dragon with a wingspan of three thousand meters, a strong body, thick limbs, and covered with ferocious red scales arrived.

"You dare to disturb my sleep, you are asking for death!"

The dragon looked like it was only at the mid-seventh level, but the aura it exuded was so vast that it changed the color of the world.

A raging dragon's breath shot out, like a doomsday volcano erupting, and instantly hit one of the monster's tentacles. The explosion swept across the tentacles, and the tentacles were instantly **** and almost burned off. It quickly retracted it, and at the same time, the void opened, and a lightning-like tentacle instantly crossed the space and hit the dragon's back!


The giant dragon fell to the ground as if it was hit hard, and the scales and skin on its back were torn apart, but it recovered in an instant.

"The strength of this giant monster is still much worse than that of the eighth-level thunder element spirit. Its power is average and its lethality is not good. It's just that the attack is too fast and difficult to dodge. But with my mid-seventh-level Red Emperor Dragon form, , coupled with the polygonal attributes such as the immortal body, it is not without the power to fight, not to mention, there is Lope on the side to assist."

With great determination in his heart, Li Wei once again opened the Red Emperor's Domain, the Immortal God's Domain and many other domains, and with the help of fire, thunder and other abilities, he headed towards the giant monster.

core zone.

 Seeing No. 1 being besieged by a giant dragon that suddenly appeared again, the Spider King was horrified.

“There is actually a level seven dragon under my restricted area? And it seems to be a pure-blooded dragon! What happened today? Two legendary creatures appeared in my restricted area in succession.”

It can't figure it out and can only wait and see.

In addition to No. 2, it also has an eighth-level clone, but that clone is currently at a critical moment of breakthrough in strength and cannot be used.

“So what if they are all legendary creatures, the difference in realm is here, No. 2, take them down quickly!”

the other side.

The giant dragon and the giant ape were wrapped in thunder and fire, and the other was overturning the sea and rivers. Unimaginable energy poured out with every move.

 Wherever the battle passes, the earth collapses, mountains destroy everything and everything dies, the wind and clouds change, and the sky splits.

Let alone an ordinary black beast, even if the black beast lord is accidentally involved in a battle, he will not be able to hold on for long, and will be torn into pieces by the terrifying offensive. After being promoted to the mid-seventh level, Levi can now transform into the Red Emperor Dragon for a longer period of time than before. It is not a problem to fight for half a day. Now he is fighting against the eighth-level giant monster. He is full of energy and can finally use all his strength. There is no need to be afraid of his hands. foot.

The giant ape's bone club opens and closes widely, rolling the river. Every time the stick goes down, it can shake out ravines that stretch for hundreds of miles on the earth. Thousands of miles around are their battlefields.

The thunder and fire from the sky, the floods, and the tentacles dancing wildly between the sky and the earth are truly a scene of destruction.

 Hundreds of rounds later.

The giant demon's tentacles were obviously scarred, and several of them were even broken, and they were still twisting on the ground.

The Red Emperor Dragon's body was also covered in flesh and blood. Fortunately, after Li Wei died at the seventh level of the Ember Dragon, his self-healing power had become abnormal to an extent that ordinary people could not imagine. Coupled with the endurance of the Heavenly King Dragon, he was always at his peak.

From the Spider King's perspective, he saw the red dragon attacking No. 2 without fear of death, exchanging injuries for injuries. And the most outrageous thing is that the injury to No. 2 was really missing an arm and a leg. The red dragon no matter what Multiple injuries can be healed in an instant, and then he pounces on him vigorously... The Spider King is also a well-informed person, but he has never seen such a dragon. Even a mythical dragon in its infancy cannot be so perverted. Bar?

"No, we have to stop. If this continues, No. 2 may be eaten alive. Even if we capture both of them, the gains outweigh the losses."

 The Spider King immediately asked No. 2 to return, not intending to entangle him any further.

 On the battlefield.

Li Wei saw that the giant monster was about to leave, and the Silver Mountain Sky Pendant and the Illusion World of Wind that he had prepared long ago descended.

 The giant demon released endless black ink, and in an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and there was chaos.

  When the heaven and earth returned to clarity, they saw that a big hole had been drilled into Li Wei's sealing barrier. The giant monster had already escaped.

After all, it is an eighth-level strongman. It insists on escaping. It is too difficult to stay.

Levi looked at the tentacles all over the ground, put them away happily, slipped into the ground and slipped away. Lope turned into water and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After this battle, Levi felt that together with Lope, he was enough to conquer the eighth level.

To be on the safe side, I won’t go into details this time.

 Hand waiting for the next hundred years, I will take a step further. After reaching the seventh ring, I will go deep into the restricted area with Lope, face the Spider King directly, and conquer the restricted area.

 The core of the restricted area.

The Spider King felt his heart bleed as he looked at the giant centipede monster with one-third of its tentacles missing.

 Although tentacles can be grown, it will take a long time.

“This giant dragon and giant ape are all working together, and their purpose is to deal with me. How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Someone must be playing tricks in the three realms and four places.”

 After driving away the eighth-level black beast, Levi transformed into the Red Emperor Dragon from time to time, and hunted the black beast with Lope outside the giant beast's restricted area to test the Spider King.

Unexpectedly, after the last defeat, the Spider King seemed to have stopped sending clones, and just let Li Wei do whatever he wanted.

Li Wei was so happy with this that he hunted a bunch of black beasts and caused chaos outside the restricted area.

 This day.

 A black beast centipede with twelve wings on its back was pinned to the ground by a giant claw with one hand, unable to move.

Although it is a centipede, it is covered with dragon scales and has a dragon shape on its head. It exudes dragon power, is surrounded by black water, and is extraordinary in appearance.

 “Yes, it’s another level six sub-dragon.”

The scientific name of this sub-dragon species is [Twelve-Winged Black Water Dragon Centipede]. Although it is a centipede, it has the blood of the legendary dragon clan in its body.

 Furthermore, this bloodline is the same as the one in the [Ten-winged Heavenly Sea Dragon King].

Levi had an idea to extract the blood crystals from the dragon centipede and refine the evolution potion for the psychic beast.

 Let Melina, the person in charge of the Monster Paradise, try to advance to level six.

Melina has already completed the five rings, but she is a psychic beast when she succeeds, and she is also a psychic beast when she fails.

The potential of the Ten-winged Heavenly Sea Dragon King has been exhausted. If she cannot go further, what will greet her will be the same as the Ice Phoenix, humans and psychic beasts. Their time is coming and they will die together.

The psychic beast cannot be replaced, so she has only one way to advance to the Ten-winged Sky Sea Dragon King!

Although Melina's cultivation is not high, she has been working hard for the Giant Beast Paradise and has trained many talents. She has made great contributions to the breeding of extraordinary creatures in the Ancient Dragon Continent. Levi still has to help within the scope of his ability.

 A month later, they hunted many black beasts in the giant beast restricted area and harvested a lot of resources. Until the ancient pagoda was about to close, Li Wei and the giant ape took it easy and left.


 After returning to the Jiaoyan world.

Li Wei used this as a base and took Lope, Black Phoenix, Fire Breathing Dragon, and his own shadow dragons to the dark land to hunt the black beasts.

 With the Nine-Leaf Blood Dhara, as long as he waits patiently, there will be a steady stream of black beasts coming towards him.

 He took this opportunity to hone his combat skills and spells, quickly improving himself.

Isolated from the world, far away from the land of Nora, Levi practiced silently and forgot about the world. He only occasionally talked with Baihua through the dusk round table to learn about some major events in the wizarding world.

As time goes by, the black beasts around the entire Jiaoyan World have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck.

Li Wei, the Heavenly Killer, was like a ruthless killing machine, quickly clearing away the surrounding black beasts. They can only live like nomads in the dark land, chasing black beasts.

 In the blink of an eye, it is already ten years later.

  Nora 427 years.

 The quality of the shadow dragons is constantly improving, and there are more and more level five shadows.

 This will snowball and kill more black beasts.

Of course, there were some changes during this period.

 Once, the Nine-Leaf Blood Dhara actually attracted the Black Beast King who was in the middle of the eighth level.

 Fortunately, Levi sensed the sign of danger and took Lope with him, escaping in a hurry.

 The most dangerous time, there was even a late-eighth level black beast that was comparable to the leader of the top organization.

There are no wizard activities here, and the land is vast and sparsely populated, so both the density and quality of the black beasts are far better than those near Nora World.

 For Li Wei, it was a paradise.

But I have never seen a level nine black beast.

 Legendary creatures exist like isolated islands in the dark land and are not so easy to encounter.

On this day, Li Wei was chasing the black beast as usual.

  He has left the scorched rock world and arrived at the edge of an unknown medium-sized world.

I was planning to go shopping and see if there were any resources where I could do prostitution for free.

His eyes narrowed, and he saw a spaceship outside the crystal wall.

Standing on the boat were several Amethyst tribe members.

They seem to be escorting the natives of this world and doing some robbing of the population.

“The vast universe is so vast that we are always on the same road. I didn’t expect to meet my good brother Li Wei here. I’m so happy and congratulated.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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