Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 438: The Demon Shuttle is defeated and the battle between the two dragons ends! (big

 In a masted sailing ship.

 Li Wei's figure paused.

 He turned around, and the giant centaur was still contemplating with his eyes closed.

"My name is Haoshan. I heard about you from Digao and Mosi."

 Levi understood immediately.

This centaur, the black-armored man and the tauren are in the same group. They are most likely in the same team.

 Good guys, I’m here to form a group to find myself...

 It must be because of the aura of the Immortal Hades Emperor on his body.

Haoshan said:

 “You wait for me for a day.”

Li Wei thought for a while, then found a seat in the corner of the square and sat upright.

 Wait until all the devils in the square are gone.

 Haoshan walked up to Li Wei with earth-shaking steps.

Li Wei said:

“Senior, did you prepare this wizard tower specially for me?”

 Howe Shan Road:

“Yes, you need this, right?”

 Levi nodded.

 “Thank you for your kindness, senior. I wonder what the junior needs to do?”

There is no good intention in this world that is completely devoid of purpose and motivation.

 This majestic mountain must have something to ask for.

 So he was thinking whether to return the Wizard Tower to Haoshan.

 So as not to bear some karma and favors that he cannot afford.

Haoshan laughed.

"Little guy, don't think too much. I won't let you do anything. You can't help me with your current strength. I just heard about your extraordinary ability from those two colleagues and wanted to make you familiar in advance. That’s it. This wizard tower was accidentally obtained by me in hell. It seems to be a relic of a wizard of the Death School, called the Black Soul Witch. There is a copy of his handbook here, which I will also give to you."

 Levi understood.

 Haoshan just wanted to use the wizard tower to talk to himself.

This guy looks kind, but is actually more tactful than the previous two and understands the ways of the world.

 This made Li Wei feel more cautious.

However, he still took the note and glanced at it.

 “Dark Soul Witch Valon.”

The title Black Soul Witch reminded Li Wei of a person.

 “The soul-sucking wizard Wagner.”

 This man is the creator of the "Book of the Dead" and the "Book of All Souls".

 However, Li Wei learned from Xian Ronglong that this person had been killed.

Li Wei didn’t know what the relationship was between the two people.

 In short, they are all from the death school, and maybe like themselves, they are also the masters of several clones.

 Levi put away the note and planned to read it again after returning from the Dark Ancient Tower.

 He thanked:

 “Thank you, senior.”

 Howe Shan Road:

"You're welcome."


 Haoshan and Li Wei talked about some things about the Immortal Hades Emperor.

As Li Wei guessed, he was also a subordinate of the former Immortal Hades Emperor.

 It’s just that he left the underworld with the reincarnation of the Immortal Hades Emperor.

He, as well as department colleagues such as Di Gao and Moss, were all integrated into another Hades Emperor.

This Hades Emperor is far inferior to the Immortal Hades Emperor in terms of personality charm and in all aspects.

 So, these three brothers, as well as other colleagues, have been looking forward to the return of the old leader, the Immortal Hades Emperor, to the underworld.

 But no one knows where the Immortal Hades Emperor is now.

Due to the chance encounter between the black-armored man and Li Wei, they learned that Li Xiuxian had a method related to the immortal Hades, which may be related to the Hades.

These three brothers wanted to find out about the Immortal Hades Emperor through Li Wei.

 The problem is, Li Wei doesn’t know either.

Haoshan said helplessly:

“Well, alas, I don’t know if we old guys can wait until the Emperor of Hades returns.”

They are civil servants in the underworld, and their strength is level eight. Their longevity far exceeds that of most living creatures in the multidimensional planes, including immortal species, but they are also mortal...

No matter what, it is also a good thing for Haoshan to use the useless things he accidentally picked up in **** to become familiar with Li Wei.

In the sky.

The Nether Mother River is rolling and flowing, with huge waves.

On the mast sailboat, Haoshan looked at Li Wei with a smile, waved his hand, and disappeared.

“If there is any news about the Hades Emperor, I would like to inform you.”

 His voice sounded in Levi's mind.

 Levi breathed a sigh of relief.

Don’t say he doesn’t have it. Even if he really has it, he can’t tell these people casually.

Who knows what the purpose of these people is?

 He does not want to get involved in those big conspiracies or disputes.

 As for the wizard tower, he still accepted it. He spent a lot of money to buy this.


  Human world.

 Off the coast of Gulong Continent.

 A group of fisherman poked their heads out of the water in a sneaky manner.

Spirit Devil, a kind of low-level demon, is very weak. Most of them are at the first or second level. They are typical abyss cannon fodder and live in many abyss layers that are mainly water worlds.

Their bodies look extremely flat, like two-dimensional creatures. Coupled with their superb camouflage skills, they can hide in the water and be undetectable. If they enter combat mode, they will immediately inflate, spray poisonous water, and attack with poisonous stings.

On the shore, a group of red mechas painted with flaming dragon patterns were patrolling.


 A spiny fish followed the waves and was photographed on the shore.


 The sting turned into black light and shot out!


  Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron.

 A red flame mecha stopped the Stinger.

 “The enemy is attacking, it’s the devil!”

 Boom, boom, boom!

 A series of red figures immediately made a roar.

 The artillery is directed towards the sea and carries out indiscriminate attacks!

 The sky was swept by waves of water.

 The sea surface that seemed calm just now suddenly seeped out strange black water.

Densely dense thornfish demons jumped out from under the sea, and they were thick and thick.

 “It’s the Stingray Demon! Call for support! There are more than a thousand of them!”

 The knights of the Fire Dragon Apostles drew out their chainsaw power swords or power throwing axes.

 The killing began.

Thousands of demons are already a large group. After all, they are all extraordinary creatures.

There are also many elite aquatic demons mixed in, and their strength is comparable to that of mid-level wizards.

As for the Fire Dragon Apostles, there are only a few dozen members responsible for carrying out this mission.

 After the cannons were used up, the knight and the demon began a hand-to-hand fight.

 Superior combat skills allow them to transform into killing machines, taking away the lives of demons with grace and power.

 But more demons kept coming.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

 In the distance, a small group of level 5 demons could be vaguely seen, looking at all this with cold eyes.

 In the middle of them is a burly demon that looks like a catfish and is a hundred meters tall. It is impressively a sixth-level strength.

This is the [Benthic Fish Demon] who lives in the depths of the abyss world. It is a high-level demon. There are many demon lords in this group.

 “Kill! Kill! Use your blood to pollute the coastline of this continent.”

  The abolethic fish demon lord smiled.

 It watched those demons dying without feeling any pain at all.

There are too many abyss for these low-level demons, which is why the abyss is always launching multi-dimensional invasions.

  If you don’t risk your life, the abyss itself won’t be able to withstand it.

 The greatest significance of the cannon fodder demon is to consume the wizarding world's vitality little by little.

 Using an extremely long war, the wizard's patience and willpower were exhausted.

 In addition, after death, these demons will inevitably pollute the land, sea, and sky of the wizarding world.

Even if Parliament has a purification method, it can only play a mitigating role.

If the evil energy has been accumulated for too long and cannot be discharged.

Nora's world will will also be affected.

 It may be assimilated by the will of the abyss, thus relaxing its guard against powerful level ten demons.

 In this case, those powerful beings hidden in the dark land can invade Nora without much influence and start a decisive battle with the legendary wizards.

This is the conspiracy of the abyss, and the Wizards' Council also knows its evil intentions.

 However, it is also difficult for them to make changes.

The strength gap between the two sides is too big, and they can only stick to Nora.

Relying on Nola's geographical location, the legendary wizard's combat power can be maximized.

 It didn’t take long.

 In the sky, machinery roared!

A group of mechanical creatures full of science fiction texture broke through the clouds and turned into streams of light, from far to near.

 “Support is coming!”

“It’s the [Demon-Eliminating God Shuttle] from the Tower of Dawn!”

"Very good!"

 Seeing these shuttles, the knights’ eyes were excited.

This is the latest killer weapon developed by Senior Herman, and each one costs a lot of money.

There are a total of one hundred demon-proof shuttles in the fleet.

Their overall shape is in the shape of streamlined water droplets.

 This is to maximize its flight speed.

 Blue tail flames are sprayed from behind!




Silver streams of light came to the battlefield, weaving in and out of the demon group, making it dazzling.

Those low-level demons were pierced by light on the spot and their heads were blown off.

  It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

“It’s so powerful, it’s worthy of being a money-burning machine costing one million taishi!”

 “Completely crushed!”

“It is said that the fastest cruising speed of these demon-proof shuttles can hit all the coastlines of the Ancient Dragon Continent from the launch base within a quarter of an hour!”

 “This is simply a mechanical secret sword!”

“That’s right, the five-ring wizard is not as fast as the Demon God Shuttle.”

 The knights are all like chickens, killing like crazy!

The army of thousands of demons was actually thrown into disarray by a hundred unmanned demon-proof shuttles.

 In instinct, the devil began to retreat.


  A loud shout.

But he saw a level 5 peak demon wearing black shell armor coming to kill him.

 He held a shell shield in his hand and knocked away a demon-proof shuttle.

 “Tsk, tsk, tsk, that’s all!”

The devil sneered, the demonic energy danced wildly, and a crackling sound came.

 One demon **** shuttle after another attacked him one after another.

His shell armor began to crack.

 Fortunately at this time, those level 5 demons who were watching from a distance also came to support them.

 “What the hell, let me smash it to pieces!”

These fifth-level demons each showed their magical powers to deal with the attack of the demon-proofing shuttle.


 All the demon-proofing shuttles rushed into the sky and were hidden in the clouds.

 “Hahaha, be afraid!”

The demons laughed wildly and looked at the group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

 The knights of the Fire Dragon Regiment gathered in a circle with solemn expressions.


There was an explosion in the sky.

Hundred demon-proofing shuttles swooped in. As they fell, they began to assemble like Lego, and finally turned into a silver giant sword that was a hundred meters long. The sword flashed with lightning and electric snakes swam!

 Tower of Dawn.

 In the cluster control room.

 Levi and the tower master looked at the battle projection in front of the screen.

The tower owner asked:

“By the way, what’s the name of this move?”

Li Wei said:

Tam is the leader of the Badger Clan he first met.


Li Wei discovered that in the center of Badger City, there was a statue of a black-armored swordsman with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

 He inserted the long sword into the void in front of him, his eyes firm.

 “Interesting, they even built a statue for me.”

With a thought, Levi appeared.

 The badger warriors below looked at the black-armored swordsman in front of them.

"Who are you?"

 “Enemy attack!”

 “Hiss, why does this person look so familiar?”

“Don’t you think he looks a bit like the statue in the city?”

 “It’s him! Black Badger Swordsman!”

 “Oh my God, the statue has appeared!”

An old man from the badger clan who looked very old and had gray hair looked at Li Wei and asked:

 “Senior must be the benefactor who saved Chief Tamu in the first place.”

Li Wei said:

 “Tam’s gone, right?”

The old man said tremblingly:

"The longevity of our clan has passed away. Before he died, we asked us to erect this statue. It was said to be a testimony of our acquaintance with our predecessors. Let us pass on the name of our predecessors from generation to generation. However, we do not know the real name of our predecessors, so we use [Black Badger Swordsman] to commemorate it. I hope seniors won’t take the blame.”

Li Wei said:

“I was favored by your ancestor, the Badger King, in the past. I passed by here today and came here to repay my kindness.”

Li Wei looked at the plain outside the city and calmly drew out the Red Dragon Zhantie.

 The three qi of human beings!

Three Qi of Heaven!

 Sacrifice your life for righteousness!

 Fight against heaven and earth!

 The only king!

 He integrated all his insights into the War King's Illustration into his strongest sword!

The brilliant, red flame sword energy that cannot be looked directly at plows across the plain!


 A grand canyon exuding blazing heat suddenly took shape behind the sword energy.

Countless sharp sword energy swept through it and lingered for a long time.

"This sword should be enough for you to understand for a long time."

 The complete inheritance of the King of War Illustrations is available to the Badger Clan.

Li Wei now performs it for them personally. Except for Li Wei's life and death enemy and the Twilight Temple, others cannot enjoy this kind of treatment.

 Looking at Levi's disappearing figure.

Countless badger warriors stared blankly at the grand canyon that stretched for hundreds of miles.

 The shock and disbelief in his eyes almost overflowed.

 "Is this sword really the "Illustrated Book of the War King"?"

“I may have learned the fake "Illustrated Book of the King of War"..."

“It’s too strong, the sword energy can reach hundreds of miles, and the natural disasters of nature are nothing more than that.”

“Black Badger Swordsman! Black Badger Swordsman!”

 “Hahaha, I understand that sword strike just now, I understand it!”

  The badger warriors shouted the name of the black badger!

That Sword Qi Canyon was called "Bailipo" by them, and the name of the Black Badger Sword God was passed down from generation to generation.


Livi went to other barbarian lands and checked them out.

Originally, Li Wei wanted to support Isha to become the barbarian king of the Sky Horn Tribe, but Isha has not broken through to level 6 yet, so there is probably little hope, so Li Wei just let her hang out in the Valkyrie.

 As for the barbarians, Li Wei currently has no idea.

After all, it’s not a human race, so there’s no need to worry too much about it.

 His kindness to the Tian Badger Clan was also due to the kindness of the Tian Badger Barbarian King.

Furthermore, Li Wei remembered that in the secret realm of the Endless Sea, there was an unstable space passage connecting the world of the sky.

I don’t know if the Wizards Council discovered it, or what they would do if they discovered it.

The world of heaven is also a place that should not be underestimated.


 Sixth floor.

 The secret place.

The arcanists of the Tower of Ultron are eagerly awaiting.

 “Will that gentleman come?”


 They have decided to go to the wizarding world.

 If you continue to stay in this "paradise", the inheritance will one day be cut off.

 Going to the wizarding world, there is still a glimmer of hope.

The black-armored swordsman emerged proudly, and Li Wei said:

 “Have you thought about it?”

The old six-ring arcanist said:

 “Sir, we have thought about it and we want to leave this place.”

Li Wei said:

"Then you wait for me here for a while, I will go and do some things first."

Li Wei raised his hand and made a move, and the giant whale king corpse demon fell from the sky.

“This is a level seven existence, enough to keep you safe in this world.”

Since this is the only one left in the Arcanist inheritance, Li Wei thinks it is better to be cautious.

Looking at the other side, standing silently, exuding overwhelming evil aura, like a corpse demon crawling out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

These arcanists’ hearts are trembling.

 “What a powerful puppet.”

“Yes, the momentum alone makes me breathless.”

“Looking at the scars on its body, I don’t know what terrifying existence left them.”


 Sixth floor.

 A cold underground world.

Andreas is sleeping. He is protecting his chrysanthemum with his tail and layers of ice armor.

 It opened its eyes suddenly. After sweeping around with his mental power, he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there were no enemies.

As a sleepy dragon, it has been suffering from insomnia for hundreds of years.

That **** human being has not had a good night's sleep in these years, and it always feels like it may be exploded at any time.

 The whole dragon is nervous all day long.

 “Hmm, Andreas, have nothing to fear!”

Snow Mountain Dragon King encouraged himself and then continued to sleep.

 In the void.

 The hermit runes flickered, and Levi's figure emerged.

 “Long time no see, Andreas.”

Andreas opened his eyes.

“Damn it, am I having a nightmare? No, it’s another hundred years! This guy seems to appear once every hundred years!”

The Snow Mountain Dragon King immediately flapped his wings, the cold wind destroyed the underground world, and the rock formations collapsed.

 It didn't hesitate...it started running away immediately!


With the sound of collision in the void, the body of the Snow Mountain Dragon King was bounced back by the phantom of the Colosseum.

It looked at the black-armored swordsman and roared angrily.

"Human. What do you want? If you want my treasure, I can tell you that I have hidden it. Even if you kill me, you can't get it!"

Andreas has learned a lot.

Anyway, with its own strength, even if it can't defeat Li Wei, it can still escape, so it doesn't take the treasure with it at all.

 Levi raised his hand.

 “Come on, Andreas, let’s have a good fight today!”

Facing the mid-level seventh-level sub-dragon species, Li Wei showed no fear at all.

Andreas roared angrily, and fierce frost breath spurted out!

 “It’s too much to bully the dragon!”

Li Wei closed his eyes, he put away the Red Dragon Zhantie, and the red flames burned on the Doomsday Fist.


He punched out, and in his arm, billions of temples roared, and the true form of the Red Emperor emerged, punching out with him!

The red flame energy turned into a long river thicker than the breath of frost. As it traveled upstream, the two terrifying energies began to compete with each other!

 The two heavens of ice and fire!

Andreas’s eyelids twitched.

 It’s only been two hundred years!

This guy's strength is enough to challenge him head-on, and he doesn't even need to find other seventh-level helpers.

 Damn it, it’s really evil!

Is it possible that he is the son of some kind of god? Are there any gods from the astral world cheating on him?

 Otherwise, this kind of promotion speed would be too terrifying.

In the long river of frost, a red flame figure was like a cannonball, blasting away everything in sight and coming to Andreas.

Its thick tail swept across, rolling up the extremely cold breath, forming dozens of icebergs, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and swept away!


The red flame figure's fist wind was as devastating as tearing everything apart, and a thirty-mile-long flame field spread out around the body, in which the icebergs quickly melted.

Levi’s veins popped out on his arms!

  Whale King’s Code of Power + Power Rune + Holy Elephant Law!

 Don't hold back when dealing with mid-level seven sub-dragons.

 “The lower hook shakes the ground!”

With this punch, half of Andreas's head exploded in an instant.

Levi exploded with all his strength, no matter how thick the ice crystal armor was, it would not be enough.

The body of the giant dragon is like a meteor. After falling to the ground, it makes a deep pit and enters a deeper underground world.

Andreas was about to lose consciousness. The severe pain made him lose his mind. He roared and killed Levi again.

Levi gasped and snapped his fingers.

 The figures of the nine-headed emperor dragon and the emperor emerged. After the promotion of the red emperor dragon, the momentum of the emperor also increased.

 Four late-level six-level Earth Spirit Soldiers emerged from the ground and pounced on the Snow Mountain Dragon King, restricting his movement.

 The emperor holds the emperor's sword in his hand, and the terrifying sword energy cuts down from the sky!


A deep **** was torn open in the Snow Mountain Dragon King's back. The ice crystal armor was shattered inch by inch under the sword energy, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

Li Wei flickered in the void and appeared on the tail of the Dragon King. His figure continued to expand and turned into a red flame giant hundreds of meters high. He hugged the thick tail with his arms, picked it up, and threw it out violently!


Andreas was smashed into the cave wall and knocked down a thick rock pillar 10,000 meters high.

 The emperor and the nine-headed emperor dragon's spells and sword attacks overwhelmed it again.

 The underground world suddenly collapsed.

The nine-headed imperial dragon grabbed the dying Andreas and flashed into the sky.

 The ground for hundreds of miles around is collapsing.

Andreas lowered his head and looked at Levi, his eyes full of fear.

 It is no match for Livy.

Originally, it felt that even if it couldn't be beaten, it could still escape.

After a battle, it was beaten continuously by Li Wei and his shaman, Yuanshen, and even with the treasure of Trapped Beast Fight sealing the void, it had no chance to breathe at all.

Li Wei stands upright in the void, with the majesty of the six domineering dragons, projecting in the clouds the shadows of six giant dragons that reach into the sky and the earth.

The Red Emperor Dragon that stares at the world, the Golden Dragon that cannot be looked directly at, the Dead Ember Dragon that is wrapped in embers, the Sky Dragon that is born in the storm...

He said calmly:

"Andreas, you have two choices, sign a dragon contract with me and surrender to me, or...die. I will only give you ten breaths of time to consider. If you don't make a choice after the end, I By default you choose death."

 In any case, if you kill him, you can get blood crystals and dragon materials, and you will definitely make a profit without losing anything.

 It's just that it is definitely still alive and has greater value.

  Levi’s idea is to have the headquarters of all major organizations, like the top wizard organizations, guarded by a seventh-level [Guardian].

Now, he has gathered the giant elephant king, ghost bone dragon, and another snow mountain dragon king, it will be perfect.

 “10, 9, 8…”

 Levi begins the countdown to his death.

 Faced with death and humiliating survival, Andreas chose the latter.

Especially after seeing the complete dragon power of Li Wei, it felt that the support of these six powerful dragons was indispensable for this person to grow so fast. Andreas didn't know these dragons, but there was no doubt that they were all serious pure-blood dragons.

 Especially the red dragon and the golden dragon.

The terrifying power of the dragon made it tremble uncontrollably throughout its mid-seventh level.

 “I am willing to serve you...”

Andreas lowered his head and said weakly.

 While speaking, the emperor was holding the emperor's sword on its neck.

It has no doubt that if it refuses, it will be dead and dismembered on the spot.

 After signing the contract, Li Wei showed a kind smile:

“We don’t know each other without fighting, Andreas, welcome to join the Dragon Palace family... Let’s go and get our treasure back.”

 In ancient times, Zhuge Wolong visited the thatched cottage three times, and now King Li Long invites Andreas three times.

 Today there are 10,000 words, 4,000 words have been added, and the remaining 19,000 words are owed. Please give me a monthly ticket for the big chapter, a subscription, and a recommendation vote.

  Typos should be corrected first and then corrected.

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