Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 421: For the sake of the overall situation, kill him! (Find double month at the end of the month

Chapter 421: For the sake of the overall situation, kill him! (Please ask for double monthly pass at the end of the month)

 The general of water died.

 Zhou Shenghuang was shocked when he saw this scene.

 He knew that Li Wei's strength could not be measured by common sense.

But the combat power of killing a seven-ring wizard in such a devastating way is too exaggerated.

It is said that the Crypt Wizard's combat power is weak, but for most small and medium-sized civilizations, it is not weak at all.

 They are just because their spell models and many theoretical knowledge cannot keep up with the times, resulting in average spell power.

 But the innate spells, soul weapons, soul shamans, etc. that a wizard should have are all available. For foreigners, it is still very strong.

As for Baihua, she is already used to it. As Li Wei's pillow, she has watched Li Wei step by step from being inferior to her to now far surpassing her.

This momentum is like the rising sun in the morning, unstoppable.

No matter how low-key he is, he can't hide this dazzling brilliance.

This makes Baihua a little proud.

  Sometimes, the opposite-sex partner is very strong and is also very impressive to the other half.

 Because this can also indirectly prove that I am not bad either.

  Otherwise, how could he be favored by such an outstanding person?

 The ancient banyan fairyland.

Leon worked hard to encapsulate the soul of the Water General, inject venom into it, make it into a can, and place it neatly with other cans.

 Leon akimbo, sweating like an old farmer harvesting in autumn.

 “Huh, enough to eat for a long time.”

High in the sky, Li Wei looked at the dissipating traces of truth.

“A few years from now, my ancient banyan wonderland may be able to give birth to a batch of truth and wonders.”

 From the phenomena observed by Livy at the place where Roman fell.

  It is indeed possible for a true wonder object to be born after the soul wizard dies. But it's not absolute. This thing also requires chance.

 After Aaron devoured the headless corpse of the Water General, he burped and began to produce gold.

 Based on Levi’s previous research.

Level 5 Golden Garbage can double the growth rate of plants.

 At level six, it is doubled, and at level seven, it is tripled.

 Such excellent fertilizer must be used on the cutting edge to catalyze vital things. Levi put it away and reserved it for future use.

He plans to take the head and Horcrux of the Water General to collect the reward. The Horcrux is the most important way to identify this kind of pirate.

 500 million Taishi, which is equivalent to the profits of the industries under his name for many years.

 As his cultivation level continues to improve, his expenses are also increasing.

 I only have 700 million Taishi reserves left, which is really not enough to spend.

 “It’s not easy to make money.”

 In a few decades, the Dark Ancient Tower will be opened. Before the opening of the ancient pagoda, it was also the day when the underworld market opened.

 After a while, Li Wei plans to go to **** again to get some underworld coins, spend them in the underworld and take them home.

In addition, the "Ten-Winged Heavenly Dragon Body Refining Technique" from his cheap second brother must also be tricked into getting Gandalf to start practicing.

There is also the witch of the world of desire, maybe we can have a preliminary meeting.

Of course, all this has to wait until the giant whale king’s corpse demon is ready.

 Only with the seventh-level corpse demon in hand could he dare to fight against the witch of the world of desire.

The status of the witch in the world of desire is equivalent to that of a genius in the world of witches.

It is not something that ordinary seven-ring wizards can compare with.

Li Wei wouldn't kill a seven-ring crypt wizard, just go find him out of curiosity.

If you want to completely defeat the opponent, you still need to reach the seventh level before it is safe.

 Li Wei said to Baihua:

“Keep this matter confidential and don’t let members leak the information about Hulu.”

 He estimated that the person who came to question him and the Holy Emperor two days ago came just for this.

 This is a treasure of the Panda tribe, so it is naturally impossible to give it to the parliament.

They said they would return it after the research was completed, but they would not be sure when the time came.

Perhaps a "policy change" will put you off.

Hundred Flowers Road:

 “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of the aftermath.”

 It didn’t take long.

 Another familiar seven-ring aura fell from the sky, Triss said:

“I heard that a seven-ring wizard is coming? Where is he? Did he run away?”

 She was just collecting rare animal and plant materials in the nightmare world.

 Then I heard from Li Wei that a big enemy was coming, so I quickly got off the line and rushed back.

Li Wei said calmly:

"I have already killed him. He is the wanted water general."

 Triss said in surprise:

 “Hiss, how old are you now that you have solved a seventh-ringed person?”

Li Wei said:

“He is just a crypt wizard, and can only be said to be half a seventh-ring wizard.”Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

  Triss sighed:

“Young man, you’re going to surpass me soon, it’s scary.”

Li Wei said:

"It's early. By the time I reach the seventh ring, Madam You may have already reached the seventh ring."

His current mental strength is still 1,800 points away from his limit. It will take about 200 years to reach the seventh level.

 The upper limit of mental power is too high, which is not always a good thing. The pool is too big, and it will definitely take more time to fill it with water.

“Since everything is fine, I will go back to the nightmare world first.”

  Triss seems to have become an Internet addicted woman, fascinated by the nightmare world.

Some newly discovered herbs in the nightmare world have greatly promoted her pharmaceutical research.

 She really likes medicine.

Unlike Li Wei, he only worked hard to make money and practice, and to complete the task.

 Li Wei and the Holy Emperor came to his imperial palace.

The two sat on the ground. A golden gourd appeared in Li Wei's hand and asked:

“Holy Emperor, this should be the treasure of the Panda tribe, right?”

 The Holy Emperor nodded.

"If my guess is correct, this is the [Golden Stone Gourd]. Unexpectedly, it was hidden in Panda Continent, but we have never found it. Instead, it was found by the Wizards Council's land reclamation team."

 He felt the horror of wizard civilization even more.

 No matter what industry, there are professional groups that are well-trained and more efficient.

Li Wei also heard some legends about the colorful vines and airbender sacred objects from Emperor Mu.

At this gold and stone gourd, he took a cursory glance and felt a surge of vitality. It seemed that it was not a dead thing, but a living thing.

 The Holy Emperor asked:

“Your Excellency Levi, do you want to give this sacred object to the Wizards’ Council?”

Li Wei said:

"Of course I won't give it to you. This is a rare cultural treasure that is enough to make our Jinshi Qi Sect flourish again. I want to stay in the Ancient Dragon Continent, but how should I use this thing? Do you know?"

The Holy Emperor said helplessly:

"The seven treasures of the Qi Sect are the products of the Panda civilization at its peak. The treasures of the four sects, Cangshan, Lijiu, Liuyun, and Qingquan, are now in the illusory [Xuantian Spiritual Realm], guarding the four sects' qi. Logically speaking, this thing should also Put it in the Xuantian Spiritual Realm, but I don’t know where the Xuantian Spiritual Realm is. It’s just because of my low cultivation level. If I can reach the late stage of Shattered Void, I might be able to enter the Xuantian Spiritual Realm.”

Li Wei speculated that the Xuantian Spiritual Realm should essentially be some kind of spatial dimension.

 Unable to reach a certain state, it is difficult to reach.

 The Holy Emperor opened up the spiritual realm in the past, perhaps to test the descendants of the Air Sect.

Who would have thought that his debut would be the pinnacle of this path... There will never be anyone stronger than him in future generations.

 To this day, the Holy Emperor is the only one who has reached the Shattered Void Realm, and he is still in the early stage.


“Let this gold and stone gourd be on your side for the time being. If it cannot exist in the Xuantian Spiritual Realm, you are the only one who has the strength to keep it.”

 Li Wei thought for a moment and said:

“Okay, if I research any sects, inheritance, etc., I will notify the Jinshi Qizong as soon as possible. I hope this thing can make the Jinshi Qizong prosperous again.”

The Holy Emperor said sadly:

“What you don’t know is that once upon a time, the Jinshi Qizong was the leader of the Qizong, overwhelming the Four Qi Sects. At that time, the Jinshi Qizong also had a more famous name in the Panda world… the White Emperor Sword Sect.

Nowadays, in the wizarding world, the secret sword style is very popular. In fact, in the very early days of our Panda tribe, the Baidi Sword Sect was famous for its sword handling. "

Li Wei was moved in his heart and said curiously:

"Appreciate further details."


“The Metal and Stone Qi Sect controls the Qi of metal and stone. In fact, looking at it now, it is the power of metal elements in the wizarding world.

 Jinshi Qizong is divided into two factions. One is the traditional Qizong created by Patriarch Hunyuan.

 The other faction is the "White Emperor Sword Sect" created by another powerful person of the Panda tribe [Bai Di Zi].

The period of Baidi Sword Sect was the highlight moment of Jinshi Qizong.

 He is headed by Bai Dizi, who is in the late Broken Realm.

Within the Sword Sect, there are a total of twenty-four experts in the "Broken Realm" who are known as the "Twenty-Four Sword Immortals of the White Emperor".

At its peak, at the mountain gate of Baidi Sword Sect, there would be sword immortals breathing in gold and stone energy all day long, forming sword energy smoke and smoke, reaching the sky and the earth, shocking the world.

Disciples of the Sword Sect, from the very beginning of their practice, need to use their energy and spirit to cultivate a life-related "invisible sword energy" in their bodies.

 After going through the three levels of "acquired invisible sword energy," "innate invisible sword energy" and "heaven and man's invisible sword energy".

 Shatter the void and step into the realm of "Sword Immortal".

 At this time, there is a "shattered invisible sword energy" in the body.

With the invisible sword energy as the cornerstone, the sword unites with the mind, the heart unites with the sword, and the soul unites with the heart.

 After these three combinations, the sword realm in the body is opened up and a "gold and stone sword embryo" is condensed.

The sword embryo is the foundation of the Sword Sect. If the sword embryo is not destroyed, the Sword Sect will never die!

At that time, there was a song circulating:

    [The sword fairy can kill an enemy hundreds of miles away with one breath].

This is no exaggeration. A person with a solid sword can kill an enemy's head from thousands of miles away.

And if you reach the realm of Bai Dizi, within ten thousand miles, the sword will follow your heart, and you will die when the sword is drawn.

Of course, within the Jinshi Sect, there are also differences regarding this Sword Sect practice method.

Some people think that the Sword Sect pursues the ultimate limit of killing and easily goes crazy, which is too extreme.

 In short, the theoretical dispute between Qizong and Jianzong is endless..."

 The Holy Emperor talked endlessly.

 Livy was not entirely convinced.

 He felt that what the Holy Emperor said was artistically processed.

  It must be as exaggerated as the stories and legends in the previous life, otherwise the Panda tribe would not have declined to this point.

 Whether there can be twenty-four sword immortals is unknown. But human nature is understandable.

Panda’s way of gold, stone and air sect is indeed the path closest to that of the immortal swordsman in his previous life that he has seen since coming to this world.

It’s just that the way of practicing Qi Buddhism is too idealistic and illusory, and it is not in line with Li Wei’s ideas.

 In addition, he is currently practicing the ways of wizards and knights, so he has no other thoughts.

 So I never studied and adopted a respectful attitude.

 Li Wei knew in his heart that there are still many paths for minority excellence in this world.

 There are many of them with great prospects, and it is impossible for him to finish the course.

  For example, the tower owner’s mechanical road is also very good. Li Wei didn't learn it either. Going to Longwang to Shu was a taboo in practice.

 Wizards and knights are his foundation.

Especially the path of the wizard. This is a completely mature path that leads directly to the tenth or even eleventh level. It is absolutely impossible to give up.

He is the strongest in the way of knighthood. He cannot see clearly the road ahead, so he can only keep trying and feel the stones to cross the river.

But if he achieves it, he will be the first person in history to stand on the shoulders of Sauron, the senior, and take a step further to compete with those supreme beings who make Sauron feel powerful.

 Sauron has reached the 666th floor of the abyss, so he will penetrate it in one breath to see what is underneath.

However, although he had no intention of learning, Li Wei said sincerely:

“Today’s Jinshi Qizong has indeed withered for too long, and the deeds of the Sword Immortal have become legends. I hope that this Jinshi Gourd can revive the glory of the White Emperor Sword Sect in the future.”

 The Holy Emperor asked:

“Levi, when are you going to take the Heart Questioning Test? I always feel that you have the qualifications to become an excellent airbender.”

Li Wei said:

 “Hahaha, definitely next time.”

After the Holy Emperor left, Li Wei looked at the gold and stone gourd. He tried to penetrate it mentally, but found that he could not see anything like a cow in mud entering the sea.


 He tried to put the gourd into the storage space, but failed.

“Sure enough, this gourd is not a dead thing, nor is it something like a strange object of truth.”

Levi brought the gourd to the Ancient Banyan Wonderland and called over Mana and the Holy Grail who were fighting against Martha.

 “Manna, you are a sacred tree, look at this thing.”

Mana looked at the gourd and said:

“It seems to contain some kind of power similar to the sacred tree. The thing that gave birth to this gourd must be something extraordinary.”

The Holy Grail said:

“If it’s a Panda thing, you can ask the Round Table.”

The gourd was placed on the round table for tea, and the round table said:

A giant flaming face appeared, exuding a terrifying eight-ring aura, and a rumbling roar of anger came.

"Golvin! What's the matter with you? I received a notice that you threatened a fifth-ring junior in the bounty department? I shouldn't have let you inherit the Wizard Tower in the first place!"

The Flame Waiter said:

“I can’t stand the fact that the Reward Department gave Li Wei a back door. Why can he receive the reward in advance, but I can’t?”

Flame Face said:

"Oh, Gorvin, you really disappoint me. I just received a notice that the family will send you to the federal plane under the parliament. You should go there and be a good person. If there is a chance in the future, you can come again If you don't have a chance at the central government, you'll be quite happy there, right?"

 The Flame Waiter's expression changed.

"Federal plane? Why am I, a majestic seventh-circle wizard, demoted to that remote area?"

Now is the era of Big Nora. Everyone is looking for their own opportunities here and making great progress. Naturally, he doesn't want to leave.

Flame Face said:

“You are the son of the fire element, and you have an extremely outstanding special talent [Pyromancer].

 Double fire talent, this is your advantage, but also your inherent flaw.

 Unless you can rise against the odds and become the unfettered strongest like the legendary wizard, no one dares to judge. Otherwise sooner or later the boat will capsize in the gutter.

Originally, the family wanted you to have some experience in the New World, so that you could take advantage of this opportunity to stabilize your mind and become a great wizard as soon as possible. Looking at it now, it turns out we made a mistake.

 If you are allowed to continue like this, you may be the next Simon. The merits and prestige that our family has established in creating wars in the plane for generations will also be defeated by you.

 So you go to the subordinate federation to avoid the limelight for the time being. "

 When Simon was mentioned, the Flame Waiter's expression changed slightly.

 Simon died so tragically, he will never make the same mistake again!

The Flame Waiter said:

 “Okay, I’ll go, but how will Levi solve it?”

Flame Face asked back:

 “How do you want to solve it?”

The Flame Waiter said:

"This man looks kind, but his heart is actually dark. I admit that I am a real villain, but he is also a hypocrite. If I don't kill him, he will definitely kill me. If I don't kill him now, Qihuan will kill me too."

Although he is an enemy, he has no doubt that Li Wei can win seven rings.

Flame Face said:

“This man is indeed terrifying. He is one of the few cultivators in the wizarding world in the past 300,000 years. You can’t defeat him. It makes sense.

 The gap between him and the top geniuses is wider than that between the top geniuses and ordinary wizards. He is a legendary figure in the eyes of the parliament.

Such as Black Abyss Walker and Frost Witch are very optimistic about him. Many times in the meetings of the great council members, he intentionally or unintentionally favored him...even the chairman of the great council paid attention to him.

 Let me tell you the truth, it will be very difficult for you to kill him.

  After all, you can’t defeat him even with the wizard tower and realm advantage.

 And if you fail and things are revealed, our family will be pushed into a pit of fire, and the family will not let you do this.

We, the elders with absolute strength, cannot possibly kill him ourselves, as that would be asking for death.

 That’s why I asked you to go to the federal plane and retire, and let this matter be over. "

The Flame Waiter was shocked:

 “Is the Frost Witch also his backstage?”

No wonder the family takes this matter so seriously. With the power of the family, to be honest, ordinary great wizards really don't take it seriously. But the legendary wizard, this is very troublesome.

 He said a little confused:

“Then what should I do? What if Levi learns of my location in the future and goes to the federal plane to kill me?”

 Suddenly it feels so ridiculous.

He, a seven-ring wizard, is actually afraid of a six-ring wizard and has to avoid him?

Flame Face said:

"If you feel that you are not at ease in the federal plane, then go to a farther plane and find a corner to hide. The universe is vast, and it will be much harder for him to find you than to find a needle in a haystack... Or you can stay in Novo forever. Encheng, according to my current investigation, with his character, he should not openly deal with you."

 The Flame Waiter is powerless in his heart.

  Aggrieved, very aggrieved.

"I understand, don't worry. I won't hide in Norn City. I'm going to the federal plane to practice and seek opportunities to advance to the eighth ring. I still have realm advantages. As long as I keep overpowering him... I'll be fine with myself. .”

 In the end, he had no confidence. With Li Wei's growth momentum, what could he use to overcome it?

Sooner or later, he will be caught up by Li Wei.

 “Damn crow!”

 The source of everything is the accompanying spiritual creature. Why does it have to pass by the Panda continent!


 The central realm.

The Tower of the Black Abyss.

Facing the great wizard for the first time, Li Wei felt a little nervous.

 “Senior Heiyuan is looking for me, is there something wrong?”

Black Abyss Walker asked:

 “I heard about the matter between Gorvin and you, how do you plan to solve it?”

Li Wei smiled and said:

"It's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning. I have forgiven him. And I can also understand Gorvin's desire to maintain the safety of the wizarding world, but he used too much force."

Black Abyss Walker's serious face suddenly couldn't help but smile.

“Levi, you should know that every great wizard needs to choose a legendary item after reaching Consummation and follow his own legendary path.”

Li Wei thought of the "Illustrated Book of Truth" and said:

  “Probably know something about it.”

Black Abyss Walker said:

“My legendary path is the [evidence of the seven sins]. Do you know what the world in my eyes looks like?”

 Levi shook his head.

Black Abyss Walker gently pointed his finger at the center of Li Wei's eyebrows.

Li Wei opened his eyes and saw seven sharp swords thrust into the sky suspended above the Black Abyss Walker in front of him.

Each handle is ten thousand feet high and cannot be looked directly at.

 He looked at the other wizards, mortals, and extraordinary creatures in the tower. There are also seven swords on top of their heads, with different lengths and different colors.

"These are the seven sins, which include all the emotions of all living beings. The gods in the astral world, the demons in the abyss, and many powerful beings in multiple planes are all closely related to these seven sins. By observing the seven sins, I can understand the mood changes of all living beings. , including you...you want to kill Galvin, right?"

Li Wei said:

"Yes, because he wants to kill me, and I can also feel the murderous intention directed at me. When I have the strength, I will kill him!"

Black Abyss Walker said:

“You just lied because you were worried that I would blame you for not caring about the overall situation? After all, a **** battle is coming, and every soul wizard is the backbone.”

 Levi nodded.

Black Abyss Walker smiled and said:

 “It’s good, I’m satisfied that you realize this.”

 Li Wei thought for a moment and said:

"Senior, if this person is useful, I can keep him for a while. To be honest, I have the confidence to protect myself, but I am afraid that he will die young without waiting for my revenge. I am a person who must retaliate. If he If I die at the hands of others or die of old age, I will have regrets."

Black Abyss Walker smiled and said:

“Hahaha, your idea is interesting. It seems that you have some regrets that you can’t forget.

To be honest, the Galvin family is so powerful that even I have to be afraid of it.

 You have also seen that the punishment for Galvin in this matter was neither painful nor itchy.

  Those guys in the Wizarding Inquisition, they are in high positions, but they are the most afraid.

 You have to understand that in this extraordinary and supreme world, law is a appendage of power, and power is a appendage of strength. "

 He pointed to the sky.

 “Norn City is the birthplace of the sun.”

Looking at the brilliant sun, Li Wei was shaken. Could it be that the backstage person in Norn City is actually the Blazing Sun Divine Witch, the president of the Great Council?

Black Abyss Walker said:

"Of course, you don't have to be too pessimistic. In fact, the sun is not what you imagined. Otherwise, the Wizards' Council would have been doomed long ago. It's just that some people are used to following the crowd and fearing power, and they are just adding drama to themselves, thinking that they can get the sun in this way. of favor.

  In fact, the sun doesn’t care about this at all. It is as hot as fire and unpredictable. It overlooks all living beings, including the [big men] in the eyes of ordinary people like us... So now, I ask you, do you still want to kill him? "

Li Wei thought about it seriously and said:


Black Abyss Walker stood upright. The Seven Sins Sword behind him was filled with a layer of terrifying black murderous aura, turning into seven pitch-black magic swords. The momentum alone was enough to shatter the sky.

Black Abyss Walker said:

"Okay, then go ahead and do it. I'm optimistic about you. After this **** battle, I will definitely be promoted to legend. I will watch you and the Ancient Dragon Continent from the clouds. I hope that after the baptism, whether it is a wizard or a knight, it will still be your instigation. Other new and interesting things can go a step further.”

Li Wei said:

"I understand. Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts and giving me reassurance."

Black Abyss Walker said solemnly:

“Li Wei, remember, you killed him not out of disregard for the overall situation, but out of consideration for the overall situation!”


 In the ancient dragon continent, the blazing sun hangs high.

 After returning from the central realm, Li Wei calmed down and practiced meditation.

 His main goals now are only two.

 First, reach your mental limit as soon as possible. Second, before reaching the limit, learn as many Yuanhun spells as possible.

The gold and stone gourd is a sacred object related to the gold element.

Li Wei sealed it in the Golden Light Cave, hoping to nourish it.

 As a treasure related to metal elements, the Sword of Victory can also have a companion.


Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle.

 In the blink of an eye, seven years later.

 77 years of Nora, the original month.

 This is a special year for Levi, he is 500 years old.

 500 years is the sum of the lifetimes of many generations of mortals.

 And this is just a stage in my life.

  It has been a few days since I celebrated my birthday with Baihua.

In the early morning of this day, the exhausted Baihua was still sleeping soundly. Li Wei returned to the ancient banyan fairyland and continued his practice.

 He muttered something while an illusory gold coin appeared in his hand.

 The front and back sides are both of Li Wei's face, one crying and one laughing.

 Seven years ago, after leaving the Tower of Black Abyss, a piece of magical knowledge came to his mind.

Thinking about it now, it should have been left by the Black Abyss Walker when he touched his eyebrows.

This spell, called "Coin of Destiny", is a relatively simple astrological spell, suitable for the practice of sixth-ring wizards. Its creator is the late Deep Blue Sage.

Of course, although it is simple, even with Li Wei's level of knowledge, it still took 7 years to achieve some success.

 His shamanic appearance has been branded with 12 witch marks.

 Under normal circumstances, the number of outstanding geniuses among Yuanhuns is this, or even worse.

 “Don’t worry, I can continue to learn.”

After practicing the breathing method a few more times, a bright golden light suddenly lit up in the distance and shot straight into the sky.

Li Wei's expression changed slightly, that was the location of the Golden Light Cave.

“Is it possible that something happened to the gourd?”

 Golden Light Cave.

The sword of victory trembled and buzzed, and a gourd whirled around it.

 Those golden viscous liquids spit out from the gourd's mouth and poured into the interior of the Victory Sword.

 Inside the Holy Sword Tomb.

 The land that breeds strange objects, the sky-level rare item [Knight’s Sword] is constantly solidifying and evolving.

Li Wei was shocked.

The [Knight's Sword] is actually rapidly evolving towards the [King's Sword]. This speed is comparable to a large-scale stone smashing!

 He was nervous and excited.

“The gourd actually contains so much gold elemental power, and it is so thick that it has turned into a liquid.”

Think about it, this is an airbender sacred object, and it has been buried underground for tens of thousands of years.

 Next, Li Wei simply stayed in the Golden Light Cave and practiced with the Sword of Victory.

This defense lasts for three years.

  Norah 80 years.

 Levi opened his eyes.

In the Holy Sword Tomb, the [King's Sword] took shape, exuding an aura of kingliness that would be better than mine.

“If it is refined, the sword spirit may be able to go further.”

 Li Wei is looking forward to it.

 However, he was surprised to find out.

  The power within the golden gourd shows no sign of stopping.

 And the [King’s Sword] seems to be still evolving...

 He was breathing rapidly.

"No way...won't a bright moon wonder be born?"

 (ps: It’s the end of the month, please double the monthly pass, thank you.)

  10,400 words, big chapter. Please vote for me, please subscribe, and please vote for recommendations.

   Typos should be corrected first and then corrected.



 (End of this chapter)

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