Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 397: There is no need to endure it anymore, the **** revenge Dragon King is angry!

Chapter 397: There is no need to bear it anymore, **** revenge, the dragon king is angry! (Please subscribe and vote for the big chapter)

 Honghui calendar year 1402.

 The original moon.

 There are still more than 29 years left before the next opening of the ancient pagoda.

 In the blink of an eye, it was already the 312th roundtable meeting of the Twilight Knights.

In the years when Li Wei was in seclusion and promoted to Yuanhun, the strength of the Twilight Knights was also increasing day by day.

 Among the new generation of knights, the two brothers, the Halberd Knight and the Snapping Turtle Knight, entered the fifth level at almost the same time.

Halberd Knight’s blood-sourced armor is called [One-horned Immortal Armor]. It is mainly a power-type armor that is full of explosive power.

The horn on the head of the Immortal Armor can emit flame rays, which is very powerful.

The Snapping Turtle Knight’s blood-derived armor is called [Heavy Water Armor], which is a defensive armor.

 Compresses the water flow and condenses it into an extremely strong heavy water shield, forming an indestructible defense.

At the same time, the armor can also launch heavy water bombs, which are destructive enough to shatter the ordinary five-ring protective force field.

 Time has changed.

The eighteen twilight knights who were once extremely weak now have fifteen fifth-level knights, with three remaining, and they are not far away from being promoted.

Moreover, the outstanding ones among them have even practiced the magician's way. It is indeed not easy to get to where they are today.

 Next, the strength of the Eighteen Dusk Riders will enter a stable period.

 The difficulty level from level 5 to level 6 is far from being comparable to before.

 Even a solo knight cannot be very fast.

 At the meeting.

 While reporting on his work, the Blood Knight solemnly said:

"Today, the seven righteous churches, except for the Church of the Earth and the Church of the Holy Glory, have all evacuated from the seven continents. But the Church of the Earth and the Holy Glory still don't seem to want to give up on Nora. According to my investigation, they began to change from light to dark, Spreading the faith in various new continents... Some time ago, we also captured a group of missionaries who tried to preach in the lizard tribe."

Hundred Flowers Road:

"The church really won't shed tears until it sees the coffin. As far as I know, the star world is in turmoil now, and the gods are in big trouble. Without the support of the gods, the church is nothing."

Li Wei thought of the skulls of dead gods he saw, and the turmoil Baihua mentioned was most likely inseparable from this incident.

 Some kind of great terror has invaded the star realm.

 The gods fell because of this, which is terrifying to think about.

 Compared to this terrifying thing, the great catastrophe of the intersection of planes is nothing.

 The big shots in the Wizarding Council must know this very well.

 Ordinary soul wizards may have heard a little bit about it.

 Under Yuanhun, most of them probably don’t know anything about it.

Li Wei said:

“Next, strictly crack down on any behavior of preaching in Gulong Continent.”

 After the meeting.

 Everyone dispersed, and Li Wei left the flowers behind.

Baihua put her hand gently on Li Wei's chest and said:

 “Captain, what’s the matter?”

Li Wei said seriously:

“I want to completely eradicate the Holy Glory Church and the Earth Church from the world. Do you think this is feasible?”

 Today is different from the past.

With Baihua as his virtuous wife, Li Wei likes to discuss everything with her.

 Baihua is also very happy, and Li Wei is willing to listen to her opinion.

Hundred Flowers Road:

"It would be inappropriate for us to take action directly. Although the non-aggression pact between the gods and the Parliament is now in vain, it is still not good to destroy the two churches in such a blatant manner... Moreover, the church is a centipede, and it is dead but not dead. , there is a certain risk.”

Li Wei said:

"Well, I also have such concerns, but if we allow these two churches to preach, it will not be conducive to the development of our organization. We wait for the opportunity... If the church and other forces fight, we may be able to fish in troubled waters,"

 He has already harvested the church's wool twice by fishing in troubled waters.

 He did not have a good impression of the church, especially the Holy Glory Church, which brought him a lot of trouble before he grew up. Now that Yuanhun is alive, he can take advantage of the situation and rob him.


 The endless sea.

 Tower of Stars.

 Wizard Business Department.

Mia held a memory tablet in her hand and said:

“Hello, I would like to apply for the extension of my magic weapon business license.”

 The person in charge was a teller from the Four Environment Circles, and there was a sign hanging among the mountains and ravines.

  【Department of Commerce·Rebecca】

Rebecca was chatting through the witchcraft, with a smile on her lips.

 It seems that the work here is not busy.

 She is a four-ring wizard in Lilith's cabin, and her father is a powerful soul.

However, his talent is not good, and he is not very interested in spiritual practice.

 So now that he is four hundred years old, he has only reached the fourth level of wizard realm.

If this kind of background had been given to Li Wei, his liver would have reached heaven.

 For many people, without pressure, there is no motivation to practice.

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 Seeing that the clerk was still chatting, Mia couldn't help but urge, exuding a faint five-ring majesty.

This made Rebecca pay more attention to it, and she smiled and said:

“I’m sorry, I have something to do. What business are you doing?”

Mia said:

 “Business license extension, these are our application materials.”

Rebecca took the memory slate, looked at it expressionlessly, and said:

“There is nothing wrong with the preliminary review materials, but they still need a final review by our minister.”

 Mia asked:

"How long will it take? I think the bill stipulates that a notice of review results will be issued within ten days. And given the size of the Huolong Shop, it shouldn't require the minister to review it in person, right?"

Rebecca smiled and said:

“Ma’am, I can’t say for sure. Our Ministry of Commerce also has its own internal procedures. You can go back.”

Mia thought for a while and said:

 “Then I’ll come back in ten days.”

 Next, Mia stayed near the Tower of Stars and told Lord Ace about the matter.


Holy Infant, who was taking a break between refining weapons, frowned when he read Mia's news.

“The efficiency of this wizarding world organization is not as good as that of a mortal organization…”

He told this to me, and through Baihua, a former civil servant of the Tower of Stars, I learned that the Minister of Commercial Department of the Tower of Stars was [Windbringer Kuro].

This person is a member of the Hurricane Tower. Holy Infant thought about it and found that he had no dispute with the Hurricane Tower.

 I do have it.

But on the surface, I do not enjoy any rights or shares in Huolong Store. I am just an anonymous real controller behind the scenes, and outsiders do not know it at all.

 Ten days later.

 Mia came to the Department of Commerce again.

Rebecca is not here today, and another four-ringed witch is in charge of her position.

“Hello, I am the manager of Huolong Store. I submitted the extension application ten days ago. Has it been approved?”

The four-ringed witch said:

“Ma’am, don’t worry, our ministers are in a meeting at the central level during this period, and they don’t have time to process the review. Recently, there has been a backlog of extension applications similar to yours, and everyone is in a hurry.”

Mia said:

"Is this kind of thing possible for remote review? We can't delay our normal operations because of this."

The Fourth Ring Witch’s face turned red and she said:

"This is a rule. Sorry, I am also performing a task from my superior. You should wait a little longer."

Mia spent a lot of time talking, but in the end she got nothing.

 She sighed and returned to the Fire Dragon Shop for the time being.

The Holy Infant saw Mia complaining and comforted:

"It's okay. There are still a few years. When the minister comes back from his business trip, he should handle it for us."

Mia said:

"Sir, these people are really disappointing. This kind of administrative matter that is so simple that a child can handle it has been delayed for so long? I wonder if we are being targeted?"

Shengying said:

 “Don’t make random guesses, just wait for the results.”

 Mia sighed and left.


 The ancient banyan fairyland.

 Beside the small stone pond.

Levi was surrounded by Horcruxes.

 A stream of extremely pure soul power turned into long dragons and poured into Li Wei's mind.

 A few days later.

 The two-foot soul in his mind grew visibly taller with the naked eye, and did not stop until it grew an inch taller.

At the same time, Li Wei felt that his soul seemed a little restless and empty.

“I absorbed too much spiritual energy from foreign objects at once, and I couldn’t bear it anymore…”

Horcruxes fell to the ground one by one and were put away by Li Wei.

 “Let’s leave it to the Holy Infant to deal with it next.”

 Levi felt his swollen mind and rubbed his eyebrows.

“We can’t rush forward like this in the future. We will spend the next three to five years stabilizing our state of mind, just in time to deal with the breathing problem, and level up both the Nightmare Dragon and the Death Ember Dragon to level six.”

 He placed his hand on the Klein Crystal.

  【Mental Power: 3300/5999】

 【Mana Power: 1.65 million】

“I increased my mental power by about 240 points in one breath, which is equivalent to thirty years of hard training under normal circumstances, or eight sky-level wonders... But after absorbing the original soul power of so many Horcruxes, it is normal.”

Horcruxes are every wizard’s treasure, and they are very scarce. Those with a bunch of Horcruxes like Levi are exceptions.

“It has only been six years since I was promoted to the sixth level, and my mental strength has surpassed many senior wizards of the sixth level.”

 Levi took out another extremely sophisticated and mysterious spell crystal ball.

The soul spell "Netherworld Water Prison" is recorded above.

“Essential soul magic requires quality first and quantity secondly. In this way, the more witch marks there are, the more powerful the shaman will be.”

“With my current level, it is still a bit difficult to create my own soul spells. I can learn more soul spells that are useful to me and build up the number of witch marks first.”

Talent spells are the foundation. Because of their instantaneous nature, they are the most commonly used and frequent combat methods for wizards. Therefore, Li Wei must insist on creating what suits him best, and the same goes for other geniuses.

If the battle can be solved with natural spells, wizards generally will not use soul spells. Therefore, the priority of creating self-created soul spells is not very high.

 Levi's consciousness entered the spell model and carefully understood its structure.

“It is indeed a Yuanhun spell. There are tens of thousands of spell nodes involved. It is much more complicated than the innate spells…”

 Based on the wizard's classification of the quality of Yuanhun spells in the same realm.

ˆ can be roughly divided into:

 Three levels: ordinary, excellent, and top quality.

 There is no doubt that the higher the quality of Yuanhun spells, the more complex they are and the more difficult they are to practice.

 Judging from the memory fragments of the Shark Devourer.

 He is the soul who was promoted at the age of 700. At the age of 1100, he became a senior wizard of the Sixth Ring.

In other words, it took him 400 years to increase his spiritual power from 2000 to 3000 and master these three soul spells.

 Among them, the time it takes to master "Netherworld Water Prison" is almost the same as the other two combined.

 This is the current situation of many ordinary soul wizards.

 So, under normal circumstances, with the talent of the Shark Devourer, it is unlikely to reach the sixth level and advance to the seventh level.

 Because he only has 900 years left to live, and the difficulty of subsequent cultivation is constantly increasing.

 A few days later.

 Li Wei left the Ancient Banyan Fairyland with a tired look on his face and returned to the Emperor's Palace.

 After seeing the message from the Holy Infant, he frowned slightly.

 “Commander, why are you so worried?”

A pair of jade hands quietly hugged Li Wei from his back. It was the Knight of Flowers.

Li Wei grabbed Baihua’s dishonest hand and said:

 “The Fire Dragon Shop is in some trouble.”

Hundred Flowers Question:

"What's wrong?"

 After explaining the situation.

Hundred Flowers Road:

"Based on my experience working in the Tower of Stars, this is obviously unreasonable. I suspect that someone is stumbling upon the master. A big tree attracts the wind, and a fire dragon shop stands up, which means that other people's financial paths are blocked. .”

Li Wei hugged the flowers and was deep in thought. He suspected that it was the work of the Schubert family, or in other words, the work of the Letney family behind it.

 The one who will be most affected by the Huolong Shop is definitely the Schubert family. The interests of the Schubert family also involve Letney.

“It seems that it’s time to find a breakthrough from the Schubert family.”

 He has a chess piece in the Schubert family that can be activated.


 Practice does not take many years.

Three years later.

 Honghui calendar year 1405, the month of flowers.

 The ancient dragon continent.

Damonte flew out of the ruins with disheveled hair and a horrified look on his face.

He looked at his chest, and a **** poison spread rapidly along his limbs and bones.

 【Scarlet Rot】has begun to destroy his body and even his soul.

Not only that, the blood all over his body is boiling. This is the ability of [Scarlet Boiling].

 Encountering such a drastic change, the soul witch image was projected in his mind.

 A furnace reaching the sky and the earth, hundreds of meters high, emerged. There was only a witch mark on the furnace.

One after another flame talent spells blasted out, and high temperatures swept through.

The **** giant is fearless, and the blood flames collide with the furnace witch, razing the surrounding areas to the ground.

 Not long after, the furnace shaman was riddled with holes and traces of decay everywhere.

 Obviously, scarlet rot is already at work.

Even the spiritual projection of the shaman is also affected, and the power of the poison is evident.

The **** giant exploded again. It's not Levi's body anyway, so it doesn't matter if you destroy it casually.


The giant claws tore the wizard into pieces, then grabbed the bloodless Damont wizard and fled into the void.

“You are so bold, you actually dare to attack our Shubert family!”

A six-ringed momentum came across and shot toward the **** giant.


With the **** giant as the center, endless waves of blood rolled in, forming a **** field about five kilometers in diameter.

  【Scarlet Blood Prison】!

 In the Blood Prison, low-level wizards from the Shubert family died one after another and turned into the energy of the blood giant.

The giant exerted all his strength, and a **** breath spurted out, striking the incoming Qilute hard!

Chirrut used his natural magic to resist, but saw that the **** giant took this opportunity, grabbed Damonte, and penetrated the six-ring protective circle set up by the Shubert family out of thin air.

 Qilute was shocked.

“How is this possible? This is a six-ring magic circle!”

After the sixth level of the Scarlet Dragon Breathing Technique, entering and exiting such a more common six-ring magic circle is not a problem.

What's more, Li Wei himself is also a six-ring magic circle wizard, and he can easily find the weak points of his magic circle.

at the same time.

 The sense of danger came quickly. A dark light flashed away.

Throughout Qilut’s body, layers of protective force fields flickered.

 A soul shaman like a giant toad protects him within his body.

 The Yuanhun shaman in the 901 list of shamans,

  【Hell Red Clam】!

The red clam is about 400 meters long. There are bumps and holes on its body, and it is spitting out black smoke.

 The smell of fire and sulfur filled the world.

 On its protruding tongue, there are 9 real marks of different shapes.

The dark light penetrated into the body of the red clam, and it was still moving at a high speed, with overwhelming momentum.

With a thought, Qilut was surrounded by several innate magic protective fields.

 Rely on shamans and force fields to block. For a moment, he avoided the terrifying blow aimed directly at his head.

At the same time, he saw a secret sword as dark as ink in the light.

 “Who assassinated me?”

 The first thing he thought of was the mysterious organization.

 The people in this organization have no moral bottom line and may have accepted someone else's commission to assassinate themselves.

The dark secret sword missed a single blow and had already flown away.

Shaman Qilut did not give chase. This assassination was organized and premeditated.

 The **** giant lurks in the bodies of family members and attacks the Damont wizard.

While he was rescuing Damonte, another master intercepted him in the distance with the Flying Secret Sword Style.

 He did not dare to leave the scope of the magic circle at will, as that would be even more dangerous.

  Two six-ring wizards, Piero and Matero, also came to the battlefield.

They looked at the family wizards who had died tragically, their expressions as gloomy as water.

Qilute said coldly:

 “Damonte was taken away.”

Piero said:

 “Want to chase?”

Chilut said:

"No need, we left rashly. We are afraid that other enemies who have ambushed us will steal our home. Check all family wizards now! The enemy may have some kind of ability lurking in other people's bodies... Report this matter to the Tower of Stars quickly. , requesting official support to prevent the enemy from coming back."

 The three Yuanhuns were like frightened birds, and were in a dilemma for a while.

Qilute was still frightened when he thought of the secret sword attack just now.

If he hadn't been a perfect six-ring person, the sword strike just now might have killed him.

 Too fast, too cruel!


at the same time.

The Schubert family is stationed three thousand miles away, in an underwater cave.

Li Wei sat cross-legged on the ground, with a dark secret sword surrounding him.

"It's a pity that with my current level, I still have a short time to complete the six-ring kill with the Golden Dragon Break. After accumulating power for so long, I still failed."

 Livy was not discouraged.

 Qilute has mastered the nine witch marks, and the defensive power of his witch appearance is extremely terrifying.

The Black Secret Sword is actually the Purple Light Sword, but Levi added a layer of black paint to it. Victor vest to prevent exposure.

Of course, in today’s wizarding world, secret swords are no longer a new thing. Even if it is a purple sword, it is actually not a big problem.


 Levi opened his eyes.

 In the void, streaks of blood-colored gas seeped out. They were coming towards him from all directions.

These blood energy eventually condensed into a **** giant, and Allison's appearance was vaguely visible.


The **** giant exploded, turned into a pool of blood, and disappeared without a trace.

 The energy of the parasite has been exhausted and its merits have been completed.

A somewhat frightened figure looked at Levi, it was Damonte.

 “Who are you and what do you want to do?”

Li Wei ignored it, and the terrifying energy and blood formed a big hand, grabbed him, took him in a carriage, and traveled four thousand miles away in one breath, passed through the crystal wall, and disappeared into the dark place.

His figure appeared on a floating meteorite and threw Damonte into the ancient banyan wonderland.

 The dragon ants that had been waiting inside for a long time trapped it. Snake King Dragon, Black Lotus Beast and other Dragon Palace generals surrounded him.

Damonte was extremely shocked at this moment. He looked around and saw seven extraordinary creatures with different shapes and terrifying auras guarding him.

 Among them, there are two strong men in the mid-sixth level.

 In addition, most extraordinary creatures exude a powerful dragon power and are obviously of the sub-dragon species.

 Damonte was shocked inside.

 Just capture me as a six-ring ordinary, and use such a large array?

 That’s not the case, right?


Why does this black lotus beast look familiar?

 The next moment, his eyes shrank and his heart couldn't stop trembling.

 Nearly two hundred years ago, he was not a soul wizard.

 He participated in the battle for the ruins of the Black Stone Temple in the Dark Ancient Tower.

In that battle, he had seen the black lotus beast from a distance, as well as the battle between the three evil dragons and Simon.

 In the end, the Black Lotus Beast was taken away by the three evil dragons and disappeared from sight.

Simon, a genius of a generation, died on the spot.

"This is the lair of the three evil dragons...it's over, it's over."

 Three dragon evils caused a heavy blow to his Wu Huan's mind at that time.

Now after the sixth ring, he thought he was no longer afraid.

But in fact, it's not.

 Obviously, the three evil dragons are disguised by people from the wizarding world!

 A burly figure descended from the sky, and Levi came to Damont.

Damonte was heartbroken and sighed:

“I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, three evil dragons are hiding around us... I want to know, why did you kill me? For our Shubert family?”

Li Wei smiled and said:

"What three dragon evils? I have never heard of it... Next, I will ask you, you can die a little more happily."

 Otherwise, you, and your Schubert family, will suffer endless torture from me. "

There is no need to enslave Damonte. If he is returned to the Shubert family, Nazilut will definitely suspect that Damonte is under control, and then ask the strong men of the Letney family to take action, which will easily involve Li Wei.

Damonte’s eyes were dull.

"go ahead."

Li Wei said:

“The Fire Dragon Master was assassinated before. Does it have anything to do with your family?”

Damonte felt something in his heart.

 It seems that the Fire Dragon Master and the Three Dragon Evils are still involved. But it has nothing to do with him, a dying person.

 He sighed:

"Yes, it was arranged by our family, but we were forced to do so and had some difficulties... But I can't tell who the culprit is, because I have been banned by the strong."

Li Wei said:

 “The Letney family? What’s there to hide?”

Damonte’s eyes flickered, obviously he had been guessed.

Li Wei said:

“Which wizard of the Letney family are you specifically responsible for connecting with?”

Damonte shook his head.

Li Wei said coldly:

“With my own methods, there are many ways to make your Shubert family’s life worse than death and disappear from the wizarding world.”

Damont had an idea. He drew a long and slender fish on the ground with his finger, which looked like a thick eel.

 Levi murmured:


 He carefully thought about the information he had about the Letney family, and it seemed that one person's title was Eel.

 “Electric Eel Wizard, Uyvandire?”

Damonte said nothing, looking like he was waiting to die.

 Levi already knew the answer, he injected the power of the scarlet dragon into his mind and enslaved him!

“Now, tell me, has your family ever secretly obstructed the operation of the Fire Dragon Shop?”

Damont nodded. :


 Levi asked:

 “Who is controlling what you do?”

 In crimson servitude, Damonte was about to say the name.


 Suddenly, he had a splitting headache and his head exploded.

 A soul flew out, and the sacred tower of the magic ring began to collapse automatically.

Even the soul began to disintegrate, and traces of truth were hidden in the world.

Even its soul is melting uncontrollably.

  Did not return to the underworld like normal people!

 Leon took action at the right time. Spider webs spurted out from his small hands, trapping Damonte's soul.

 But his soul is still burning.

 Leon's forehead was covered with sweat, and more and more cobwebs wrapped Damonte.

 In the end, only a corner of Damonte’s soul was left, and was rescued by Leon.

Li Wei looked gloomy.

 This kind of method of controlling others is simply appalling.

Yuanhun wizard cannot violate it, there is only one possibility.

The Schubert family was all forced to swear the most severe [Truth Oath] to the mastermind behind the scenes!

 It is the same as the oath Baihua swore at the beginning, but Baihua is willing and the nature is different. Moreover, Baihua's original oath and promise were not as serious as Damonte's.

Livy saw for the first time the horror of breaking the oath of truth.

 At the same time, he became more aware of how determined Baihua was when she made the oath.

Leon hugged the corner of Damonte’s soul, rubbed his tears, and said in tears:

 “Master, I didn’t do a good job, this is all I have left…”

Li Wei said:

“It’s okay, it’s already very powerful. Eat it and extract as much as you can.”

 Levi has given up hope for his memory fragments.

But he already knew who was behind it.

   10,000 words, 4,000 words added today, and 84,000 words left to be updated.

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 (End of this chapter)

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