Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 378: All the twenty-four flowers have settled in, and the spirit of this deity is finally complete!

Chapter 378 All twenty-four flowers have settled in, and my spirit is finally complete! (Big chapter please give monthly tickets and subscribe)

 Plane of the Ancient Saint.

 This day.

Gandalf quietly returned home and met Livy at the Emperor's Palace.

The old guy is now very proud, and there are countless female fans in Middle-earth.

 Some of the disgusting ones even call him "brother".

Li Wei said seriously:

“Don’t forget to practice the Body Refining Technique. After all the five rings of the Body Refining Technique are perfectly integrated, you can be promoted to the Yuan Soul. With these top-quality witchcraft and treasures I gave you, the Yuan Soul should not be a big problem.”

 As for the breakthrough potion, Gandalf doesn’t need to worry about it.

As long as Levi has the mind flayer's brain, the materials he has on hand are enough to refine three copies of "The Mind Flayer's Fairy Tale of Innocence".

 When the time comes, he, the Child, Gandalf, will each have a share.

Gandalf took the shining sword from Livy and said:

“Well, I understand, as the saying goes, if you walk among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf will touch you. I am also doing this for work... I will work hard to practice and strive to regain my soul as soon as possible.”

 Levi waved his hand.

Gandalf played with the shining sword and left.

 A few days later, Gandalf refined the shining sword.

 Since then, there have been six levels of exotic treasures for self-defense. He returned to Middle-earth again and fought for Li Wei's cause.

 Milaia's office.

 She is also a busy person now, but as a succubus, she always has times of loneliness.

On this day, Levi's figure appeared, startling Miraya who was enjoying herself.

Miraya was not shy at all. After getting dressed, she smiled and said:

 “Master, what are your orders?”

After being reprimanded several times by Li Wei, her nature was hidden in front of Li Wei, and she did not dare to cause trouble again.

 Levi took out a purple staff and said:

“This is a five-ring magic weapon called [Joy of Fire]. As a reward for your hard work during this period, you can also use this crystal core to practice.”

The succubus smiled coquettishly and accepted the magic weapon and crystal core unceremoniously.

"Thank you, Master. You are so thoughtful that you went to find the magic weapon just for me. How can I repay you?"

Li Wei said:

“You practice well and work hard, that is the best reward for me.”

Miraya was scolded again and pouted:

 “I know, I’m going to work.”

She happily took the magic weapon and went to practice.


 Levi called the Mind Flayer again. Compared to Miraya, Gilmore made him worry less. So he stuffed more cores into the mind flayer.

 “Practice hard.”

Gilmore thanked:

"Thank you, Master. With these things, my strength will be further improved. It will not be a problem in the later stages of advancement."

 When Gilmore was working in the Demon Clan, he was already in the middle stage.

 Levi asked:

“Aside from the Abyss, do you know where in the wizarding world there are mind flayers above level six?”

Gilmore thought for a moment and said:

"Master, I really don't know this... I also ran out of the Well of the Abyss over the Hundred-Eyed Demon Realm back then, and I don't know anything about the powerful Mind Flayers who have long been hidden in the wizarding world."

Li Wei said:

“It’s okay, you can go back and hit the later stage first.”

 The mind flayer retreated.

Li Wei thought:

"If that doesn't work, I'll go find Ms. Triss and find out. Since she has the formula for this potion, she must have refined it, and she must also have clues to the Mind Flayer's brain."

 Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragon Prison.

God Nick sits cross-legged in the center, guarding the universe.

Thunder and hell, Lei Peng and Phoenix are entrenched in them.

Lei Peng has basically not been squeezed. Its strength is already extraordinary. Some time ago, it has advanced to the mid-level fifth level.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

And Phoenix, the former flame avenger, has long been smoothed by 007's blessings.

 Seeing Levi coming, it flew over quickly, nodded and bowed, and landed on the shoulder. Even if there is all kinds of dissatisfaction in my heart, I don't dare to show it.

Li Wei looked at its pitiful appearance and smiled:

 “I am a man of my word, and your good days are coming.”

 After he finished speaking, a dozen red crystal nuclei floated in mid-air, exuding the extremely essence of the power of the fire element.

 The evil spirit in it had already been eliminated by Li Wei with purifying potion.

Of course, he did not forget to leave one for Ace, the hero of the past generation.

Levi said:

"If all these crystal nuclei were sold, they would be worth tens of millions of taishi... I'll give them all to you today. You can practice and refine here and break through as soon as possible. In the past few years, I may have been harsher on you, but It's all good for you, just to train you. Now that all the hardships are over, don't forget my kindness to you."

Phoenix's breathing was rapid. He couldn't believe that all these things in front of him were fire element crystal nuclei.

 Its heart was excited, its trembling claws put away all the crystal cores, and its heart was shocked:

"I actually wronged him... He was sincerely good to me. Otherwise, how could he have rewarded me with so many precious crystal nuclei? I was wrong, very wrong."

At this moment, Phoenix was convinced and had no dissatisfaction. From then on, Levi was his adoptive father!

It is not the Fire Avenger Anvada, but the Fire Phoenix Phoenix!


 Honghui calendar year 1277, the original month.

 The ancient banyan fairyland.

Little Rock Pond.

Li Wei performed the "Golden Snake Breathing Technique" again, and took a shower while sweating profusely. A group of women from the Shell Demon Tribe who were only as big as a palm were responsible for rubbing and massaging Li Wei's back.

Now the blood crystals of the Golden Snake Breathing Technique are complete, all that is left is promotion.

 Levi's pressure was no longer as great as it was at the beginning, and he began to learn to enjoy it.

As long as you become a level 6 knight first, you will have the strength to dominate one side in the ever-changing world.

 Everything else can be done slowly.

 Suddenly, the innate spell Shadow Dragons in Li Wei's mind flashed with a faint light.

 This means that the enemies he killed some time ago have all been transformed into his [Shadow].

 A thought comes to mind.

Behind Li Wei, twisted figures emerged like asphalt, condensing into what they looked like in life.

 In the end, a team of more than three hundred shadows took shape.

Led by four shadows with level 5 strength, they are the Rotting Serpent, the Six-Armed Godwin, the Swamp Dragon, and the Bone Crush Wizard.

 As for the other shadows, most of them have level four and level three combat capabilities.

The shadow legion of more than 300 people, 90 % of them are devils, monsters, were killed by Li Wei in the strange realm of Longxu, and there were very few wizards.

“Yes, my shadow army has taken shape and is just waiting to shine on the battlefield.”

 Here, except for the four fifth-level shadows, everyone else is cannon fodder on the battlefield, but it is enough.

 Levi waved his hand, and all the shadows returned to the shadow plane.

 The 177th Round Table Conference was held, and knights entered the venue one after another.

 This year is the tenth year for the Knights to open up the nightmare world.

 After ten years of experience, the temperament of the members of the Knights has become more mature and stable, with a sense of solemnity.

Over the years, the Knight of Flowers has often visited the ancient holy plane, and her Sword Flower Tower has been tended by her.

 At this meeting, the Knight of Flowers came in person again.

She looked at Levi with a smile, as if she had something to announce.

 After the meeting started, everyone first reported on the work at hand that they were responsible for.

 Now, putting aside the eighteen knights of Twilight, there are more than 500 first-level knights in the Twilight Temple, more than 50 second-level knights, and more than ten third-level knights.

 The total number of people in the temple remains at around 3,000.

 Since the purpose of the temple is to have a shortage rather than an excess, the selection requirements are very high.

Too many people will only disperse the efficiency of resource utilization.

 Hence, the number of people Li Wei set in the primary stage of the Twilight Temple was around 3,000 people.

The temple itself also has a relatively strict elimination mechanism. If you are unable to meet the temple quota, you may be deprived of your Templar qualifications and reduced to ordinary employees in various logistics departments.

 So, in order to stay in the temple, knights must always be prepared for danger and keep making progress.

 Over the years, more than half of the resources brought by Levi have been consumed.

 But the thing inside Roman's ring has not moved at all.

 The Templar Knights, plus the Fur Knights who are also developing well, can barely put together a small third-level battle group.

The Ancient Dragon Empire has also entered a period of gentle growth after experiencing rapid growth in the past few years.

 There are currently 6 fifth-level ancient kings.

ˆA new "Qing King" was born, who was also one of the earliest ancient saints.

There are more than 70 fourth-level ancient saints and more than 500 third-level ancient snakes.

This is the main battle group in the Ancient Saint Plane so far.

 At the meeting.

 The Blood Knight also reported to Li Wei the situation in the world these years.

 One word: Chaos.

 Based on incomplete statistics.

 There are already more than ten dimensional cracks that have appeared in the seven continents.

Of course, most of these alien races are inconspicuous small and medium-sized civilizations like the Ice Crystal Race.

 The strongest person in his plane may only be a level six being, who cannot pose any threat to the wizarding world.

 But for the church, it still caused a lot of trouble.

 Today, the moon in the human world has turned into a blood moon. This is a manifestation of the penetration of the blood river's will power.

In the near future, with the help of the great intersection of planes, the space channel between the vampire world and Nora will also be opened.

At that time, the vampire army is bound to come back and bring disaster. The Wizards Council will probably react as well.

 Similarly, there are the Blue Frost World, the Werewolf World, etc. These worlds all have tenth-level beings who are very powerful.

 When it comes to the intersection of planes, the Knight of Flowers pointed out.

  This great intersection of planes is both a crisis and an opportunity for the wizarding world.

As long as Nora can successfully survive this calamity, she can absorb all the intersecting planes.

Nora's status will be further advanced and will be far ahead in the large world.

Even if it is not as good as a super world like the Abyss, the gap will gradually narrow.

For humans in Nola's world, whether they are wizards, knights, or other extraordinary professions, the improvement of their mother world's status is also an opportunity for them.

 A larger world means more territory, resources, materials...these are the cornerstones of civilization development.

Of course, the great intersection of planes is a very long historical period.

 Especially for this intersection, the time span may be thousands or even tens of thousands of years!

At the moment, these alien races invading Nora, even if they are vampires and tenth-level beings like Lan Shuang, they are just small troubles to the wizarding world and cannot shake the foundation of civilization at all.

Eleven legendary wizards are no joke.

 With the Wizards’ Council here, it is impossible for these early civilizations and worlds to create big waves.

 Historically, the real enemy of the intersection of planes is the plane of the abyss.

Each time they meet, there will be a "bloody battle" that lasts for thousands of years.

 Although each time it ended in victory for the wizarding world, the abyssal plane never really showed its full strength.

This time of great intersection, the offensive of the abyss may be more fierce than before.

 The Bloody War is a more terrifying flesh-and-blood grinder than the Black and White Wizarding War and the Great Crusade.

The Black and White War is at best a periodic minor conflict that breaks out within the wizarding world due to different interests.

 The **** battle is a collision between an extremely ancient super world and a newly powerful civilization.

 Seeing the sad faces of the knights, the Knights of Flowers comforted them at the same time.

 The **** battles in the abyss often appear in the later stages.

 At that time, the strength of the Knights should be enough to protect themselves in a **** battle.

In addition, even if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding on.

 The Wizards Council has already been preparing for the fight against the Abyss.

 The Golden Snake Breathing Technique is only about one-tenth of the way to the limit. It should be completely perfected before I am 300 years old.

  Converted to the standard realm, Li Wei is now also a level 5 peak powerhouse.

 The practice of "Illustrated Records of the King of War" has also stabilized at the sixth level, but it has not yet completely reached perfection.

 The "Lion King's Codex" and "The Goshawk Codex" initially involve the sixth level.

 "Breath of Ice" is still in the fifth level.

 After practicing.

 Levi is constantly conceiving and researching his ninth talent.

  He already has two violent troop cards, [Necronomicon] and [Shadow Dragons].

 After comprehensively comparing the death school and the life school, he finally determined the life school.

 The school of life is also a very broad faction.

 The [bloodline transformation] represented by Godwin is only one of its branches.

Like most other variant factions, the earliest origins of the life faction can be traced back to the traditional faction.

 Earth and water are the cradle of life, while wind and fire are the catalysts for the evolution of life.

 Hence, unlike the elemental sect, the life school has the lowest talent requirements for elemental affinity and is also the most arbitrary.

  No matter what kind of talent you have, you can find your own way of practice in the School of Life.

 Later, the life faction gradually broke away and evolved into many smaller factions such as [Cure], [Ling Enlightenment], and [Mutation].

  Cure, mainly treating injuries, similar to the nanny profession.

 Mutations, including [man-made monsters], [bloodline transformation], etc., are the most common nowadays and needless to say.

  Psychiatry uses magic that contains spirituality to give short-term vitality to inanimate objects. After the spell ends, it returns to its original state, such as the classic life spell, [Earth Spirit Awakening].

It is said that a powerful spiritual wizard can awaken a mountain or a river and fight for it. One can imagine the power.

What Li Wei wanted to learn was the Qiling Faction, which was the most difficult to master, the most mysterious, but also the most powerful of the Life School.

 For healing, he already has the Death Ember Dragon Breathing Method and other knightly methods. There is no need to waste talent spell slots anymore, the same is true for mutant factions.


 The wizarding civilization is developing rapidly, in this era of pursuing efficiency. The Qi Ling faction was gradually replaced by the quick mutant faction.

 So the stereotype left by the life school is that of stitchers running all over the floor.

Li Wei calmed down. In front of him, there were seven crystal balls, all of which were five-ring universal spells of the Qi Ling faction.

 They are the earth spirit, fire spirit, wind spirit, sea spirit, ice spirit, gold spirit and thunder spirit awakening!

For most ordinary wizards, if they want to practice spiritual enlightenment spells, they must choose one or two of them for further training based on their elemental affinity.

 But Levi is different, he is a son of chaos and has a proficiency panel...so, he wants them all.

 The ninth talent is one of the most important talents for wizards!

This talent must be strong and must be able to fully utilize one's own strengths.

Compared with other wizards, Li Wei's biggest advantage now is that he can master multiple factions.

 Even in the form of the soul, he can control the earth, fire, wind and water and turn them into chaos.

His ninth talent must be mastered, combine the elemental factions, learn from the Supreme Dharma God, and create a chaos spell of his own.


 This journey is bound to be very difficult.

 Let alone practicing the seven schools, practicing one [Earth Spirit Awakening] alone is a challenge for other wizards.

Lingshamans believe:

Flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, thunder and storms...everything in this world has spirituality.

It is just that in the wizard's understanding, all organic creatures, including animals and plants, are innately spiritual.

 As for the stones on the roadside, we can only rely on the spirituality of the wizard to enlighten them and enlighten them to spiritual awakening.

 Hence, the practice of spiritual enlightenment requires, on the one hand, a test of [elemental affinity], and on the other hand, it also requires the ability to realize the "spirituality" of all things.

 Wizards are a group of hard workers. The power of elements such as earth, fire, geomantic omen, and water are the "basic forces" that have been demonstrated to exist. The same is true for other energy systems.

 But "spirituality" is really difficult to explain. Even if there are indeed spiritual wizards who have stepped on **** and practiced it, there is no way to come up with an effective methodology.

 In fact, the current mainstream view in the wizarding world has acknowledged the existence of the power of "spiritual power" and is actively researching breakthroughs, but has not yet made any major progress.

 Hence, the Qiling faction is still a small and scattered group.

These people are often like the hermits and masters in their previous lives. They realize the "spirituality of all things" in the deep mountains and old forests and on isolated islands in the sea. They long for a sudden enlightenment and become a strong man who can control the battles between mountains and seas with every move.

Li Wei said to himself:

“This retreat will take ten years to realize the spiritual power of these seven systems. I have a proficiency panel. As long as I can get started, I should be able to continue practicing.

On the other hand, if I can’t understand it at all like the previous Airbender’s [Heart of Strong Wine], then it means that I lack this kind of understanding. In that case, I would have given up earlier and changed to something else. "

  Anyway, Levi is still far away from the 81st Ultimate Soul, so he has enough time to try and make mistakes.

 The research is like this. Many things are just a pony crossing the river. You have to try them to know whether they are suitable or not.

 Closing his eyes, Li Wei built a spell model in his mind and understood it according to the requirements of the spell.

 With his talent, he can easily feel the elemental particles floating between the sky and the earth.

 “Where is the spiritual power?”

 Levi muttered to himself.

He was concentrating and trying to enter that state, so he couldn't help but silently recite the Tao Te Ching from his previous life in his heart.

 “Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders…”

 In Li Wei's view, the "Tao" in the previous life is also an extremely profound and mysterious power.

 He wants to use Xuanhu to fight against Xuanhu, but it doesn’t matter if he tries anyway.

 Time flies.

 Half a year has passed.

I don’t know whether Li Wei himself had a good “understanding” or whether the Tao Te Ching played a role.

On this day, Li Wei pressed his palm on the rock next to the small stone pool. There was a sudden throbbing in his heart.

 “It’s not my heart that moves, it’s the stone that moves…”

Li Wei's eyes clearly understood that in addition to the basic powers of the elements, there is indeed a mysterious power that is extremely difficult to comprehend.

 This may be the "spirituality" mentioned by the spiritual wizard.

 The spell model in his mind flashed, absorbing these "spirits" into it.

 A mountain-like spell model, completely constructed.

 At the same time, Levi recited a spell.

“In my name, the spirit of enlightenment, the spirit of the earth awakens!”


The bluestone under Li Wei's feet stood up, and then... fell down again.

 Li Wei looked happy.

 “I am done, I am done!”

 He opened the proficiency panel.


 Earth Spirit Awakening: Level 1 (1/1000).


"Sure enough, although my basic elemental affinity talent is not very good, my understanding of this mysterious way is still good... The reason why I cannot understand the [Heart of Spirits] of the Knight of Flowers may be because I am indeed related to There is no chance for the Fire Air Sect.”

Of course, it is also possible that Li Wei’s recitation of the Tao Te Ching worked.

Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?

 In short, he has already started on the path to awakening the earth spirit.

 The advantage of the proficiency panel is this. As long as it is burned on it, no matter how fast or slow it is, Li Wei, the liver emperor, will practice it to perfection sooner or later.

If it were other people, they might finally have some enlightenment, but it would fail again the next time they practice...

Three years later.

 Following the awakening of the earth spirit, other spirits such as fire, wind, and water all awakened.

 Another two years.

Li Wei has learned all the seven spiritual enlightenment spells.

 In the year 1285 of the Holy Calendar, the harvest month, there are still 46 years left before the next opening of the Dark Ancient Tower.

 The ancient banyan fairyland.

 Beside the small stone pond.

Li Wei looked at the proficiency panel and saw that all seven spiritual enlightenment spells had been introduced, and he was in a good mood.

 The next step is to integrate all the seven major spells to create a spiritual enlightenment spell suitable for Li Wei.

By the time.

Mountains, rivers, flowers, grass and trees can all be awakened and used by me.

 It is similar to the technique of "throwing beans into soldiers" and "every tree and grass are soldiers" in the previous life.

Having tasted the sweetness, Li Wei thought in his mind:

“After the Yuanhun, you can study the way of airbending again, and maybe you can gain some understanding.”

 Unknowingly, he spent another five years in seclusion.

 In addition to understanding the spiritual enlightenment method, his meditation practice also did not fall behind.

 Levi put his hand on the Klein crystal.

  【Mental Power: 1740/1740】

 【Mana Power: 174,000】

“This time, my mental power has been completely perfected. I just need to wait for the ninth talent to take shape and the ultimate soul to be perfected before I can be promoted!”

Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that he had one less lesson to do before he was promoted to Yuanhun.

 He has more time to practice combat skills, breathing techniques, and spiritual enlightenment techniques.

 A few days later.

 Ancient Banyan Fairyland Colosseum.

 Levi was sitting in the stands, and Mana and the other four heavenly kings were sitting on both sides.

Today is the day of the 4th World's No. 1 Dragon Dao Association. As the earth shook and the mountains shook, one by one heavyweight warriors entered the stage.

 This time, there was no Black Lotus Beast in the competition, and after a fierce competition.

 The vampire demon dragon narrowly defeated the faceless infant dragon and won the first place.

 Infant Dragon is second and Thunder Wolf Dragon is third.

 Mana said:

“The Black Lotus Beast guy has been in seclusion for ten years and hasn’t advanced yet. Aren’t you worried, Li Wei?”

 Li Wei said helplessly:

 “It’s useless to worry, I believe in the Black Lotus Beast.”

 After awarding the awards to the contestants, Li Wei went to the various elemental lands to check the growth of rare plants.

In ten years, the giant tree has grown thirty meters, three times the normal growth rate.

 All this is due to Ajin’s masterpiece.

 After devouring the rotting corpse of the demon snake, it gave birth to the sixth-level Jin Jia La.

 After testing, this high-quality fertilizer can increase the growth rate of plants by 200%.

 This means that if level 6 fertilizer can be supplied continuously.

  It only takes more than three hundred years for the giant dragon cedar tree to fully mature and bear fruit.

 It’s a pity that sixth-grade fertilizers are hard to come by, and the yield is too low to be popularized.

 Furthermore, the corpses of level six extraordinary creatures are often covered in treasures and used as fertilizer, which is obviously a waste of resources.

 In addition, in the same realm, the quality and quantity of fertilizer produced by the corpse of a wizard is far inferior to that of extraordinary creatures.

Most likely it’s because the wizard majored in spiritual power, and all his essence was scattered to the heaven and earth after death.

If Li Wei wants to solve the problem of level 6 fertilizer, the way out is... the black beast, or the devil!

 After inspecting the botanical garden, Li Wei was preparing to continue his retreat.


 In the land of the Flame Mountain, the wind and clouds surged and the earth trembled.

Thick flame clouds gathered in the sky, exuding an aura of destruction.

 There was a faint roar of a giant beast, which was earth-shaking.

 Li Wei's expression changed.

 “Black Lotus Beast is about to be promoted!”

Today’s 9,600 words, plus 3,000 words, and the remaining 38,000 words owed

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 (End of this chapter)

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