With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 72: The thoughts we never forget are also the thoughts we remember.

Chapter 72


After taking a shower, Shen Nian came out wrapped in a towel and tossed her dirty clothes into the washing machine on the balcony.

She added detergent and disinfectant, selected the desired function, and then pressed start. The washing machine received the command and began operating.

Taking advantage of this moment, Shen Nian turned to tidy up the coffee table.

As she crouched down and picked up a cup, she heard the sound of a password being entered at the entrance - "beep beep beep."

[Verification failed]

The electronic door lock announced in a mechanical female voice.

Shen Nian immediately looked up towards the entrance, her brow furrowed as she became alert.

Who could be trying to open her door at this late hour?

"Beep beep beep."

The sound of entering a password again.

[Verification failed] The second attempt to enter the password was incorrect.

Shen Nian stood up immediately, and due to the sudden movement, she accidentally bumped her left wrist, causing a twinge of pain from the wound.

She glanced down at the wound, which had already scabbed over.

After gently pressing it, she picked up a fruit knife from the fruit bowl on the coffee table.

The small knife was perfect for self-defense.

Gripping the fruit knife, Shen Nian stepped cautiously towards the entrance, her soft slippers making no sound on the carpet.

[Verification failed]

The smart door lock issued the third warning, and Shen Nian tightened her grip on the knife, her gaze fixed warily on the door, ready to act at any moment.

"Beep beep beep."

The sound of entering a password again.

Just as Shen Nian was certain that the person outside her door was up to no good, this time it was not the failed password prompt.


Hearing the confirmation sound, Shen Nian froze for a second.

Her door lock's password was not simple, and if it were a thief or a bad person, they would not be able to guess the correct password in three or four tries.

Unless the person outside originally knew the real unlock password, and the previous three attempts were just accidental mistakes.

But the only ones who knew the password to her apartment were herself and...

If it were him, he wouldn't have made that many mistakes.

In that momentary lapse, the person outside turned the doorknob and opened the door.

Lu Lingchuan stood at the entrance, leaning his entire body against the door.

He was still wearing the same suit from earlier that day, his jacket draped over his left arm, his tie hanging loosely around his neck, and the top two buttons of his shirt undone.

His handsome face showed obvious signs of exhaustion, his once captivating, slanted dark eyes now clouded with intoxication and a somber expression. His short hair was slightly disheveled, with a cute little tuft sticking up.

Seeing his state, Shen Nian finally understood why he had entered the wrong password so many times earlier.

Just one glance told her that Lu Lingchuan was drunk.

Judging by his appearance, he was quite heavily intoxicated.

No wonder he had entered the wrong password so many times - his brain was under the influence of alcohol, leaving him in a daze, even forgetting that the smart door lock had a fingerprint scanner and foolishly entering the password over and over again.

Shen Nian was stunned, and her hand loosened its grip on the fruit knife, placing it on the nearby shoe cabinet.

"Why did you drink so much?" she asked softly, concern subtly present in her tone.

Lu Lingchuan leaned against the door, his eyes half-closed as if he had fallen asleep standing there.

Hearing Shen Nian's voice, he slowly opened his eyes, the intoxication still evident in their depths.

Having been in the business world for many years, Lu Lingchuan had never allowed himself to become drunk before. He knew very well that the business world was like a battlefield, and if he couldn't control his own mind at a drinking event, he would be at the mercy of others.

So in all these years, the number of times he had truly gotten drunk could be counted on one hand.

But today, he had poured so much alcohol down his own throat, finally letting himself become completely inebriated, his senses and rationality gone. Yet in his drunken state, there was only one person's face on his mind.

Shen Nian, Shen Nian...

At that moment, Lu Lingchuan suddenly wanted to see Shen Nian, to see her immediately, and only her.

Despite being so drunk that he could barely walk straight, he had stumbled and crashed his way to find her.

Lu Lingchuan finally moved, but who knows how much he had drunk - after just one step, his body swayed, about to fall. Shen Nian, who was watching nearby, felt her heart leap, and without thinking, she stepped forward to support him. Lu Lingchuan then fell into her embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"Nian Nian..."

"..." Enveloped in Lu Lingchuan's embrace, Shen Nian stiffened upon hearing that long-familiar nickname.

It had been... a very long time since she last heard him call her that.

"Nian Nian..." he called her again, his voice soft and faint, like a feather gently brushing against her heart, causing it to race uncontrollably.

"Nian Nian bu wang... Nian Nian..." he kept murmuring.

Shen Nian's memories began to fade, flashing back to the first time she met Lu Lingchuan. Back then, Lu Lingchuan had a slight smile on his lips as he politely nodded at her: "Hello, I'm Lu Lingchuan, proud as the morning frost, embracing all rivers."

She replied: "Shen Nian, the 'Nian' that means 'never forget.'"

At that time, he had asked another question: "Nian Nian bu wang, must there be a response?"

Back then, the young Shen Nian didn't know that "nian nian bu wang" doesn't necessarily mean there will be a response.

Moreover, the "nian" in "nian nian bu wang" and the "nian" in "dian nian" (to commemorate) are the same character.

The night breeze was a bit chilly, and a gust of cool wind blew over, causing Shen Nian, who was only wrapped in a towel, to sober up a bit.

"Lu Lingchuan, go inside first, I'll close the door," Shen Nian said softly, coaxing him.

"..." Lu Lingchuan's hands remained on her waist, his face buried in the crook of her neck, murmuring softly, clearly too intoxicated to hear a single word she said.

Shen Nian had no choice but to straighten her arm and gauge the distance between herself and the doorknob, which was a bit far. She dragged Lu Lingchuan closer to the entrance, his large frame clinging to her body, restricting her movements and making it difficult even to raise her hand.

After some fumbling, she finally managed to close the door.

She pulled Lu Lingchuan into the living room and let him lie on the couch. Shen Nian then went to the kitchen, opened a drawer, and took out some honey. She scooped a spoonful into a cup and added hot water.

Honey water helps promote the breakdown of alcohol and aids in the metabolism of alcohol in the body. Additionally, the sugar content in honey water can promote intestinal motility and help alleviate hangovers.

In the past, when Shen Nian accompanied Lu Lingchuan to social events and drank a lot, she would have some honey water upon returning, and it did seem to help.

She brought the honey water out and looked at Lu Lingchuan lying on the couch, speaking softly: "Lu Lingchuan, I made some honey water, drink a little."

"Nian Nian..." he murmured with his eyes closed.

Seeing that he couldn't get up on his own, Shen Nian first placed the cup on the coffee table, then used both hands to help him sit up. She then brought the cup of honey water to his thin lips and carefully helped him drink.

Even though Lu Lingchuan was drunk, he didn't create any trouble. Shen Nian fed him sip by sip, and he drank it sip by sip.

After drinking about half a cup, Lu Lingchuan finally opened his eyes, his intoxicated yet still captivating gaze fixed intently on her.

They were so close that he could clearly see every detail on her face.

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