80 80. The Secret Laboratory




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



Erick kept his distance from them and was in the process of accessing their behaviour, each person’s attitude and overall performance.

Erick had a thought after following them, as he needed to start from somewhere about changing the fucked up situation of this world so he thought why not just start with these ten people and see what happens next.


With that in mind, he made a simple plan for how he was going to do it. Just as he was about to lose in his thoughts he noticed that the group had stopped moving.

“This was supposed to be a secret research laboratory but after the shit hit the fans. This place got abandoned and now only ruins have left!” Leader Shun reminisced looking at the place which had turned into a ruin with a lot of dust scattered around.

“I don’t think we can find anything useful in this place!” A man commented checking the broken stones covered in a lot of dust or dirt.

“Chowan! This place was a secret laboratory, which means that they would have built the lab somewhere safe where they can’t get discovered easily by any random person!” Leader Shun pointed out to the man what this place was and what they were looking for.

“So you’re saying there’s an underground lab here in this place!” A woman asked who had a loafer with a shirt on.

“Huh! Yeah, Monan-san! So we need to look for it separately and leave nothing untouched!” Leader Shun addressed the woman who guessed what he wanted to say, then he suggested everyone split up and search for the conspicuous place where the entrance might be.

They searched for hours but didn’t find a clue where the entrance might be, feeling tired and exhausted from all the running around they did the whole day, so everyone decided to rest for half an hour and have some sustenance to provide their bodies with protein.

Erick watching them felt pity for them for not having a proper meal. They were eating dried cookies and military rations which came in liquid form.

After everyone ate and drank their fill, once again they got into searching. This time they search where previously they haven’t checked yet.

“Found it, Hey everyone! Come here, I found the entrance!” A young man shouted after searching for another hour or so.

Everyone gathered where the voice came from and found the person who shouted was the youngest among them.

“Well done, my boy, Rodic!” Leader Shun patted the guy back for finding the entrance.

Rodic just shrank his neck from the patting he got from his leader, which was quite heavy for him, he sheepishly smiled and accepted his and other compliments.

After that, everyone equipped themselves with night searchlights with one hand and for safety reasons they took guns and small flame throwers with another hand.

Erick, who was just behind them, finds the dark environment to his advantage as he can just blend in and follow them from behind, so that’s what he did.

Everyone first went down the staircase which was quite a few which took them another half an hour. Then the long corridors after the end came out into the hall. Once they flashed the lights together the glasses reflected their lights, in front of them was a large circular-shaped glass chamber-like room.

“What is this place used for, I am getting chills, just from standing here!” Rodic, the youngest, voiced his uncomfortable feelings. From the moment he came down here he had felt that this place had a gloomy atmosphere.

“Well, let’s see what we can get from here!” Leader Shun strode inside the glass chamber-like room to look for anything useful he could find.

Others also wanted to follow him and see what was inside but only the youngest, Rodic and Chowan went inside and the rest of them decided to look into the hall.

Inside the room chamber,

“What nonsense, is this really the right place that we have been looking for, Leader Shun!” Chowan asked after looking through a stack of papers on the table.

In the papers, the report of experiments was written, and whoever had written it must be a madman as just after reading a few pages he threw them at the table again from sheer disgust.

“I don’t know about that but according to the map, at least we are at the right place!” Leader Shun sounded unsure about it after he looked through the papers.

The room has a table and wardrobe in which a lot of medicine or drugs were piled up and in the middle of the room was a large bed made of steel and solid fabric. The bed had leg cuffs and handcuffs attached to it.

No matter which angle you look at this room, it’s nothing more than an illegal experiment room. The reports confirm it further, the dosage and timing and condition of the patient, the things mentioned on it screamed a human experiment.

Not feeling comfortable with whatever the shit those mad doctors did, Leader Shun asked the two to pack everything useful from papers to boxes of medicines.

After packing everything they went out of the room and gathered everyone.

“So did you find anything in the hall!” Leader Shun asked to confirm if they missed anything but they shook their heads.

Leader Shun then asked two men to carry the boxes and left from the underground, not wanting to spend another second in this uncomfortable place.

After everyone left from there Erick came out from the shadows and flicked his hand. A jade-like crystal appeared in his hand which started to shine after he scratched the surface a little.

The darkness inside the hall resided and light showed everywhere.

Erick got a clear look at the structure of this place which obviously was overlooked by the group earlier.

Feeling his hunch was right he came to the corner of the hall and sat down on the floor then pressed hard on the surface of tiles which broke from the force and revealed a button to which Erick pressed without hesitation.

Just as he pressed the button, the door appeared on the previous spotless wall. He got up and opened the door, and a few seconds later the lights lit up automatically.

“Haah! Typical setup, if not for my instinct warning me then I also might have missed this room. It’s well hidden after all, nobody would think that there is a door at the corner in the hall!” Erick smirks, feeling that sense of adventure slightly, but he did find this setup a little smart.




Special thanks to @Redelta.

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