101 101. Night & Day Hotel




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



In the evening,

At the random inn,


“So what’s the plan now, we can’t go on like today!” Cortel asked, looking at everyone’s expression, deep in thoughts and scratching their heads in annoyance.

They had booked four rooms, one room for ladies and one room for Erick and the rest two were for others in the team.

Everyone was sitting in the Erick room and thinking about the plan they had to follow as today’s method didn’t work so they had to think of a better one.

A few blockheads did voice out their thoughts like looking at every suspicious place in the city or making a poster and asking people about the person but they forgot both methods won’t work, instead, it would lead them into big trouble if the person they are trying to find, ends up finding them first then all of their hard work of being low key would go down to drain.

Erick outright denied them, he looked at Rodrick who was the only person that could come up with a decent method to use without trying to kill themselves.

“How about we lure them to us first, and then we can capture a few to ask about the Vitch person or the incident that happened with little Shen!” Rodrick’s suggestion was much better than others so Erick approved it and Leader Shun took the role to lure them out.

A few more minor details were decided then everyone went to their room to sleep for the night, before that they greeted each other goodnight.

The next day, in the morning.

“Hello, good morning everyone!” Erick came out of his room and greeted everyone, making sure that they were ready for the day.

He asked them to meet him near the gate, once they were done with their morning activity and freshened themselves up.

An hour later, Erick met them at the gate. He directly took everyone to the location which he found yesterday, and started their daily training.

(Time skip-one month)

Just like that, a month passed by and their daily training kept increasing in hardcore mode but leader Shun and others preserved with the daily routine. Because of that, their strength increased exponentially and now they can take on more than ten people each without getting into fatal situations.

They were successful in luring the minions of MOB organisations, from whom they got to know a lot of information.

Night and Day hotel was one of the things they got from their mouth. Erick even visited that hotel and stole a file containing the names of people the hotel had smuggled as slaves or prostitutes.

He did find a person with the same surname as little Shen, Shen Sareko. But he didn’t bother to tell the team about it, he was afraid that their motivation to get stronger might dampen after hearing it so he kept them in the dark.

Leader Shun and his team had some small fights with the MOB organisation’s minions and Leader Shun and others were always victorious against MOB minions.

“Okay, you guys are ready to experience a true battle against hundreds!” Erick said with a grinning smile making Leader Shun and others shiver.

Today, Erick decided that they are ready for a hard baptism, and for that their recent boost in confidence or strength would be of great help.

Erick had gotten the information that today, the Night and Day hotel was holding the monthly auction.

He led them there with newly purchased weapons which were carried by Soren on both shoulders, also wearing hard-plated body covers made of fabric and metal combination.

Erick has used his money to buy them as a reward from him for keeping up with his training schedule without complaining.

At the Night and Day hotel,

“Wow...!! Who are these guys, carrying some awesome shit with them!”

“Hey, blockhead can’t you see what they are carrying so obviously they are Nemesis!”

“Are they also here for the auction for the slaves!”

“These guys looked loaded, look at the ladies in the middle, hoo!”

All kinds of comments came flying when the leader of the Shun party reached the hotel entrance. What Erick bought them was the best among the things present in the market which also emptied every penny from Erick’s pocket.

By the way, The Nemesis term is used to describe the people who made a living by hunting dangerous malice organisms.

So the crowd isn’t wrong to call them the Nemesis, as Erick has trained them to be best among the Nemesis and hope for them to be able to decimate the malice organism from this world one day.

The party entered the lavish halls of the hotel which was decorated with a pink atmosphere today.

The bidding had already started, and on the stage, many big men wearing only small cloth between their privates were standing, and a man with a long cane was shouting for a bid.

Leader Shun and others went to the upper side where some rich people were sitting surrounded by skimpy clothes girls.

“Hmmn! These disgusting bastards, that’s why I don’t like this kind of place one bit!” Cortel whispered in a hushed tone looking at the pigs who were sitting and enjoying themselves with girls in both of their arms.

“Yeah, I fucking loathe these types of people! I just want to bash their faces into pig shapes!” Monan clenched her fist while making an angry face but she didn’t make it obvious to the black guys watching them from a distance.

“Mmmn! How are we going to find Ms. Shen!” Merial voiced her concerns while looking nervously around her.

“Everyone please have a sheet and wait for your chance!” Erick gestures to them to sit down and calm down. If his guess was right then today, Ms. Shen would be auctioned as a slave for sure.

Cortel, Monan, and others sat silently waiting for their chance as they suddenly remembered the words Erick said to them before coming here.

They were also pretty pissed after looking at the several auctions which happened right in front of their eyes. Many times, Leader Shun and others wanted to save the children from being bid by many vulgar-looking people but Erick had stopped them from making any rash moves and gestured to them that it was not the time for them to act.




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