Chapter 452: The Second Half of the Show š“Æš˜³š˜¦š‘’š“Œš˜¦š˜£š“ƒā„“š˜·š˜¦š˜­.š“¬š˜°š‘š

Translator: Zayn_

Song Qingyou and the other woman, who had just finished their ā€˜confessionsā€™ and were about to label An Sui as a victim, also heard a sound behind them.

Most of the crew members were here. An Sui glanced around and knew that the one making the commotion was the props team.

An Sui understood. ā€œDonā€™t worry about them. 1 fired the props team when the accident happened when the movie just started shooting. Theyā€™re worried that Iā€™ll do it again.ā€

ā€œShouldnā€™t I be looking for you at a time like this? Could it be that they were catching the mole and ended up quarreling?ā€

Song Qingyou said as she gave Chen Lan a look.

The latter made an OK gesture, hunched over, and sneaked over.

The show had already started, so Song Qingyou didnā€™t care about what happened next.

The last episode of All-Class Challenge had gained a lot of popularity, and there were many people watching it tonight.

Fortunately, Pineapple Video had expected this and was fully prepared.

At the beginning of the show, the camera did not show the scene of the guests sitting at a table and playing deduction before the end of the first half of the show.

Instead, he split the screen into two halves and focused the camera on Jiang Xuyan and Shu Ling who had entered the small black room.

The two of them were not facing torture instruments, nor were they facing props for playing games, such as fingerboards.

In front of them was a simple desk.

The desk was clean, and there was not even a piece of paper in the pocket.

The windows in the room were covered with black cloth, and only a bright white light shone on the desk.

Before they could react, a voice came from the broadcast in the corner.

ā€œAll examinees, please enter the examination hall on time and take your assigned seats. During the examination, you are not allowed to do anything unrelated to the examination. You must strictly abide by the examination rules and refuse to cheat.ā€

Shu Ling reacted quickly and sat down as soon as she heard the announcement.

Jiang Xuyan was stunned for a while. Then, the broadcast on his side became louder and louder, and he kept repeating the same sentence.

Next, the broadcast made three more requests for them to leave the small dark room.

Just as the bullet screen was hovering between ā€˜hahahaā€™ and ā€˜the program teamā€™s punishment is very interestingā€™, the camera suddenly changed.

Wei Zhengrongā€™s face appeared on the screen.

ā€œDirector, what if the exam doesnā€™t stump them?ā€ someone asked.

ā€œHow could it not?ā€ Wei Zhengrong replied. ā€œ1 specially asked my assistant to go to the schools where a few of the guests used to go to and ask their former teachers to test them on subjects that theyā€™re not good at!ā€

As soon as he finished speaking, the camera changed again.

On the left, Jiang Xuyan was scratching his ears and cheeks as he received a math paper.

On the right, Shu Ling was listening to English, feeling hopeless.

[Director Wei is still as ruthless as ever.]

[I said it was interesting earlier. Do you still think itā€™s interesting now?]

[I feel like Shu Ling is going to be finished. She looks exactly the same as me.]

[Director Wei is so mad.]

[Itā€™s only right for students to do the questions (doge)]

[Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that.]

The audience was amused by their reactions.

According to the timeline, this segment should have been broadcasted in the previous episode.

However, Wei Zhengrong felt that this part could be brought out separately, so he put it at the beginning of the second half of the episode.

After the small dark room part was broadcast, he thoughtfully marked out the clues that Song Qingyou and the others found in the first half of the episode.

Then, another murder happened in the school.

However, no one had expected that the place where the murder happened was not under the red maple tree, but under a certain teaching building.

As the bullet comments started arguing about who the murderer was, Song Qingyou commented coldly on the screen, ā€œHeā€™s very good at playing the corpse-ā€

At the same time, she also pointed out what the program team did wrong and said that she had calculated the height of the blood splatter with just a glance.

The bullet screen was filled with question marks and exclamation marks.

[ When I type a question mark, itā€™s not me who has a problem, but you.]

[ How did you calculate this?]

[In theory, as long as you build a model in your mind, itā€™s easy to calculate. The teaching building is perfectly straight, like the Y-axisā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, 1 canā€™t make it up anymore. Sister Qingyou might really be a straight-A student]

[ Didnā€™t you say you didnā€™t study after graduating from high school? Can a high school graduate build a model anytime, anywhere?]

[Is the production team addicted to Song Qingyouā€™s character setting?]

[Maybe Sister Qingyou likes to read math books in her free time?]

[What era is it now? You guys donā€™t allow others to become self-taught?]

The bullet comments became more and more noisy, but most people did not join in.

After all, they were here to watch the show, not to look down on Song Qingyouā€™s high school education.

The show continued. The guests inferred from the shoes of the corpse that this person who was said to be self-styled was actually the corpse they had seen disappear last night.

Then, the few of them went to the biochemical laboratory and guessed that the places where the school ghost stories happened were all hiding places.

This guess had a high number of likes on Weibo. It was obvious that the majority of netizens thought the same.

Immediately after, everyone rode the childrenā€™s bicycle together, bringing a lot of laughter to the audience.

After that, Gu Xingchen appeared as the school doctor.


[Gu Xingchen is here!!!]

[Is he the mystery guest? Wasnā€™t it likely to be Shen Xiyan?]

[1 can be the school doctor.]

[ Xingxing, with his makeup, looks more and more like a cultured scum.]

[Most handsome school doctor]

[What a big surprise for the production team! There was actually no advance notice!]

[To be able to invite Gu Xingchen twice, it seems that he has a good relationship with Sister Qingyou.]

[If such a school doctor appeared in our school, the school medical office would definitely be surrounded every day.]

A large group of Gu Xingchenā€™s fans instantly moved when they heard the news.

In less than half an hour, the hashtag # school doctor Gu Xingchen would probably be in the top three trending searches.

The next development of the show made the ending confusing.

Whether it was Song Qingyou, Tang Zinian, Shu Ling, or Gu Xingchen, all of their actions were suspicious under the showā€™s camera and post-editing.

Of course, there were many jokes in the second half.

For example, the male guest was forced to change into womenā€™s clothing. Zhao Yingnan was wearing an ugly frog doll costume, but her stomach was too big and stuck in the door frame.

For example, if you drew me guessing, the reflection would be drawn as bread, and the fight between snipes and clams would be drawn as a chick pecking at riceā€¦

When Zhao Yingnan was the first to be eliminated, the atmosphere of the guests became tense.

When there were only four people left, the four of them spoke their own reasoning and voted for each other.

After that, they started a war of tearing apart their name tags and rushed into the broadcasting room.

Only now did everyone know that the murderers were divided into two opposing factions. The murderers behind the scenes were actually Song Qingyou and Xu Xingzhou!

Gu Xingchen, the murderer of the other faction, had been secretly investigating these murders and avenging the first person who died.

Gu Xingchenā€™s surrender was unexpected.

His final act of jumping off the building shocked everyone..

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