
Shocked and surprised, Mu Yuehan looked at the laptop display screen of Zhou Liying. She earned more profit than him within a day. Thus, she was the winner of their second challenge.

"How can you win against me? You are new to the Shanghai market unlike me who knows the trend and movement of nearly every share." He spat. He pulled on his hair with defeat.

Zhou Liying smirked victoriously. She leaned against her seat. She looked at him with pure glee. "I am not new to Shanghai market. Even when I was in London, I used to trade in the Shanghai market."

She flattered her eyes and looked at him with sarcasm. "Mighty Mu Yuehan lost another challenge to me. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I might add, you could have won the challenge if instead of getting lost in me for minutes, you were focusing on your laptop screen."

Mu Yuehan gritted his teeth. He leaned on the table and again looked at their laptop screens. There was no doubt that she won square and fair. He was the one at fault. He took her lightly. He did not expect her to be good in trading in stocks.

Moreover, what she said was the truth. He was looking at her from time to time, and unbeknown to him, he was ogling at her without any blink. Hence, without his knowledge, his precious five or more minutes were getting wasted.

He exhaled sharply and looked at Zhou Liying.

"My place or your place?"


"Last challenge. I want it to happen tonight. So, are we playing the video game at your place or at my place?"

Their last challenge was a video game challenge. The same video game which Zhou Liying forced Mu Yuehan to buy in the past.

"I don't own any video game. So, you have to wait for some time for the last challenge." Zhou Liying informed in a matter of fact tone.

"My place it is then."

"You have a video game?" she asked him with surprise. "You know how to play a video game?"

"Why did you think I easily agreed to the last challenge?" he looked at her with a smirk. "Tonight, I will pick you up at seven. We will be going to my place, to play the game. I will be winning the challenge and then, we will be going on a date."

"Ha." Zhou Liying mockingly chuckled. "You said the same thing during the last two challenges, I will win, but you always lose. In this challenge too, you are going to lose."

"We will see that." He looked at her with a lopsided grin. "I will take your leave now. See you at seven in the evening."

To her surprise, Mu Yuehan pecked her on her lips. She looked at him with wide eyes. He straightened himself. He looked at her with amusement. He turned and left her office.

Once he was gone, Zhou Liying placed her fingers on her lips. It was a simple kiss, then why did she feel sparkles running all over in her body?


At exact seven in the evening, Mu Yuehan was in the office of Zhou Liying. He was like an unwanted guest. Zhou Liying tried to block him but he had his sources to enter in her cabin.

"You are exactly on time." Zhou Liying commented. She shut down her laptop and looked at him. "Don't you have some other work to do?"

"Silly girl, how can you forget that I have told you yesterday itself that no work is important for me, more than wooing you." He grinned and looked at her with teasing smile. "Your memory is so weak."

"Yes, my memory is weak. Then why are you marrying a girl with weak memory? You need someone smart unlike me." She said sarcastically.

She stood up from her seat.

"Because I love you."

Like usual, the heart of Zhou Liying escaped a beat. She looked at Mu Yuehan with shock. He grinned at her expressions. He knew she felt good from her heart upon hearing his confession and that was why he never lagged behind in saying the 'L' word.


"You liked this car, did you not?" Zhou Liying commented when she saw Bugatti parked in the parking.

"I do, after all, it Is the first gift from my wife to me." She rolled her eyes and entered inside the car. She leaned against the cushioned seat.

Mu Yuehan smiled affectionately when he saw her in his car, on the passenger seat. His dream came true. Finally, she was again going to sit on the shotgun seat beside him.

He closed her door and jogged toward driver side. He opened the door and entered in. He started the car and they were driving on the roads of Shanghai at a fast speed. He remembered how much she loved speed.


Mu Yuehan was driving the car at a very fast speed. He wanted to impress Zhou Liying with his driving skills. He was forgetting that Zhou Liying was already aware of his driving skills, all because he was excited that she was seated beside him, in his now favorite car.

Zhou Liying was secretly stealing glances from Mu Yuehan. Her heart was beating fast, reason was unknown to her. Maybe it was nervousness of the last challenge, or excitement of sitting beside him in the car, or because of looking at his handsome face, smile, or the way his hair were messy, making him more sexy, or this feeling that she had witnessed this scene before too.

Mu Yuehan wanted to start a conversation with her. He wanted to tease her, or get to know her more but he did not when he noticed how she was stealing glances at him. He knew if he started a conversation then she would again became hard toward him and would avoid him.


The journey from Zhou Liying's office to Mu Yuehan's penthouse was hardly of forty minutes but it took them one and a half hour to arrive, even though Mu Yuehan was driving at a very fast speed, only because Mu Yuehan was taking rounds and rounds around the city.

He did not wish to end the journey shortly. He wanted to spend some more peaceful time in the company of his love, the time where Zhou Liying was not fighting him or ignoring him, but was calmly enjoying his company.

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