At the same time, Zhan Wei was getting himself drunk in the bar of the hotel where they were staying. There were tears in his eyes and a glass of strong whiskey in his hands.

He was singing sad romantic songs, even the bartenders started to feel bad for him.

"Mister, don't you have a girlfriend to spend your valentine with?" he asked with concern.

Zhan Wei chuckled and shook his head. "My friend, let me tell you a story." He slurred in a drunk voice. He placed his elbows on the bar counter and looked at the bartender.

"There was a girl. I fall In love with her from the moment I saw her for the first time. She was so sweet, so loveable. I knew she will be my future wife. I worked so hard for her, but…she…she…left me…she didn't turn her face to look back at me." Zhan Wei yelled angrily and threw his glass away. "Doesn't she remember me? How can she leave me like this?"

There were agony and pain in his voice. His heart was burning with gloominess. Hot tears were skipping from his eyes without any break.

He came to Vegas, thinking he would forget about his pain of not celebrating valentine day with Mu Jingyan after seeing his friend getting married. He thought he would feel happy after seeing Mu Yuehan.

But boy! He was so wrong!

After seeing them getting married, after seeing the smile on their faces, Zhan Wei felt envious. He too wanted to marry his lady love. He too wanted to give her surprises on valentine. He wanted to have a memorable wedding with her.

But she left him, like heartless, she left him on the day when he was going to propose her. She did not listen to his one plea. He said he was ready to fight for her, with her, but still, she left.

Zhan Wei pulled out his phone from his pocket. He opened his contact list and searched for the contact of 'His life.' His fingers hovered over her name with hesitation.

Fuck! He cursed and placed his phone aside.

He closed his eyes and took few long breathes. "Give me another glass of whiskey." He ordered.

After gulping down another glass of whiskey, he picked up his phone. Without hitching, he pressed call on the number. His call was connected and like always, it ended in the voice mail of Mu Jingyan.

Zhan Wei threw his phone aside and started to cry. He sobbed loudly for the loss of the love of his life. He craved to see her, he craved to hug her, he craved to do so much with her.

But here she was, not even ready to talk with him and it broke his heart, all the times!


In Shanghai

On the evening of valentine

Not knowing what to do with her evening, where everyone was celebrating their time with their valentine, Min Yue decided to visit the restaurant of Tang Ying, one of the friends with Zhou Liying.

After showing the VIP card given to her by Zhou Liying, she entered inside the restaurant. She inhaled a deep breathe when she felt the eyes of every staff member on herself.

They all were wondering, what she was doing all alone in a restaurant on the valentine's day, without her partner.

Her heart tumbled when she looked around herself . The restaurant was romantically decorated with preparation for candle dinner. She saw many couples romancing with each other and it made her jealous, jealous because she did not have someone to love nor someone loved her.

"This way please." Waiter scowled at her, but dutifully led her toward a table.

Min Yue looked at the server and she knew, if not for the card given to her by Zhou Liying, no one was going to let a single like her inside the restaurant, not on Valentine's Day when all good restaurants were full.

She took her seat and put forth her order. She then turned and looked out from the window at the streets decorated with hearts. Looking at the streets was better than looking at all the lovey dovey couples inside the restaurant.

"Hey, it's you." She heard the voice of Tang Ying. She turned toward him and smiled politely. "And here I was wondering, who this single bee is. Guess what, it's ever famous Min Yue."

He took his seat opposite to her.

"You are calling me single as if you have a girl." She teased him. "By the way, why are you sitting here? Don't you have to cook?"

"Everyone is asking for valentine special platter and I have already cooked a lot of them. So, I am free for now." He leaned on his seat and looked at her.

"What are you doing here? And where is your boss? It is the first time I am seeing you away from Zhou Liying. Otherwise, you are always stuck with her like gum." He teased and Min Yue shook her head.

"Miss has gone for a date with Mu Yuehan. She ordered me to enjoy my valentine. So here I am." Min Yue shrugged and took a sip of water.

"Wait, wait, wait, she has gone on a date with mighty Mu Yuehan. How come?" there was astonishment and surprise on his features.

Min Yue narrated him the details of the reason of her date with Mu Yuehan.

"Wow." He shook his head. "Why is she looking for a man so hard? Why does she not ask me? I will be her obedient husband."

"I will give her your suggestion on her return." Min Yue genuinely smiled at him and at the same time, her order was served.

"Hey, I did not order valentine special platter. I ordered steak and some vegetables." She rebuked when she looked at her food.

"I was in no mood to cook something else. So, you need to bear with it." Tang Ying leaned toward her. "Besides, now you have a company in form of me."

Min Yue chuckled and let the waiter serve her the food.

"Count this dinner on me."

"You know I am carrying the card of miss."

"Forgot what I said. Count this dinner on Zhou Liying only."

Min Yue chuckled when she looked at the greedy expressions on his face. "Don't shy away. Order whatever you want. After all, Zhou Liying is treating you."

Min Yue had her dinner in the company of Tang Ying. She left the restaurant once she was full and called her brother, to know what he was doing.

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