Zhou Liying was surprised when she saw Mu Yuehan standing at her door, as usual, in his dress. More than her, Min Yue was shocked. To tell the truth, she did not believe Zhou Bingbing that Mu Yuehan would come back.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know I already fired you?" Zhou Liying narrowed her eyes.

All the softness, all the dependency which she showed toward him in the last few days was gone. It was replaced with aloofness.

"Sorry miss, but you can't fire me. You are forgetting about the contract with my agency. I can't be fired till you find another guard. I must be with you, to ensure you are safe." He spoke professionally.

Mu Yuehan enjoyed the dark expression appearing on the face of Zhou Liying.

"Miss, we need him today. Today your meeting is in the neighbouring city. We need him to drive us there." Min Yue informed, trying to help Mu Yuehan in spending some time with Zhou Liying, as ordered by Zhou Bingbing.

"Shall we go now?" Mu Yuehan asked with a huge grin on his lips.

Zhou Liying fumed. She clearly remembered the clause of the agency that she'd not be able to fire her guard till she found another one. They cared a lot about the safety of their clients.

"Min Yue, quickly search for a driver and bodyguard. I don't care about the money demanded." She ordered her. "Let's go."

Mu Yuehan tucked his hands in his pocket. With a goofy smile on his lips, he walked after Zhou Liying, completely enjoying her state.

'Finding another bodyguard and driver? In your dreams love.'

Zhou Liying was cursing him under her breath. She did not want to see him or his face, especially his smile because all this reminded her of the last night, the magical night!

But what could she do? She could not fire him. As said to him, she needed a driver and a bodyguard!


"Yesterday night was a special night. Don't you think so?" Mu Yuehan asked and looked at Zhou Liying from the rearview mirror.

Zhou Liying glared at him. Min Yue tried to control her laugh when she heard him. It was the first time when someone was openly discussing with her about her nightly activities.

"It was nothing in special. I have already slept with many men. You were not special." She said with a poker face.

Mu Yuehan stiffened and clutched the steering hard when he heard her. "Is it so? But I thought you liked my service. You enjoyed eating me up."

"I like eating many men. So what? It's not a new thing for me. All the men with whom I slept were quite good at their job." Her voice was cold and without any emotion. It acted like a knife in the heart of Mu Yuehan.

Mu Yuehan wanted to tease Zhou Liying but look who was suffering. He was suffering because of jealousy and hate toward the men with whom she had slept. His heart was burning with vengeance toward all those men.

Min Yue noticed his state and shook her head with pity. Zhou Liying could be cruel sometimes and he needed to bear all her attacks if he wanted to be with her.


All the newspapers and television news channels were reporting on the burial of Qin Yanze and the reason being, he was a big businessman and grandfather of Qin Yutong. She was a big star in the film industry.

The main headlines were about his death and the return of Zhou Liying. Everyone was speculating about her business and her worth. Many were speculating that she was with a powerful man. They were trying to dig into her past.

Another headline was about the wedding of Fan Yifeng and Qin Yutong which was going to take place soon.

The headline with the most cover was the news of how Li Na raised her hand on Zhou Liying. She may not be able to slap her or create a horrible scene as expected by Zhou Liying, but still many reporters were criticising her.

"Qin Tian was looking at her pitifully. Then why did Li Na raise her hand on her? Was being coolheaded a face of hers?"

"True image of Li Na. She tried to slap Qin Tian. Did she false claim that she can't raise her hand even on a criminal?"

This simple news was enough to create chaos in the Fan family. Fan Zixin was hell angry because the name of his family was getting tarnished because of the stupidity of his wife.

"Was there any need for you to raise your hand at her?" Fan Zixin yelled and looked at his wife.

"It was not my fault. She was the one spouting nonsense about Fan Yifeng. She said she was the one who taught him business skills." Her voice was full of anger and remorse.

"Isn't it true? Li Na, do not forget, that Fan Yifeng was a playboy. She was the one who spiked the interest of business in him. He may be a great businessman now, but she sowed that seed in him." Fan Zixin spat.

"I am sorry, okay? I am sorry." Li Na yelled. She knew no one was worse than Fan Zixin when he was angry. "I will organise some charity event. I am sure, after the charity event everyone will forget about yesterday's event."

"Do that, I need positive results."

Li Na nodded her head. She knew the mindset of the media. They jumped from one news to another. Everyone would forget how she lost her temper and tried to slap Zhou Liying, once she showed her good and pure side to others.


Zhou Liying arrived at the private room in the restaurant where she was meeting with the clients. Mu Yuehan and Min Yue followed after her.

"Miss Zhou, glad to meet you." Mister Fang, a man in his late fifties shook his hand with her.

"Shall we start the meeting?"

"Yes, yes of course ."

Without wasting any second, they started the meeting.

Zhou Liying wanted to buy the land of Mister Fang which was located at a distance of two hundred miles from Shanghai. She wanted to use this land to build the biggest amusement park in the country.

She had sent her team to Mister Fang but he denied meeting any of them. He wanted to meet her only.

"I am here, tell me, why do you want to meet me?"

"Miss Zhou, I think the price which you are paying for my land is quite low." He looked at her with a cunning smile and passed some photos to her.

"I think, I deserve a high price."

"I see, you have done some investigation on me."

Zhou Liying looked at the photos in which she was seen coming out of the hotel in London.

A ruthless smile appeared on her lips. Min Yue shook her head and looked at Mister Fang. He just made the biggest mistake of his life by investigating Zhou Liying and then, blackmailing her.

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