Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 82 - : I Definitely Knows What’s Mine

 I look at Prince Fraser with a shocked expression even Leander, Rufus, and Princess Paislee look shocked because of Prince Fraser's address to the Great Ruler.

 What did he call Ruler Laird? Godfather? When did he become the godson of Ruler Laird? Isn't he afraid that because of his remarks, Ruler Laird will throw him out of the carriage? 

 I squeezed Prince Fraser's hands and leaned to him to whisper, "What are you talking about? Who's your Godfather? That's the Great Ruler you are talking about. Have you forgotten?"

 However, it looks like I am talking to air because he didn't take back his words and continue staring at Great Ruler with a smile on his face.

 Is Prince Fraser out of his mind? Why would he casually address the Great Ruler as his Godfather? Does he mistake Great Ruler as a commoner that would be happy to have him as their Godson?

 I look at Ruler Laird. Trying to figure out how he will react to Prince Fraser's address to him. However, he just stares at Prince Fraser for a couple of minutes.

 Does he get mad because of it? 

 Ruler Laird smiles widely, and it turns into a laugh. He looks at Prince Fraser and nods his head in satisfaction. "Good, good. I have a Goddaughter and a Godson now. Good. Call me Godfather again."

 Prince Fraser followed what Ruler Laird ask him to do. With a smile, he said, "Godfather."

 Ruler Laird laugh again and look at the two of us, Prince Fraser and I, before he nods his head. "You shouldn't forget to invite me to your engagement and your marriage, okay?"

 My eyes widen, and I look at Ruler Laird, shaking my head slightly. Telling him that that is not possible, however, Ruler Laird seems like he didn't understand what I am saying. Or rather, he didn't bother understanding it. 

 I want to roll my eyes at what is happening. I thought Ruler Laird is on my side, but why does it look he is happy with the idea of marriage between Prince Fraser and I? 

 Prince Fraser raised my hand and kissed it before answering Ruler Laird. "We will definitely invite you."

 I tried to take my hand away from Prince Fraser, but he just holds it tighter. He looks at me. "We will definitely invite him, right Csille?"

 Invite your face! Who said I want to get married with you? I don't want to! 

 I look at Princess Paislee, who is sitting beside Prince Fraser. However, she looks like she is happy with what is happening. 

 No! No! Princess Paislee, why are you just sitting there? You're Prince is already declaring marriage to another female, and you're there looking like you are satisfied with what is happening? Are you kidding me? Come on, can all of you follow the script I have written? 


 I look back at Prince Fraser, who is waiting for my answer. I sigh. "We'll see in the future."

 Both Prince Fraser and Ruler Laird didn't expect what I have said. I could see the happiness in Prince Fraser's eyes fades. He looks at me with a sad smile. I look at Ruler Laird, and he looks like he also didn't like what I have said. 

 "What do you mean? You don't want to invite me?" 

 I take my hands away from Prince Fraser's grip, and he let me. I clasp my hand and look at Ruler Laird. I shake my head at him. "It's not that I don't want to invite you. However, five years is still far away from the present. Can we all not look ahead of us. There's a lot of things that could happen in the future. I will answer your question when the time comes. But for now, I couldn't answer it."

 The carriage becomes silent again. I glance at Prince Fraser, and I could see that his head is down, and he is clenching his fist. I looked away and tried to avoid looking at his current state.

 I know. I know I am hurting him now, but what am I supposed to do? Let things happen, although I know it wouldn't be good to anyone? I couldn't sacrifice all the lives of people in this world just for Prince Fraser's happiness. Also, I'm sure he would realize that his feelings for Csille is incomparable to the feelings he will have for Princess Paislee in the future.

 I'm sorry, Prince Fraser. I don't have any other choice. I couldn't risk everyone's safety. You just need to wait. Eventually, you will develop feelings for Princess Paislee. 

 I heard Ruler Laird clears his throat. "Why? Are you not sure about Prince Fraser?"

 I look at Ruler Laird helplessly. How am I supposed to answer that? I couldn't say yes because it will definitely hurt Prince Fraser, but I couldn't say no too because Princess Paislee is here. I couldn't give her a reason not to like Prince Fraser. 

 I thought Ruler Laird is on my side? Why does it sound like he is siding with Prince Fraser? I am your first Godchild. 

 "What Csille said is right. Five years is a long period of time. We don't know what the future holds. But I definitely know what's mine."

 I look at Prince Fraser, and I found him looking at me. "I'm sure my future is with you, Csille Lauretré."

 I heard Ruler Laird laugh happily. "I'm sure she will." Ruler Laird looks at me and winks at me. 

 I don't know how to respond to that. Because I definitely know that the two of them will be disappointed. Yeah, right, yeah right. Sure my face. Even if we have a bet right now, I'm pretty sure your future is not with Csille. Come on, Prince Fraser, your future is already besides you. Not me, but it's Princess Paislee who is disguising herself as Sir Farren. How can you not see it? 

 I avoid Prince Fraser's gaze and just look outside the window. I'll just pretend I didn't heard anything. Right, you didn't heard anything, Csille. 


 I didn't realize I fell asleep while looking outside the window. I open my eyes and found Rufus and Ruler Laird sleeping too. I look at Leander, who is currently watching outside. 

 He notices I was awake, and he gestured me to stay still. I frown. Why do I need to stay still? And that's when I realized why I feel so comfortable sleeping. It's because I was leaning on Prince Fraser's chest, and Prince Fraser's arms are all over me. 

 My eyes immediately widened, and I look at Princess Paislee, who is sitting beside Prince Fraser. How did it become like this? The last thing I remember is I was watching the surroundings outside. How come I was sleeping on Prince Fraser's chest? And he is even hugging me in front of his future bride? Isn't he afraid that Princess Paislee will get hurt because of this?

 Like, come on, Prince Fraser. When will you realize that the person you have been looking for is not me, but it's Princess Paislee? Aren't you mistaken? I am the villainess! I AM THE VILLAINESS! Why are you hugging the Villainess? Please, follow the script I made. I beg of you.

 I look at Princess Paislee, but she looks like she didn't mind what is happening. This. Why can't my characters followed what I have written for them?

 I look helplessly at Leander. Hoping he would understand what I want to say and will help me get away from Prince Fraser.

 I knew it! This is a bad idea. I thought if I put all of them here, I could create a hindrance for his advances. But he didn't, and even my only ally betrayed me and is supporting Prince Fraser.

 I sigh. I need to think of a way to turn everything to my side. I cannot let Prince Fraser ruin my plan. No! There's no way I could let him. 

 I gently move my arms and put them inside my pocket of my bag. I smiled when I touch it. I slowly take it off my pocket and inconspicuously let it go to roll on the floor. I acted like I feel something on my foot, and I break from Prince Fraser's embrace and look at my foot. Prince Fraser got awaken by my sudden movements.

 I immediately scream when I saw it dangling from my trouser. I shake my foot wildly and stand on the seat. Prince Fraser immediately stands on the seat too. He even bumped his head on the ceiling of the carriage. He is holding onto my arms like his dear life depends on it. 

 If I am not acting, I'm scared I have probably laugh at him. That's what you get for taking advantage of the situation.

 Ruler Laird and Rufus, who are sleeping, got startled because of my scream. Princess Paislee, who has been busying herself looking around, immediately walks towards the cockroach and steps on it. 

 Princess Paislee looks up at us. "It's already dead. You can both step down now." She then walks back to her seat like nothing happens. She opens the door slightly and kicks the dead cockroach out. 

 I looked around and realized that we stopped moving. They probably got startled by my scream. I gently get down with the help of Rufus, who looks like he couldn't stop the laugh that is about to come out from his mouth. I just glare at him. I look at Great Ruler shyly. It's really embarrassing to let him see that.

 Prince Fraser also got down from standing on the seat and slumped his body on the seat. He looks like he was exhausted. Is he that afraid of cockroaches?

 We were startled when someone knocks on the door of the carriage. "Please forgive me for interrupting. However, is everything okay inside? Should we come inside?"

 All of us got silent. I could feel my cheeks getting flustered. This is all Prince Fraser's fault. If he just didn't take advantage of my sleep, I wouldn't do that embarrassing thing. 

 I'm really not afraid of cockroaches. Rather, it is Prince Fraser who is afraid of it. Before we set off, I excuse myself and look for a cockroach in case something unexpected happened. And something really did happen. 

 I know he was afraid of cockroaches because when we were young. I saw him scream because of a cockroach.

 I couldn't let Prince Fraser continue what he is doing. The Virtouse already praised me for doing a good job. I couldn't go back in making mistakes. 

 The carriage got silent, and everyone looks at each other. I sigh. I was the one who screams. Of course, I need to be the one to explain things in here immediately. Our journey shouldn't stop, or else it would be difficult for us to get outside the forest.

 "I'm sorry. I just got startled by an insect. Everything's okay here. Don't worry. Sorry for worrying all of you for nothing."

 I only heard murmurs outside. After a few minutes, someone speaks again. "Great Ruler, is everything okay?" The one who asked that is probably the guard Ruler Laird brought with him. 

 I look at Ruler Laird. He just smiles at me as if he is assuring me. "Don't worry. Everything's fine inside here. What Lady Lauretré said is true. We should continue our journey now. Or else with this cold temperature, it will be difficult for us to continue."

 Silent was heard outside. Only a faint murmur was heard. "Great Ruler, can you let us see what is happening outside. Only after we see it, will we be relieved."

 Great Ruler sigh and looks at me. "Do you want?"

 I blink my eyes at him. Is he asking me permission to open the carriage that in the first place isn't mine? I just nod my head at him. 

 Great Ruler nods his head at Princess Paislee, and she immediately opens the door. What welcomes us are a group of guards and Elders of the Illorian City standing outside. Behind them are some teachers and servants from the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 I turn my head towards the window and pretended that I wasn't the one who screamed just now. Screw this.

 All I did for the sake of avoiding Prince Fraser.

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