I wave my hand at Rufus when I see him entering the private room I rented. I decided to meet him before I left the western region tonight.

 Rufus walks towards me and sits on the chair in front of me. "I'm sorry, I was busy with things, that's why I only came now. Did I make you wait for too long?"

 I smile at him and shake my head. "Don't worry. You didn't make me wait." I give him the menu. "You want to order something first?"

 I know this guy would take my pudding away again just like he always did.

 Rufus smiles widely at me before he takes the menu. "You really know me aren't you?" He then looks at my pudding. "You don't want to share anymore? That's sad."

 I just shake my head at him and laugh. He really knows how to make the atmosphere lighter.

 "Just order anything you like. It's on me."

 Rufus raises her eyebrow at me before he nods his head. He then rings the bell to get the attention of the waiter. 

 I just look at Rufus while he orders the food he likes. I couldn't help but smile when I heard how much food he ordered. 

 This guy... He isn't just nosy but also a foodie.

 "Is that enough? Maybe you like to add more."

 Rufus waves his hand at the waiter. "That's all. Thank you." He then looks at me. "Nah, I'm good with that. I still know the word shame."

 I scoffed when I heard his words. Shame? Rufus? Is he for real? He ordered more than five dishes, and now he is telling me he knows the word shame?

 Rufus just stares at me while I laugh. "I'm glad you're laughing now, Csille. I don't want to see you cry anymore. You don't deserve that."

 I smile genuinely at Rufus. He is probably the only person that is truly concerned about me aside from my family. I'm really grateful for myself because I don't know how I can survive as Csille without's Rufus' help.

 "Thank you, Rufus. I'm rely grateful to have you as my friend."

 Rufus stares straight into my eyes for a few seconds before he heaves a sigh. "Are you mad at me, Csille? I understand if you do, but I want you to know that I am only doing this because I want you to be happy. I have seen how people bully you ever since we were young, and I don't want you to experience the same maltreatment from people. Especially from my cousin. So, I apologize if I couldn't compromise for what you like."

 I feel bad for Rufus. He only wants what is best for Csille, but in the end, I even want him to stop what he wants to do. I appreciate what he is doing, but I don't have any other choice but to do this. It's for the sake of everyone's safety.

 I shake my head at him. "No, Rufus. I'm not mad at you and I probably would never be. I know you only want to protect me, and I appreciate that. Trust me, I really do. So, you don't need to apologize. I understand. I should be the one apologizing for not siding on you."

 I heard Rufus sigh. He then shakes his head. "What are your plans after?"

 I shake my head. "I invited you for a meal today because I will be leaving the western region this evening."

 Rufus' eyes widened when he heard what he said. But the words he was supposed to say got stuck in his throat when the waiter came back with a cart full of Rufus' order.

 "Dame Csille, your highness, Prince Rufus. Here are your orders. I hope you enjoy your meal." The waiter then starts to arrange the dishes on our table.

 After he finished arranging everything, he immediately excused himself and left.

 I look at the dishes on our table and look at Rufus. "Really? How many days haven't you eaten? It looks like we have a small feast here."

 Rufus just smiled cheekily at me. "I haven't eaten a proper meal after I move inns. This food is not even enough for my appetite."

 I just laugh at Rufus. He is really a big eater. I couldn't even eat that much. I can only eat one dish, and I'm already full.

 "But what did you say again? You're going to leave the western region tonight? Why so sudden? Did something happen?"

 "Yeah, the Count and the Countess happened."

 "So, they already know about what happened, and now they want you to return to the capital because they don't want you near Prince Fraser?" He sigh. "I apologize, purplany. I know you don't want this to happen."

 "No, I already expected things to progress to this. I just didn't expect this will be so soon. But that's okay."

 The both of us eat our meal in peace. I'm glad to have a chance to talk to him before I leave. I want him to know that I appreciate what he is doing, and I am not mad at him.

 "How about you? Are you planning to stay here until Prince Fraser leaves the western region?"

 Although Prince Fraser and Rufus are now staying in different inns, they are still working together because of what they are doing for the western region.

 Rufus puts down the utensils and looks at me. "As if I have another choice. I still have things to finish in the western region. So, even if I want to go home with you, I cannot do that."

 I nod my head. I already expected his answer. He's busy finishing the projects here in the western region, and they cannot leave until they finish everything. It's also the reason why Mairenn and my employees will have to stay here to finish everything. 

 "Can you also help me check on the projects of the hope foundation? Don't worry, Mairenn is the one who'll manage everything. I just need you to check on it."

 Rufus nods his head. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it in your absence."

 I sigh in relief. Now that Rufus will check on the foundation's projects, I'm sure my employees will be motivated to see Prince Rufus. I know some of them have a huge crush on Rufus.


 I look at Rufus and frown. "Hmm?"

 I heard Rufus takes a deep breath. "Csille, are you mad at Prince Fraser?"

 Am I mad at him? I am hurt because of what he said but mad at him? I'm not sure. I know he is only doing that because of the novel. How can I be mad at him if I was the one who wrote him to treat Csille that way?

 Although, I admit I was quite disappointed that he always saw the faults of Csille. It's as if he was just eyeing Csille to make a mistake.


 I look at Rufus and shake my head. "I'm not mad at him, Rufus. Probably hurt and disappointed but not mad. Mad is a big word that I don't want to use anymore."

 He stops eating and looks at me. "Csille, although I want my cousin to be responsible with his behavior towards you. I still don't want you to hate him. You know my cousin, purplany. He sometimes just doesn't know how to control his temper, but he's a good man."

 He's a good man only to those he wants to treat good but for Csille? I don't know. 

 I just smile at Rufus and eat my meal in peace. I may not be mad at Prince Fraser now, but soon, it is Prince Fraser who'll be mad at me. 


 "Csille, is everything okay?"

 I look back at Brother Pascal and smile at him. We're now on our way to the capital, but because my mind is full of thoughts, I couldn't sleep no matter how much I tried.

 "Everything's okay, Brother. I just couldn't help but think what will happen next."

 Brother Pascal stands beside me. I am currently looking at the ocean waves and feeling the fresh breeze of the ocean.

 I heard Brother Pascal sigh. "I'm sure Aunt and Uncle will ask you why you didn't mention to them how Prince Fraser's treats you. They will also definitely get mad at Prince Fraser for treating you like that. If worst comes to worst, there's a possibility that your engagement with Prince Fraser will be canceled."

 My eyes widened when I heard what Brother Pascal said. Although my engagement with Prince Fraser will end up being canceled too, it is not because of this. 

 If that happens, it will greatly affect the storyline, so I definitely need to do my best to stop my parents from canceling my engagement with Prince Fraser.

 I look at Brother Pascals and cling to his arm. "Brother, can you do me a favor?"

 Brother Pascal looks at me and shakes his head. "No, Csille. I won't help you to save Prince Fraser. After what he did to you? No. What Prince Rufus said is right. His highness, Prince Fraser, should be responsible for what he did to you. You cannot always save him. He's already matured enough to face the consequences of his actions. So, no. I won't help you saving Prince Fraser."

 I already know this will be his answer. Brother Pascal was enraged with how Prince Fraser treated me. However, because Prince Fraser is a royalty, he cannot do anything to Prince Fraser.

 But that is not what I am asking for his help. I shake my head and look pitifully at Brother Pascal. 

 "I know you won't agree to save Prince Fraser, but that's not what I'm asking for help." I take a deep breath before I continue what I want to say. "Brother, can you help me convince Mother and Father not to cancel my engagement with Prince Fraser? Please help me convince them."

 Brother Pascal looks at me as if I have problems with my head. "Csille! What are you saying? You still want to get married to a man who doesn't know how to treat you, right? You're still not engaged with him but look how he is treating you? What will happen to you if you become his wife? Maybe he'll treat you worst than this."

 I knew he'd say this. But what can I do? Csille is supposed to be engaged with Prince Fraser. Although there's no official engagement, they are still considered by many as engaged couple.

 "Brother, that's just one mistake. Do we really need to paint Prince Fraser as the bad guy here? You also know how good Prince Fraser is to other people. He was just not in the mood when it happened. Can't we just give him another chance?"

 Brother Pascal looks at me and shakes his head. "Csille, do you really love him this much that you're willing to turn blind eye to what he has done to you? Everyone is just concerned about your safety Csille. When will you take care of your own safety too?"

 I sigh. How many times would I explain to people that it's not about my feelings? I'm not doing this because I love Prince Fraser but because I am only thinking about the people. Also, I just want to return to my own world now. I'm already exhausted living here.

 "Brother, I already told you the reasons why I don't want people to criticize Prince Fraser. It's not just about my feelings. I only care about the whole Kingdom. Do you want Prince Fraser to go give up his crown just because of this?"

 Brother Pascal looks at me. It looks like he couldn't believe I just said that. He looks around first before he looks back at me. "Csille, what are you saying? I never said that, and I would never think that way. What I only want is for him to be responsible for his behavior towards you. How can he be a King if he doesn't know how to treat his future wife, right?"

 I sigh and shake my head. I don't know how I can explain things to Brother Pascal anymore. I know they all care about me, and I really appreciate that. However, I couldn't help but feel afraid.. Afraid of what will happen if I let things progress like this.

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