Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 256 - : Hope Foundation (2)

 His majesty frowns. "You know how strict the monarch when it comes to foreigners working in the Kingdom, right?"

 I nod my head as a response. Of course, I know. I wouldn't be here talking to him if I didn't know about it. 

 "Yes, your majesty. I know I might be asking for too much, and I might be putting the safety of everyone at risk. However, I know Lilla. She isn't the type of person who'll break your trust. She is from one of the wealthiest family in the Frailens City. She has money, so I can assure you that no one can use her to turn against us. Also, she is from the Frailens City. Frailens City has a good relationship with the Vrawyth Kingdom right from the start. So, I was hoping you could let her work here. I'll be using my title as the Dame of this Kingdom to recommend Lilla Vassellevé."

 His majesty didn't immediately reply to me. Instead, he picks up his teacup and sips on it casually. While here I am anxiously waiting for his response.

 "But you know that there are rules, Csille. As much as I want to help you, you know I cannot bend the rules."

 I nod my head. "I know your majesty, and I'm not asking you to bend it. I will never ask something big like that. All I am asking is if I can use the exception for the rule? Remember that there is an exception? As long as the employee has a good track record and she or he receives a recommendation from a noble. I am a noble. I can recommend her, and I know her personally. So, you can rest assured that nothing bad will happen. I'll take full responsibility if something happens. Just let me hire her."

 His majesty stared at me for a couple of seconds and sighed. "I was only testing you. I didn't know you knew that exception too. It's good that you're also knowledgeable about the law. This monarchy needs someone who knows about the law. I'm sure you'll be a great wife to my son. I couldn't wait for the two of you to get married."

 I smile awkwardly at his majesty. Why did the conversation end up with my engagement with his highness, Prince Fraser? I am here to talk about Lilla and not about Prince Fraser. 

 Your majesty, please focus! 

 "About your request, I can approve of that. However, you will take full responsibility if that person you hire did something against the monarchy."

 I sigh in relief. I thought I still needed to convince him for the whole day. 

 I'm sure Lilla will be happy to hear this good news, and I couldn't wait to have her here. Finally, I can have someone I can talk to. Also, I can finally open up my Foundation once Lilla arrives. 

 "Yes, your majesty. If something happens, I will take full responsibility for it. If I need to give up my Dame title, I will."

 His majesty shakes his head. "No, no need. I'm sure you will never disappoint me, Csille."

 Am I even deserving of this kind of trust? What will his majesty feel if he knows someday Csille will turn his back to the Vrawyth Kingdom? I'm sure he'll be hurt and feel betrayed.

 I'm sorry, your majesty. I'm sorry if I'm going to break that trust. I'm sorry if I will become selfish and risk the safety of everyone in the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 I just hope in the future you won't hesitate to punish me for the crimes I will make. I just hope you won't be in too much pain because of me.


 A few days have passed, and throughout those days, I was busy recruiting employees for my Foundation. 

 Rufus is a great help in finding the perfect people who can do their job and who will be loyal to me. 

 Now I already have ten employees that will help me deal with necessary things for the Foundation. Although I still haven't opened it to the public because I am still waiting for Lilla's arrival to the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 I already informed her about his majesty decision and based on her last letter. She is now on her way to the Vrawyth Kingdom. But it will still take a week before she arrives.

 "Good morning, Dame Csille. Are we going to open today?" Mairenn greeted me the moment I stepped inside the office.

 Mairenn is the mother of the little girl I have helped before. After Mairenn recovered from her illness, her daughter, Cairistine, and her knocked on our residence to ask if they could serve me. It's their way of repayment for what I did for them. 

 I accepted their offer, but instead of serving me as a slave, I put them in my Foundation to work here. Cairistine and her are the ones who are taking care of the office. 

 I also assigned a room for them to stay here so they don't have to worry about where they will be staying. The food and other necessities were already provided by the Foundation too.

 I smile at her. "Good morning, Mairenn. About your question, didn't I tell you? We will wait for Lilla to arrive before we can open up." I look around? "Where is everybody?"

 Although Mairen is older than me, she insisted on calling her by her name because she said she owed her life to me. And even if she needs to serve me for life, she would do it. I declined it, but she still insisted. So, I didn't have much choice but to call her by her name. 

 "They are busy cleaning the rooms. The others are cleaning the outside of the building. Are we not going to open today too? We were hoping we could open up now since all the furniture arrived yesterday. We have been doing nothing in this building but clean it."

  I sigh. I understand them. The Foundation has finished its construction for a week now, but we still haven't opened up the Foundation. 

  But I just want to wait for Lilla, so I don't need to explain everything to her again, and I also don't want to overwhelm her with work the moment she arrives here.

  I sigh. I was about to explain myself, but someone cuts me off.

 "I think she is right, purplany. Everyone is now wondering why haven't you opened up. When do you plan to open this up? Are you waiting for Prince Fraser's arrival? He'll be returning next week."

 I shake my head repeatedly. "What are you saying? I'm not waiting for him, okay? I was waiting for Lilla. I want to wait for her arrival before I open this Foundation."

 Rufus walks towards me and gently messes my hair. "Why do you need to wait for her? Is she the one who'll decide on what projects you will do? Is she the main decision maker of this Foundation?"

 I shake my head as a response. I was only waiting for her because I felt scared on opening it on my own. Although I know that this Foundation will not fail, I still couldn't help but feel anxious. 

  "If that's the case, why would you need to wait for her? Everyone is already waiting for this Foundation to open up. Some officials are even asking me why you haven't opened the Foundation. Do you know how the people are anticipating this? There are people who need your help, Csille. Do you want them to wait? What if they cannot wait anymore? Isn't that the purpose of your Foundation? To help people in need."

 I sigh. He is right, though. There are people who pass by to ask when will the Foundation opens because they are hoping they can ask for help. But because I was scared, I only sent them away. 

  But what if they cannot wait anymore? What's the use of this Foundation if those people I am supposed to help don't need help anymore?

 "I think I know now why you are delaying the opening."

 I look at Rufus. He just smiled at me and gently caressed my head. "Why do you need to be afraid, purplany? Those people are waiting for you to open it up. They will definitely support you. You don't have to be scared that no one will notice your Foundation because, trust me, they are just waiting for its opening."

 I shake my head. I'm not scared that no one will support me. It's the opposite. I was scared that I would disappoint everyone. I was afraid that I would only end up failing them. 

 Rufus frowns. "Are you scared that you will disappoint everyone?"

 I look at Rufus with wide eyes. How can this guy always know what I am thinking? I am definitely scared of it. I'm scared of failure. 

 Probably because in my whole life, this is the first time that I feel I am good at anything. Ever since I became Csille Lauretré, I have never experienced failure. She always excels in her class, and she always learns anything she wants to learn without a problem. She's a naturally a gifted person. It's probably because of this that I become scared of failures. Of disappoints.

 Because I know people will always think highly of Csille Lauretré. 

 I heard Rufus sigh. He then makes me look at him. "Purplany, there is nothing wrong to be scared. I want you to realize it. It's normal, and you're emotions are valid. You don't need to hide it from me, and I will never make fun of you because of that. But I also want you to know that it's also okay to fail. Because you can only learn in failure."

  I shake my head. But I don't want to fail. I don't want to fail those people. Not now. 

 I will already disappoint them in the future. I was just hoping I could make them proud of me, even it's just now.

 "Purplany, I know it's never easy to admit failure, but I want you to remember that there are people who will love you no matter what you do or no matter how much you fail or disappoints anyone. The Count, the Countess, your cousins, Prince Fraser, your employees, and I will always love you despite any failures you make. So, you don't have to be afraid we will always be at your back. Cheering for you."

 I look at Rufus with teary eyes. I'm really grateful because I have him as a friend. Although I know, someday he might hate me for what I will do. 

 "I hope you can now open this Foundation. I've been waiting for its opening. I want to donate."

 I look around and sigh. There are still a few things we need to fix. I don't think we can open today. 

 "We'll be opening tomorrow. The furniture I ordered just arrived yesterday, and we were still arranging things here. I don't think it's a good idea to open up with this kind of situation."

 Rufus look around and grimace. "I'm sorry, Purplany. As much as I want to help but I still have monarch duties to do today. I just passed by to check on you. I'll try to help you once I finish what I need to do today."

 Rufus looks at his watch, and his eyes widen when he sees the time. He immediately excused himself and rushed out of the office. 

 I look at his back and smile. 

 Thank you, Rufus. Thank you for saying the words I badly need to hear. You really understand me more than anyone else.

 "Dame Csille, his highness, Prince Rufus, and you are really close, aren't you?"

 I look at Mairenn and smile. "Yes, we are. We've known each other ever since we were young. He's the only person who understands and protects me before when everyone is bullying me for my peculiarity. I wouldn't be like this without him supporting me all the way."

 What I said is true. Rufus Astalieu has been a great influence in my life ever since I live as Csille Lauretré. I just hope this won't change even in the future because he's one of the people I don't want to lose. 

 I look at Mairenn. "Mairenn, can you call everyone? We will have an urgent meeting right now."

 Mairenn's eyes widened when she heard what I said. "Will we be opening tomorrow?"

 I nod my head at her.. It's time.

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