"It's Lady Csille. You should all behave." I heard one of the people say the moment I showed myself to them.

 I look at them and smile sadly. These people are the collateral damages of my action. They are the ones suffering because of the mistake I have made. 

 "Good morning, everyone. Please forgive me if we only arrive here. As you all know, we have encountered an accident. It's the reason why Rufus and I are the only ones who are here to check on you. However, don't worry. His highness condition is getting better. He just needs to rest, and he'll be okay in a month's time. Also, before we part ways, his highness told me that he would send a team of Doctors to help you people. So, please wait for a while, and everything will get better."

 Everyone sighed in relief when they heard what I had said. Rufus taps my shoulder. 

 "Everyone, please forgive us if we haven't done anything to help you before. Fret not. The Royal Physicians are doing their best in researching for the cure. They are now almost done with the research. You just need to wait, and everything will turn back to normal."

 The people cheered when they heard the good news. I look at Rufus and sigh. This is what they need the most. A hope to continue living. 

 I know everyone is worried and anxious about what will happen next. Some might even feel disheartened to continue living after losing many of their loved ones. The good news we brought to them will definitely ignite hope in each of one them, and that is what we all need. A little spark for them to continue.

 I look around and smile. "However, are we really going to wait for help? While Doctors and nurses risking their lives to save those infected people? Is this what you all want to do?"

 Everyone looks at each other, and they all bow their heads. It seems like they are still afraid of the contagious disease. 

 I sigh. It will take some time before the fear disappears entirely from their hearts. I cannot blame them, though. They experience grievances because of what happened. 

 "I know everyone is still scared of the disease. However, this illness won't go away even if we confine ourselves inside this chapel. This illness won't disappear if we don't do anything. Do all if you want to wait until it fully disappears? However, do you know how much longer you all need to wait for that to happen? No one knows when this disease will end. It might last until next year. Can you wait until next year?"

 Everyone shakes their head. A young girl stepped up and looked at me anxiously. "Lady Csille, do you know what to do? I have lost my brother because of the disease, and my father is still in the hospital fighting for his dear life. I want to return to how we used to live. I don't want to lose my Father too." 

 The little girl sobs and my heart breaks when I hear her voice crack. The girl remains looking at me as if I am her only hope. Her mother pulls the girl for a hug, but the little girl shakes her head and remains looking at me while crying her heart out.

 I feel my hand tremble. I immediately walk to her and hug her tight. I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes, but I try hard not to let them fall. 

 "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I cannot save your brother. I'm sorry if your Father needs to suffer. I'm sorry if you need to endure it all." I take a deep breath to control my emotions. "I will do everything to save your Father. So, don't cry now, okay? I won't let anything happen to him."

 The little girl sobs loudly while hugging me tightly. The mother or the girl tries to take her child from me, but I signal her to just let the girl do what she wants to do. 

 I pity this child. She faced all of this at such a young age. She lost his brother, and now her father is in the hospital. While she and her mother are just here waiting for uncertainty. She's too young to experience all of these.

 I hug her tightly. 

 I'm really sorry. I'm sorry if you need to undergo all of these because of me. I'm really sorry.

 A moment after, the little girl broke from my hug and stared straight into my eyes. "Lady Csille, I want to help. I don't want to wait anymore. I want to help."

 I heard her mother gasp. She tried to pull the girl away from me, but her child just shoved her hand. 

 "Ceana Finnegani! What are you saying? I already lost your brother. I cannot let anything happen to you. No, I don't want to. I won't allow it." Her mother snaps at her.

 But the child keeps looking at me. I sigh and gently taps her head. "You should listen to your mother. She's already grieving for your brother's loss, and now you want her to put in a miserable state again?"

 The child bites her lip and looks at her mother. "Mother, I'm sorry, but I think Lady Csille is right. I don't want to stay here anymore. Can't you see how many people are left here? It's as if we were just waiting for our death. I don't want to die. I still want to see, Father." 

 I heard some people cry because of the little girl's words. I look around and find everyone crying. 

 These people. They have seen with their own eyes how their family died. How much agony do they need to endure while helplessly watching their loved ones die?

 I clenched my fist and stood up. "I'm not asking you to go out and help the hospital. What I'm asking you is to go out there and help clean this whole place. The reason why the illness spreads at a fast pace is because of the environment. It's a whole mess out there, and that makes it a perfect breeding ground for the disease."

 Everyone gasp. They started to talk to each other in panic.

 "Csille, what are you doing? I thought we would only let them know that help is coming? Look, they are all terrified now."

 I look at Rufus and smile reassuringly at him. "Trust me, Rufus. I know what I am doing. Do you think I want to put them in pain? I just want them to realize that they cannot win against the disease if they continue to wait."

 Rufus shakes his head. "Purplany, they never wanted to win this illness. They only want to survive."

 I raise my eyebrow at him. "Survive? Are they really surviving? They are just slowing the infection rate. At the end of the day, they will die if they continue to wait."


 Rufus looks at me with wide eyes. I just sigh and shake my head. "Listen, everyone, the reason why the capital of the northern region is doing better now is not because they confined the disease. It's because they stop waiting and start acting. You all probably know what we did to make things better. We clean our surroundings and try to maintain proper hygiene. Only by that, we can fight against this illness. The problem is, is anyone of you willing to help me clean your town?"

 They didn't reply to me and just looked at me with anxiety clearly written in their eyes. 

 I heard Rufus sigh. "I know everyone is scared, but Lady Csille is right. The only way for us to return to our normal lives is to clean our surroundings. If you all want to save your lives and the lives of your loved ones, all we need is to work together."

 The little girl looks at me and nods her head. "I'm willing. I'm willing to help, your highness."

 "Ceana..." her Mother looks at her and sighs. She then stands up. "I'm willing to help too. I don't want to lose my only daughter." She looks at Rufus and me. "And I trust his highness, Prince Rufus, and Lady Csille. I know they wouldn't harm us."

 After the mother said those words, other people followed. I sigh in relief and look at Rufus. 

 All we need to do now is to clean this town. I might don't have enough knowledge in medicine, but I know with our teamwork we can make this town livable again. 


 I put my teacup down and stand up when I see Father Cimon walking inside his office. 

 After the encouraging speech I made earlier, Father Cimon called Rufus and me for a conversation. 

 I observe Father Cimon's expression, but he remains stoic. He gestured his hand to the seat. "Please, sit."

 I look at Rufus. He just slightly nods his head at me and helps me sit. We didn't say anything and just waited for him to speak.

 A moment after, I heard Father Cimon sigh. "Lady Csille, I heard what you did earlier. I—"

 I bow my head at him. "Father, please forgive me if I didn't ask for your permission first. I was just heartbroken when I saw the little girl cry her heart out. I apologize for not talking to you about my plan. I never intended to disrespect you or the church. I was just carried away. I—"

 Father Cimon raises his hand to stop me from speaking. "Lady Csille, I didn't call you here to scold you for what you did. I actually want to extend my gratitude." He clasps his hand and sighs. "We are happy to help the people in times of need. But we couldn't help but worry how long can we last in helping them. To be honest, if you didn't arrive here, our supply might not last for another month."

 I sighed in relief when I heard Father Cimon's words. I really thought he wouldn't like how I acted. I was actually planning to talk to him about my plan first. However, things get out of hand that I have no choice but to act against my plan.

 "If you need anything, the church is willing to help you with anything. As long as you can help our town return to its normal life, we are willing to help. I can also help you convince other people to help you."

 I bow my head at Father Cimon. "Thank you, Father Cimon. You don't know how much it will help."

 Father Cimon shakes his head. "It is us who should thank you, Lady Csille. Without you, I don't think these people would agree to go out and clean the surrounding. We are all indebted to you. We are really fortunate to have a future Queen who prioritizes her people." He looks at my arms. "However, Lady Csille, are you really fit to move around with your wounds? Isn't that bad for your injuries?"

 I look at my wounds and smile at him. "You shouldn't worry, Father Cimon. Doctor Leander, a Royal Physician, told me I can move freely now. So, you shouldn't worry. I won't try not to do heavy work if it will make you feel at ease."

 Father Cimon nods his head. "Please be careful, Lady Csille. Everyone would become sad if something happened to you. We also don't know how to explain to the Count or to his highness, Prince Fraser, if that happens. So, please take care of yourself."

 I nod my head at him. "I will be careful, Father Cimon." I look at Rufus. "Also, with Prince Rufus here, I'm sure nothing will happen to me. Right, Prince Rufus?"

 Rufus smiled at me. "You shouldn't worry, Father Cimon. I wouldn't let anything happen to Lady Csille. So, you can rest assured she will be safe with our stay here."

 Father Cimon sighed in relief. "If that's the case, then I will feel assured now." Father Cimon looks at me. "Lady Csille, when do you plan to start? Just tell me if you need anything. I will do my best to provide it."

 When do I plan to start? "If possible, I want to start now."

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