Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 239 - : The Infected Region (5)

 Mother caress my head. "My dear, you look a mess right now. Is everything okay?"

 I am about to respond when someone opens the tent entrance. Brother Pascal enters the tent, followed by four other people. It's Prince Fraser, Princess Paislee, Rufus, and Leander. 

 What are they doing here? 

 It's already been out of the script that Mother and Father arrived at the infected region. But now they are all here? 

 Do they really want to endanger this world? 

 "Aunt, Uncle. I didn't expect you would arrive here today." He looks at me before he looks back to Father. "Uncle, what brings you here?"

 "Your cousin, Csille, sent us a letter early this morning, and she said she needed help. So, we're here to send the help she needs. We were supposed to arrive here in the afternoon, but since we took time looking for funding, that's why we only arrived here."

 Prince Fraser steps up. "Count, Countess, welcome to the northern region. I apologize if we couldn't accommodate you properly. As you can see, the funding is not enough. My Father is doing his best to pull out some funds, but it will take a few days before he can finish the necessary documents."

 Mother looks around the place and grimace. "How can you all live in this kind of environment? This wouldn't help the patients. Now I understand why my Csille is planning to donate all her savings to fund all the needed things to improve the situation here."

 Prince Fraser looks at my Mother. He then bows his head slightly. After all, he is still the future King. It wouldn't be right to make him bow totally.

 "I want to extend my gratitude for letting Lady Csille funds the necessities. I also want to thank you for taking the time to send the money personally."

 Father looks at Prince Fraser and shakes his head. "Your highness, it's our honor to have a daughter like Csille. Also, we are here to donate a small amount to help with the funding. I hope you can improve the situation here so everyone will feel better."

 Prince Fraser nods his head. "The Vrawyth Kingdom is indebted to your kindness. I'm sure with your help we can now start planning for the improvement of the campsite and the infected area."

 I look at Father and Prince Fraser, who are already planning what we will do. I immediately walk beside Father and listen to what they are saying.

 "Your highness, may we know what we are going to prioritize first? The infected area or the campsite?" Father asked.

 Prince Fraser looks at Doctor Leander and Brother Pascal. "Count, I already talked to Doctor Leander and Doctor Pascal, and they all agree to prioritize improving the situation in the infected area. It is to help those patients feel better and to contain the disease properly."

 I immediately shake my head. "Father, I don't think that would work. I know the infected area needs improvement. However, if we leave behind the Doctor's quarter. It will be useless. If the Doctors continue to live in this kind of environment while treating the patients, this disease will continue to spread."

 Everyone got silent. Leander, who has been silent earlier, steps up and talks. "Lady Csille is right. Even if we improve the situation there, it will become useless if we don't do anything to the Doctors' quarter. If we don't do anything at the campsite, I'm afraid the infectious disease will also reach here in no time."

 Everyone got silent. "So, what are we going to do? Do we need to prioritize the Doctor's quarters?"

 I shake my head and look at Rufus. "No, what I am saying is we need to improve both at the same time. We will prioritize both."

 "But the funding. Is your money enough to cover all the expenses? And how about the people who will work? Where will we get people who are willing to work in the infected region?" 

 I look at Rufus. The money will definitely be enough. A few days from now, the campsite will overflow with donations from the nobles. So, there's really nothing to be worried about. 

 And about where will we get those people? I think my parents know the answer to that question.

 Father and Mother look at each other. "Let the Count and the Countess do that. I will find people who will work here. About the funds, Csille's savings and our donations can cover it all. If it's not enough, the Lauretré Family will send more."

 Prince Fraser nods his head. "Thank you for your help, Count and Countess. The Vrawyth people will definitely appreciate your kindness."

 Mother smiles warmly at Prince Fraser. "Your highness, we would do anything for the Vrawyth Kingdom. It would be our honor to do that. You can ask for help if you need more."

 The conversation continues. They made a detailed plan for improving both the campsite and the infected area.

 However, since we don't have enough knowledge of labor work, Father and Mother plan on going back to the capital to find people who can do labor works.


 Mother takes my hand and smiles at me. "My dear, please be careful. I heard from your Brother Pascal that you sneak inside the infected area. If not because you're with his highness, I wouldn't let you stay here for another day."

 They will be returning to the Vrawyth Kingdom now. They need to immediately find people to do the labor work. Also, once they arrive, the news that Csille and the Lauretré Family help fund the Doctors' quarters and the infected area will spread in the whole capital. 

 Because of this, many noble families will also donate money for funding. Some commoners who don't have money but know how to do labor work will volunteer to do free labor. So, once Father and Mother arrive, they won't even need to look for people because those people are the ones who will come to them.

 "I'm sorry, Mother. I know I said I would listen to Brother Pascal. However, I just couldn't stay still, knowing how severe the situation here. Please, forgive me for breaking my promise."

 I feel someone taps my shoulder. I look back and find Brother Pascal. "Aunt, it was my fault for not taking care of Csille. I should have let her inside rather than forbid her. I apologize."

 Mother pulls me for a hug. "I'm not mad at you. I know you only want the best for anyone, and I'm proud of what you have done." She then extended her hand to Brother Pascal. "Come here, Pascal."

 Mother pulls Brother Pascal for a hug too. "I'm not blaming anyone. I just hope the two of you will take care of yourselves during your stay here."

 Brother Pascal and I both nod our heads. 

 After a few reminders from Mother and Father, they immediately set off. 

 I look at their departing carriage and sigh. 

 I was startled when someone patted my head. I look up and see Brother Pascal smiling at me. "I'm really happy being in this family, and I'm proud of what you did, Csille."

 I smile at Brother Pascal. 

 Will he still be proud of me in the future? When Csille will turn her back to the Vrawyth Kingdom? Will they become proud of me?


 The next day, Mother and Father arrived with tens of men who volunteered to do the labor. 

 They also bring tons of donations. From fresh goods, money, clothing, and beddings. Mother said it was a donation from the nobles. Just like how I write it.

 I looked around and smiled when I found boxes of fresh goods that would probably last for a few days. I'm sure with these stocks, our Doctors and volunteers will definitely feel better. 

 I am now helping the volunteers organize the fresh goods. They are now letting me help them after I insist a couple of times that I want to help.

 "Have you heard that Lady Csille gave all her savings just to fund the changes in here? I heard that she is supposed to use those savings for her business." I heard one of the volunteers say to the person beside her.

 "Yeah, I heard that. She even personally checked the condition of the patients in the infected area. Doctor Pascal even got mad at her because she sneaked in without him knowing. We all know how dangerous it is to go there, but she didn't hesitate."

 "It is because of his highness. He helps Lady Csille to go inside the infected area. Do you think Lady Csille will need to worry about anything if his highness, Prince Fraser, is beside her?"

 The volunteers giggle.

 "He must like Lady Csille to even tolerate her wants."

 I feel my cheeks redden because of their words. I pretended that I didn't hear anything and continued to do my work.

 Ysavel, don't get carried away. You know more than anyone else why Prince Fraser let you visit the infected area. Don't put any malicious thoughts in your head. It will only hurt you.

 "Have you also heard that the Lauretré Family also donate a huge amount of money for funding the improvement of the facilities here? The Count even said that if we still need funds, the Lauretré Family will definitely give more."

 "Because of Lady Csille and the Lauretré Family generosity, many nobles donated a huge amount of money too."

 "But that's not it. Do you remember when Lady Csille first arrived here? All she did the whole day was walk around the campsite, right? She was actually observing our situation back then, and she is the one who initiated to Prince Fraser that she really wants to donate all her money to make everyone else comfortable and safe. She is doing all of this because she cares for all of us and not just some act. Compared to those nobles who didn't do anything before."

 "Lady Csille is really fit to be the next Queen of Vrawyth Kingdom. She prioritizes the health of everyone instead of her business. I'm sure she and his highness, Prince Fraser, will definitely be good rulers in the future."

 I silently sigh. Good ruler? Am I even fit to be called one? After what will Csille do in the future? 

 Never mind. I already know the answer. 

 I finished my work and immediately left the place. All I hear is compliments on what I did. I should be happy, right? Because they appreciate what I did.

 However, I couldn't help but feel bitter. All the things I am doing now are not even enough to repay for the mistakes I will make.

 I look up at the sky and sigh. 


 "Csille, why do you look sad? You should be happy now, right? They have already finished setting up the new tents. Although they are still making the bed frames and there are still no foams, we still feel better knowing that our tents can now protect us properly." 

 I look at Doctor Alena and smile. How can I be happy? In just a few days, Csille, Prince Fraser, Rufus, Princess Paislee, and Leander will set off to the nearest small town in the northern region to extend help. However, something will happen on our way there. 

 Something that would change the way Prince Fraser sees Princess Paislee. 

 It also means no matter what's going on between Prince Fraser and Csille will end there. 

 It is also a crucial moment for the villainess.

 I shake my head. "Nothing. I just couldn't help but worry about those infected patients. Although we have improved the facilities. It is still not enough. We need to find the cure, but even until now, the Royal Physician cannot find the cure for it."

 "Don't worry, Lady Csille. Doctor Pascal is also helping them. You also know that your cousin received a copy of the researches from Principal Germund of the Alderrdeen City. I'm sure with his knowledge. They will find the cure."

 I nodded my head and didn't say anything. Of course, they will. In a week's time, the Royal Physician will find that cure for the infectious disease. It's the reason why we will go to The nearest town.

 I take a deep breath and sigh. 

 What's the use of overthinking? Although I can now control Csille's body. I still need to follow the script. 

 Because I am the villainess, and I should act one.

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