Csille winces, but she remains looking straight to her father. "Father, I know what I am saying. I honestly want to come with Brother Pascal. I want to help."

 Mother holds Father's arm. "My dear, talk sense to your daughter. We cannot let her accompany Pascal. Pascal is already planning to go there, and now our own daughter is planning to risk her life too? We cannot allow it."

 Father grits his teeth. "Csille, you're not going anywhere. You will be staying in the capital no matter what. Do you hear me?"

 Csille takes a deep breath. "Father, I will be engaged with Prince Fraser in just a year. What will the people of the Vrawyth Kingdom say knowing that when the contagious disease happened, I was sheltered in our residence while the Doctors of our Kingdom are sacrificing their life?"

 Mother stands up. "Csille, I'm sure the people will definitely understand if you would stay here. If you went there and got infected with the disease? What will happen to us, your parents? What will happen to Prince Fraser? He will lose his fiancée."

 "Mother, Father, I am not asking for your permission. I'm only informing you. I will come with Brother Pascal no matter what."


 Mother tried to calm down Father. However, Csille seems like she doesn't mind his anger. She just stands there and watches things happen.

 She sigh. "Father, I am not testing your patience. However, I think I have the right to decide for myself. I'm already old enough to make my own decisions, and I want to go there and help. I know you are just worried about my safety. However, I can assure you that I won't let anything happen to me. Just give me a chance to prove myself, Father, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

 Father and Mother both look at each other and sigh. "I will be visiting his majesty tomorrow. If you want to come with your Brother Pascal, you need to get his permission. If he disagrees, then you won't go anywhere. Even if I need to lock you inside your room, I will do it."

 Csille nods her head. "I understand, Father. I will be taking my leave now."

 I immediately gained control over Csille's body the moment she step outside the library.

 I sigh and look at the closed door of the library. 

 I'm sorry, Father and Mother. I know you are only worried about my safety. However, this is what is supposed to happen. But don't worry, I can assure you that nothing will happen to Csille during her stay outside the capital.

 I was about to go back to my room when suddenly I heard someone call my name. I look back and find Brother Pascal looking at me. 

 "Brother Pascal?"

 "May I have a word with you?"

 I unconsciously nod my head at him. What does Brother Pascal want to talk about? Did he hear the conversation I have with Mother and Father?

 Brother Pascal guided me to his room. He then offers a seat for me. 

 "Csille, I heard your conversation with Uncle."

 I sigh. I knew it. He heard our conversation. "Are you planning to stop me too?"

 "Csille, we are just worried about you. This contagious disease is something that we don't know. There's a high possibility that you'll get infected if you're not careful. I don't want to see anything happen to you, Csille."

 "Brother, I understand your concern, and I really appreciate it. However, I cannot just stay here and wait for things to be better. I will become the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. I cannot bear to see them dying. I want to do something. I know I don't know about medicine, but I promise you I won't be a burden to anyone."

 Brother Pascal sigh. "Aunt and Uncle will never agree with it. You know that, right?"

 I nod my head. "I know, but you also know that I am a persistent person and a stubborn one too. I will do anything to come with you. I really want to help, Brother. Can you help me calm my parents? I know they are probably furious with what I have said."

 "Since you are already decided, I don't have any other choice but to keep you safe then. You should listen to me, okay? Don't wander around. I will also talk to Aunt and Uncle later."

 I hug Brother Pascal. "You are really an angel, Brother. Don't worry. I will assure you that I won't be a problem."

 That's not a lie though. Csille will be contributing a lot during this pandemic and become of this. The Vrawyth people will love her more. 


 I look at Father, who is grimly sitting in front of me. We are now on our way to the Palace to talk to his Highness.

 Last night, Brother Pascal tried to talk to Father and Mother, but they were still mad at me. Mother didn't even say anything to me this morning. 

 I sigh. Although I really want to make them feel better, I know there's nothing I can do. Csille will go to the infected region and help those infected people. 

 The carriage stops in front of the Palace. I look at it and sigh. It's been a long time since I have been here, and it isn't even a good memory.

 Father walks inside, and I immediately follow behind him. He didn't even wait for me. He just walked and ignored me.

 I look at Father and scratch my head. I don't know what to do with them. I know the only thing that will make them okay is if I stay in the capital. However, I cannot do that. 

 I will probably just have to deal with it for now. I know they will be proud of Csille after this pandemic starts.

 The butler who is guiding us leads us towards the garden. It is where I first met his majesty and her majesty with my parents.

 "Your majesty, the Count, and Lady Csille are here for a visit." 

 The moment the butler said those words, Csille took over my body. 

 His majesty waves his hand at the butler, and the butler immediately leaves us alone.

 Csille smiles sweetly at his majesty before she does a curtsy. "This Count's daughter greets his majesty a good morning."

 Father pays his respect too. His majesty laughs. "The two of you sit. I didn't expect your Father will bring you here. I should have let Prince Fraser take a day off to talk about your engagement."

 Engagement? Wait, we cannot do that. You cannot do that! Isn't it too early to talk about that engagement? Why does his majesty want to talk about the engagement? 

 Father helped Csille sit, but he still didn't say anything to her. Father then looks at his majesty. "I apologize for not informing you, your highness. My daughter mentioned last night that she has some matters she wants to talk to you, so I brought her with me today."

 His majesty waves his hand. "That's okay. I have been wanting to talk to her the moment you have returned to the Vrawyth Kingdom. It's a good thing you brought here with you today.

 His highness looks at Csille and smiles widely at her. "Csille, it's been a long time since I saw you. You look more beautiful. I heard a lot of things about you during your stay in Alderdeen. I heard you also graduated as the top of your batch. You are definitely a good match with my son." He paused. "I think it's better to call Prince Fraser so we can talk about your engagement with him."

 Csille takes a deep breath. "Your majesty, I don't think it's the right time to talk about this engagement. Actually, I come with my Father to talk about an important matter. Are you willing to listen to it, your majesty?"

 The King looked at me bemusedly. "Something important? Even important with your engagement with Prince Fraser?"

 Csille nods her head. "Yes, it is. It is about the people of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Without Vrawyth people, what's the use of Prince Fraser's engagement? I think right now. It is more important to talk about the pandemic instead of the engagement. We can talk about it some other time. But right now, the people need our help."

 The King nods his head. "You are right, Csille. If this disease continues to spread throughout the whole Kingdom, it will become difficult to control the disease. If worst comes to worst, it can be the end for our Kingdom. However, the Royal Physicians are still finding the cure for this disease."

 Csille is about to say something when a voice suddenly interrupts her. 

 "Father, I heard that the Count will be here. That's why I returned. You're talking about the disease?"

 Csille stiffened when she heard Prince Fraser's voice. 

 Wait, what is happening? I have written this scene, and Prince Fraser shouldn't be here. Why is he here? 

 The King laughs. "You're here. It's good that you are here. I was planning to call for you to return. The Count and his daughter, Csille, are here to see me. Come here, join us. We were talking about the situation outside the capital."

 Prince Fraser sits beside Csille and looks at the Count and her. 

 What is he doing here? How can I ask permission from his majesty if he is here? 

 Father immediately greets Prince Fraser. "Greetings, your highness, Prince Fraser." Father probably noticed how Csille just sat there and didn't greet his majesty. "Csille, why don't you greet his highness?"

 Csille wakes up from her trance and immediately greets Prince Fraser clumsily. "Greetings, Prince Fraser."

 Prince Fraser doesn't mind that Csille just calls him by his name. He just nods at Csille and looks at the King.

 "Father, is there any update with the Royal Physicians? Did they already find the cause for this contagious disease?"

 The King sigh and shakes his head. "Unfortunately, they still couldn't find the cause or the cure."

 Should I ask his majesty permission now? But if I don't, Brother Pascal will leave the capital the day after tomorrow. I need to talk to his majesty, or else I won't be able to leave the capital. I won't be able to prove myself to Prince Fraser and to the Vrawyth people. I need to ask for his permission now.

 Csille takes a deep breath. "Forgive me for interrupting. I heard from Brother Pascal that they are looking for volunteers to help with the disease, right? I also heard that even a person with no medical experience can volunteer." Csille pause. "Your majesty, I know what I will say might sound outrageous, but I want to volunteer and help those infected people. I hope you can give me permission."

 The situation outside the capital was so severe that the kingdom sent people who didn't have knowledge in medicine to help.

 Those volunteer helps in taking care of those infected. Feeding them and helping them with things. They also cooked for them. They also help those uninfected people.

 The three of them got silent for a couple of seconds. Father just looks at me and shakes his head. 

 It is the King who breaks the silence first. "Do you know what you are saying, Csille? The situation outside is so severe that a few numbers of Doctors got infected too. Are you sure you want to go there?" His majesty asks calmly. 

 I admire how calm he is. Although I have written this scene, I still couldn't believe how can he be so calm? If I were in his shoes, I would be mad at Csille. 

 Csille nods her head. "I am definitely sure, your majesty. Brother Pascal is even planning to volunteer too. How can I sit still and wait for everything to be okay? Everyone knows that I am engaged with his highness. I don't think it would be good to just stay here and do nothing. I want to help, your majesty. I hope you can give me permission to go outside the capital."

 His majesty got silent. He is probably weighing things. After a few moments, he takes a deep breath. "If you really want to help, then I would give you the permission. However, I wish you can take care of yourself properly while you are there."

 Csille sighed in relief. She then smiles at his majesty. "Thank you for giving me permission, your majesty. I would do my everything to help our people. You also shouldn't worry, I will not let anything happen to me, I wi—"

 Csille couldn't be able to continue her words when Prince Fraser suddenly slammed the table. The teacups shake, and some of the tea spills on the ground. 

 "I won't allow it!"

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