Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 229 - : Warning From The Kosmo


 I suddenly hear a soft whisper in my ears. The whisper is too soft that I almost thought I was just imagining things. However, I heard it call on to me again.


 I follow the sound of the voice, and I end up walking inside a dark room. This is probably the only room in the ruins that is still intact. I was about to walk further inside when I slipped on the floor. The last thing I could remember was I saw a silhouette of someone.

 A moment later, I woke up with a heavy feeling. I look around, and my eyes widen when I see someone sitting on a chair. I blink my eyes a couple of times to see if what I'm seeing is real.

 It's Aaline! 

 "Aaline? What? How? I—" 

 I shake my head. My mind couldn't comprehend the idea that someone from the Kosmo was here. I looked at Aaline and frowned when I noticed something. 

 Yes, she is sitting on the chair, but it doesn't look like she is here. It's as if she is just some hologram.

 Aaline smiled at me. "Ysavel, it's been a long time since we saw each other. I'm glad you're still there and not here."

 I look at Aaline for a couple of seconds before I shake my head. "Aaline, what are you doing here? And how come you can talk to me? Are you even allowed to do that?"

 "Ysavel, I don't have much time. The Virtouse ask help from us because they couldn't reach you no matter what they do. It's as if something is blocking the connection of the Kosmo to the fictional world you are staying in. We could only reach you now because of the new equipment they invented. However, it seems like this equipment can only be used once."

 What does she mean? All this time, the Virtouse are trying to reach me? I thought... I thought they had already neglected me. 

 However, Aaline mentions that something is blocking the connection of this world to the Kosmo. Is the reason why the alley in Illorian City becomes like that? 

 "Aaline, what is happening? Why do things are getting out of control here? A lot of things happened that I have not written. I'm worried that it would affect this world."

 Aaline sigh. "It is happening. Ysavel, be careful. There is something that is controlling that world aside from the Virtouse and your novel. However, even the Virtouse doesn't have any idea what or who is it? Ysavel, this might be the last message you could receive from Kosmo. I hope... I hope I won't see you here."

 I frown. I walk towards Aaline. "There is something controlling this world? Aaline, please tell me how to deal with that thing? Please tell me how I can live here? Aa—"

 My eyes widen when I see that Aaline is starting to fade away. I immediately rush to her and try to touch her, but I'm too late. She's gone already.

 I clench my fist. How can I return to the real world if someone is controlling this world aside from my novel? 

 Now it makes sense. The reason why many things are happening that I did not write is because of that unknown thing. 

 What is it and why is it existing?


 I got startled when I heard Pax Dea call my name. I looked back and found her standing in the doorway.

 "Csille, what are you doing here?"

 I sigh and shake my head. "Nothing, I was just looking around. I was amazed that there is an intact room in the ruins, so I decided to check it." 

 Pax Dea raises her arms to me. "Come here, Csille. What are you even doing in this dark room? Aren't you afraid?"

 I look back to where Aaline was sitting earlier. However, I frowned when I noticed a shining thing on the floor behind the chair. 

 What's that? I didn't see that when I entered the room earlier.


 I walk towards that shining thing. However, since there was no light in the room, I couldn't see what it is. All I know is it is a book. 

 "Csille?" I heard Pax Dea ask worriedly.

 I was probably startled by Pax Dea's voice that my hand immediately grabbed the book and put it inside the pouch that I was holding. The book isn't that thick, so it's not that noticeable. 

 I immediately stand up and walk towards her. "I was just checking something. Come on, are they already waiting for us?"

 Pax Dea looks at me suspiciously before she nods her head. "Yes. I don't understand why you check that dark room? What if there's a snake living there?

 I shrugged my shoulders. I'm really not listening to Pax Dea's words. My mind kept thinking that I had taken something from the ruins. 

 Isn't it prohibited to take something from the ruin? What will happen if they know that I took something? Isn't that an offense? After all, everything that can be found in the ruins is considered a historical artifact. 

 Would I get imprisoned because of it? 

 Ysavel, why are you so careless? Why did you take the book? What if it's something important to the Kingdom? 

 I look at Pax Dea. If I return to the room and return the book, wouldn't that make Pax Dea suspicious of me? 

 But if I don't return this book, wouldn't that endanger me if someone knew I took something from the ruins?

 I was too engrossed in contemplating that I didn't notice that Rufus and Brother Pascal were now standing in front of us.

 "Csille, are you okay? You look pale." Brother Pascal immediately walked towards me and checked if everything is fine. 

 I shake my head at him. "I'm okay. I just slipped earlier and bumped my head on something. But I'm okay. I just feel a little dizzy."

 I wasn't dizzy. It's more like anxious. I just said those words because I was afraid they would notice I had taken something from the ruins.

 Brother Pascal checked my head thoroughly. Probably to check if I have a bump or if it's bleeding. While Paz Dea and Rufus look at me worriedly.

 After a few moments, Brother Pascal let go of my head and sighed in relief. "I didn't see any injury or bumps. However, I suggest we should return home now. I still need to monitor you for the whole day to be assured that everything is fine."

 I look at Pax Dea and shake my head. "No, I'm really okay, Brother. You don't need to worry about me."

 "Purplany, your cousin is right. It's better if you rest first. We can continue this some other day. Your health is our priority. You should listen to Doctor Pascal. After all, he is a well respected Doctor in the Kingdom. He knows what is good for you."

 I look at Rufus and sigh. I guess I have no choice but to agree then. 

 I inconspicuously look at my pouch where the book is hidden. But it doesn't solve my problem. How can I return this book? 

 Rufus is only allowed to enter this ruins once a month, and he has already used his right for this month. It means I can only return this book next month. However, the problem is, will Rufus allow me to come with him next month?


 "Are you sure you're okay, Csille? You don't feel dizzy anymore?" 

 I look at Pax Dea, who is worriedly looking at me. I smile at her and shake my head. "I'm okay. You don't need to worry that much."

 "You should take a rest first. Should we call Aunt?"

 I immediately shake my head at Brother Pascal's question. Mother is busy for sure. I don't want to bother her with something this small, and I don't really feel dizzy anymore. Although I bump my head earlier, it isn't that bad. So, there's really nothing to get worried about.

 "No, don't call her Brother. I'm sure Mother will get worried when she hears what happened, and she will probably scold all of us for going inside the ruins. So, it's best if we don't let anyone know about what happened. I'm okay already, so I don't think it's necessary to make other people worry."

 "But purplany, the Count and the Countess need to know about this. They are your parents. Also, I think Prince Fraser also needs to know about what happened."

 I hold Rufus' hand and shake my head repeatedly. Informing Mother and Father? That is not a good idea. If they know what happened, I know they will postpone their duties just to be with me.

 Informing Prince Fraser? That is not a good idea too. If that Prince knows that Rufus let us inside the ruins, it's not only me who'll get reprimanded. Even Rufus will be reprimanded by Prince Fraser. And I don't want that. 

 "Let's not make things complicated, okay? If they know what happened, you all know that all of us will be reprimanded, right? Also, Brother Pascal is here to check on me. I'm sure with his skill. Nothing will happen to me. So, let's all calm down and rest first, okay?"

 They all sigh and agree in the end. After making sure that I am really okay, they all leave me alone in my room.

 After making sure that everyone has already left, I sigh and slump my body on my bed.

 Aaline... I almost forgot about what I had learned from Aaline. Something is controlling this world aside from my novel? But if that's the case, wouldn't that risk the safety of everyone living here? 

 Also, how come the Kosmo got disconnected from the fictional world? I thought the Kosmo is existing because of the existence of the fictional worlds. How come it is possible that there is something blocking that connection?

 Does this mean that even if I stray from what I have written, nothing will happen to this world? But if that's the case, why can't I still have full control over Csille's body? 

 I thought that if I talked to anyone from the Kosmo, those questions that were piled up inside my head would be answered. However, I still end up having more questions. 

 What is happening to this world? 

 I sigh and turn my head to the side. My eyes caught the pouch where I hid the book. 

 "And that book? What am I supposed to do with you? Why did I even bring you here with me? Now I am in trouble because of a book. Great! Why do I love to add problems to my already problematic life?" I grumble to myself.

 Should I talk to Rufus about his next checking in the ruins next month? I definitely need to return that book, or else it would only bring disaster not just for me but also for the whole Lauretré Family, and I cannot let that happen.

 However, will Rufus let me come with him again? After what happened today? I doubt if he will let me enter that ruins again. 

 But if Rufus won't let me return to the ruins, how can I return this book? I cannot sneak inside because it will be against the order of his majesty. If I get caught, I don't know how severe the punishment will be after all, the ruin is a historical site for the Vrawyth Kingdom. Will I be alive after being caught?

 I shake my head. Sneaking inside the ruin is not a possible solution. If I cannot sneak in, then I need to use the legal way. But the only legal way is through Rufus, and I'm sure he won't agree with it for the second time. Even if I weep for the whole day, I know he won't change his mind.

 Wait, I think I forget something. Rufus is not the only one allowed to enter the ruin. Aside from Rufus, Prince Fraser also checks the ruins. 

 However, since the ruin is an old building, his majesty put the responsibility to Rufus. His majesty is afraid that something might happen to Prince Fraser while he is inside. So, he just left Rufus do the job. 

 Prince Fraser still checks the ruins sometimes. Probably twice or thrice a year only. 

 "Prince Fraser?"

 I shake my head. Forget it. I'll just find another way to make Rufus let me come with him again.

 I would rather bother Rufus than to bother Prince Fraser.

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