Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 224 - : I’m Coming Home (2)

 Pax Dea shrieks while she looks around the surrounding. The Vrawyth Kingdom's gate is just a few meters from where we are. So, Pax Dea has been looking around the surrounding like a child.

 She tugs my hand. "Csille! Csille! Is that the Vrawyth Kingdom?" She sounds so excited and amazed by what she is seeing.

 The Vrawyth Kingdom has put up a wall surrounding all the land it covers. 

 Outside the Vrawyth Kingdom's main gate is an open field with abundant flowers. The flowers are not planted there. It just grows there one day. 

 We all laugh at Pax Dea's cute reaction. You can really hear from her voice how excited she is.

 "Dea, sit properly. The Lauretré carriage is known in the Kingdom. Your Uncle had once experienced an assassination attempt before entering the gate of the Vrawyth Kingdom. It's safer if you close the window now." Mother warns Pax Dea.

 Pax Dea immediately sits up straight and closesd the window. She then looks at Mother. "Aunt, are you telling the truth? Did Uncle once experience an assassination attempt?"

 Mother mentioned before that Father experienced an assassination attempt after returning to a special mission ordered by his majesty, the King. But that is in between the five years that I skipped. 

 At that time, Csille was busy with her school responsibilities. But when she received the news about it, she almost rushed back to the Vrawyth Kingdom to check on Father. It's a good thing nothing happens, so Mother and Father just sent a letter to her so Csille can be assured.

 Father, who is sitting beside Mother, nods his head. "It is true. It is the reason why we hesitated to let you come with us. You see Dea, our situation might look okay, but every day we are worried about those people who would love to pull us down. So, no matter what happened, you must not let anyone know your relationship with the Lauretré family, okay?"

 Pax Dea immediately nods her head. I can feel that her hold on my hand tightens. Is she scared?

 The carriage stops, a sign that we are now in front of the gate. One of the guards gets down and talks to the guards guarding the entrance. After a moment, our guard knocks on our window. 

 Father frown before he opens the window. "Is there something's wrong?" 

 The guard bows his head. "Count, the guard said that they need to check each carriage to ensure no outsiders can enter the Vrawyth Kingdom. They said his majesty, the King, commanded to heighten the security to the Vrawyth Kingdom. So they will be checking each carriage."

 I frown. His majesty asks to heighten the security? They usually didn't do that. Also, to even check the Lauretré Family's carriage, a noble of the Kingdom. It might mean that something happened while we were away. 

 I tried to remember if I had written something related to this. However, no matter how much I thought, I couldn't remember anything.

 After the Lauretré Family returned after the graduation. There's nothing much happened to the Lauretré Family, or rather, I didn't mention much about them. Since I mostly focus on the female lead and the male lead.

 "I will be checking what is happening first. All of you should stay in the carriage." After saying those words, Father gets off the carriage and talks to the guards. 

 After a few minutes, Father opens the carriage door. The guard who was walking behind him paused and saw who are the people inside the carriage. He bows his head when he sees Mother. "Countess, please forgive us for our interruption. We were just following his majesty's order. May I know the identity of the lady beside Lady Csille?"

 I feel Pax Dea stiffen. I hold her hand and answer the guard on her behalf. 

 "She's a friend of mine. She is from the Alderrdeen City. She is the only daughter of the Foulqueret Family. I invited her to have a week of vacation in the Vrawyth Kingdom." I look at Pax Dea. "Dea, can you give them the Vrawyth token that my Father gave you and give them your identification documents."

 Pax Dea immediately takes the documents and token. I took it and showed it to the guard. The guard verifies it. 

 After a minute of checking the needed documents and the token. He returned it to Pax Dea. 

 "You are already cleared, Lady. She can now enter the Vrawyth Kingdom." The guard said.

 He then talks to Father about some things.

 I silently sigh. Although I know that there be no problem with the documents because they are all legit, I still feel anxious.

 Pax Dea beside me sighed. She then whispered to my ears. "I didn't know they would be this strict. To even check each carriage of the Lauretré Family."

 I gently smile at her. "I'm sorry if you feel anxious. They are usually not strict. Something might happen. That's why they are taking extra precautions."

 Pax Dea leans on my shoulder. "Now I understand why Mother doesn't want to let me come here."

 Mother smile. "Are you regretting it now, Dea?" She asks teasingly.

 Pax Dea immediately sits up straight and looks at Mother. "Of course not! That even makes me curious about the Vrawyth Kingdom. I am now excited about my upcoming days in the Vrawyth Kingdom. I'm sure it will be fun."

 Before I can respond to Pax Dea, Father open the door and get inside the carriage. "Everything's okay now. We can already enter the City." He then looks at Pax Dea. "I just hope you won't change your mind after, Dea."

 Pax Dea looks at Father and shrugs her shoulders.

 The carriage move inside the Vrawyth Kingdom. I look outside the window and smile bitterly. 

 We are now in the Vrawyth Kingdom. The Villainess has returned, and it's the start of her villainous path. 

 I was startled when Pax Dea tugged my hand. She is looking around the surroundings. You can definitely see the happiness and excitement in her eyes. "Csille, the Vrawyth Kingdom is really amazing. Is it the capital of the Kingdom?"

 "Yes, it is. However, the stores are a few meters away from the entrance. It will take a few minutes from the gate. His majesty put the stores close in the entrance to help those businessmen from outside. So, they won't need to travel more. It is also to ensure the safety of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Those businessmen are only allowed to enter the market, but they are not allowed to travel to other parts of the Kingdom." Father explains.

 Pax Dea nods her head. "Is the Palace and the Lauretré residence nearby?"

 "The Palace and the Lauretré residence is an hour away from the entrance. Most noble families and the royals are living there. It is to ensure the safety of the royals and the nobles." Mother sigh. "Pax Dea, please forgive your Aunt if we cannot disclose the fact that you are my niece. We are only doing this for your own safety. I hope you are not disappointed or mad at me."

 Pax Dea smiles at Mother and shakes her head. "Aunt, I'm already honored to be here in the Vrawyth Kingdom. Why would I get mad at you? Also, I now understand that it would be best for everyone not to let other people know about my relationship with you. So, you can rest assured that I'm not mad at you at all. I am actually grateful because if not for you, I won't be able to come to the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 Mother leans and holds Pax Dea's hand. "You are really my sister's daughter. I'm really proud to have you as my niece."

 Pax Dea flushed, and she thanked Mother. 

 The carriage got silent. I look at everyone and find that we all look like we are thinking about something else.

 Aside from Pax Dea, who is excitedly looking around. Father, Mother, and Brother Pascal look troubled. 

 But what can it be? Did something happen while I was away? But Father never mentioned anything to me, and as far as I know, there's no problem with the Lauretré Family based on what I have written. 

 But why do they look worried? It's as if they know something terrible will happen.


 The remaining minutes of the trip continue in silence. Only Pax Dea is the one making sounds from time to time. 

 She will tug my arms every time she sees something. She looks like a child who is first time seeing her surroundings outside. 

 Pax Dea gasped. "Is that the Palace?"

 I look to where she is looking. It is really the Palace of the Vrawyth. The Palace where I spent my childhood days with Prince Fraser. It is also the same Palace where I got my heart broken because of Prince Fraser. It will also where I'll lose everything in the future. 

 "Yes, that is the Palace of the Vrawyth Kingdom. As much as I want to show you around the Palace, it won't be easy since you are not a noble from the Kingdom. Only nobles who got an invite from any royals can come inside."

 Pax Dea looks at Father and smiles. "I understand, Uncle. I know it will be difficult to enter the Palace. So, I never really expected that I would see it. I'm already contented looking at it from afar." She looks outside again and stares admiringly at the Palace. She then looks at Father again. "Uncle, is the Lauretré residence nearby?"

 "Yes, it's just a few minutes away from here. Are you tired already? You should rest first when we arrive." Father then looks at Brother Pascal, who is currently busy reading the research he gets from Principal Germund. "Pascal, you should take a rest in residence too. Also, don't work immediately tomorrow. You should take a few days rest before you return to work."

 Brother Pascal closed the research he was reading. "I'm sorry, Uncle, but I already took almost two months of break. I don't think it is a good idea to do that."

 I cling to Brother Pascal's arm and pout. "Brother, we just arrived from our long journey. It would be best if you take some rest too. You always told me to always take care of my body. You, as a Doctor, should do that too. Also, I just returned to the Vrawyth Kingdom. Don't you want to spend more time with me?"

 Brother Pascal sighed and gently messed my hair using his other hand. "Okay. How can I say no to you? I'll just have to talk to our Director. I'm sure he would let me take a few days break."

 "You shouldn't worry about that. I'll talk to your Director about your leave so he can't disagree."

 I smile at my father, and he just winks at me. We both want to spend time with Brother Pascal. 

 We didn't get much time to spend with him because he is always busy with his work in the hospital. So, even if we wanted to spend time with him, we didn't bother him because we all know that Brother Pascal already chooses to live a normal life. Away from the life of a noble.

 The carriage stops in front of our house, and the coachman immediately opens the door. 

 I cling my arms to Pax Dea and help her get off the carriage. I gestured my free hand in front of us. "Welcome to the Vrawyth Kingdom, Dea. And welcome to the Lauretré residence."

 Pax Dea looks around. "This is your house, Csille? It's huge. It's incomparable to our house in Alderrdeen. When Mother mentioned about it before, I thought she was only exaggerating. However, I was wrong. Your house looks like a mansion. I suddenly feel poor."

 We all laugh at Pax Dea's words. Mother walks towards Pax Dea and holds her other hand. "Let's go inside. I'm sure you are already tired. Take a rest first." 

 Mother and I drag Pax Dea inside. And she was looking around admiringly. "Aunt, Uncle. Your house is amazing. I had never seen a huge house like this. It can be considered a Palace in small Cities."

 I look at Pax Dea's back and smile. She is really innocent. Probably because she was never exposed to something extravagant like this. Having lived her life as a simple person, this might probably be a new thing to see for her.

 I just hope in the future, this trait won't change.. I hope she will remain living a simple life.

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