I slump my exhausted body on the bed and close my eyes. 

 After Uncle Faramond knows that I am Ruler Laird's Goddaughter, he talks nonstop with Ruler Laird the whole stay in the Foulqueret Family. They look like friends who didn't see each other.

 I immediately said my apology to Aunt Aveline because I let them meet someone who has a special identity. But Aunt Aveline didn't mind at all. She was actually happy that aside from the Lauretré family, I have a powerful person whom I can rely upon.

 She said she is now assured that if anything bad happens, someone can protect me from any harm.

 Aside from Ruler Laird, who introduces himself as my Godfather. Prince Fraser also introduced himself as my Fiancé, which I actually didn't expect from him. Since we already talk about the possibility that we might cancel our engagement.

 With him introducing himself as my Fiancé, wouldn't that make the Foulqueret family think that I would really end up with him? 

 I'm worried that the Foulqueret family will get disappointed when they hear that our engagement is canceled and he will marry someone else in the future.

 It's the reason why I was hesitating to visit them. It's also the reason why I originally planned just to do a quick visit and leave immediately because I don't want them to meet Prince Fraser. 

 My Aunt was skeptical of him at first, but after talking to him for a while, she realized how good person Prince Fraser is. She even encouraged me to get married to him as soon as possible, which I didn't answer.

 How can I marry him? If in the first place, he isn't supposed to be mine?

 I roll on my bed and cover my head after. 

 Ahh, forget it! The future was already written. I'll just explain to them in the future if I need to.


 I just stepped inside our classroom, but I frowned when I realized that something wasn't right. Why are my classmates become so quiet? 

 The first class in the morning hasn't even started. Usually, they would talk loudly in the morning. However, no one dares to say anything or even breath loudly. They all just look at me with conflicted expressions on their face.

 I frowned, but I didn't say anything. I just walk to my seat. I frowned even more when I didn't see Lilla. 

 Lilla is always the first one who arrives at our classroom. That's why I don't understand why she isn't here yet.

 Did something happen to her? Is she sick?

 I am about to ask one of our classmates, who happens to be Lilla's neighbor, when someone runs inside our room.

 It is Lilla. 

 She is panting loudly while looking around the room. As if searching for something or someone. Her eyes landed on me, and she immediately dragged me outside the room.

 I didn't do anything and let her drag me. Something big must happen. That's why Lilla dragged me even before I could ask her.

 We stop in front of the Professor's building. I frowned when I noticed that there was a crowd of people standing in front of the building.

 What is happening?

 Before I can ask Lilla, she drags me again inside. However, one of the student council who looked like guarding the entrance stopped us, but when they realized who we are they immediately let us in. 

 Lilla continues to drag me towards the top floor. The top floor is where Principal Germund is. 

 "Eh? Csille, you are finally here!" Rufus waves his hand at us enthusiastically. 

 I look around and find Leander, Rufus, Prince Fraser, and Princess Paislee sitting on the sofa outside Principal Germund's office.

 I looked on the other side and found Brandr and his friends sitting on the sofa. Each side of Principal Germund's office has like receiving area. 

 Lilla and I immediately walk towards Rufus and the rest. 

 "Your highness, I successfully brought Lady Csille here as per your command," Lilla said to Prince Fraser.

 Prince Fraser takes something out of his pocket and gives it to Lilla. My eyes got widen when I realized what it was. It is the entrance token to the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 Anyone who isn't from the Vrawyth Kingdom needs to have either an invitation from any Vrawyth people or a token. The invitation can only be used once, and only Vrawyth people can give it to outsiders. The token on the other hand, is long-term use if you want to enter the Vrawyth Kingdom. It is usually given to people who come from a well known families. Token can also be purchased, businessmen who had business inside the Vrawyth need to buy this token so they can enter the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 But why would Prince Fraser give Lilla a token? 

 Lilla looks at the token in her hands and bows at Prince Fraser. "Thank you very much, your highness. You don't know how much this means to me. It was also my honor to do something for you."

 Prince Fraser smiled at Lilla before he dismissed her. Lilla looked at me before she left the place. 

 I look at Rufus, who is sitting beside me. "Hey, what is that all about? And what are we all doing here? Did something happen?"

 Rufus leans towards my ear. "You didn't know? The Ingvar Family arrives early this morning, and he requested Principal Germund to show them who hurt their son. It's the reason why Prince Fraser ask Lilla to bring you here. That token you see is just a reward for her."

 I didn't hear much of what Rufus said. My mind stopped working when I heard that the Ingvar Family had already arrived in the Alderrdeen Kingdom.

 They are already here? Aren't they fast? 

 I leaned on Rufus' ears and whispered, "But where are the Brandr's parents? I only see Brandr but not his parents."

 I look at Brandr, who still has cast on his head and arms. I couldn't believe that he could now stand up after waking up for only a day.

 "They are inside Principal Germund's office. I think they are asking Principal Germund to pass the case to the Persecutor Department. They have been there for a couple of minutes now."

 I glanced at Brandr again, and I saw him looking at me. He then smirks and licks his fingers. It's as if he is provoking me.

 Prince Fraser suddenly stands up, but Princess Paislee immediately blocks him. "Your highness, please calm down. That person only wanted to get into your nerves. If you act now, they might use it again to drag you down. So, please calm down."

 However, Prince Fraser still glares at Brandr. He is even forcing his way out from Princess Paislee blocking.

 I sigh and walk to Prince Fraser. I held his clenched fist and gently whispered to him. "Why waste your time on someone like that? Let him be. All he can do is provoke you, but he isn't brave enough to do something to you. Don't make him use you to his advantage."

 Prince Fraser calmed down a little when he heard my words. He looks at me and sighs before he sits on the sofa again. 

 I sigh and glare at Brandr.

 This guy! After all the beating he got from Prince Fraser, he still has the gall to infuriate Prince Fraser like that? Isn't he afraid of death?

 I walk back to my seat beside Rufus and wait for things to unfold. 

 A moment later, the door of the Principal's office opened, and a sophisticated old lady walked out the room with a grim old man behind. 

 The old lady then looked in our direction and made a face. "You will pay for everything you did to my son." She then looks at Prince Fraser. "Don't think I will be scared just because you are some Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom. I will make sure that you will rot in prison after what you did with my son. I will make sure that Principal Germund will hand the case to the Persecutory Department—"

 Suddenly a voice interrupted Brandr's Mother's scoldings. "Let's see who got the gall to send my Godson to prison."

 Principal Germund, who just walked out of his office, almost fell when he heard Ruler Laird's voice.

 The Ingvar old couple frown and looks back. They are about to scold Godfather, but their words get stuck in their throats when they realize the identity of the person who speaks. 

 Ruler Laird walks as if he owns the place. He smirks at the Ingvar old couple. That smirk can cause someone's heart to flutter, but because his smirk has sinister on it, all I can feel is coldness.

 "You're not afraid of Fraser Astalieu? How about me? Aren't you afraid of me? Martin Ingvar, a small noble family from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom. How dare you disrespect Principal Germund like that? Don't you consider Alderrdeen City now?"

 The Old Ingvar couple trembles. "Great Ruler, I don't think I'm doing something wrong here... I am only giving justice to my son." Brandr's Father said with difficulty.

 I salute this Father. Although he already knows that Ruler Laird is angry with them, he still fights for his son.

 Ruler Laird laughed sarcastically. "You dare to act high and mighty in front of the Rulers of Alderrdeen City and Illorian City. Who do you think your Ingvar family is? With just a simple wave of my hand, I can erase you in this world without problem. Yet, you dare act upright in front of me? Do you want me to remind you what your son has done throughout his stay here?"

 Brandr, who is sitting on the corner, stands up. He probably couldn't control his temper after being dragged into the conversation. "Mother, Father! Imprison this man too! How dare he slander me in front of you."

 Rufus, who is sitting on the sofa, snicker. I glare at him. That's why he muffled his laugh.

 I didn't know this Brandr is only a face. If I didn't know about his personality, I would probably mistake him for a good person. He really has an innocent face. Too bad there is no drop of innocence in his blood. Aside from that, he is also dumb. Didn't he hear Godfather say he is the Ruler of Illorian City? How dare he order his parents to imprison Ruler Laird? Is he brain dead?

 I look at his trembling parents. From the looks of it, they probably want to smack their son's head.

 Ruler Laird looks at Brandr. He then picks him up by his collar before he looks at the trembling Ingvar Family. "Your son wants me to be thrown to prison? Let's see who will be thrown to prison? Also, didn't you say you're only giving justice to your son? I am too. I am only giving justice to my Godchildren. So, excuse me if I'll do something you won't like. It's the right time for someone to teach some manners to your son, or else this son of yours will only bring disaster."

 After saying those words, Ruler Laird throws Brandr to the wall nearby. Soon, the wall was painted with blood. Brandr's face becomes pale. However, even if he is in that situation, the Ingvar couple didn't do anything and just stared at Ruler Laird. 

 Principal Germund, who was shocked by the sudden turn of events sigh. "Laird, you should have solved it in the most peaceful manner." 

 Ruler Laird scoffs and cleans his hand with a towel. "Sorry, peaceful doesn't exist to me the moment someone harms my Godchildren." Godfather then looks at the Ingvar couple. "Do you have any objection with the way I taught your son?"

 The Ingvar couple repeatedly shakes their heads. Afraid that if they say anything, the Great Ruler will take it out on them.

 "Laird, what do you want me to do with the Ingvar family? And the rest of Brandr's family?" Principal Germund asks Godfather.

 Godfather looks at one of his guards and nods his head. The guard took something from his coat and gave it to Principal Germund.

 "This is the crime of the Ingvar family did for all these years. Send them to the Ouqeaseon Kingdom and let them deal with them. As for Brandr's friends. I have already investigated them, and all their families are involved with illegal things. Send them to their respective Cities and Kingdom and let them deal with it. As for Brandr, let him rot in prison in Alderrdeen."

 Ruler Laird looks at the Ingvar couple. He the signal his guard, and in a blink of an eye, we see the Ingvar couple trying to self vomit.

 "This is the price you need to pay for offending my Goddaughter."

 Ruler Laird then looks at us. "Come on. My guards will handle all of these. Let's stroll around again.. I am bored."

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