I anxiously play with my fingers. We are now in the open field. There is an event happening today, so most students are here to join the event.

 This is it. It is the time to clear Prince Fraser's name. 

 We all came up with a plan yesterday to clear Prince Fraser's name, and this is a part of our plan. 

 Lilla held my hand and looked at me. "Don't be nervous, Csille. We will just show the public the real face of that Brandr. Although that guy seems like a good person. I didn't expect he would be this rotten. It's a good thing his highness beats him up. Serves him right."

 Lilla also agreed to help me do our plan. All we need to do is to catch the fish by its own mouth. 

 I sushed Lilla. Afraid that people might hear her. Not everyone is aware of the truth. So, it's better to keep our mouth shut and let the truth speaks itself.

 I look around, trying to find the friends of Brandr. My eyes lock on a group of male students who are encircling two female students.

 I immediately frown. It looks like the saying is real. The birds with the same feathers flock together. They are definitely a friend of Brandr.

 I tug Lilla's hand a drag her towards the group.

 "Ladies, don't be scared. All we want to do is to introduce ourselves to you. You don't need to be that scared. That makes us more excited." One of the guys said to one of the ladies.

 The two ladies stand close to each other, and by the looks on their faces, they are terrified of the group of men. 

 "I'm sorry, but we still have things to do. Maybe some other time. Can you please, let us go?" 

 The group of men laughs only. I looked around and found that most people are turning a blind eye to what is happening. 

 Why? They all see that those guys are harassing someone, but they all turn a blind eye to it? I couldn't believe that this was happening to a prestigious school like this.

 I walk faster when I see the hand of one of the guys is starting to roam around the body of one of the ladies. The lady tried to resist, but because the other guys were holding her still, she couldn't do anything.

 "Hey! What are you doing?" I loudly shout at them. 

 I immediately drag the two ladies on my side. The ladies look like a freshman students. How bad is it to experience it in their first year in Alderrdeen as a university student?

 The men frown at me. "Lady Csille, we were just having fun here. Aren't we ladies?"

 I feel the ladies trembles, and they hide behind our backs. Lilla is standing beside me.

 I scoff at them. "Fun? That is harassment. How can you call them fun? Do you know the punishments to students who harassed other students?" 

 They all got silent. After a few seconds, one of the men who are in front snickers at me. "Lady Csille, I suggest you mind your own business. Can't you see? Everyone doesn't care. So, why bother?"

 I look at the guy. He is also from the Ouqeaseon Kingdom. He is from a well off noble family. Probably on par with the Ingvar. 

 "You want me not to care? I'm sorry my Mother didn't teach me that. She told me that if I saw a person who needed help, I need to help them with all I could. Apologies, I cannot let this slide."

 The guy frowns. "Lady Csille, I am still respecting you by asking not to meddle with our business. But it doesn't mean that I am scared of your family. It is best not to get on our way, or else—"

 "Or else what? Or else you would do what Brandr did to that female student he harassed? Do you really think everyone is oblivious to your wrongdoings? Are you now threatening me? Will you use the same threat you used to that poor little lady?" I sarcastically ask them.

 I heard people gasp around us. Although it is quite a famous rumor in the school, some people still don't know about it since these men here suppressed the rumor.

 The guy frowned even more. He takes a step forward towards me and leans to me. "Do you think I will be scared with that? Go on, sell us out. Do you think we won't have a way out?"

 I smirk at him. "Have you forgotten who I am and where I came from? I am Csille Lauretré, the only heir of the Lauretré family. I am the daughter of the Count and the Countess of the Vrawyth Kingdom. And I am the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Do you think I won't have a way to make you pay for all the evil deeds you did?"

 The guy looks at me with a terrified expression before he smiles. "And so what if you know about it? Do you think I will be scared because of that?" He then stares at the people around us. "Did you hear her? She is using her title to threaten us. Don't you think it is unfair? Just because you are from a noble family—"

 I walk towards him. "Am I really the one who is abusing her title as a noble? Have you forgotten all the things you did?"

 The guy froze and looked at me. "What we did?"

 I smile at him. "What did you do? Why don't you tell us?"

 "W-we di-din't d-do a-any-t-thing! Quit spouting nonsense." He stuttered.

 "Even if you suppressed the truth. It will soon prevail." I look around the people around. "What about all of you? Why did you let these two ladies get harassed? You all can help them, but you didn't step up? If you let them continue this, one of this day, you'll find yourself being subjected to their harassment."

 I then look at them. "Do you think I wouldn't know? You all suppressed the truth. That it was Brandr, who started it first, he insulted me in front of his highness, and now you are painting Brandr as the victim?" I look at the two ladies who are trembling behind Lilla. 

 I gestured my hand at the two ladies. "It was okay for me if Brandr insulted me. I could bear that. But to rain tyranny towards ladies here and still pretend that he is some sort of gentleman is not I can bear."

 I look at the ladies who are around us. "Ladies, are you all just going to let them threaten all of you and abuse you as they will? You are all the precious daughters of your parents. Why would you let some men who have some title rain tyrannical abuse to all of you? It's time to voice out your side!"

 I look around, and they all look away from me. 

 I heard someone snicker. "It's futile. They won't listen to you."

 I squint my eyes at him before I look around me. "Are you afraid of them? Don't worry. I will protect you. I, Csille Lauretré, won't let them rain tyranny here in Alderrdeen. As long as I am here, I will stop this harassment. So, don't be afraid. It will only stop when you step out and voice out the harassment you experienced from them."

 The two ladies step up and point their fingers at the group of men. "They are harassing us just now. They are threatening us with their noble title. Just because you are from the great seven Kingdom, do you think you have the right to abuse people?"

 After the two ladies step up, several ladies step up too and blurt out the harassment they experienced with the group and with Brandr.

 "Lady Csille, I was there when his highness Prince Fraser knocked off Brandr. Contrary to the rumor that Prince Fraser knocks him off without reason, it was the other way around. It was Brandr who insulted you first. He said you are some cheap women who flirt with other men. His highness only acted as a defense. He is only protecting his fiancée. If Brandr didn't insult Lady Csille, I doubt if Prince Fraser would even look at him."

 I heard people gasp. I look at Lilla and smile. The truth was finally out.

 Aside from students, there are Professors roaming around the open field, and because of the commotion we just made, several Professor went out to check on us. In the end, they end up hearing the group's harassment and the truth about Prince Fraser's issue.

 Although the Professors are well aware about the truth. Their hands are tight, but because the public is changing sides now, it will be difficult to paint Brandr as the victim. 

 With this, we can definitely counterattack the victim using Defamation and Insult. With the help of Ruler Laird and the public, it will be easy for us to turn the table.

 Public opinion greatly affects everything. That's one thing I learn from this.


 My classes just finished, and here I am talking with Rufus and the others again. We are talking about what just happened in the open field and what we will do next.

 "Purplany, you did it! Now the public knows that it was that Brandr who started it. The tables had turned, and they are now criticizing the victim for what he said to you. They are even enraged for what he did to other ladies. And now the Professor and Principal Germund called the friend of Brandr to ask for their explanation." 

 I look at Rufus and sigh. Although the opinion of the public changed. It doesn't change the fact that Prince Fraser is still in confinement. I won't ever feel okay not until I know Prince Fraser is out from it. 

 "With this, it will be easier to turn the blade to the enemies. We can use this chance to complain to Principal Germund and demand an explanation from him. Defamation and Insulting the future Queen of a Kingdom is a big offense. Do you think Principal Germund won't punish Brandr with this?"

 I shake my head at Princess Paislee. Although what she said is the right thing we should do, however, I don't think it's the right time to raise our concern to Principal Germund. 

 "Let's wait for the aid from Ruler Laird. If we raised this concern with Principal Germund, it might only have a minor effect, but if it was Ruler Laird who raised this. Do you think he would just watch things progress?"

 Rufus snaps his fingers at me. "You're right, Csille. If we let Illorian raise this issue, it will be difficult for Brandr to paint himself as the victim now. And Principal Germund wouldn't have any choice but to let Prince Fraser go since what he did is for defense only."

 I look up at the sky and smile. We can finally relax for a moment. All we need to do is to wait for Ruler Laird's help. 

 Just wait for a little while, Fraser. I promise I will get you out from there.


 I hide in the corner and look at Princess Paislee departing back. After the conversation with others, Princess Paislee visits Prince Fraser and updates him with what is happening. I just secretly follow her to check on Prince Fraser. 

 I want to see him. 

 It's probably because of the dream I just had last night that it made me worried about his situation. I want to make sure that he is okay, and I was relieved to see that he is resting in one of the dorms in Alderrdeen. 

 Principal Germund placed Prince Fraser in the newly built dormitory building. This building is still not open to the public. That's why it's only Prince Fraser who is staying here.

 I look at the closed door and sigh. I don't have any plan on showing myself to him because I know he wouldn't like to see anyone right now. I just want to make sure that he is okay and leaves after. 

 I looked at the closed door for the last time before I walked away, but I got frozen when I heard his door open.


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