I just finished all my exams for the midterm, and my head hurts like hell. Maybe because I was up late last night. 

 Last night, Princess Paislee asked me if we could talk, but I declined her. Saying I was too exhausted last night and all I want is to sleep. However, I didn't even get enough of sleep because I was overthinking what does she want to talk about. 

 I sigh. I knock on the door of the clinic. My head really hurts. I think I need a painkiller for this. 

 Leander opens the door for me. He immediately frowns when he sees me. "Lady Csille? Why are you here? Is there something's wrong?"

 I smile weakly at him and put my hand on my head. "My head has been hurting since this morning. Do you have any painkillers? I think I'm going to die with this headache."

 Leander immediately guides me inside the clinic. He then let me sit on one of the chairs. "How long have you been suffering from headaches?"

 "Probably two days or three days already. I didn't get much sleep these days. Couple the fact that I was too stressed with my research."

 Leander shakes his head. "I already told you the last time that if you don't take care of yourself, it will have on toll on your body. Look at you. I'm sure that's because you're being too hard on yourself. You also need to rest, Lady Csille." 

 He then takes a pill from one of the bottles. "Here. Take this. It's a painkiller. It will help you with your headache. However, I suggest you change your sleeping habit and try not to stress yourself too much, or else you'll just end up having headaches again."

 I take the pill from his head and immediately swallow it. Leander then guides me to rest in the clinic for a while.

 "You already took all your exams, right? Why don't you rest here for a while and let your headache subsides before you leave? The painkiller will take a few minutes before it works. Rest on one of the beds first."

 I lay on one of the bedd. My head is still hurting like hell, so I think it's better to take some rest first since I don't have any plan to do it afterward. 

 However, the rest turns into a nap. I wake up because of a loud familiar voice. 

 "Leander, I didn't think you're enjoying your life here. Unlike me, I was always in a boring meeting every day. Talking to those older men. I feel like I got ten years older because of them."

 I slowly open my eyes and look around. The bed I am lying has a curtain that circling the bed. It's like those curtains in the hospitals where you just push it on one side to see the other side of the room. 

 My eyes widened when I realized who owned the familiar voice. It's Rufus! I immediately push the curtain to the side.

 Rufus probably heard the curtains when I pushed aside, he looked back, and his eyes widened when he saw me. He then smiles at me. "Purplany!" He rushes towards me and hugs me. "What are you doing here? Did something happen to you?"

 I look at Rufus with teary eyes. Although I didn't really spend five years here. I still feel like I have missed him for five years. Probably because of the changes in his appearance. He looks more handsome than before. 

 Leander, who is standing at the side, walks towards me. "Lady Csille. Are you okay now? Or does your head still hurt?"

 I shake my head at him as a response. I still glued my eyes at Rufus. He looks devilishly handsome. 

 If Prince Fraser has the aura of a cold serious handsome King. Rufus has the aura of a wild devilish knight. 

 Dayum, the male lead and the second male lead, looks so handsome. Why is it like this? Can my heart survive? 

 Rufus chuckled, and he grinned at her. "Are you falling in love with me now, purplany? I already told you. You're not my type."

 Rufus' handsome appearance shattered in an instant because of his words. I throw the pillow at him. 

 Five years have passed, and he is still the Rufus Astalieu that I know. Someone who always teases Csille.

 I look at Leander. "I'm already okay now, Senior. Thank you for the painkiller that you gave me. However, can I ask one again? So, even if I had another headache, I don't need to come to the clinic."

 Leander shakes his head. "I apologize, Lady Csille. However, I cannot give you a painkiller. If I gave you one, I'm sure you'll continue to stay up late at night, and you'll just take a painkiller if you have another headache again. If you feel headache again, please just visit the clinic, and I will gladly help you."

 I sigh. I understand his concern though. He is just worried I'll continue to be hard on myself. 

 "Eh? Purplany, do you always have a headache? Are you not properly taking care of yourself again?" 

 I look at Rufus and smile guiltily at him. He just shakes his head. 

 "You always do something that will harm you. Purplany, when will you start to take care of yourself?" He then looks at Leander. "Does she always visit the clinic?"

 Leander looked at me before he took something on one of the cabinets. It looks like a pile of papers. But what is it? He put the paper down on his table before he looked at Rufus.

 "This is Lady Csille's records right from the moment she arrives here." 

 I look at the pile of paper and sigh. It's Csille's fault. She got too focused on changing herself that she forgot to take care of her health.

 Rufus stares at me. "And you told me in your letters that you're taking care of yourself properly. Does this looks like proper to you?"

 I just smile awkwardly at him. How can I answer that? It was the real Csille who did it. Why am I the one who always got scolded because of Csille's doing? This is just unfair. 

 Leander tried to calm Rufus by explaining to him what's the reason why Csille always ends up having a visit to the clinic. 

 Csille always does volunteering, and some of it was made outside the school. There are times that Csille got hurt on her way to the place. She also sometimes got sick because of the weather. It's the reason why she often visits the clinic.

 Rufus sigh. "I'm actually here to invite you, Leander for lunch. It's been two years now since the last time I saw you." He then stares at me. "I am about to look for you too. It's a good thing you're here. So are the two of you free?"

 I immediately accept Rufus' invitation. It's my first time seeing him five years older than the last time I saw him. 

 Leander just called for a reliever, and the three of us set out to look for a restaurant. We decided to eat in one of the restaurants outside the school. Since only one restaurant offers Vrawyth food in the school.

 "Rufus, what are you doing here? You already graduated, so there's no way you become a part of the Exchange program. You also cannot be a scholar since you already have a job in the monarch, and I'm sure his majesty, the King, won't let you give up your position. So, why are you here?"

 Rufus' existence in this time and in this place is something that I don't understand. He is not supposed to be here. So, why is he here? 

 "I was the one who suggested the Student Exchange Program, and they assigned me to facilitate this program. The reason why I am here is to see if this program will benefit both schools." 

 That made sense. So, it means Rufus will be staying here in Alderrdeen for two weeks too? That's great news. At least I would have someone who's on my side. 

 The carriage stops in front of us. We were about to get into the carriage when someone spoke behind our back. 

 "Prince Rufus, Leander, Csille. Where are you going?"

 We all look back and see Prince Fraser staring at us. Behind him is Princess Paislee.

 We all got silent. Although Prince Fraser doesn't look like he is in a bad mood. His aura is suffocating. It's as if he is pressuring us to answer him.

 "Prince Fraser. We were about to eat outside the Alderrdeen school. It's been a long time since I have seen Leander and purplany. So, I ask them if they want to have a meal with me. And since all of us have free time, we all decided to eat outside." Rufus explains in detail. He probably feels pressured with Prince Fraser's aura too.

 Prince Fraser stares at Rufus for a couple of seconds before he stares at me. I stare back at him. I tried to read his expression, but I couldn't see anything from his facade. 

 "Aren't you forgetting something?"

 Oh, no. Will he prohibit us from going outside? But it's the first time I have seen Rufus as his older self. Can he not ruin the fun? 

 Rufus got silent. He's probably thinking what I was thinking too. I sigh. "Your highness, please forgive me for interrupting. However, can you please mention what we have forgotten?"

 Prince Fraser stares at me. "You forget the invite us. Aren't I part of the Vrawyth Kingdom too? Why are you leaving us behind?"

 Leander, Rufus, and I look at each other and sigh in relief. We all thought Prince Fraser would prohibit us from going out. At least it's better than staying here. 

 You can also say that this can be a little reunion for the five of us. 

 Rufus laughs. "No, no. I was just worried you're tired so I didn't invite you. Please get inside the carriage." He then gestured his hand towards the door of the carriage.

 Prince Fraser gets inside the carriage. Followed by Princess Paislee. The three of us, Leander, Rufus, and I, look at each other before entering the carriage. 

 I sat beside the window, facing Princess Paislee. While Rufus sits beside me and Leander sits beside him. Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee are sitting in front of us.

 The carriage is only meant for four people, and since both Leander and Rufus are bigger guys. I was almost squeezed at the end.


 I look at Prince Fraser. He raised his hand and offered it to me. "You're being squeezed there. Come sit beside me. There's still a space for one person here."

 I look at his hand and his face. Am I hallucinating, or is Prince Fraser really asking me to sit beside him? 

 I hesitatingly accepted his hand, and he pulled me to sit beside him. Princess Paislee is sitting beside him while I sit on his other side. 

 What is this setup? The male lead is sitting beside the female lead and the Villainess? Isn't this weird? 

 The carriage moves, and silence engulfs the carriage. I tried my best to avoid looking at Prince Fraser.

 I don't know how to react to our situation. I was expecting he would still be rude to me, but he did the unexpected.

 Also, there's something that I don't understand here. First, why did the few days visit become two weeks visit? Second, why is Rufus with them? He should be in Vrawyth busying himself with his monarch duties. Third, why is this little reunion happening? 

 I haven't written all of these. So why? And why does Prince Fraser seems nice again to me? Is this the calm before the storm? Will he get mad at me after this? Should I prepare myself now?

 I sigh and look outside the window. 

 I already have a lot of problems with my research and school works. And then this added? 

 I just want to have a fun meal with my friends. Can't I just have it? Why does Prince Fraser need to pop out of nowhere? He even brings his female lead with him. How am I supposed to act and behave now? 

 Like, come on, give me a break!

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