I look at my exam paper for the last time before passing it to our Professor. 

 The Professor looks at me with disbelief in his eyes. "You're fast. Are you sure you don't need to check it again?"

 The exam takes an hour, and it's only been half an hour, but I have already turned in my paper. I smile at the Professor and shake my head. 

 The Professor put a time stamp on my paper and asked my exam scheduler. It's a card where my exam schedule was written. The Professor stamps each student's card the time they start their exam and the time they end it. 

 "You always turn in your exam paper early. Intelligent people are really brave." He then stamped my exam scheduler and gave it back to me. "Good luck with your other exams."

 I left the room after. I still need to take three more exams. I also need to see Prince Joachim today to check on my research. I need to see if I still need to revise it. Although I really hope I don't need to revise it or else I won't have much to prepare for my presentation.

 I groan. I'm exhausted. I was up until midnight because I was reviewing for my exam. And I still need to review until midnight tonight for tomorrow's exam. 

 "Lady Csille?"

 I look back and find Leander staring at me worriedly. "Senior. What are you doing here?"

 The building for students and for scholars are on different sides of the school. How come he is here? 

 Leander raises his medicine kit. "A student had a nosebleed while taking the exam, so I came here to check on her. Did you finish your exam already?"

 I smile at him. "Yes, I just turned in my exam for today. I am about to meet Prince Joachim to check on my research."

 His eyes squinted a little when I mentioned Prince Joachim. "He is still busy administering exams. He's the Professor of the student I just checked." He then looks at his wristwatch. "Did you eat your lunch already? Why don't I treat you for lunch? It's been a long time since we talked. What do you think?"

 I look at my wristwatch. It's already noon, and I hadn't eaten anything. I think it's not a bad idea since Prince Joachim is still administering exams right now.

 "Okay, I actually haven't eaten breakfast."

 Leander frowns. "You didn't eat breakfast? It's already noon now. Do you always do this? Skipping meals?"

 How can I have time for breakfast? I was busy reviewing for my exams, and I was also worried about my research that I forgot to eat breakfast. 

 I shrugged my shoulders and asked him where we would eat. Leander sighed and just let it off. We then decided to eat at one of the restaurants that offer Vrawyth food. 

 My mouth immediately waters when I see the Vrawyth dishes on our table. It's been a long time since I have eaten Vrawyth food.

 I am about to take a bite of one of the dishes when Leander suddenly speaks. "Lady Csille, did Prince Fraser send you a message for his arrival? He's arriving one of these days, right?"

 I put the spoon down and sighed. Aside from I'm stressing over exams and my research. I'm also stressing over the fact that Prince Fraser is arriving in Alderrdeen. I'm still worried about Prince Fraser's arrival.

 I look at Leander and shake my head. "He didn't send me a letter, actually. I only knew about his arrival to Alderrdeen because of you."

 It's been five years already. Does he still hate Csille just like before? 

 I know I have written this scene, but it's different when it is happening in real life. I don't know what he will feel about this visit. 

 Leander clears his throat. "Maybe he was busy with study. I heard from Prince Rufus that Prince Fraser already involves himself in managing the monarch. It probably slips his mind to send you a letter."

 Slip his mind? Or maybe he just doesn't want to send me a letter. 

 I just shrugged my shoulders. I take a spoonful of a Vrawyth dish and pretend that I am enjoying the food. Although I feel sour inside. 

 "Senior, I heard your research was finished already, and it was really a success. Are you planning to return to the Vrawyth Kingdom now?"

 After the scholars finish their research, they have a choice to stay here in Alderrdeen and continue doing research or to return to their hometown. 

 "I'm planning to return to the Vrawyth Kingdom with Prince Fraser. They will be staying here for two weeks, and it's enough time for me to prepare all the documents I need for my departure."

 Two weeks? He will stay here for two weeks? Why will he stay here for two weeks? How about his classes? 

 Wait, I think that's now what I should be worried about. I didn't write about two weeks visit. It should be for a few days only. Why did it become two weeks? This doesn't make sense.

 "Two weeks? Do you know the purpose of his arrival in Alderrdeen?"

 Leander looks shocked by what I said. I can clearly see disbelief in his eyes. "You don't know? I thought you know why."

 I clench my fist. How am I supposed to know? Prince Fraser rarely sends Csille a message, and if he does, it's usually just a response to her letters. He never sent a letter on his own will. 

 I sigh and smile bitterly. "No, I don't. I thought he would only stay here for a few days and return to the Vrawyth Kingdom again. I had no idea that he would stay here for two weeks."

 Leander got silent. He probably didn't expect that. I heard him sigh. "Lady Csille, are you still not on good terms with his highness, Prince Fraser?"

 I didn't answer Leander and just smiled at him. It's better not to say anything since I don't know what to say. Should I deny or admit it to him? But no matter what I choose, Leander has eyes he will realize the actual score between Prince Fraser and Csille when Prince Fraser arrives. So, it's better to let him decide for what he will see. 

 Will I ever come back to those days when we were all alright? I kind of miss those days. I miss that Prince Fraser. But I know it's impossible for me to meet him again. He's gone now and will never come back. 

 I heard him chuckle. "So, I step back for nothing?" I heard him mumble to himself.

 Step back? Is he? Never mind. I have too many problems right now. I don't have time to think about other things.

 "Senior, you haven't answered me. What is Prince Fraser's purpose in coming here?"

 "The Vrawyth Education board created a new program. As far as I know, they called it an exchange student program."

 Exchange Student Program? Isn't that a concept from the real world? I have never written about the Exchange student program in my novel. So, I don't understand why is this happening. 

 It's happening again. Things are not following the script I have written again. It happened before too when a war almost broke out. The existence of Strzalka. I have not written those too, but it still happened. 

 But why? Why does it all happen? I thought this world follows my novel? So why does all of these is happening? 

 Speaking of Strzalka. We didn't hear anything from them for more than five years now. The Kings proceed with their plan. They made an event that all the Kings needed to attend, and through that event, they made a countermeasure to the threat of Strzalka. However, it was all put to waste because the Strzalka disappeared. 

 Although they disappeared, every Kingdom is still on high alert for the Strzalka possible return. Who knows, maybe they are waiting for an opening? 

 "Why didn't I know about it? Who suggested this?" I frown. I need to know how made this program and why is this existing. 

 Leander paused to think. "If I'm not mistaken, it's Prince Rufus."

 Rufus! My eyes widen. Rufus' existence was only added in the second version of the novel, and now he is the reason why this exchange program is existing. I definitely need to talk to him. Although I know that there's a big possibility that I won't get anything useful from him.

 If only I know where the Virtouse is. If only I could talk to them. My only chance is to find that head Virtouse. However, how can I even find him? 

 I sigh and just eat. Never mind. I'll just find a way how to deal with all of these. 


 "Lady Csille! Finally, I found you. I have been looking for you everywhere." Lilla said, panting. It looked like she was running.

 I frown and let her breathe first. "Why are you running? Did something happen?"

 Lilla holds my arm. "There is something happening. No! No! Someone happened!" 

 What? Someone happened? Am I dizzy, or I just don't understand what she is saying? 

 "Lilla, what are you talking about? What do you mean someone happened? Can you explain it? I don't understand what you are saying."

 Lilla waves her hand and drags me somewhere. We stop in front of a crowd. There are ladies crowding the gate of the school. 

 "This is what I'm telling you. I have been looking for you everywhere for this. Now everyone in the school knows about his arrival. It's too crowded. We cannot get to the front." Lilla grumbles.

 His arrival? What does she mean? 

 Lilla looks at me. "Csille, what are you standing there? Your fiancĂ©e is arriving any moment from now. You should walk to the front to welcome him. Even the Professors are already in front waiting for his arrival."

 It's really him. I can finally see Prince Fraser, five years older than the last time I saw him. What will he look like? Will he become more handsome than before? Will he hate me the way he hated me before? 

 I look at the crowd of people and sigh. I suddenly remember those times when he embarrasses Csille in front of other people. If I come up in front, will he embarrass me just like before? 

 I hesitated. I tried to recall what would happen when Prince Fraser arrived at Alderrdeen.

 Csille didn't show herself to Prince Fraser and just watched him pass. She doesn't want to take the attention from him. That's why she didn't welcome Prince Fraser. She was just there smiling and clapping her hand to Prince Fraser. 

 She's not the old Csille who'll throw her arms at Prince Fraser the moment she saw him. She already knows the word consent and stops craving for attention. She really changes for good. For Prince Fraser. 

 I look at Lilla and just smile at her. "That's okay. I can talk to him later." 

 Lilla was about to respond, but the crowd suddenly cheered, and a carriage slowly moved past us. 

 Inside the carriage, I can see Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee inside. I could see another silhouette, but because of my distance from the carriage, I couldn't see who's the other person. 

 The crowd cheered loudly. Even Lilla jumps in joy when the carriage moves past us. She holds one of my arms and shakes it. "It's his highness, Prince Fraser in the flesh, Csille." She shrieks. "I can finally see him."

 I just laugh at her reaction. I didn't expect she wouldn't have this kind of reaction to Prince Fraser's arrival. When Prince Joachim arrived in Alderrdeen, I didn't see her flustered like this. 

 I look at Prince Fraser's carriage. Prince Fraser is now descending from the carriage. He looks around for a couple of seconds before his gaze lands on me. He stares at me for a couple of seconds before he walks towards the Principal and the Professors. I feel my heart beating wildly because of that stare. 

 I heard Lilla squeal. "Ahhh, he looks at you. I saw that. He looks at you. I think my heart is about to explode because of that."

 I didn't hear what Lilla said. My mind keeps replaying the scene when he looks at me. 

 Prince Fraser... It's him. He looks different now. He looks even better than the last time. His facial features become sharp. He also changes his hairstyle. He used to dawn a clean-cut hairstyle, but now his hair is longer. Just like those Korean idols' hairstyles and it suits him more. He looks breathtakingly handsome. 

 I put my hand on my chest. Fraser, how can I force myself not to love you if you look like that?

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