"Oh dear, are you sure you want to go back to your dormitory already? You just returned to us yesterday. Why don't you rest here first? Even the King gave you a week to rest."

 I smile sadly at them. Even though I want to spend my days with them, but I need to stay away from Prince Fraser as much as possible. 

 If I stay here for another week, I'm sure there is a possibility that I will see Prince Fraser, and that's not what I want. After the conversation the real Csille had with Prince Fraser, I don't know how to face him anymore. 

 "Mother, Father. I'm sorry, as much as I want to be with you, but I still have responsibilities as a student. I was away for almost two terms now. I need to show myself to the school, or else I don't know how I can face my classmates now knowing that I skipped a semester."

 Father sigh and gently caress my head. "I'm glad you're being responsible now. However, the King already announced that all of you are given special permission to skip a semester this school year. So, why bother? Your mother and I both miss you. Why don't you spend your time with us first?"

 I shake my head vigorously. I want to stay away from Prince Fraser as much as possible. Aside from the first reason, I want to create an opportunity for the two leads. So, I must return to the dorm as soon as possible.

 "Father, I miss you and Mother too. But I don't want other people to say something to our family. Yes, I won a Gold Exemplar pin, but the competition was different than my studies. How can I bear to skip a semester knowing that my classmates are all having difficulties with our classes?"

 My dear parents, please agree. I beg of you. 

 Father sigh. "Do I have another choice? Okay, I'll let you even though I still want to spend time with you. However, I know you have your own mind now, so I won't force what we want. Just remember, don't be too hard on yourself, okay? Remember to send us a message if something happened."

 I sigh in relief. I thought they wouldn't agree with me. Although I feel guilty for going back to the dorm immediately, but I don't have any other choice. I don't want to face the current Prince Fraser. 

 I smile sweetly at Father and hugs him. "The Count is still the best."

 "The Count only? How about the Countess? Aren't you forgetting something, young lady?"

 I just laugh at my mother's remarks and hugs her too. 

 I'm sorry for lying, Mother, and Father. 


 My morning classes just ended, and I am now on the way to the back of the building, where Rufus' hideout can be found. 

 It was already late yesterday when my parents let me off. They even drop me at my school just to make sure that I am okay. 

 I stare at the surroundings and find it odd. We were gone for more than two months. How come this place is clean? 

 I sit on the chair and check the cabinet where Rufus puts his snacks. My frown deepened when I found food inside, and it seemed like someone had just put it recently since there was no dust on it. 

 "Did someone occupy this space while we were away?" 

 "Eh? You're already here, purplany?"

 I look at Rufus, who has a paper bag in his hand. "You're already here too? I thought you'd be spending your time with the Duke and the Duchess. How come you've returned earlier?"

 Rufus takes a snack from the paper bag and puts it on the cabinet where he puts the food. "Father. He's the reason why I am here already, even though I want to take a break first. Father immediately arrange my return to the University the moment we arrive at the Vrawyth Kingdom. If not because of the Banquet, I'm afraid he will throw me out to my university that night." Rufus grumbles. "Is he even my father?"

 I just laugh at his misery. Although it might sound heartless, but I know the Duke only wants the best for his son. Missing two terms for the semester is really a great loss for every one of us. Even if we are eligible to skip a semester, but it's only in the name. All those lessons they take the whole sem, that's what we have lost. 

 The Duke is just afraid that his son will graduate without knowing anything from university. 

 "The Duke is just worried about you. You're a troublemaker, Rufus. Although you're smart, you tend to skip classes before, remember? He was probably worried that you'll end up graduating knowing nothing."

 Rufus takes a bun on the cabinet and chews on it. "Are you even my friend? Do you need to stab me on my wounds?"

 I just laugh at Rufus and takes a bun inside the cabinet too. 

 "How about you? Why are you here? I'm sure it's not because of the Count or the Countess. Even your Brother Pascal won't do that. Let me guess. You're here because you're avoiding Prince Fraser?"

 I immediately look at him with wide eyes. How can this guy know my reason?

 Rufus shakes his head. "Don't look at me like that. I have been your friend since we were young. Of course, I will know your reason. I just don't understand why you would avoid him again. The two of you look okay at the Banquet. You even act like a real couple there. So, why?"

 Look okay? If I am okay, then what am I doing here? Why am I doing my best to avoid him? Even giving up the idea of spending my time with my parents.

 "If we're okay. Do you think you will see me here?"

 Rufus nods his head. "You're right. That made sense. So, everything that happened at the Banquet is just a show for people? Is it because of the rumor that has been spreading lately? That the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom and its fiancée is not on good terms?"

 When it comes to gossip, this guy never misses anything. I take a deep and smile bitterly. "You're right. Everything is just a show."

 I laid on the hanging hammock and closed my eyes. Come to think of it, the incoming change in Csille's life isn't that bad.


 I open my eyes and look at Rufus. 

 "The two of you. Is it really impossible?"

 Prince Fraser and Csille? It is more possible to see Rufus ends up with Princess Roese than to see the Villainess ends up with the male lead. That's going against the law of novels.

 I shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes.

 "Csille, do you think it's possible?"

 I start to swing the hammock using one foot that is still in contact with the ground. "Possible? What possible?"

 Rufus got silent for a couple of minutes. I even thought he wouldn't answer my question. 

 "For the two of us..."

 My foot stopped swinging the hammock. What did he say? Did I just hear it wrong? 

 "Can you repeat what you said? I think I didn't hear it right."

 Rufus didn't answer me immediately and keep silent for a couple of seconds before he sighed. "Never mind. I was just casually asking."

 I was about to ask him, but then again, I changed my mind. It's better not to know everything. The more you know, the more you get disappointed.


 "Class dismissed."

 Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when our teacher said those words. It's our last exam for the finals. Although I don't need to make the finals but I decided to since I think it's too unfair for me to just skip a semester. 

 It's been more than two weeks now after we arrived at the Vrawyth Kingdom. Throughout that two weeks, I got busy asking my classmates and my prof about the lessons I missed while I was away.

 I heard from other students that Leander and Prince Fraser arrived this week. But despite the fact that they both arrived in the week for the finals, they still took the exam. 

 Smart people are really brave. They are not even afraid of taking the finals, knowing that they miss all the lessons for two terms.

 "Hey, it's Lady Csille. Have you heard what happened in the Celebratory banquet?"

 I heard one of the students said to her friend while I was passing them. 

 "Yeah, Prince Fraser and Lady Csille interaction is really sweet. I almost shriek when I see his highness carry Lady Csille."

 Oh dear, sweet? If they only knew how I was in pain that time. I bet they won't find it sweet.

 "But why didn't I see them interacting after they return here? Lady Csille returned to the dorm first, but since the arrival of Prince Fraser this week, he didn't come to find her. Isn't that weird?"

 "It's the finals. They are probably busy reviewing. Remember, they miss two terms of lessons."

 I sigh and turn to a corner. That's not because we're busy. It's because there's no reason for us to meet. The relationship between Prince Fraser and Csille can't be fixed. It is doom to fail in the first place. 

 I stop on my step when I see Princess Paislee standing in front of my door. What is she doing here again? I frown when I notice the flower she is holding. What is she planning to do again?

 Princess Paislee stood up straight when she noticed me walking closer to her. "Lady Csille."

 I really admire Princess Paislee. She already knows what Csille did to her, but here she goes, still showing herself to Csille. Isn't she brave?

 "Sir Farren, do you need something?" I paused a meter away from her.

 "Please forgive my sudden appearance. But his highness, Prince Fraser, ask me to give it to you." She then offered me the flower she was holding. 

 Pink Carnation flower. 'I am longing for you' flower. 

 Prince Fraser ask her to give that to me? And she expects me to believe that? 

 I look at the flower in her hand and chuckle. "Sir Farren, tell me. Why do you do things for Sir Farren? Do you think I will fall for that? Prince Fraser won't give me flowers. I'm sure he doesn't even want to see me now. So, why? What can you get from matchmaking him to me?"

 Princess Paislee was taken aback by my words. She remains quiet for a couple of seconds. She probably didn't expect that I would see through her actions. 

 "Lady Csille... I... Uhm, I just wa—"

 I raised my hand to stop her from talking. "Enough. Sir Farren, I understand that you just want to do something for Prince Fraser. However, there are things that you cannot touch even if you want to. The matter between Prince Fraser and I our own issues. Please don't do meddle with it. I will let it pass for now, but the next time you do things behind Prince Fraser's back, I will make sure to sell you out to him."

 Princess Paislee tried to say something, but she couldn't even come up with a proper sentence. I open the door of my room. 

 "Sir Farren, I suggest you stop seeing me privately. People are already talking about Prince Fraser and me. They set their eyes on us. If people know that you, Prince Fraser's personal Knight, are seeing his fiancée. What do you think will happen?" I paused and looked back at her. "Please, consider things before you do something."

 I didn't wait for her response and just entered my room. I lean on the closed door and close my eyes. 

 Princess Paislee, please don't make things difficult for me. 


 I just went out of my teacher's room when I saw Rufus waving his hand at me enthusiastically. 

 "Purplany, how did your exams go?"

 It's the end of the semester already. I was just submitting papers that are needed for me to be able to go home now. 

 I show Rufus my report card. "It was okay. Why are you here?"

 Rufus, look at my grades. "You and Prince Fraser are really monsters. You're not here for the finals, but your grades are still outstanding. I have seen the ranking, and I was shocked to see you placing second. You're tied with Sir Farren."

 I walk past him. I really don't care about the result. I mean, I was happy, but my main concern is not the result but the incoming change that will happen in Csille's life. 

 It's almost near. After Csille return to her home, the Count will drop the news that will change Csille's life. Not just Csille's life but even the lives of all the characters. 

 I guess this is really the start of my Villainess life.

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