"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our annual Grand Exemplary Competition. We will now be officially starting today." The host announced while a band played a celebratory tune.

 We're currently outside the arena venue, waiting for our Kingdom to be called. It's the opening ceremony for the Grand Exemplary Competition. On the opening ceremony, each Kingdom will walk first to the middle of the arena while they are introduced by the host. It's like those opening ceremonies in Olympics.

 It's the official start of the Competition, and it also means that starting from this day, the real Csille will have full control of this body.

 Csille groaned and fanned herself using her hand. "It's so hot. When will they start to let us in?" She grumbles.


 The outside of the Arena was cramped by all the representatives from each Kingdom. We're already line up according to the standing in the previous Grand Exemplary Competition. Since the Vrawyth Kingdom ace last year's competition, we are at the end of the line. It also means we are the ones who will stand for the longest time.

 Prince Fraser looks back at Csille and frowns. "If you cannot handle the heat, then go home now. We don't need someone who'll complain for just the smallest discomfort."

 I can feel Csille anger. She frowns at Prince Fraser. "If I go home, that also means I will be quitting the Competition. Do you want me to quit your highness?"

 There's a rule in the Competition. Each representative needs to attend the opening ceremony to be officially acknowledged as a competitor in this Competition. Anyone who failed to grace their appearance in the opening ceremony, no matter what the reason is, will be out of their group and will not be allowed to represent the Kingdom for the future Competition.

 This Competition is one of the biggest inter-Kingdom in this world, and only those who are best among the rest can enter this competition. So, they believe that each representative needs to have discipline to be fully considered an exemplar. It's the term they used to call people who compete in the Grand Exemplary Competition. And the winner will be called Grand Exemplar. It also has different ranks, depending on the Kingdom's placing. For the first place, they will be called Gold Grand Exemplar. The second will be Silver Grand Exemplar, and the Third will be Bronze Grand Exemplar.

 Prince Fraser stared at Csille for a couple of seconds before he shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself."

 Csille scoffs at him. "Your highness, Prince Fraser, have you forgotten? I am the only one who will represent the Vrawyth Kingdom in the Etiquette category. Will we be able to get the Gold Grand Exemplar without me?"

 Prince Fraser is about to refute, but Leander immediately stands in between us. "Let's not argue today. Your highness, Prince Fraser, representatives from other Kingdoms are everywhere. It will be a disadvantage for us if they know we're fighting over a small matter."

 Prince Fraser sighs and look in front like nothing happened. While Csille glares at Princess Paislee, who didn't even do a thing. 

 I don't know if I should laugh or pity Princess Paislee. She got hated by Csille for every little thing. The funny thing is, Csille doesn't even know she is disguising herself as a man.

 I feel Rufus leans on my ears. "Hey, calm down. I'm sure Prince Fraser is just anxious because of the Competition. He doesn't mean to sound like that. He's probably worried about you."

 If I could roll my eyes at Rufus, I would probably do that. Prince Fraser doesn't mean that? I doubt it. Last night he told Princess Paislee that he doesn't like the real Csille. I doubt it if he would even worry for her. It's the Prince Fraser based on the novel we're talking about here. And that Prince Fraser is meant to hate Csille no matter what.

 Csille scoffs, but she didn't say anything to Rufus. She just continues to glare at Princess Paislee, who is standing beside Prince Fraser.

 Farren Brichagnac, enjoy this opening ceremony because I will make sure that you will regret taking Prince Fraser from me. It is because of you that's why Prince Fraser hates me now, and I won't let you enjoy the company of Prince Fraser while I was set aside. If he hates me, I will make sure he hates you too. Just so you wait. I will make you embarrass in front of everyone and if Prince Fraser sees how useless you are. I'm sure he will stay away from you forever.

 Is this how evil the real Csille is? How can she blame someone who wasn't doing anything and was just protecting her fiancé? I thought Csille is smart, but why does when it comes to Prince Fraser. She becomes an idiot?

 I feel someone elbows Csille. She glared at Rufus, who just elbowed her. "What are you doing?" She snapped 

 "Why are you glaring like that? Are you mad at Prince Fraser? You know him, Csille. He has days where he becomes grumpy like an old man. Come on, don't tell me you get mad at him because of that?" 

 Csille sighed and tried to calm herself. The host already started calling the representatives of each Kingdom. She needs to calm herself, or else people are will misunderstand her. 

 Everything she will do today will have an effect on her father, the Count, Prince Fraser, and the Vrawyth Kingdom. So she needs to calm herself down, or else it will become a problem not just for her but for the rest of the representatives of the Vrawyth.

 The host starts to introduce one by one the representatives of the Aeslaerean Kingdom. The Aeslaerean was the previous Silver Grand Exemplar last year. 

 "And last but not the least, Prince Christofre Saintizin, the son of the Duke of the Aeslaerean Kingdom. He is one of the outstanding Knight in the Aeslaerean Kingdom and was considered as the top achiever in his batch to one of the prestigious Universities in the Aeslaerean."

 I heard a loud cheer from the audience. Aside from his amazing achievements. Prince Christofre is a handsome lad. Although his handsomeness cannot be compared to Prince Fraser or even to Rufus. But it's enough to gain a number of admirers from other Kingdoms. 

 I heard someone scoff beside me. "They find him handsome? Even our Leander can beat him when it comes to appearance. How can they admire him like that?"

 This guy. I know he is handsome and smart, yes. But isn't he too narcissistic? I know he is a Prince too, but how can he say that to someone? That's rude.

 Princess Paislee looks back at Rufus and glares at him. "Prince Rufus, please be mindful of your words. Prince Christofre is still a Prince of the Aeslaerean Kingdom. It would be detrimental for us if someone heard you mock the Prince of the Aeslaerean Kingdom like that."

 Rufus is about to refute, but Princess Paislee looks in front like nothing happens. Rufus mumbles to himself and leans towards Csille.

 "Purplany, don't you agree with what I said? That Prince Christofre isn't even comparable to Leander. How can those ladies admire him like that?" Rufus complains to Csille.

 However, the real Csille ignores Rufus' remarks and focuses on the host's words. The host just finished introducing the representatives of the Aeslaerean Kingdom, and now it's the Vrawyth's turn.

 Prince Fraser sighed. "Everyone, please get into your position."

 There's also an order on how we will be called. Depending on the status of the representative. The first one to be called if Princess Paislee because her identity in the Vrawyth Kingdom is a mere Knight. The second will be Leander because he doesn't have a noble blood. The third will be Rufus. Although he is a Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom, but his title is just a mere title. The last to be called is Prince Fraser and Csille Lauretré. 

 Although they are not officially engaged but since everyone knows about their engagement. They already see Csille's status comparable to Prince Fraser's. Also, Csille's family background is not a small thing.

 "And now let us welcome the previous Gold Grand Exemplar. Will they be able to maintain their title for this competition? Let's find out." 

 The gate opens, and it's a sign that we all need to walk towards the middle of the arena. Prince Fraser sigh and offers his arms to Csille. 

 Does he need to sigh? It's as if it's against his will. 

 "The first in line is one of the newly appointed Knight of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Although he is new, he once saved the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom. He is now his royal highness, Prince Fraser's personal knight. He is also the second achiever next to Prince Fraser in the Vrawyth High School of the Nobles. Farren Brichagnac."

 While the host is introducing Princess Paislee, she starts to walk inside the arena and stop in the middle of it. Each Kingdom will stay in the middle for a couple of minutes. It's for the audience and the other representatives to see who will be the competitors for this year's competition. It is also to pay respect to the Queens present today.

 "The second who will represent the Vrawyth Kingdom is none other than Leander Smythe. He is the son of the Royal Physician couple of the Vrawyth Kingdom. He is one of considered best medical students among the seven Kingdoms. He even got a title, 'the future Godly Doctor' of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 The crowd cheer when Leander walk inside the Arena. There are people who also cheered for Princess Paislee, but it cannot be compared to Leander's. The cheer for Leander is even louder than Prince Christofre. 

 Rufus looks back at Csille and winks. "I told you, purplany. That Prince can't even be compared to Leander." After saying those words, he immediately looks in front. Waiting for his introduction.

 Csille didn't even listen to what Rufus had said. She is busy calming herself. She wants to talk to Prince Fraser and ask him why he is doing all of these to her. But she knows it's not the right time for that. She still has a competition that she needs to focus on.

 "For the third representative, let's all welcome Prince Rufus Astalieu, the son of the Duke of the Vrawyth Kingdom. He is considered as an achiever among his batch in the Royal University of Vrawyth. He also does volunteering works in the Vrawyth Kingdom. Helping the poor and doing things for the monarch."

 The moment Rufus steps inside the arena, loud cheers wad heard inside. Although Rufus was considered a cursed child, but ladies can't help but be mesmerized by his handsome looks. 

 If Prince has the cold and aloof look. Rufus has a devilish look. Maybe it's because of the color of his hair and his eyes that makes him like that. If I didn't know Rufus personally, I wouldn't expect he is a funny guy. His appearance makes him looks like a playboy. 

 Csille looks at Prince Fraser and smiles. "It's our turn, Fraser. I hope we can set aside our misunderstanding first. We cannot let other people see that there's something wrong with us, right?"

 Prince Fraser looks at Csille and sighs. "Okay." 

 It's just one word, but it's enough for Csille to be satisfied. The two of them start to walk towards the entrance.

 "And last but not the least. Let's all welcome, Prince Fraser Astalieu and Lady Csille Lauretre—"

 Prince Fraser guides me to walk inside the arena. The moment we walked inside the arena, the whole crowd got silent. It's as if everyone is afraid to breathe even the host didn't finish his introduction to us. He just stood there dumbfounded.

 Although everyone seems in dazed, Prince Fraser continues to pull Csille towards the front, where the rest are already standing. 

 The crowd and the host only get to their senses when we already reach the middle. The crowd cheers loudly. 

 "Prince Fraser Astalieu, the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Known as a responsible and kind person. He is the top achiever in Vrawyth High School of the Nobles and has always been representing the Vrawyth Kingdom in other Inter-Kingdom Competition."

 The host paused. "Lady Csille Lauretré, the daughter of the Count and the only heiress of the Lauretré family. She is known to be the most beautiful lady among the Kingdoms, and we all can agree to that. Aside from beauty, she is also one of the top achievers in her school and has been representing the Vrawyth Kingdom in inter-Kingdom competition for years now."

 The crown continues to cheer loudly. The people in the arena are composed of nobles and businessmen. From the looks of it, I'm sure there are many people who are allies of the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 "Representatives, please pay your respect to the Queens." The host reminds us.

 We immediately pay our greeting to the Queens, who are sitting in front. Csille does a curtsy while the rest put their hand on their left chest and bows their heads.

 "The Vrawyth Kingdom gives thy respect to the Queens." We all said in unison.

 The moment we finished speaking, a loud drumming sound was heard. "And now the Grand Exemplary Competition has started!"

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