Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 158 - : The Villainess Returns

 I woke up in a good mood. After the conversation, I had with Princess Roese yesterday. I spend my time strolling around the Saiven Kingdom, eating Saiven foods, and shopping. I had a great time that I slept like a log last night.

 I was about to stretch my arms, but I couldn't move it. I feel my own body get up from the bed. My head moves to look at the wall clock. 

 I heard myself groan. "Too early to wake up. Why do I need to wake up early? No one can even compete with me when it comes to Etiquette. All those puny Princesses is nothing compared to me." I feel my eyes rolled.

 Oh, no! Did the real Csille take over my body again? I tried to remember what I had written. It's a scene about the training. I remember now. I write a scene where Csille is training. Wait, isn't this one of the scenes where Csille will argue with Princess Paislee? 

 Csille starts to freshen up herself and choose a dress that is too extravagant for today. Heyy! We're just going to train for today. Do you need to wear that? It looks like you are going to a social gathering of the nobles. 

 After Csille looks at the mirror, admiring herself for the whole five minutes, she gracefully walks towards the dining area. 

 Everyone is already eating their breakfast when the real Csille walks like a Queen. All of them look at her with a gaping mouths.

 "Csille, are you attending some occasion today?" Rufus is the first person who gets out of the shock.

 The real Csille gracefully walks beside Prince Fraser and sits beside him before she answers Rufus. "What? Do I need to have occasion to attend to wear this?" Csille raised her eyebrow at Rufus.

 Rufus shakes his head. "Yeah, forgot what I have said. You are right. You don't need any occasion," he then continued to eat his meal like nothing happened.

 I remember writing this scene! I only write this as a filler and to make the readers see that they are training.

 Csille looks at Prince Fraser and smile. "Good morning, Fraser. Did you sleep well?" Csille asked in a very sweet voice. Even I feel shivers on my back because of her tone.

 Prince Fraser didn't even spare a glance at her and answer with a simple hum. I can feel Csille get annoyed because of Prince Fraser's reaction. I don't know if I should laugh at her. Poor Csille. She was ignored again.

 Csille pouts and eats her food while peeking at Prince Fraser from time to time. The moment Prince Fraser finished eating, she immediately stopped eating and followed him.

 "Hey! Csille, I need to talk to you!" 

 I heard Rufus calls Csille, but she just followed Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee outside the residence. She found them entering the carriage to get to the training ground.

 She immediately walks towards the carriage and forces herself inside. Princess Paislee immediately gestured her hand to an empty space. 

 "Lady Csille, you're joining us. You can sit here." Princess Paislee said with a full smile on her face.

 Csille didn't even say thank you to Princess Paislee and smiled widely at Prince Fraser. 

 Hey! Girl, you don't even know how to say thank you to her? Is it too difficult for you to say thank you? Csille attitude is really something. It's the reason why Prince Fraser won't like you.

 The carriage starts moving. Prince Fraser sighed and stared at me. "Why are you here, Csille? What do you want?" He asks in an irritated tone.

 Csille pouts at Prince Fraser. "Why do you sound so irritated? I just want to share the same carriage with you. We will be going to the same place, that's why I am here. I am not an inconvenience. I just want to be with you."

 Prince Fraser stares at Csille for a couple of minutes before he shakes his head. "Suit yourself." He said in a cold voice.

 Will he be like this in the future? Will he act like this every time I will try to talk to him? I can feel my heart hurting. I don't know if it's because of the real Csille's feelings or because of the idea that in the future, Prince Fraser might treat me like this. 

 Csille pouts and stares outside the window. 

 "Prince Fraser, I'm sorry for interrupting but don't you think you're being too harsh to Lady Csille?" Princess Paislee speaks all of a sudden. 

 I look at Princess Paislee. I don't know why but I think there's something wrong with what is happening. I just couldn't pinpoint what is wrong. All I know is there is definitely wrong here.

 Both Csille and Prince Fraser act like they don't hear anything. Prince Fraser continues to stare outside the window. While Csille is staring intently at Prince Fraser. 

 I look at Prince Fraser. Why does he look like he's anxious? He's sweating even though the air ventilation in the carriage is good. So, why is he sweating? Anxiety? But why would he be anxious? 

 The carriage stops moving, and Prince Fraser immediately steps out of the carriage like a lightning. Csille and Princess Paislee is the only one left inside the carriage.

 Princess Paislee stares at the real Csille. "I'm sorry, Lady Csille. Prince Fraser just woke up in a bad mood. I'm sure he will be okay after this." 

 I don't know if I should clap my hand at Princess Paislee or I should pull my hair out of frustration. I appreciate she is concerned about me, but at the same time, I am frustrated because she shouldn't care about the Villainess.

 Csille ignored Princess Paislee and followed Prince Fraser out, but she didn't find him. Csille groans and kicks the small stone on the ground. "Why are you ignoring me, Fraser? All I want is to spend time with you, but why do you hate me this much? What did I do to deserve this?"

 Csille walks towards the Etiquette room. She immediately finds Eve arranging the new flowers that will be used for the flower arrangement training today. 

 "Miss, you're already here. The Saiven Kingdom just delivered these fresh flowers for you," Eve beams at the real Csille. She had a wide smile on her face.

 Csille just glared at her and threw the flowers at the ground. Eve immediately shrieks. "Miss, why did you throw the flowers? Do you know how difficult it is to grow a flower in the Saiven Kingdom?"

 Csille scoffs. "Do you think I am dumb not to know that? Take that rubbish and your garbage face away from my face! I don't want to see anyone!" She shouts at Eve. She also kicks the flowers that are on the ground.

 I heard Eve gasp because of what Csille said. She probably didn't expect my bad temper for today. She immediately put the flowers in the basket and immediately rushed out of the room.

 The moment Eve leaves the room. Csille immediately throws the things on the table. There are things needed for the flower arrangement. There are also a cup of tea and a piece of cake that Eve probably prepares for me.

 Poor Eve, she didn't deserve to hear those words from Csille after what she did for Csille today. Csille definitely needs to change the way she treats people, or else everyone will end up leaving her. Just like how Prince Fraser will leave her in the future.

 Csille shouts loudly. "Fraser, why? Why are you pushing me away? What did I do for you to do this to me?" 

 I can feel tears are starting to stream from my face. Csille slumps her head on the table and cries. She cries while continuously asking Prince Fraser why he is doing this to her. 

 I pity the real Csille too. All she wants is a little bit of attention from Prince Fraser, but Prince Fraser keeps ignoring her. And if he is talking to her, he will make her feel like he doesn't want to talk to her at all. So, I kind of understand why Csille is doing her best to make Prince Fraser notice her. 

 The only problem is, those things she is doing are the same reason why Prince Fraser is avoiding her. The Prince Fraser based on the novel and the real Csille are really an impossible couple. They don't understand each other and are constantly irritated with each other. 

 Prince Fraser is irritated with Csille because she often does something that irritates him. Csille is irritated at him because he won't notice her no matter what she do.

 After half an hour of crying, Csille stands up and fixes herself. Before she storms out of the room to go to the training ground where Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee are currently training for the Physique category.

 Csille finds Prince Fraser talking happily to Princess Paislee. He is laughing loudly and smiling like a fool at her. 

 I can feel Csille starting to get mad because of what she is seeing. She immediately walks to where they are sitting. 

 Princess Paislee immediately notices me and stands up. "Lady Csille, what are you doing here? Are you planning to train too?"

 Csille glared at Princess Paislee. "Shut up! Am I talking to you, huh?"

 Prince Fraser immediately stands up. "Csille!" He shouts at her. "Did you just came here to shout at people?"

 I feel my eyes squint at Prince Fraser. "Oh, but aren't you shouting at me too, huh?"

 Prince Fraser frowns and sighs. He is probably trying to calm himself. "What are you doing here? Are you here to just bother us?" He asks with a grim expression.

 Csille scoffs at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I bothering you again, your highness. I'm just here to remind you that I am still your fiancée, and you have responsibilities to me as your fiancée." She takes a step closer to him. "Why are you pushing me like that, huh? Do you hate me, Fraser? Do you hate me this much that you would rather spend your day with a lowly knight?" Csille shouts at him. I can feel the frustration of Csille.

 Prince Fraser grabs one of my hands and holds it tightly. "What did you say? Did you just call Sir Farren as a lowly knight?" He roars at me. "Have you forgotten Csille? He is the one who saves me in the western region. If not for him, I would be gone to this world. So, the next time you insult him. I will be the one you're going against." He then pushed Csille. 

 Csille fell on the ground with teary eyes. I kind of understand Prince Fraser. What the real Csille said is below the belt. How can she insult Princess Paislee like that? She is the Crown Princess of the Aeslaerean Kingdom. While she is just the daughter of the Count. How dare she puts an air on Princess Paislee like that? 

 "And remember this, Csille, our engagement is still not official. So, whatever responsibility you are saying is not valid. I am not your fiancé as long as my Father, the King, didn't announce it. So, don't parade yourself as the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. How can a person like you be a Queen? You don't even know how to treat people right. All you know is to flaunt your title to everyone. You're nothing without your Father, Csille."

 Prince Fraser takes Princess Paislee's hand. "Let's go, Sir Farren. Let's not waste our time for someone like her."

 Prince Fraser walks past me like I am just nothing. I can see that Princess Paislee wants to say something, but she can't say it because she was drag by Prince Fraser.

 Csille looks at their backs and shouts. She grabs a soil using her hands and throws it. "Fraser, why? Why are you doing this to me? All I want is for you to notice me. But why are you so mad at me?"

 She then glares at Princess Paislee's back. "It's him! Sir Farren, after you came to the scene, Prince Fraser won't even spare me a glance. I won't let you take away my Prince Fraser from me.. Just so you wait."

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