It's already seven o'clock, and we are now outside the building waiting for the arrival of the carriage of Prince Reeve and Princess Roese.

 Prince Fraser and I are standing in front while the others are line up behind us. I am holding on to Prince Fraser's arm. We will be the ones who will act as the host for the visit of the Royal sibling.

 "Are you okay?" Prince Fraser whispered to my ear.

 I look at him and nod my head. "I'm okay. I'm actually excited for tonight."

 I heard him sigh, and he squeezes my hand. "Don't be too complacent, Csille. It may look that we have the upper hand here, but those two are traitors. Who knows what they can do. So, please be careful."

 I nod my head at him. He is actually right. I shouldn't get too complacent. The night is too long. We still don't know how this night will end. I just hope it will end up favoring us.

 After a few minutes, the carriage stops in front of us. The coachman gets off the carriage and opens the door. Prince Reeve is the first one who gets off the carriage. He then assists his little sister, Princess Roese, to get off the carriage.

 Prince Fraser squeezes my hand and assists me to come closer to the two siblings. 

 "Prince Reeve, Princess Roese, welcome to the Vrawyth residence. Please forgive me if it's only now we have time for the visit. We were too busy these days."

 Prince Fraser greets the two siblings immediately while I do a little curtsy for them. 

 Prince Reeve gently smiles at us. "It is us who should apologize. I know you are all busy for the Competition. I hope we are not disturbing all of you."

 "It is our honor to have you as our guest. Please be assured." He then looks at me and the rest. "Prince Reeve. Princess Roese, I know you already know my fiancée, Lady Csille Lauretré." He gestured his hand at me.

 I smile gently at them. "This Count's daughter welcome you to the Vrawyth residence. I hope you all enjoy your visit with us tonight."

 Princess Roese beams at me. She then runs towards me and clings to my other hand. "Lady Csille, it was nice seeing you here again. With you here, I'm sure I'll definitely enjoy this night." She then smiles cheekily at me.

 I am about to respond to Princess Roese, but Prince Reeve immediately calls his sister. "Princess Roese Launselot, what do you think you are doing? Come back here beside me. Do you know it's rude to do that?" He snaps.

 Princess Roese pout and let go of my arm with a long face. "I'm sorry, Lady Csille, for my rude behavior. I was just overjoyed to see you here." She then walks towards his brother.

 I smile gently at her. "Don't worry, Princess, I actually don't mind." 

 "This is the other representatives of the Vrawyth Kingdom. This is the Duke's son and another Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom, Prince Rufus Astalieu." Prince Fraser gestured his hand at Rufus. 

 Rufus smiles gently at them. "It was nice having you here, Prince Reeve and Princess Roese. It's been a long time since I saw the two of you. I hope you are doing fine all these years."

 I look at Princess Roese and saw her getting flushed over...Rufus? Don't tell me Princess Roese is into Rufus? 

 Prince Fraser continues to introduce Leander and Princess Paislee to the two siblings before he asked them to come inside the residence.

 The official visit involves eating or drinking while having conversation. The purpose of this visit is to check if each representative is comfortable with the services the Saiven Kingdom is offering to them. It is also to establish a relationship with the other Kingdoms. Although it's futile since each Kingdoms already have Kingdom to side. Except for the Wrezatia Kingdom, of course.

 The food and drinks are already prepared in the receiving area. The food is based on the preferences of the two siblings. And since Princess Roese doesn't like to drink alcohol, so we have prepared her favorite drink.

 "Please sit, Prince Reeve and Princess Roese. We already prepared the drinks and the food based on your preferences. I hope you like it. If you want something else, please say it so that we can prepare it for you." Prince Fraser said.

 Prince Fraser and I are sitting beside each other while the two siblings are sitting on the sofa in front of us.

 I look at Princess Roese and see her staring at Rufus. This Princess definitely has a crush on him. Too bad Rufus doesn't like traitors.

 I feel Prince Fraser lean on my ears. "Csille, are you looking at Prince Reeve? I know I have made a promise already, but you cannot have a crush on him. Remember who and what he is." He whispered in my ears.

 I look at him and smile. Is he jealous? "Are you jealous, my Crown Prince?" I tease him. Since we need to act like an engaged couple, then cooperate with him. I will make sure to make the full of it.

 Just for tonight. I will make myself forget that I am the Villainess. I will make myself pretend that I am his female lead for tonight. Just this once. I will make myself happy for the last time.

 Prince Fraser is about to reply when we heard someone giggled. We look back and see Princess Roese looking at us with her flushed face. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but get flustered with how sweet you are to each other. You definitely make a great couple." 

 I feel my face heats up because of her words. Although I say I want to let myself be happy tonight, but it doesn't include having a public display of affection with Prince Fraser. Princess Paislee, the real female lead, is even here. How can I do that?

 "Dear sister, can't you see? You're making Lady Csille embarrass." Prince Reeve immediately scolds his sister. He probably sees my expression earlier.

 I hear Prince Fraser laugh. "No, no, that's okay. My fiancée is just shy but doesn't worry. She already got used to such comments."

 "You probably heard many comments similar to what my sister said," Prince Reeve look at the two of us. "Can't blame them, though. The two of you really look good together. The most beautiful lady in all the Kingdoms and the most gorgeously handsome man in all the Kingdoms. You too are really match made in heaven."

 I feel my face heats even more. Can they stop teasing us. My heart couldn't take the comments. It is now beating wildly.

 I hear Prince Fraser laugh again. "Yeah, we often heard about that." He then looks at me. "Sometimes, I even feel like I don't deserve her. Look how beautiful she is."

 "Fraser!" I playfully slap his arms.

 Prince Fraser just pinches one of my cheeks. "Okay, I won't tease you anymore." He then looks at Princess Roese, who is sitting silently beside her brother. "Why don't you accompany Princess Roese. We will be talking about something important, and I'm sure you two ladies would find it boring."

 I just smile at Prince Fraser. I know what he is doing. He wants me to take away Princess Roese from Prince Reeve so they can focus on drinking and spiking Prince Reeve drinks. With this, I can also put the dissolvable sleeping pill in Princess Roese without anyone noticing.

 Prince Reeve let the guards stay outside because he said he is sure nothing will happen to them inside the Vrawyth residence. If we didn't know about their betrayal, I would probably believe that he fully trusts the Vrawyth Kingdom. And that he doesn't have any intention of betraying his ally.

 I walk towards Princess Roese. "Princess, do you want to leave the guys alone? I'm sure they will talk about something we couldn't understand."

 Princess Roese immediately gets up from her seat and clings to my arms. "I was just waiting for your invitation. Come on, let's talk something more interesting."

 I walk Princess Roese on the opposite side of the receiving area. There is a small table and two chairs in there two. It is where I spend my morning tea because it is in front of a huge window and you can see the beautiful sky there.

 Princess Paislee and I both settled in. "I hope you are not bored with this visit, and please forgive me if I would do something that doesn't follow the etiquette of the royalties."

 Princess Roese shakes her head. "That's okay. I sometimes forget what are those. So, you don't have to worry. Are you enjoying your stay here, Lady Csille?"

 I smile gently at her. "Yes, I am. I don't know if you know, but I haven't been to other Kingdoms before aside from the Stozeterra Kingdom. My father, the Count, wouldn't let me go outside the Vrawyth Kingdom because he is worried something might happen to me. So, going to the Saiven Kingdom is definitely fun for me."

 All those inter-kingdom Competitions I had joined before are usually held in the Vrawyth Kingdom. If not the Vrawyth Kingdom, it will be the Stozeterra Kingdom. My father didn't let me join other competition that is held in other Kingdom.

 The Stozeterra Kingdom is the neighboring Kingdom of the Vrawyth. So, he isn't that worried. If something happened, he could immediately rush to the Stozeterra to protect me. Although it might sound like my father is restricting my freedom, for someone who doesn't have a father in the real world, I am actually happy because of it. I finally know how it is like to have a loving and protective father.

 "Don't you feel suffocated?" Princess Roese asks.

 I shake my head. How can I complain? I even feel more loved because of that. "I don't. I understand why my father is doing that. He is just worried about me. I am the only heir of the Lauretré family. If something happened to me, I don't know how my parents can make it. So, I understand them if they tend to be overprotective at me."

 Princess Paislee looks outside the window. I look at where Prince Reeve and the others are talking. They are busy talking. I immediately take the pill out of my pocket and inconspicuously put it in Princess Roese tea. I heard from Rufus that Princess Roese likes to drink tea too.

 "But sometimes being too protective can be suffocating too. Don't you agree?"

 Princess Roese looks at me. It's a good thing I already put the pill in her tea when she looks back at me. My hand immediately holds the teapot that is on the table. 

 "Do you want another tea? I can see that your teacup is already half empty."

 Princess Paislee looks at her teacup, and she raised it using with her two hands. "Thank you for the tea Lady Csille."

 I smile at her and gently pour the tea into her teacup. I sigh and put the teapot after. I thought I would be caught. 

 I look at Princess Roese, and she looks anxious and sad? But why? "Is there something bothering you, Princess Roese? You look bothered."

 She just shakes her head and takes a sip on her teacup. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something."

 She probably remembers her parents. Princess Roese was loved dearly by her parents, but their love was too much for Princess Roese to handle. I suddenly feel guilty because I made her sad.

 I look at the guys and found Rufus looking at me. He winks at me and continues talking to the guys. I smile. I know I way how to make Princess Roese happy.

 "Princess, I have a question. I hope you wouldn't mind me asking." 

 Princess Roese shakes her head. "What is your question, Lady Csille? I will answer it as long as I can answer it."

 I teasingly smile at her. "Tell me, Princess Roese," I lean my head closer to her. "Do you have a crush on Prince Rufus?"

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