I nod my head at Ruler Laird. "It's the reason why the Vrawyth Kingdom is in a tight spot right now. The alliance of the three Kingdoms and the threat from the Strzalka is definitely a piece of bad news for us."

 "Is it the reason why you badly need the pill? Who will you use the pill for? I need to know who are you going against."

 I anxiously played with my fingers. If he knows that we're going against the royalties from the Saiven Kingdom, I don't know if he will help us. That's a Royalty from one of the Kingdoms. Going against the Royals is a big crime.

 I look up at Ruler Laird when I feel him hold my anxious hand. "Csille, you are my Goddaughter, and I will support you with your plans. I just need to know who are you going against so I could help you prepare for the worst possible situation. No matter what will happen, if you need help, I will always be at your back, so you don't need to be anxious. I will help you. You and Prince Fraser are my Godchildren. of course, I will help the two of you."

 Will he? Will he really help us even though what we will be doing is against the rules? But if I don't tell him, it might sound like I didn't trust him. I do trust him, but as much as possible, I don't want to involve the Illorian City with the Kingdoms feud. 

 "Csille, are you doubting me?"

 I immediately shake my head at Ruler Laird's question. With all the things he did for us, how can I doubt him?

 I sigh and look at him. "Godfather, it's not that I'm doubting you. I just don't think you won't agree if I tell you who we are going against. Also, wouldn't it be better for you to know less? I don't want to involve you with the complicated matters between the Kingdoms."

 Ruler Laird just smile at me and gently caress my head. "I'm glad you think about us. However, didn't I told you I like to get involved? How can I stand still and watch at the sideline when two of my Godchildren is in a perilous situation?"

 I couldn't help but feel touched by Ruler Laird's words. I sigh. "We will use the pill against Prince Reeve."

 Ruler Laird got silent for a while. He's probably thinking, who is this Prince Reeve. "Prince Reeve Launselot. The Crown Prince of the Saiven Kingdom? Why would you use it against him? Csille, he's a Crown Prince. Do you know what's the punishment for harming the future Ruler of a Kingdom? That's a life sentence. You can die because of that."

 It's the reason why I didn't want to tell it to him. We all know the consequences of our actions, but what can we do? We have no other choice. It's either to do this or to let the three Kingdoms betray the Vrawyth Kingdom. I cannot let anything happen to the Vrawyth Kingdom. Not for now. 

 All the people I cared for is living there. How can I let anything happen to them? So, I would rather take this risk than to endanger the lives of the people in the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 I smile sadly at Ruler Laird. "We don't have any other choice, Godfather. It's our only option. If we don't do this, then it will be us who will be endangered, and I cannot let that happen. Godfather, I know what we are asking is too much. We all know that the pill is really important for the Illorian City. However, please forgive us for asking for too much. We badly need it, Godfather. Please, help us." I almost cry. I am already attached to this world, and I cannot risk endangering it. I bow my head at him. I cannot look straight at his eyes, for I am guilty.

 I heard Ruler Laird takes a deep breath. I know we will be putting in danger the Illorian City with this. Their secret might be exposed too. So, I understand if Ruler Laird will not help us, but I'm still hoping he will. 

 I know what I am asking it too much. I am the reason why his daughter disappeared in this world, but I am now endangering his city and the pill they have been keeping as a secret. I'm really an evil person. 

 I feel Ruler Laird gently comb my hair. "How can I even say no to you? You're my Goddaughter. Of course, I will help you. The Illorian City wouldn't also like to hear something happen to the Vrawyth Kingdom." 

 I look up and see Ruler Laird stands up and walks towards the cabinet. He then takes a black wooden box from the inside of the cabinet. He then put it on the table in front of us. "Inside that box is the pill and the antidote. I'll be giving you three pills and three antidotes." 

 Wait. How many pills, he said? Three? I look at Ruler Laird with wide eyes. "But Godfather, I only ask for one pill. Isn't this too much? Aren't you afraid that the secret pill will be put in danger?"

 Ruler Laird smiles at me and pushes the box towards me. "You are my Goddaughter. You have the right to the pill. I'm giving you three in case you need them in the future. And I know I can trust you, Csille."

 I look at the box and look up to the Great Ruler. "Thank you, Godfather. Thank you for giving us the pill and for the trust you are giving us. I promise I wouldn't break that trust."

 Ruler Laird nods his head at me. Seemingly satisfied with my answer. He takes my hand and puts it on the box. "Keep it. If you need a pill and the antidote in the future, just come to me. I'll definitely give you one."

 I hug Ruler Laird. I feel guilty. He's been treating me as his own daughter, and what have I done for him? I felt like I'm only using Ruler Laird. I sigh and hug him.

 I'm sorry, Ruler Laird.


 I stare at the room that was prepared by Ruler Laird for me. He decided that I should stay here for tonight because he was worried that those people who are spying around would be suspicious of my identity if I went outside at night. 

 "I hope you like the room, Csille. Just tell me if you don't like it so I could arrange another room for you." Ruler Laird said while looking around the room. "It may not be compared to the room you have in the Vrawyth Kingdom. I'm so-"

 I immediately shake my head at him. How can I even complain? The room I have in the assigned residence for the Vrawyth Kingdom couldn't even be compared to this room. "The room is lovely. How can I even complain? It's perfect. Thank you, Godfather."

 Ruler Laird smile and gently caress my head. "If you need something, just call the guards guarding your room, and they will immediately attend to your needs."

 I look at the guards guarding the room outside the door. I gently bow my head at them as a sign of respect. I'm sure these guards are not simple guards. I'm sure they are Illorian soldiers too. Also, I think everyone deserves respect regardless of their status. They will be protecting me for tonight. I think they deserve to see that I appreciate them. 

 Ruler Laird gently caresses my head again. "You really make me proud, being your Godfather."

 I just smile shyly at Ruler Laird. It's the only thing I can do. The real Csille will definitely come back one of these days, and I do know what evil schemes she is planning to do. At least with these, I could repay for all the bad things she will be doing.

 "I'll be leaving now. Don't worry. I'll be sending a letter to the Vrawyth Kingdom about your stay for ton-"

 I immediately hold Ruler Laird's arms. They cannot know that I sneak out again. Cannot be. I shake my head at Ruler Laird. "Godfather, you don't need to. I already said that I would be staying in the Illorian residence for tonight. They already know about it. You don't need to waste your time."

 Ruler Laird stares at me for a couple of minutes before he sighs. "That's good to know. At least they won't be worried that you're not safe." Ruler Laird looks at the clock hanging on the wall. "I'll be leaving now. You should rest. I'm sure you're tired of all that happened. I already ask the maid to prepare a clothing for you. So, you can change your clothes. I'm sure you're dying to change it already."

 After a few reminders and a good night, Ruler Laird left the room. The guards immediately close the door. 

 I look around the room, and I was in awe of how beautiful the room is. It looks like a room of a Crown Princess. I check the furniture and all of them are high quality. 

 The Saiven Kingdom really put too much importance on the Illorian City. With how big the assigned residence for the Illorian and now the rooms are all beautiful. Even the room assigned for Ruler Laird is like a room for a King. 

 I sit on the bed and look at the black wooden box Ruler Laird gave me. I smile widely at myself. I couldn't help but be proud of myself. I already have the pill and the antidote. And it's not just one. It's three. 

 I slump on the bed. I am happy with what happened but at the same time sad. I felt like I am a terrible person. I felt like I'm taking advantage of the fondness that Ruler Laird has for me. 

 I am the reason why his daughter disappeared from this world, but now I am doing this in return? 

 I sigh and close my eyes. I know that Csille is meant to be the Villainess, but I feel bad for those people she will be using in the future. I just she won't use Ruler Laird. Ruler Laird doesn't deserve all of those.

 I open my eyes and look at the black wooden box. The only thing we need to do now is to meet the Crown Prince of the Saiven Kingdom and to make him take the pill. So, he can spill all the information he knows. We need to know what their real plan is. 

 But what will happen afterward? What will be our next move? So, what if we know what their plan is? What are we going to do next? 

 I close my eyes. No matter what we are going to do. All I know is, I cannot let anything happen to the Vrawyth Kingdom.


 I frowned when I realized I am now in the Palace of the Vrawyth Kingdom. I immediately look around. I don't know what is happening and why I am in the Palace. 

 I walk past throughout the corridors. I frowned when I realized something is amiss. There's no one inside the Palace! 

 I immediately run through every room to look for someone, but I didn't find anyone. It's as if the Palace becomes abandoned.

 "What is happening? Where are the maids? The butler?" I anxiously asked myself while checking every room I can see.

 I walk outside the garden. Maybe there's a special occasion, and all of them are in the garden. I walk past the flowers that were personally taken care of by Prince Fraser. 

 I stop at the red tulips. Red tulips are the first flower he gave me after I arrived in this world. Red tulips, the flower for declaring your love. 

 I smile bitterly and smell the flowers. How great it can be if it's real. If the flower meaning is true. But I know more than anyone else that Prince Fraser isn't meant for Csille. 

 It's already written in the story. How can the Villainess end up with the male lead? Only in the isekai novels can it happen, and everything that is happening here is real. 

 I shake my head to stop my thoughts. I need to find someone. I walk past the Red tulips, and I was about to check if there's someone on the table set in the middle of the garden when my steps halted. 

 I heard someone is talking. There are people here! Thank goodness.

 "Mother, please grant my wish." I heard a familiar voice said that. 

 Wait, isn't that Prince Fraser? That definitely sounds like Prince Fraser. 

 "Son, I know you love someone else, but what about Csille? What will we say to the Count if you cancel the engagement?"

 My eyes immediately widen. It's the Queen. I'm pretty sure the one who spoke just now is the Queen. And what did she said? Prince Fraser wants to cancel our engagement? He loves someone else?

 "Mother, if we push this engagement. I will only hurt Csille. I don't want her to hope for something I couldn't give. I don't love her..."

 I couldn't hear what Prince Fraser said after. My mind couldn't help but keep replaying what Prince Fraser said. He doesn't love me!

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