Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 127 - : The Alliance Of The Three Kingdoms

 I remain quiet and let the two guys talk. All these children wishing their parents to die is too much for me to handle.

 Rufus looks at me worriedly. "Csille, are you okay? You look shocked. Maybe we should talk about this with Prince Fraser, he-"

 I immediately shake my head. I would rather have a conversation with them than to have a conversation with Prince Fraser. With what happened between the two of us? I wouldn't want to see him. I'm afraid I'll take back my words if I see him again. 

 You cannot take back your decision, Ysavel! That is for the good of everyone. You did what you should do! And you cannot take it back. The relationship between Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee needs to start now. You cannot ruin it just for your own happiness.

 "We're already talking. Do we need to cut it now? You better explain things with Prince Fraser after we return to our residence. For now, let's just talk about this."

 Rufus and Leander look at each other and sigh. Rufus knows that I broke up with Prince Fraser, but Leander didn't. Although I know, he isn't that dumb to not realize what is happening between us, Prince Fraser and I.

 "If the Yesian and the Saiven royals have their own reason, what will be the reason of the Wrezatia Kingdom?" 

 I tried to turn the topic back. As much as possible, I don't want to think about Prince Fraser. I would rather hurt my mind in thinking about what to do with our current problem than to question my own decisions regarding my relationship with Prince Fraser 

 Rufus sigh and shake his head. He realized that I am avoiding the problem again. "Is there another reason? The Wrezatia Kingdom has always been the lowkey Kingdom, although they are fifth on the list. Do you think there wouldn't come a day when they will realize how much they are sacrificing? Why are they the one who needs to take the responsibility for balancing the peace among the Kingdoms? They are stronger than the two Kingdoms. If anyone else, wouldn't the one who needs to sacrifice is the weakest? Do you think they will always be satisfied with how they are living?"

 I never think about that. I thought the Rulers of the Wrezatia Kingdom already made peace with the idea that their role will remain the same. It didn't occur to me how's their life behind all of this? 

 The Saiven Kingdom and the Yesian Kingdom are enjoying the benefits of being an ally of the Vrawyth Kingdom. The two allies of the Aeslaerean are ripping the benefits of having an alliance with them. But what about the Wrezatia Kingdom? What do they enjoy? Nothing. 

 I got silent with what I have realized. I didn't expect the conflict between the two Kingdoms will be this complicated. It's not just simply waging war, and it's done.

 I look at the two guys. I just realized something. "How can they be sure that the Aeslaerean Kingdom wouldn't turn their backs on them?"

 Leander shakes his head. "They are not sure."

 I gasp. "They are gambling without even knowing the possibility of winning? Isn't that a suicide mission? They are willing to risk everything for an uncertain result?" I couldn't believe they could think like that. 

 If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't do that. How can I gamble on something I am not sure about, and the stakes are even high. No, I couldn't do that. 

 Rufus mess my hair. "You're already grown up, but you still see the world like this. I don't know if I should be happy because you're still a have innocence with you or to be disappointed because you think like this. You should really start to open your eyes, Csille. The world is not what you think as it is. It's vast and cold. You cannot remain like this if you want to live on yourself."

 I nod my head at Rufus. My life in the real world is not great, but it wasn't this bad. There is not war. I don't have a traitor friend or a scheming friend. So, it's still difficult for me to adjust. 

 Leander smiled at us. "What Prince Rufus said is right. You'll be the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom, so you need to also have a tough exterior. If you continue to trust everyone without a doubt, it can cause the downfall of our Kingdom."

 I smile awkwardly at the two. Can they stop referring me as the Queen? They both knew my relationship with Prince Fraser. How can they still expect that the two of us will end up together? 

 "Can you just answer my question? Why would they risk everything for something uncertain?" 

 Leander sigh and shakes his head. "For someone who couldn't live the way they want to live, do you think they will be afraid to risk? They have nothing to lose, Csille. It's either they become satisfied with what they have now or to risk everything for the life they wanted? If you are in their situation, what will you do?"

 Become satisfied with what I have now or to risk everything so I can get what I wanted? Isn't that my current situation? I choose to be satisfied being the villainess instead of risking the lives of everyone if I choose my own happiness. 

 Does he need to ask me the answer? Of course, I will pick the same choice. If the only life that will be at risk is mine, I wouldn't mind taking risks. However, it involves every fictional life living here and that I couldn't bear.

 "I would choose to be satisfied." I paused. "Maybe there's one thing they lack."

 Rufus raised his eyebrow at me. "And what is it? I don't think there's something they lack aside from their freedom."

 I shake his head. "They are all in the same situation because they lack something, and that is courage. If only they have the courage to let other people know about their problem, maybe the situation wouldn't come to this."

 Leander chuckled. "You are wrong, Lady Csille. Do you think they would do this if they didn't do everything? I'm sure they already raised their problem to their parents."

 Rufus shakes his head. "But we're still not sure about it. Who knows, maybe they didn't have enough courage to do that."

 Why does everything seem so complicated? It's like a never ending problem for anyone. I'm the Villainess, but why do I feel like I am the one shouldering everything that is happening. Isn't this unfair? 

 All I want is to numb myself, but I feel my head is about to split with all that is happening. It's not only the Wrezatia Kingdom. We need to worry about even the Saiven and the Yesian Kingdom, who are the allies of the Vrawyth. 

 "So, what are we going to do now? We cannot let things happen as it is. We already know the plan between the three kingdoms. Do we still need to use the Illorian Pill on them?"

 I don't think it will be a great idea to do that. Since we already know what we want to know from the start.

 Leander shakes his head. "We still need to proceed with what we have a plan. Remember, what we have talked about is just assumptions only. Even if it's true, we still don't know what their plan is. So we still need to know what they are planning. If this involves starting a war among the other Kingdoms, we cannot let that happened. The Vrawyth Kingdom cannot go against six Kingdoms. Even if the Illorian City helps us out, it will still be difficult to win that war."

 "So, we still need to continue with what we have agreed. But what will happen to them? We will let them do as they please? What if the other Kingdom heard about this? This will be bad news for all of us."

 Everything that is happening is difficult to resolve. The Strzalka is already a pain in the ass but with the three Kingdoms joining alliance. This will definitely take a toll on the Vrawyth Kingdom. We need to act fast, or else it will become too late for us already.

 "It's the reason why we need to ask the Great Ruler about the pill. We need to act now, or else it will be difficult for us to reverse the situation."

 I nod my head at Rufus. I suddenly felt guilty. If only I didn't fake fever, we would probably have the pill and the antidote by now. Then we won't need to worry about the Wrezatia Kingdom.

 "So all we need to do is to wait for the Illorian City to gave us the pill and the antidote? Also, what will we do after we interrogated the royals? How can we stop them from doing their plan?"

 This is not a simple problem. If we stopped them, I'm sure they will look for another opportunity to knock. So, what can we do to stop these incoming war?

 I know that war will be inevitable in this world since I have written about the war in my first version. But that war is supposed to happen ten years from now, so I don't understand why all of this is happening. This doesn't make sense. Why is my novel going like this? I'm sure I haven't written something like this. So, why?

 If only I can talk to the Virtouse, but I still couldn't talk to them. If I still couldn't talk to them after the competition. I'm planning to get back to the Illorian City and visit that mysterious alley. Although I doubt if I can get back to the Kosmo Metaxy, since Aaline and Soiartze said that I could only go to the Kosmo metaxy once. But I really need to talk to the Virtouse. I also need to ask them about the head Virtouse.

 I even almost forgot about it. The second version of the novel I have written is only half of the novel. I don't know what will happen if we reached that half. I need to find that head Virtouse so I can finish writing the novel. 

 Rufus and Leander look at each other and shakes their heads. "I'm not sure. We will need to consult Prince Fraser about this. For now, let's finish this off. We still have training to do." Leander then starts eating his food.

 I look at my own food and sigh. This morning I was hoping I could find myself something to get busy with, but with all the problems we need to face, I think I would rather face a broken heart than this. 

 Aside from the three Kingdoms alliance and the Strzalka. I still need to worry about the Virtouse and the head Virtouse. I need to find answers to my questions. I have many questions that are left unanswered because I couldn't talk to the Virtouse. Only the Virtouse can answer me. However, how can they answer me if they are nowhere to be found?

 I thought I could find a clue about the head Virtouse when I arrived at the Saiven Kingdom. But instead of answer I even have problems. 

 Great! Can they all give me a break? I just want to rest and enjoying life as it is. I even matchmake the female lead and the male lead to each other, but what do I get in return? Another problem? 

 I sigh and eat my food. I'll probably just eat all of this to lessen my stress. After a minute or two. The three of us left the place and goes back to our training.

 Leander goes to the training ground to train for his Physique category while Rufus joins me in reading in the library.

 Rufus was busy reading when I remember something important. Didn't they say it's urgent to ask for the pill and the antidote to the Great Ruler? 

 Rufus is sitting beside me, so it's easier for me to talk to him. I look around first, and when I realized no one is around, I poke his shoulders. Rufus immediately stops reading and looks at me. "Do you need anything?"

 I nod my head at him. "Didn't the Crown Prince said that we would have a meeting after tonight?"

 Rufus nods his head at me and frowns. He probably realized I have a plan to do something again. "Don't tell me you're planning something again? Csille, I helped you the last time, but I don't think I could help you this time. Prince Fraser is always in a bad mood these days. I cannot go against that."

 I pout at Rufus and show him my most pitiful and adorable face. "This will not be huge. It's something that will help us all. I promise you that."

 Rufus got silent for a moment. He's probably weighing the pros and cons of my deal before he sighs.

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