Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 125 - : A Friend Or A Foe?

 It's been days since I have seen Prince Fraser. It seems like he is avoiding me. He always eats breakfast ahead of us, and if I'm studying in the library, he will make sure he's training on the training ground. Even in the evening, he would come home late. 

 I smiled bitterly and flipped the page of the book I am reading. I haven't even seen Princess Paislee because she is always with Prince Fraser. 

 This is what I want, right? To make time for the male lead and the female lead. But it still hurts me. It still hurt me to the point I couldn't even focus on the training I've been doing. 

 I slump my head on the table and silently cry. It hurts. It really hurts. I want Prince Fraser to only look at me, be with me. But I know I cannot do that. Even if Prince Fraser likes Csille now, I cannot take something that isn't mine in the first place. Csille is the villainess, and villainess is not meant to end up with the male lead. That is what supposed to be.

 "Lady Csille?"

 I look up and see Leander looking at me worriedly. "Are you okay? You seem preoccupied."

 I sit up straight and shake my head at him. "I'm okay. I'm just sleepy. Remember, I just recovered from fever."

 Leander looks at me and sighs. He then walks towards me. "May I?" He gestured his hand to the empty seat beside me. He's asking if he could sit beside me.

 I just nod my head at him and slump my head on the table again. I don't feel like doing anything today. I just want to lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I want to get lost in my own thoughts or just to numb myself from the pain. 

 I smile bitterly. What Rufus said is right. I'm really avoiding things. I want to numb myself because I want to run away from the pain that I inflicted on myself. It's probably my karma. My karma for making Prince Fraser like Csille. 

 "You know," Leander suddenly speak. I look at him and frown. What do I know?

 "You know, I actually know that you only fake your fever." I heard Leander chuckled. 

 I just shrugged my shoulders at him. I don't care if he knows. He can tell Prince Fraser, and I wouldn't mind. It's actually better if he knows that I only fake my fever, so he would think I'm really pushing him away. The more he hates me, the better. Even if it hurts. This is really the end for us, for Prince Fraser and Csille. 

 Leander stares at me. Waiting for me to react, but I just continue slumping on the table. He then sighs. "You're not even scared that I will tell Prince Fraser about this?"

 I chuckled. "You can tell him for all I care. I really don't mind, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind too."

 Leander looks at me intently and sighs. "Did the two of you fought again?"

 I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. "You can say that."

 Leander shakes his head. "I don't understand why the two of you always fight. If not arguing, the two of you will start avoiding each other. Don't you think you're too old for this game?"

 I want to laugh at Leander. What he said is right. For a twenty two years old woman, I'm really too old to argue with a fourteen years old teenager.

 "What are you doing here, Leander?"

 Leander smirks at me. "And here you are again, avoiding the things you don't want to talk about." He shakes his head at me. He then raised a book about medicine. "Remember, I am assigned to compete in the medicine subcategory. I'm here to study. How about you? What are you doing here? I heard from Rufus that you didn't do good with your training in the Etiquette. What is happening to you, Csille?"

 I shake my head. Even I don't know how to answer him. I just feel empty. I don't have the energy to do anything today. I just want to rest. 

 Leander just shakes his head. He then stands up and tugs the sleeves of my dress. "Come on. I think you need a break. Prince Rufus and I are planning to have lunch outside. You should join us. You are not even reading anything, so it's better to just accompany us than to stare at thin air."

 I look at Leander and sigh. I think it's better for me to join them. I need to distract myself. I cannot wallow in the pain that I inflicted myself. 

 "Okay, where are we going?" I stand up.

 Leander looks at me and winks. "You'll see. Come on. I'm sure you'll enjoy this."

 Csille frowns and follows Leander out of the library. 


 Rufus groaned. "The play isn't that good." Rufus looks at Leander. "You said we would definitely enjoy it. I end up sleeping. Is that what enjoyment means to you, Leander?"

 Leander snorts at Rufus. "You just don't know how to appreciate it. You don't have an artistic bone in you." Leander shakes his head and looks at me. "What about you, Lady Csille? What can you say about the play?"

 I smile awkwardly at Leander. After we get out of the Library, we met Rufus at the theater. Since it's still early for lunch, Leander decided to watch a play first. The play is actually good, don't get me wrong. The plot is really good. The only downside of it is the monotonous voice of the actors. Even I, who loves to watch plays and movies, got bored of it. I don't even understand why they become theater actors. They don't sound one to me.

 I sigh. "It's actually good. I love the plot of the play, but I'll be honest, their acting is really bland. I don't feel the emotion in their voice. It sounds like they are just reading the script."

 Leander sigh and scratches his nape. "Okay, I admit their voice is monotonous. I just didn't expect that the actors from the Saiven Kingdom will be this terrible."

 Rufus shakes his head. "It's because we got used to skilled theater actors in the Vrawyth Kingdom that we find them bland." Rufus shakes his head. "Come on, let's just eat lunch. Where do you want to eat?"

 Leander is about to suggest something when someone called us. 

 "Lady LauretrĂ©? Prince Rufus?"

 We look back and see Prince Joachim, Prince Reeve, Princess Roese, and Prince Wischard walking towards us. 

 I look at Rufus and frown at him. Why are they together again? Doesn't they know how much issue will this make? 

 Prince Joachim smile at us. "Lady LauretrĂ©, I didn't know you will be here. I heard that you got a fever again. Are you okay? Why do you always get sick? Do you want me to invite a Doctor to check on you?"

 I smile awkwardly at Prince Joachim. I don't really understand why this Prince talk like we were close to each other. I am about to refuse him, but Leander takes a step forward and cuts me off.

 "Prince Joachim, excuse my humble self for interrupting. However, Lady LauretrĂ© doesn't need a Doctor. We have Doctors from the Vrawyth Kingdom with us."

 Prince Joachim looks at Leander. Although he is smiling at Leander, I could still see the irritation in his eyes. "May I know who you are?"

 Leander bows his head. "I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I am Leander Smythe, the son of the Royal Physician of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 Prince Joachim raised his eyebrow at Leander before he smiles widely at him. I squint my eyes at Prince Joachim. I really don't like this Prince. There's something in him that made me uncomfortable. 

 "Oh, you're the infamous Leander Smythe. I heard many things about you. I heard you have the potential to be the greatest Doctor among all Kingdoms. I'm glad I met you already." Prince Joachim looks at me. "I didn't know you're friends with Mister Leander."

 I smile awkwardly at him. Why does he sound like he is blaming me? In the first place, why would I even say those things to him? I'm not friends with him.

 Rufus clears his throat. "Prince Joachim, I see you're with the royalties from the Saiven Kingdom and from the," Rufus paused for a few seconds. "Wrezatia Kingdom?" Rufus raises his eyebrow at Prince Joachim.

 Prince Joachim's smile froze for a few seconds before he looks at the royalties from the other Kingdoms. "The Yesian Kingdom and the Saiven Kingdom have had a friendly relationship for years now. And we all know that for this year's Grand Exemplary Competition, the Saiven Kingdom is the host for this competition. As a friend and the closest Kingdom to the Saiven, we decided to help as much as we can. We are now touring Prince Wischard around the Saiven Kingdom. Why? Is there something wrong with that Prince Rufus?"

 I look at Rufus. Will he tell the truth? There's definitely wrong with what they are doing. 

 Rufus smiles at them and shakes his head. "No, I didn't say there's something wrong with that. As the host of the competition, it's only right for the Prince and the Princess of Saiven Kingdom to tour the royalties and the representatives of other Kingdoms." Rufus paused and smirked at them. "I just hope you're not forgetting about the other Kingdoms. We don't want the other Kingdoms to say that you are too bias right?"

 Prince Joachim tried his best to maintain the smile on his face, but I could still see the hatred in his eyes. I also bet Rufus can see that hatred too. 

 I look at Rufus and found him smiling gently at them. This is one thing I like about his character. Although Rufus is known to be happy go lucky person, he still knows how to be serious when needed. And when he talks, he definitely makes sure he is the one who has the upper hand.

 Prince Joachim is about to respond when Leander stands beside Rufus. Leander looks at Prince Reeve and Princess Roese. "Your highness, Prince Reeve and Princess Princess Roese, this humble person hopes that you won't forget to visit the Vrawyth Kingdom too. I'm sure HIS HIGHNESS, Prince Fraser, will definitely be happy to have you in our residence." Leander even emphasizes the word his highness.

 I want to clap my hand at these two. They definitely know how to turn the situation favorable to us. I look at Prince Joachim and see him trying his best not to frown. I look at Prince Reeve, who has a poker face gone the smile he is wearing earlier. Princess Roese, who is standing beside her brother, is avoiding our gaze. A sign that she is guilty of something. I look at Prince Wischard, who is quiet right from the start. I saw him staring intently at me. It's as if he is reading me. 

 I tried my best not to frown. Why does Prince Wischard staring at me? Does he know something? I feel my hand started to sweat. Why is he looking at me like that?

 I heard Prince Joachim laughs suddenly. I look at him. "Prince Rufus, you don't have to worry. The Prince and the Princess of the Saiven Kingdom already have a schedule for visiting other Kingdoms. So, you can assure that we don't have bias system in here."

 Rufus nods his head. "That's great. I also hope to experience being toured around the Saiven Kingdom by Prince Reeve and Princess Roese. If it's not too much, of course." Rufus chuckled. 

 Prince Reeve smiled at Rufus. "It will be our pleasure to tour you around the Saiven Kingdom, Prince Rufus. Although I hope you won't get bored with what we can offer. We all know how beautiful the Vrawyth Kingdom is, and the places we are proud of cannot be compared to the places you have in your Kingdom."

 Rufus laughs. "I believe, every Kingdom have their own unique beauty that we cannot see to other Kingdoms. How dare I compare the Saiven Kingdom to others? Wouldn't that be an insult to the Saiven Kingdom?"

 The group of Prince Joachim got silent. They just look at us with awkward smiles on their faces. Except for Prince Wischard, who is looking at us with a serious face. He then takes a step forward. "Will the representatives of the Vrawyth Kingdom join us for our tour?"

 Rufus sigh. It's as if he's really disappointed in something. "I'm sorry, Prince Wischard, but we already have a schedule for today. As much as I don't want to say no but we will have to refuse."

 I see Prince Joachim and the royalty siblings from the Saiven Kingdom breathe a sigh of relief. Prince Wischard just nods his head. "That's too sad to hear. I hope we can have a conversation with you some other time."

 I frown at Prince Wischard. Prince Wischard really looks mysterious to me. What are you? A friend or a foe?

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