Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 122 - : Let Me Take Care Of You

 I woke up and found Prince Fraser looking at me worriedly. "Are you okay, Csille? I'm sorry for entering your room without asking for your permission. I just got worried when I heard from Rufus that you have a high fever. What happened? Why did you caught a fever?"

 I frown and reach my arms to touch his face. My mind is still asleep, and I just want to make sure that I am not dreaming. 

 I gently pinch his face, which makes Prince Fraser whines a little. He then takes my hand and holds it on his. "What are you doing? Are you okay? Even your hand is hot. What have been you doing, Csille? It's the reason why I don't want to leave you alone. You always do something that is bad for yourself."

 My eyes immediately widen. I am not dreaming! I immediately get up, but I feel my head spin with what I did. 

 Prince Fraser sigh and helps me to lay on the bed again. "Look at what you are doing. You know you already have a fever but look what you're doing?" Prince Fraser made a tsk sound and shook his head. 

 I look around to check if the traces of the operation faking fever is around, but I didn't find anything. Even the heating pad that Rufus left me with is nowhere to be found. Where is it? Does Rufus get back and clean the place? 


 I snap out of my trance and look at Prince Fraser, who is looking at me worriedly. I sigh. "I am okay. I probably just need time to rest." I pretend to think and make my eyes widen. "Didn't we have something to do tonight? I'll better be prep-"

 I didn't even get the chance to finish my words or to even get up because Prince Fraser cuts me off. "What are you talking about? Where are you planning to go with your situation? Are you planning to kill yourself, Csille? You're not going anywhere and just stay still."

 I frown. Wait, something is amiss. I look at the clock, and I frowned when I realized that it is already eight in the evening. The visit is supposedly at seven in the evening. How come he is with me?

 "What are you doing here, Prince Fraser? Don't we have something important thing to do tonight?" I look at the clock again. I get up from lying on the bed. Prince Fraser immediately tried to put me back on the bed, but I push his arms. "What are you doing here, Fraser? You should visit Ruler Laird now. Go visit him. We need to get that pill and that antidote. You should go with Sir Farren. What are you doing in here?"

 Prince Fraser sigh and takes my hand that is pushing him. He then hugs me to try to calm me down. "Shhh. Everything's okay. I already send a messenger bird to the Great Ruler. He also sends a reply to us. He said it's okay. He wouldn't want to risk your safety just to see him. He also said you need to get well soon first before you tried to visit him again. So, there's nothing to worry about."

 What do you mean there's nothing to worry about? I ate those chilies and covered myself in a thick blanket just for nothing? And now he is telling me everything is fine. Fine myself! Can't he see I'm not fine! I cannot accept that I did all of this for nothing.

 Why did it become like this? I was hoping Prince Fraser to spends his time with his female lead, but now he is spending his time with the Villainess? 

 I want to cry out of frustration. All I want is to make some time for both the leads, but why did it end up like this? This is just...unbelievable! Can this novel follow my script? 

 And this Crown Prince? Can he just spends his time with the female lead and not with me. This is really not what I am expecting! 

 Prince Fraser helps me to lay on the bed again. "You should rest. Leander already checks on your condition, and he said you need to rest to make your fever goes down. I already asked the maid to prepare for a water and a towel."

 I shake my head at Prince Fraser. I hold on to his arms. "But what about the pill and the antidote? We definitely need to do a thing about the Wrezatia Kingdom. We cannot set it aside for too long since we still have an issue with the Strzalka. What about it? You need to go there and ask the Great Ruler."

 Prince Fraser sigh and comb my hair. "You don't need to worry about it. The Great Ruler knows that our visit is not simple, and he is actually expecting that we would ask for the pill and the antidote. He actually said he prepared it beforehand, and he is actually planning to give us one."

 I frown. That's it? The Great Ruler will give it like that? But I thought the Great Ruler said that the pills are only for the Illorian City? Why is he giving it to us like it's some candy that can be bought at the store?

 "What do you mean by us? Who is us? And are you sure Ruler Laird will give it like that? I thought it's the property of the Illorian City? We're not even an Illorian. Why would he give it like that?"

 Prince Fraser sits on the bed beside me. He then continues to gently comb my hair. "By us, I mean the two of us. The Great Ruler considers us his Godchildren, and in his eyes, we are already an Illorian. So, the Elders didn't argue with that, and we already explain things about why would we want the pill and the antidote. Although the Illorian City would like to not involve themselves with the issue among the Kingdoms, he still assures that when the Vrawyth Kingdoms needs help. The Illorian City will definitely help us."

 I stare at Prince Fraser with a shocked expression. Am I hearing things clearly? Although I know how the Great Ruler see me but to make him hand us a pill and an antidote? Isn't that too much? 

 What if I have the bad intention for the pill and the antidote? Wouldn't that expose that the Illorian City have a terrifying pill like that? Aren't they too complacent on us?

 I shake my head. Still couldn't process things as it is. What is that all about? How come it becomes so easy as a pie?

 "Are you sure it's just like that? He agreed without batting an eyelid? Isn't that too easy?"

 Prince Fraser sigh. "Why are you so worried about? The Great Ruler is a great man. Also, he is the one who wants us to be his Godchildren, so I think it's just normal for a Godparent to caters to what his Godchildren want. And is there something the Great Ruler needs to worry about? The Vrawyth Kingdom is known for our clean reputation. What's there to be cautious about? Also, why are you asking too many questions? You are sick. You are supposed to rest."

 How can I rest if you are still here? This is not what is supposed to happen. You're supposed to spend your time with the female lead and not with the Villainess. 

 Prince Fraser. I beg you. Please, follow the script!

 "How can I rest knowing I almost ruined our plan?" I sigh. Not just our plan but my plan. Damn. Did I make a mistake again?

 Prince Fraser makes a face. He then leans on me and kisses my forehead. All of that happened in an instant that I didn't even get the chance to react. I just stare at Prince Fraser dumbfoundedly. 

 What just happened? Did he kiss me on my forehead again? That is the second time now, and he didn't even get the chance to kiss the female lead? Isn't that inappropriate? What will the female lead react when she realized Prince Fraser kissed Csille on her forehead twice? 

 Prince Fraser, are you courting death? Although Princess Paislee isn't the jealous type, but she's still a girl. I know it will become an issue in the future. 

 I stare at Prince Fraser. "D-did y-you kissed me?" 

 Prince Fraser just smiled at me. "You should rest now. I will just be by your side when you need me. I will always take care of you, Csille."

 Prince Fraser's words sound like it has hypnotism on it because I immediately close my eyes and sleep.


 "Rufus, what are you doing inside Csille's room? It's already past midnight. Care to explain yourself?" I heard Prince Fraser asked.

 "What? I am the childhood friend of Csille, and I am also the one who realized she is sick. Of course, I will be worried about her. Are you the only one who has the right to be worried about her? Also, I'm not the only person inside Csille's room. What are you doing inside Csille's room, your highness Prince Fraser?" I heard Rufus answered Prince Fraser.

 My eyelids feel heavy. That's why I have no choice but to close my eyes. Also, isn't this an excellent opportunity to eavesdrop? Prince Fraser and Rufus don't know I am awake. 

 Are they fighting? But why are they're fighting? 

 I heard Prince Fraser's scoffs. "Have you forgotten Prince Rufus that I am the fiancé of Csille? I am here to take care of my OWN fiancée, is there something wrong with that?"

 I heard silence for a minute or two before I heard someone sigh. Although I'm not sure who sighs. Is it Prince Fraser or Rufus? 

 "But remember, Fraser, that your engagement isn't official. It can still be off when someone decides to call it off," I heard Rufus said.

 I feel something tightening around my hand. I almost winced in pain. It's a good thing I control myself. I still want to eavesdrop on their conversation. Their conversation is getting spicer. Hmm. It's not every day I could gossip. 

 I like how Rufus isn't backing down. You go, girl! I mean, man! Let's go, bestie! 

 "Prince Rufus! Watch your words, or I would mistake it that you want to take my fiancée from me!" Prince Fraser snaps at Rufus.

 Wait, what? Who's taking who? Me? Is Prince Fraser joking? Rufus will fall in love only with Princess Paislee and no else. So, what is he talking about? Is that a joke?

 "I'm not taking anything from you, Fraser. However, let me remind you that you're still not sure who's going to end up with Csille."

 "RUFUS ASTALIEU! Not because you are older than me and you're my cousin, it doesn't mean I will let you off! Csille Lauretré is my fiancée, and she will always be!"

 I want to roll my eyes, Prince Fraser. Really? If that's true, why would you fall in love with another person aside from Csille? 

 It's probably the reason why Csille got hurt. It's because of Prince Fraser's words. Why would he let Csille hope for something he couldn't give in the end? Does he think it's okay to do that? It's okay for him because he wouldn't end up hurting. However, how about Csille? She will end up the bad guy because of Prince Fraser's words and actions. And in the end, what? Prince Fraser got the guts to blame Csille? If, in the first place, if he didn't show Csille kindness, does he think Csille will like him?

 I heard Rufus laughs. "I told you, we're still not sure what will happen in the future. So, don't talk to me like everything is settled. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

 I heard someone walks because I definitely heard footsteps. I'm just not sure who's footsteps is that. 

 "You want to know what will happen in the future? I will tell you then. Csille Lauretré will definitely become Csille Astalieu, the Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom and the mother of my children!"

 If my eyelids don't feel heavy. My eyes would probably be wide eyes now. Csille what? Astalieu? I want to laugh at Prince Fraser. It's impossible. No matter what I do, I wouldn't end up with Prince Fraser for sure.

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