Flora and I decided to deliver the flowers tomorrow because everyone will need to do training for the competition. I'll just have to find an excuse so I could stay alone in the residence and wait for Flora and her assistant to deliver the flower. 

 And now Prince Joachim and I are on our way now to the Vrawyth residence. Prince Joachim insists on taking me home despite my refusal. In the end, I just let him because he wouldn't let me off.


 The moment the carriage stops in front of the gate of the Vrawyth residence. I immediately look at Prince Joachim and thank him for taking me home. "Prince Joachim, thank you for showing me around and bringing me home."

 Prince Joachim waves his hand at me. "Don't mind it. It's a pleasure for me." He then opens the window behind him and talks to the guard in front of the gate. "Good evening, soldiers of the Saiven Kingdom. I am Prince Joachim of the Yesian Kingdom, and I am here to bring Lady Csille Lauretré home. Can you please open the gate?"

 The guards immediately bow their heads at Prince Joachim. "Greetings, your highness, Prince Joachim. However, we can only grant you access if you show us that Lady Lauretré is with you," one of the guards said.

 Prince Joachim looked at me and gestured his hand towards the window. I sigh. I could have just get off the carriage and walk inside the residence. Why does he need to enter inside the residence? 

 I lean towards the window and smile at the guards. "Good evening. Would you mind letting us in? I'm sorry for the inconvenience." 

 The guard's face immediately reddens, and they immediately open the gate to let the carriage in. I instantly get back on my seat and wait for the carriage to stop. I cannot wait to get off this carriage.

 Not that I hate Prince Joachim or something, but there's really something on him that creeps me out, and I don't like it.

 The carriage stops, and I am about to open the door when someone opens it from the outside. A smiling Prince Fraser welcomes me back. "Lady Lauretré, welcome back home. I've been waiting for you." He said with a smile on his face. Although he is smiling, I could still feel that he is angry at me. 

 I smile awkwardly at him. "Prince Fraser, you're here. Why are you not sleeping?"

 He looks behind my back, and his smile froze. "Prince Joachim of the Saiven Kingdom. What are you doing here?"

 Prince Joachim chuckled. "Prince Fraser of the Vrawyth Kingdom. It's been a long time since we saw each other." He then looks at me, and he looks at Prince Fraser again. "I'm just bringing Lady Csille Lauretré home."

 Prince Fraser laughs before he offers his hand to me. It's not the happy kind of laugh. Rather it's a kind of laugh that is threatening. "Thank you for bringing MY fiancée back, Prince Joachim. I really appreciate it." He really emphasizes the word my. But why would he do that? He then looks at me and signals me to take his hand.

 I smile awkwardly at him. He looks mad right now. Can I just go back? I don't want to face Prince Fraser right now. Why is he always angry when I see him? He definitely needs to work with his anger management issue.

 I put my hand on his hand, and he immediately helps me to get off the carriage. The moment my feet touch the ground, he immediately put one of his hands on my back and squeezes it tightly. 

 I look at him. He leaned towards me and whispered, "We definitely need to talk about this, Lady Lauretré."

 After saying those words, he immediately stands straight and looks at Prince Joachim, who is looking at us with a smile on his face. 

 I squint my eyes. Prince Joachim is smiling, but why do I sense something from his smile?

 "The pleasure is all mine, Prince Fraser. I had a great time with Lady Lauretré." He then looks at me. "I hope we can do that again."

 I feel Prince Fraser squeezes my back. "That. I hate to break this to you, Prince Joachim, but MY fiancée will definitely be busy training for the competition. It's impossible for her to meet you. If we have time, we will be the one visiting you," Prince Fraser said with an edge in his voice.

 I look at Prince Fraser and Prince Joachim. Why do I feel a tension between them? What are these two doing?

 I clear my throat. Trying to ease the tension. Can these two let me go? I don't want to be involved with the tension between them. I already have many problems I need to handle. I don't want to add another to my list.

 "Thank you for bringing me home Prince Joachim. However, don't you think it's getting late already?" 

 Prince Fraser nods his head. "Yes, Prince Joachim, it will be best for you to leave already. Although there are guards watching the city but you're a Prince of a Kingdom, and strolling around the city at night is not advisable."

 Prince Joachim smiles at Prince Fraser, but I could see that his jaw is shaking slightly. Is he angry? But why would he get angry?

 "And oh, don't you think it won't be good for the Yesian Kingdom? if other people know that your carriage stayed in the Vrawyth Kingdom residence for a couple of minutes?"

 Prince Joachim smirks and nods his head. "Thank you for the reminder. Prince Fraser, if that's the case. I'll be taking my leave now," Prince Joachim looks at me and smiles. He then gestured to the guard beside him. 

 The guard immediately gets off the carriage and takes something on the back. There's a small compartment on the back of the carriage. That is where they put their things. It's like the back compartment on the cars in the real world.

 I frown when I saw the guard taking a flower pot. Isn't that aster flowers? The symbol of love? I immediately look at Prince Joachim, who is looking intently at me right now. What does he mean by that?

 "Prince Joachim, why are you giving MY fiancée a flower in front of me?" Prince Fraser asks. I could feel his hand on my back shaking. 

 He's mad. Prince Fraser knows the language of flowers, and he definitely knew what this flower means. Why does Prince Joachim give me flowers? Does he want to wage war against the Vrawyth Kingdom?

 "I'm just giving Lady Lauretré a flower, is that wrong? Why do you seem so worked up?" Prince Joachim asks with a smile on his face. It's actually not a simple smile but more like a teasing smile. 

 I frown. This Prince Joachim, why is he doing this? Prince Fraser is the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom, the strongest Kingdom, and he dares to tease Prince Fraser like he is teasing a child?

 Does these two have an issue with each other? I tried to search through Csille's memory, but everything's blurry. I haven't written about Prince Joachim, so I don't have any idea who he is and what does he wants.

 Prince Fraser scoffs. "You're giving MY fiancée a flower, and you're asking me why am I work up? This is not a simple thing Prince Joachim. If you have any intention to MY future BRIDE, please forget it. The Vrawyth Kingdom and the Yesian Kingdom have a friendly relationship with each other right from the start, please, don't be a reason for us to cut that relationship." Prince Fraser said with a warning in his voice. 

 He's furious now. Although Prince Fraser has anger management issues, I never saw him hurt anyone physically. He always shouts at Csille, but he never raised his hand at her, which also applies to anyone. It's a good thing he doesn't like to get physical with anyone, or else this Prince Joachim will be lying on the ground now.

 Prince Fraser is only hostile towards those people he doesn't like. And that includes Prince Joachim? With the sound of his voice, I can already say that he is really angry at Prince Joachim. But why is he mad at him? What did Prince Joachim do to Prince Fraser?

 Prince Joachim laughs at Prince Fraser's words. How can this guy laugh? Prince Fraser is already mad at him, but he has the guts to still laugh at him? I know he has a disability but is he that suicidal? 

 "Prince Fraser, why do you need to be on guard with me? I am only giving Lady Csille a flower as a welcome gift to her. Saiven and the Yesian Kingdom are almost one because of our proximity and our rankings. Giving a flower to Lady Csille is my way of welcoming her to the Saiven Kingdom. Also, Lady Csille and I used to play when we were young, remember? How can I forget that Lady Csille is already your betrothed? You don't have to worry. I don't have any plan to take Lady Csille from you. So you can rest assured, Prince Fraser."

 Even after what Prince Joachim said, Prince Fraser is still frowning at him. "I would appreciate the gift you gave if only it's not a flower." 

 Prince Joachim chuckled. "What's wrong with flowers, your highness, Prince Fraser? I heard that Lady Csille loves flowers. I clearly remember how she loves to play in the Vrawyth Kingdom's palace garden. I also heard she is competing for flower arranging. So, I thought it was a good idea to give it to her as a welcome gift. Is there something wrong with the flowers, Prince Fraser?"

 I look at Prince Fraser, and I saw him gritting his teeth out of anger. "You're Kingdom have a tradition with flowers, Prince Joachim. Do you think I wouldn't know that?"

 Tradition with flowers? Is that when the woman gives flowers to the guy they like? But Prince Joachim is not a woman, and I am definitely not a guy. So, what's the matter with Prince Fraser? Why is he so against with the flower? Is it because of the meaning behind that flower? 

 Prince Joachim laughs at Prince Fraser. "Oh, what tradition you are talking about? We have many traditions, Prince Fraser. I'm not sure what tradition you are talking about."

 Prince Joachim is fearless, isn't he? How can he talk like that in front of a mad Prince Fraser? He even laughs like he is teasing Prince Fraser. Is he suicidal? Does he really want Prince Fraser to be mad at him or, worst to be angry at the Yesian Kingdom?

 Prince Fraser takes a deep breath before answering Prince Joachim. "Prince Joachim, everyone knows how you, Yesian man's do your thing. When a Yesian man gave a flower to a woman in the first meeting, then it means he has feelings for her, and he wants to marry her. Do you think I would be ignorant with that tradition?"

 My eyes immediately widen with Prince Fraser's words. What? When a Yesian man gave a flower to a woman after meeting her for the first time, then it means. He wants to marry her? 

 I look at Prince Joachim. Disbelief is clearly written on my face. I just met him, and he already gave me a flower. What does he mean?

 Prince Joachim laughs loudly. Prince Fraser clenched his fist. I could feel that he wants to run towards Prince Joachim and smack him. But he knows he cannot do that. 

 I sighed and held his clenched fist. Prince Fraser looks at me, and I shake my head at him. "Maybe he doesn't mean it like that. Please calm yourself down, Fraser," I whispered to him.

 Prince Fraser sigh and looks at Prince Joachim. Waiting for him to respond.

 Prince Joachim stops laughing and looks at Prince Fraser and looks at me. "I didn't know you would misinterpret my action. In the first place, it isn't the first time I met Lady Csille. Have you forgotten Prince Fraser? And that tradition is not valid to a woman who is engaged or married. So, me, giving flowers to Lady Csille is just a welcome gift. You don't need to read too much about my actions. I know she is your fiancée, and I wouldn't dare to take her away from you. So, you can rest assured, Prince Fraser." 

 Prince Joachim gestured to the guard, and the guard put the flower down. He then bows his head at us before he gets in the carriage. Prince Joachim smile at us. "I'll be going now, Prince Fraser." Prince Joachim looks at me and winks. "Lady Lauretré, I hope to see you again."

 The carriage started to move until it disappeared. I sigh and look at the Aster flower. 

 Finally, Prince Joachim is gone, and now I only have one problem left, and that is Prince Fraser.

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