Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 101 - : Yesian Kingdom’s Prince

 "Thank goodness. I get away from them. I thought they would catch me," I whispered to myself. 

 "Caught you? Who would caught you that you become so frightened?" I heard a voice ask behind me.

 I look back and frown when I saw a man sitting on an invalid's chair. It's the term they call for wheelchairs. Base on the clothing he is wearing, he looks like he is a nobility of some Kingdom, but when did Csille know nobles of other Kingdoms?

 "I'm sorry, Sir, but do I know you?"

 I look at the guard who is pushing the invalid's chair. The guard is wearing a cape with the symbol of the Yesian Kingdom. The second weakest Kingdom before Saiven. 

 But when did Csille have interaction with someone from the Yesian Kingdom? 

 The man smile at me. "You must have forgotten me already. I'm sorry for not introducing myself first. I am Joachim Brissaud, a Prince of the Yesian Kingdom. We met before when the King of the Vrawyth Kingdom invited my father, the King, to attend his birthday. Have you forgotten about me? We even play with the Crown Prince of the Vrawyth Kingdom in their Palace garden."

 I tried to recall him through Csille's memories, but no matter how much I searched through her memories, I couldn't remember him. Csille really needs to improve her memory.

 Although the real Csille's emotions and feelings are locks up inside her spirit. I could still see her memories. Too bad she's terrible at recalling people, so it didn't really help.

 But I'm just wondering what would the Prince of the Yesian country doing here? With his current situation? Is he here to watch the competition?

 I smile politely at him. "I'm sorry, Prince Joachim, I really have a bad memory, so please forgive this Count's daughter if I couldn't recall you."

 Prince Joachim waves his hand. "No, that's okay. We were still young when we last see each other so, it's reasonable if you don't remember me anymore."

 He clasps his hand and looks behind me. Is he looking for someone?

 He smiles widely at me. "Anyway, I heard you're running away from someone just now? May I know who that person is?"

 Isn't this Prince too nosy? We just met, and he acts like we are close friends. But I couldn't disrespect him too. Although the Vrawyth Kingdom is superior to the Yesian Kingdom, it is still disrespectful to be rude to the royalties of any Kingdom. 

 Although Csille is from the noble family of the Vrawyth Kingdom, it is still not comparable to the royalties of any Kingdom. 

 I bow my head at him. "Prince Joachim, it's nothing. There is just a creep who keeps following me." I look at him and frown. How come he recognized me? I am still wearing the scarf over my head. "If you'll excuse me, Prince Joachim, but may I know how you recognized me? I already covered my hair with the scarf. How come you know it's me?"

 Prince Joachim smile at me. "It's your eyes. How can I forgot the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my whole life."

 I smile awkwardly at him. He sounds like a creep right now. If he isn't a Prince of another Kingdom, I would probably run away from him immediately.

 "Oh, you said someone is following you around? Do you need my men to look for that person? How dare those bastards stalk you?" 

 Prince Joachim is about to order the two guards behind him, but I immediately cut him off. "You don't need to. I'm afraid I would bother you. Don't worry. I am about to meet Prince Fraser right now. I'm sure he can do something about it."

 How can they look for the creep if there's really no creep stalking me? Also, I don't know why but this guy makes me uncomfortable. I know he doesn't look harmless at all because he has a disability. But there's something with him that makes me uncomfortable.

 I see Prince Joachim's eyes got sharp for a minute, but it turns gently again. Did I see it right? 

 "You will never be a bother to me, Lady Csille. Also, why do you need to wait for Prince Fraser if I can already help you right now? What if that guy comes after you again?"

 I immediately shake my head at him. "Thank you for your offer Prince Joachim, but Prince Fraser can already handle this. I don't want to involve you in this." I look behind him. Pretending to look for someone. "I'm sorry, Prince, but Prince Fraser and I have something to do today. Thank you for your offer. I really appreciate it," I bow my head at him, and I am about to walk past them when he speaks again. I instantly stop walking because of his words.

 "Prince Fraser? But I just saw him with his guard in a restaurant in the direction you just came from."

 I sigh and smile widely at him. If he isn't a Prince, I have probably walked out from this. He knows right from the start that Prince Fraser is in the restaurant, but he still let me talk like a fool in here. "I'm planning to buy something first before going back to the restaurant."

 Prince Joachim clasps his hands. "Great! I'm actually planning to buy something too. Wouldn't it be better for me to accompany you? We could also catch up with things that happened to the both of us these past few years." He sounds so happy with the idea.

 I just smile awkwardly at him. Can this Prince not see that I don't want to interact with him? Catch up? Catch up with what? He isn't even my friend. We only interact once we were young, but why does he sounds like we're long lost friends?

 I look around, trying to find an excuse. "It would be my honor to accompany you. However, I'm afraid the thing I've been looking for is difficult to find. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to drag you to my search."

 Please say no. Please say no. Can't you read between the lines? I don't want to talk to you. Is it not obvious, or are you just oblivious to the hints I've been giving you?

 Like, come on, give this Villainess a break. I just want to enjoy the Saiven Kingdom without interruption from anyone. Why can't they let me do that? It is not even against the script. So why? 

 And where does this Prince of Yesian Kingdom came from? He pops up out of nowhere and acts so close with Csille like they have been best friends since who knows. 

 However, Prince Joachim looks like he didn't get any idea what I've been telling him. He just shakes his head and taps his legs hard. "Don't worry about me. I've been used to traveling from different Kingdom to another Kingdom. Shopping in the Saiven Kingdom won't tire me. Also, I'm afraid the creep that has been following you will come back again. Won't it be great for us to accompany you? At least you don't have to worry about that creep."

 Curse the creep! Can't this guy cannot see that there is no creep. That is just my excuse, okay? 

 I silently sigh and nod my head at him. "That would be great," I fake the happiness in my voice. It's not great! I don't even want to interact with you, but what can I do? I already said yes. 

 Prince Joachim smiles widely at me. He looks excited. "That's great. So, what are you looking for? I can help you. I've been here in the Saiven Kingdom for half a month now. I've visited most of the stalls in here, so I'm pretty sure it won't be difficult for us to find what you are looking for."

 I smile at him. I don't even know what I'm looking for. What is the thing that can be difficult to find in the Saiven Kingdom? Think Ysa!

 Flowers! Right! Flowers. The land in the Saiven Kingdom isn't healthy, so it's difficult to grow a flower here. It takes time before a flower can bloom here. 

 And it's actually a great time to look for flowers that I can use to warn the Crown Princess. But will she understand the meaning behind the flower? Maybe I can leave a few words for her. Right, I'll just do that.

 I look at Prince Joachim. "I'm looking for flowers. I heard from Prince Rufus that it's difficult to grow flowers in the Saiven Kingdom. I've been looking around for a couple of minutes now, but I still haven't seen any stall that sells flowers."

 "Flowers? Who will you give this flower?"

 I cannot tell him that I will give it to the knight of Prince Fraser. But what will I tell him? 

 For a girl to give flowers to someone is uncommon in this world. I only heard a tradition from the Yesian Kingdom that ladies give flowers on a certain day to the person they like or love. And Prince Joachim is from that Kingdom. I'm sure he would put meaning to it if I name a boy or a man.

 "The flowers in my room don't suit my taste, so I'm planning to change them. But I've been walking around for a couple of minutes now. I still haven't found any flowers."

 Prince Joachim smiles widely at me. "You ask the right person. I know where you can find the flowers in the Saiven Kingdom." He orders the guard behind him to move his wheelchair. "Follow us."

 I immediately follow them. What I said is definitely a lie. I haven't even stroll half or not even a quarter of the shops in here. 

 I look around and frowns when I haven't seen any stall that is selling flowers. There's isn't much decoration in the shops too. I've only seen a few restaurants with hanging flower pots, but it's only a few. So, it's really true. It's difficult to make a flower grow in here. How sad it is not to see beautiful flowers everywhere.

 In the Vrawyth Kingdom, everywhere you look, there will be flowers. It's also the reason why the Palace has a huge garden of their own because Vrawyth people love flowers so much. 

 Even in the Lauretré residence, mother always spends her free time taking care of her garden.

 "What flowers are you looking for, Lady Csille?" Prince Joachim asks.

 "That depends what flower is available in this Kingdom. Do they have all kinds of flowers here?"

 Prince Joachim shakes his head. "Sadly, they don't. The price of the flowers in the Saiven Kingdom is costly, and only nobles are the ones who can afford it. Since the target market is only little, they didn't grow many flowers because they are afraid they would only lose capital for it."

 I nod my head at him. That made sense. Since it's difficult to grow plants in here, I'm sure all the florist have put soo much effort just to make a single flower grows in here. And having a little market the quantity of the plants will definitely decrease. I just hope they have the flowers that are suited to warn the Crown Princess.

 We continue walking for five minutes before we arrive at a big shop. The shop didn't look like a flower shop at all. There are no hanging flowers outside. If not for the three plants display behind the glass window of the shop, I wouldn't mistake this for a flower shop.

 Prince Joachim look at me and gestured his hand to the door of the shop. "After you, my lady."

 I walk inside, and the first I notice inside the shop is the elegant sofa set. There's a long sofa and two solo sofas on each side of the long sofa. In the middle, there is a center table with a small flower pot. Isn't that a bonsai flower? 

 Isn't this setup looks like a receiving room rather than a flower shop? I look around, but besides the three flowers on display and the flower on the center table are the only flowers I can see. Did we enter the wrong place? Where are the flowers?

 I look at Prince Joachim. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

 Prince Joachim smile at me. "I'm more than sure. It's better if you sit first. I'm sure Flora is behind that door again. Taking care of her flowers."

 I sit on the solo sofa and look at the sliding door behind the other solo sofa. The long sofa is leaning on the wall while the solo sofa I am sitting on is facing the sliding door, and the other solo sofa is facing the front door.

 I frown. "Flora?"

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