Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 132: The Second Spring of the Market

Chapter 132: The Second Spring of the Market

TL: Etude

Early in the morning, Jiang Qin arrived at Room 208, where a copy of the Linchuan Youth Daily was already laid out on the table.

He skimmed through it quickly but didnt pay much attention. After all, it contained answers he had given before, and re-reading them seemed pointless. So, he casually slipped the newspaper into his document bag.

Maybe I should send it back home for my parents to see.

He knew he had to inform his parents about his entrepreneurial venture sooner or later. In their eyes, the credibility of a newspaper would undoubtedly surpass his mere words. Everything was already printed in the newspaper, and his responses were positive and proactive. It would be hard for them not to believe it.

Jiang Qin pondered for a moment, suddenly curious about his parents reactions upon reading the newspaper.

Unfortunately, he couldnt afford to leave now, as the situation at the University of Science and Technology had reached a critical stage.

Moreover, progress was also speeding up on Su Nais end, with the first trial run of the group buying venture scheduled for the end of the month.

Jiang Qin took a pen from the holder, wrote an address on the document bag, dropped it into the outgoing mail basket by the door, and then walked over to Su Nai, glancing at the screen full of code.

It looked professional, beyond his understanding.

Dont stand behind me, boss. I dont know why, but it makes me anxious.

Jiang Qin put on a stern bosss face, You dont know why? Isnt it because of your habit of looking at inappropriate stuff in the office?

Su Nai retorted angrily, At least I dont look at feet every day!

Jiang Qins expression changed, You you looked at my favorites?

No, but there are all these videos about silk stockings in your recommendations, both black and white. I cant pretend not to see them.

Sometimes the website just recommends random stuff; it has nothing to do with my preferences! Jiang Qin argued, his words firm.

Su Nai fell silent for a moment, Boss, you should realize that Im a programmer. I understand these website things better than you.

Look at how messy your desktop is. Cant you keep it organized?


Jiang Qin skillfully diverted the topic, not showing any embarrassment. Instead, he reprimanded Su Nai and returned to his workstation, changing the password of his video site back to what it was before.

A thirty-eight-year-old man reborn couldnt control everything with a snap of his fingers. Sometimes there were minor embarrassments and oversights, but it wasnt a big deal.

In the afternoon, Su Nai updated Jiang Qin on her work.

The progress on the group buying website was mostly done, and it was estimated that testing could start in two weeks.

Additionally, she demonstrated some details that hadnt been shown before, all of which met Jiang Qins requirements.

Su Nais greatest strength wasnt her technical skills but her comprehension ability. Like with the group buying project, Jiang Qins plan wasnt professionally written, yet Su Nais execution was of high quality. She was truly a gem of a technician.

He resolved to treat her better in the future.

Losing such an employee would make finding a replacement difficult.

Jiang Qin secretly reset the video website password, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Then, he opened Word and typed a line.

Group Buying Website Free Registration and Sales Commission Plan

The promotion of the forum must continue. At the very least, they needed to capture the entire Linchuan University Town, solidifying it as a source of tangible traffic.

Currently, the campus beauty contest at the University of Science and Technology was in full swing, expected to conclude by the end of the month. Then it would move on to the Teachers College, the Polytechnic University, and so on.

So, the trial operation of the group buying venture was limited to Linchuan University for the time being.

After all, the traffic at Linchuan University had stabilized.

Once the results of the trial operation were out, it was expected that the users at the University of Science and Technology would have been largely retained. Then, they could expand the group buying service to that market, taking over the market of the University of Science and Technology.

Things are a bit tight on time; some preparations need to be made in advance.

As Jiang Qin pondered, he called Tan Qing over.

The current marketing team was short on manpower, with Tan Qing and Wei Lanlan bearing the brunt of the responsibilities. Wei Lanlan was mainly in charge of the business at the University of Science and Technology, while Tan Qing was responsible for Linchuan University.

Since the first trial field for the group buying venture was at Linchuan University, it was only logical to entrust Tan Qing with this task.

Boss, what did you need to see me for?

Tan Qing arrived, looking travel-worn with somewhat disheveled hair.

Have you been out on the market?

Jiang Qin pulled up a chair for her to sit and called someone to bring her a glass of water.

Yes, Ive been out and about lately. The advertising business around Linchuan University is almost saturated. I was thinking of expanding outward, but the results havent been great. On one hand, our forums advertising fees are relatively high, and smaller merchants simply dont consider it. On the other hand, our forums advertising space is limited, so theres not much room for negotiation. Its not like Lanlans situation, where every deal she talks about is almost guaranteed

Tan Qing was somewhat uncomfortable but spoke very diplomatically, not revealing her true feelings.

Her main discomfort stemmed from the fact that the business around Linchuan University was not lacking but had almost reached a dead end.


Because those who wanted to advertise and had the means to do so had already been tapped. The remaining ones either couldnt afford to advertise or simply werent interested.

But the marketing team didnt have a base salary; they relied entirely on commissions. No business meant no income.

The reason Tan Qing had been out in the market herself was that she hadnt closed a single deal recently and urgently needed new business to break the impasse.

In contrast, the situation for Wei Lanlan was very favorable.

Since the University of Science and Technology was a completely new market, all merchants were eager to try forum marketing, and closing deals was effortless.

She and Wei Lanlan were good friends, having joined 208 together from a part-time job society. Now, they were managing two different territories: one an exhausted old market and the other a completely untapped blue ocean. It was natural to feel some envy.

Have a drink first, Jiang Qin pointed to the glass of water in front of her.

Tan Qing took a sip and said, Im done drinking, boss. Please give me your instructions.

Actually, I called you here today to address the bottleneck youre facing. Our forums main audience is college students, so expanding the market outward isnt very realistic, at least not at this stage.

Jiang Qin understood Tan Qings current mindset and appreciated her attitude.

Being left in an old battlefield, digging for low-quality clients, while a friend thrived in a new field, feasting on easy targets, yet seeing her own income dwindling, she didnt give up. Instead, she tried even harder to expand outward. Such employees were rare.

Boss, if we dont expand outward, our business will come to a halt. I have a team to manage, and even if I dont mind, they will.

The reason I called you here is to let you develop a completely new market. Tan Qing was stunned, feeling the surprise was too sudden, Really?

Jiang Qin nodded seriously, Im not joking.

Is it for the Polytechnic University or the Teachers College? Ill start preparing right away!

Neither, its actually still Linchuan University.

Tan Qings smile instantly turned into a frown. Boss, Ive been really anxious lately. Can you please not joke about this?

Jiang Qin waved his hand dismissively, As you said, the advertising space on the forum is limited and relatively expensive. This threshold has already blocked some potential clients, which isnt good for future development. The best solution is to lower this threshold.

Do you mean to reduce the advertising rates? That could indeed attract a new group of merchants, but wouldnt the merchants who have already paid complain?

No, Im referring to the group buying website.

The one we discussed in the last meeting?


Jiang Qin called Su Nai over and asked her to demonstrate the group buying website to Tan Qing once again.

Tan Qing was initially confused, but as the demonstration progressed, her eyes began to light up, and she gradually understood Jiang Qins intention.

Boss, are you planning to invite all the nearby merchants to join this website?

Jiang Qin nodded, We will eventually integrate group buying directly into the forum, inviting merchants to join for free. This way, even small-scale merchants can get promotion, breathing new life into an already saturated market.

But how do we make money if the registration is free? Tan Qing wondered.

Jiang Qin explained, Registration is free, but we will take a small cut from each sale.

Tan Qing pondered and then expressed her amazement, Can we really do that?

Of course, but developing this market will definitely be challenging initially. Whether merchants will accept a commission agreement is the biggest hurdle. If I entrust this task to you, do you have the confidence to handle it?

I do, boss. I want to take this on!

Tan Qing didnt hesitate and immediately agreed.

Advertising rates were fixed, and the markets sustainability was limited, just like at Linchuan University, where business had already reached its peak.

However, group buying was different. Since it offered free registration, the size of the merchant didnt matter, effectively removing any entry barriers.

Since youre willing to do it, start with the pedestrian street. Your task for the next few days is to survey the willingness of the merchants there.

Can I directly reveal the group buying website?

Jiang Qin thought for a moment, My advice is not to negotiate in the name of the group buying website. Its a new concept, and the unknown represents fear. Its better to negotiate in the name of the forum. Many merchants from the pedestrian street asked about promotion prices during the campus beauty contest but gave up due to high costs. Start with them, tell them we now have an opportunity for free promotion, effective for two weeks. Ask if theyre willing to try.

Tan Qing nodded thoughtfully, Is the group buying website going live in two weeks?

It will start its trial operation in two weeks.

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