Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 140 - Chapter 140: Chapter 139 Who is the Hunter?_i

Chapter 140: Chapter 139 Who is the Hunter?_i

“Damn it, it’s not that simple after all!” said Lu Yang, frowning deeply.

The town head or monster was in the Ancestral Hall, and their situation had become extremely perilous.

“What should we do?” Meng Jingzhou’s complexion was grave as his mind raced to work out a strategy.

Out of the corner of his eye, Lu Yang caught sight of the rules posted at the entrance of the Ancestral Hall.

[Buyi Town Ancestral Hall Rules]

[Rule 1: If you are wearing black or white clothes, and feel dizzy, or have black hair growing on your arm, please enter the Ancestral Hall, worship the Buddha statue, and drink the water in front of it.]

[Rule 2: The Buddha statue in the Ancestral Hall cannot be damaged.]

[Rule 3: There is a man-eating monster in the Ancestral Hall.]

[Rule 4: The Ancestral Hall is safe.]

“Into the Ancestral Hall!” Lu Yang decisively entered the Ancestral Hall.

At first glance, the third and fourth rules of the Ancestral Hall contradict each other, suggesting that one of them must be false. Instead, they both hold a consistent interpretation based on Lu Yang’s understanding of the rules after several days: the Ancestral Hall does house a monster, but the monster cannot eat people in the Ancestral Hall.

So entering the Ancestral Hall was indeed the safest option!

The pair ran into the Ancestral Hall, where they finally got a look at the true form of the town head – a monster they had never seen before.

The town head was half-human, half-beast, standing as tall as a two-story building. His upper body was similar to that of a man except for a third eye in the middle of his forehead and his mouth, which was split to his ears like a Python.

The lower body of the town head resembled an enormous horse, but no horse had eight human-like legs.

Lu Yang also noticed a thick tail behind the town head. His tail gently touched the ground, kicking up dust, but it was too dim in the Ancestral Hall to make out the tail of what breed of the Demon Race.

There were no customary ancestoral tablets positioned in the Ancestral Hall; instead, the center of the hall housed a half-naked Buddha statue with its eyes covered. It was both seductive and bizarre.

Three bowls of clear water were placed in front of the Buddha statue, which according to the first rule of Ancestral Hall, could presumably cure the black dog transformation.

The town head looked up at the two men who had just barged in, somewhat surprised. “It seems I was right to handle you myself, given how quickly you made your decision. You two are indeed not ordinary.”

“Thanks for personally stepping in, Mr. Town head. But you may as well go back,” Meng Jingzhou talked back as usual.

The town head didn’t say anything more. He noticed Lu Yang’s group as soon as their flying car crashed. However, as Daoist Buyu was the highest level cultivator and he had left town, and these two were youngsters with low-level cultivation, the town head didn’t pay them much attention.

It was only after they cleverly resolved the issue with the innkeeper using the rules that the town head began to take them seriously. He realized that they seemed to be very adept at using the rules, which made them a threat.

The town head wanted to deal with them, but these two were not easily fooled. So, he decided to play along with their trap.

Being the town head, he was privy to everything that happened in Buyi Town, and the two men couldn’t hide their escape plan by writing it on paper from his three eyes.

Such geniuses often have a flaw of overconfidence, assuming that no one can outwit them. The town head exploited this mindset, allowing them to come up with an escape plan, and even let them play around with the constables. In the end, he stole the jade pendant, thwarting their plan and intended to deal with them in the Ancestral Hall.

These two were very cautious, never venturing out of the inn at night. Forcing the town head to deliberately expose a flaw to lure them out of their hole.

Now, it was time to close the net!

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou looked disturbed. Being intelligent, they immediately understood that they had fallen into the town head’s trap.

They were too careless!

The town head stopped the chit-chat, his tail moved like lighting, sending Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou flying before they even had a chance to react. They slammed into the wall.

Fortunately, due to the rule that [the Ancestral Hall is safe], they remained unharmed. Otherwise, just that one blow would have been enough to kill them both!

The two felt their hearts sink. The disparity in strength and speed between them and the town head was enormous, and there was no way to make up for it. Not to mention the town head was immortal. Even if he could die, they would not be able to harm him.

The town head knew that he couldn’t kill them in the Ancestral Hall, so his plan was to push them out!

Outside the Ancestral Hall, he was unstoppable!

The town head rushed at the pair with his massive body. Seeing the danger, they quickly slapped each other’s palms, knocking each other and rolling away to avoid the town head’s attack without having to discuss the strategy to do so.

“So, you do have some skills.” The town head sneered, unimpressed. This minor trick could only work once on him.

“Get behind him!” Lu Yang shouted. The town head’s massive size made it difficult for him to turn around in the confined space of the Ancestral Hall.

As the town head turned, Meng Jingzhou raised the Buddha statue and smashed it towards him.

[In the Ancestral Hall, the Buddha statue cannot be damaged.]

A Buddha statue that cannot be damaged made the best weapon!

“That’s all?” The town head didn’t move an inch despite facing a Buddha statue carved out of massive rocks.

He punched at the pair. His blow was so powerful that it broke the sound barrier and whipped up a storm in the confined Ancestral Hall. It was an incredible feat of strength!

As the fifth man in the Unification, he didn’t become the town head for fun. His body failed him during hibernation, essentially rendering him physically dead.

He woke up with only his soul remaining. To compete for opportunities in the Great Era, he possessed the town head and modified his body using an ancient cultvation technique to appear as he currently does.

Although the form may appear grotesque and strange, as a cultivator strength triumphed over everything else. This form was his strongest state, and he was certain that he would make a mark in the Great Era!

His speeding fist was deific. Lu Yang was immediately lifted off his feet, he countered with an ordinary Tiger Fist, imitating a tiger to adjust his body in the air and gently landed on the ground, thus managing to lessen most of the impact.

Meng Jingzhou was tightly holding onto the Buddha statue, the impact sent him along with the Buddha statue flying out of the Ancestral Hall.

“Don’t let the Buddha statue fall to the ground! If it breaks, you’ll die!” Lu Yang warned loudly.

Meng Jingzhou also realized the danger. The Buddha statue he was holding onto was not a pathway to the outside world, but a ticking time bomb!

With a booming voice, Meng Jingzhou’s muscles bulged, his skin turned crimson, and he stomped his feet hard, exerting his full strength with both arms to steady his body and the Buddha statue. That’s how he managed to stop the Buddha statue from falling and breaking.

“Get back to the Ancestral Hall!” yelled Lu Yang. They were both outside the Ancestral Hall right now, one hit from the town head and they’d be dead!

“You want to come in?” The town head sneered. The door of the Ancestral Hall was as tall as two levels of a building, and he took up the entire doorway. As long as he was there, there was no way these two could enter the Ancestral Hall!

“All or nothing!” Lu Yang charged at the town head. His footwork was light, and he might have a chance of slipping under the town head’s body.

The town head was well aware of Lu Yang’s intentions, thus stepped forward with both front legs, attempting to trample this annoying brat.

But then, Lu Yang abruptly altered his footwork, darting sideways, leaving the town head to stomp on nothing.

“Finally managed to lure you out,” Lu Yang said with a sly smile.

The town head felt a sense of foreboding at seeing Lu Yang’s smile. He jerked his head upwards, only to see Meng Jingzhou once again lift the Buddha statue and throw it at him!

As the Buddha statue shattered, the Chaos channel to the outside world opened beneath the town head’s feet. The destructive aura of the channel swept over the town head, felt as if thousands of knives were slicing his skin, carving his flesh away, and the agonizing pain penetrated to the bone, making the town head scream in pain.

The town head tried desperately to escape, but he was trapped by the Chaos channel and couldn’t get out.

When designing the channel, the ancient Unifications set a rule that those who step into the channel are bound to die. Nobody could escape!

Those who attempted to break the Buddha statue to escape the town were walking the path of certain death!

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou exchanged cold smiles: “Those who enter the channel are doomed, and you are immortal. Now I am curious to see whose rule is stronger, the channel’s or yours!”

From the very beginning, the two of them had no intention of seeking help from the Seek Dao Sect using the jade pendant.

The jade pendant was nothing but a diversion.

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