Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 333: You High-Level Cultivators Sure Have a Lot of Tricks

“Oh, by the way, I’m now part of the Luoshui Guard, not a constable anymore.”

“Oh, that makes sense. This isn’t the imperial capital, so why would a constable be in charge of chasing ancient cultivators?” The Fifth Elder wasn’t surprised, or rather, he was more concerned about when they would catch up to that Great Yu cultivator.

“What is the Luoshui Guard?” Lu Yang struggled to communicate with Meng Jingzhou through his divine sense.

When it came to the official positions in The Great Xia Dynasty, he wasn’t as knowledgeable as Meng Jingzhou.

Li Haoran and Qin Yanyan were also curious and listened in with their divine senses. In fact, Qin Yanyan had heard her mother mention it, but Meng Jingzhou undoubtedly knew more.

“The Luoshui Guard is a special organization established by The Great Xia Dynasty, specifically responsible for capturing cultivators who commit heinous crimes, such as those from demonic sects, evil cultivators who abuse their power, and unruly ancient cultivators.”

“Do you remember the strange events in Commoner Town? After we escaped with the Sect Master and reported the situation to the court, it was the Luoshui Guard that was sent to clean up the aftermath.”

“After the headquarters of the Undying Sect was breached, the task of eradicating the various branches of the Undying Sect was also carried out by the Luoshui Guard.”

“I’ve heard of this Constable Yu before. He used to be one of the four chief constables in the imperial capital. The court probably transferred him to the Luoshui Guard because of his high cultivation, extensive experience, and formidable methods.”

“The Luoshui Guard is led by a group called the Nine Palaces. With his qualifications and cultivation, he should be one of the Nine Palaces.”

“Is he really that powerful?!”

Qin Yanyan was surprised that the person who suddenly boarded the shuttle to ask the Fifth Elder for help was such a big shot. Given his role in capturing dangerous cultivators, it was clear he had abundant combat experience and was likely among the top cultivators in the Unity Stage.

“Oh, that’s pretty impressive.” Lu Yang, however, wasn’t particularly moved. He was used to hearing Everlasting Fairy talk about ancient black history, where immortals were the starting point. Unity Stage cultivators didn’t impress him much.

Li Haoran didn’t react as strongly as Qin Yanyan either. As a disciple of the Dao Seeking Sect, the elders he interacted with daily were all top-tier Unity Stage cultivators.

The four of them stopped using their divine senses to communicate. The shuttle’s speed had increased to the point where even a slight extension of their divine sense would cause it to dissipate, making it impossible to communicate.

The Fifth Elder and Yu Qian, on the other hand, remained calm and even had time for some casual conversation.

Yu Qian wasn’t in a hurry. If the Fifth Elder couldn’t catch up, no amount of effort on his part would help.

“By the way, don’t hold back when we catch him—he’s a murderer.”

“What nerve!” The Fifth Elder’s anger flared at those words. He stomped his foot, and a green flame burst forth from his body, propelling the shuttle to an even higher speed.

The Great Yu cultivator suddenly felt a sense of impending doom. He turned his head and saw a flying shuttle engulfed in green flames hurtling straight toward him.

“What the hell?!” His expression changed drastically. The speed of this shuttle was unbelievable—he would believe it if someone told him it was a Tribulation Crossing Stage cultivator chasing him.

The shuttle was so fast that he had no time to react before its sharp tip crashed into his chest.

The shuttle was a meticulously crafted flying artifact by the Fifth Elder, incredibly durable and nearly indestructible. Flying at near-Tribulation Crossing Stage speed, the destruction it could cause was unimaginable.


The shuttle smashed through three mountains in a row before pinning the Great Yu cultivator against the cliff of a fourth mountain, with dust and debris filling the air.

Old Chu, the Luoshui Guard following behind, was dumbfounded. “That’s Zhou Xin’s shuttle!”

He finally remembered the origin of the shuttle.

“Competing with me in speed?” The Fifth Elder snorted coldly and jumped off the shuttle.

The Fifth Elder had intentionally held back, not killing the Great Yu cultivator outright.

The Great Yu cultivator had a large hole in his chest where the shuttle’s tip had struck. He coughed up blood and struggled to use the power of rules.

【I hereby establish a rule: These mountains shall become mountain gods, serving me…】

Yu Qian sneered and knocked him out with a single punch.

Under his watch, someone dared to use the power of rules—did they really think he was useless?

“So it was Elder Zhou Xin. No wonder Yu Qian said he needed help.” Old Chu arrived, seeing the Great Yu cultivator already unconscious and bound by chains by the Fifth Elder, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Chu Dalong!” The Fifth Elder had collaborated with the Luoshui Guard many times and had pretty much met all their Unity Stage cultivators.

Old Chu scowled, “How many times have I told you? I changed my name to Chu Long.”

“This scoundrel seems to possess some unknown secrets that are of great importance. Thank you for your help in capturing him—it’s a huge help. I’ll find time to treat you to a drink!” Yu Qian clasped his hands in thanks.

“No need to thank me. It’s not often I get to legally race a flying shuttle.” The Fifth Elder had thoroughly enjoyed this chase. “Next time you encounter someone you can’t catch, just call me. I guarantee I’ll catch them!”

“This chain has sealed all his spiritual qi. Consider it my contribution to justice; you can keep it.”

The Luoshui Guard had similar methods, but none as effective as the artifact crafted by the Fifth Elder, a grandmaster of artifact refinement.

The Fifth Elder kindly reminded them, “For safety’s sake, since this person holds unknown secrets, it’s best to have a few more Unity Stage cultivators escort him back. If someone intercepts him on the way, it could be disastrous.”

“Understood, I’ll call for reinforcements.” Yu Qian nodded, sending a talisman into the sky. Before long, two more Unity Stage cultivators arrived.

These two Unity Stage cultivators also recognized the Fifth Elder. After a brief greeting, the four Luoshui Guards escorted the Great Yu cultivator back to the capital.

“Alright, let’s head back. Matters involving ancient cultivators are beyond your reach for now—too dangerous. Wait until you reach the Spirit Transformation Stage before you start worrying about such things.” The Fifth Elder called out to the four youngsters, advising them not to overthink it.

Before they left, several Daoist figures appeared in the distance. They used earth-based spells to repair the mountains that had been damaged by the shuttle’s impact.

Rocks and soil floated in the air, rhythmically filling the gaps in the mountains.

They also gathered the scattered trees. Those that were still alive were replanted using the “Tree Planting Technique,” while new trees were planted in place of the broken ones.

“Who are these people?” The four of them, including Lu Yang, had never seen anything like this before.

The Fifth Elder explained, “Oh, they’re from the court, responsible for post-battle cleanup. Your cultivation isn’t high enough yet, but when you reach a certain level, you’ll find that even casual moves can puncture mountains, crack the earth, and break rivers.”

“If left unattended, the terrain would constantly change, and after a few years, The Great Xia’s maps would need to be completely redrawn.”

“To prevent this, The Great Xia Dynasty recruited a group of cultivators who specialize in terrain repair, proficient in earth and wood-based spells.”

“This time, the capture was an official matter, so I’m not responsible for the damage to the mountains—the court will handle the aftermath. However, if a fight breaks out over a private matter, either I repair the damaged terrain myself or I pay Spirit Stones to hire someone to do it.”

“So when your cultivation reaches a certain level, to avoid unnecessary trouble, you either fight in the arena or take the battle to the sky.”

“Of course, if you’re fighting against a demonic cultivator, you’re not responsible for the damage.”

“In fact, the rule requiring the restoration of terrain after battles originated from an incident two ten thousand years ago.”

“The governor of Qingzhou, who was the highest authority in the province, envied the prosperity of the neighboring province’s cities and wondered how to make Qingzhou just as prosperous.”

“As it happened, his cultivation was quite high—at the Tribulation Crossing Stage—so he came up with a clever plan. He invited his friend, also a Tribulation Crossing Stage cultivator.”

“The two of them engaged in a massive battle, causing significant changes in the terrain. Under the guise of battle, they relocated the prosperous cities of the neighboring province into Qingzhou’s territory.”

“When the court learned of this, they realized there were no laws governing such actions, making it difficult to handle. As a result, they issued a decree: any high-level cultivators who engage in battle must restore the landscape to its original state.”

Lu Yang: “…”

You high-level cultivators sure have a lot of tricks up your sleeves.

(End of the chapter)

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