Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 282: The Final Battle Before the Four Ancient Immortals Achieved the Dao

“Did the prisoner confess?” Lu Yang asked instinctively.

The Everlasting Fairy was puzzled by Lu Yang’s question. “How would I know if the prisoner confessed? Nonuple Immortal must have been exhausted from interrogating the prisoner and needed some food to refresh himself.”

“Let’s see what ingredients are left in storage.” The Everlasting Fairy hummed a cheerful tune as she wandered around the kitchen, eventually stopping in front of a pool.

“Taiyi Holy Water?” Yun Zhi softly read out the source of the water in the pool. It wasn’t ordinary water but rather the extremely rare Taiyi Holy Water, something so rare it didn’t even appear in auctions.

Legend had it that Taiyi Holy Water could purify all things and cleanse the soul. A single drop could pull a cultivator back from the brink of a Qi deviation.

If Yun Zhi remembered correctly, there were now only a few drops of Taiyi Holy Water left, scattered among the major powers as part of their foundational resources, never to be used lightly.

The Dao Seeking Sect once had three drops, which they used on elders who were in a state of Qi deviation. Currently, the Dao Seeking Sect had no Taiyi Holy Water left.

But here was an entire pool of Taiyi Holy Water.

The surface of the water was calm, reflecting the delicate face of the Everlasting Fairy.

“Why is there a pool here?” Lu Yang didn’t recognize the Taiyi Holy Water but was curious why there was a pool in the kitchen.

“It’s a sink for washing vegetables. Don’t you wash your ingredients before cooking?” The Everlasting Fairy looked at Lu Yang with a ‘you’re really unhygienic’ expression, making Lu Yang’s eye twitch.

Taiyi Holy Water could purify all things, so using it to wash vegetables could make sense… somewhat.

Eldest Senior Sister hesitated, thinking that the ingenuity of the ancient immortals was truly impressive, able to come up with such unique uses.

The Everlasting Fairy extended her index finger and lightly touched the surface of the water. Ripples spread out from the point of contact.

The water seemed to respond to some kind of command, parting in the middle to reveal an underwater space.

The underwater space was completely dry, with no water droplets or mist. A strange power separated the pool from the underwater space. If the pool and the underwater space were seen as a container, the pool would be the lid.

The items in the underwater space left Lu Yang astonished: unknown but vibrant beast meat, immortal fruits that had long disappeared from history, perfectly spherical stones of incredible precision, and flowers that emitted multicolored radiance. All these items hinted at their extraordinary origins.

But the most crucial question was—

“After 300,000 years, these things are still perfectly preserved?!” Lu Yang was shocked. Even Tribulation Crossing Stage cultivators, if they lived relay-style, many would have died several times over in 300,000 years.

Yun Zhi raised an eyebrow. In her perception, the time in the underwater space was completely still.

The Everlasting Fairy first made sure her treasures were intact, then secretly breathed a sigh of relief before proudly saying, “This space was created for me by Immemorial Immortal!”

“He used the power of the Time ariya-phala to completely freeze the time in this space. Whatever you put in will stay exactly as it was when you take it out!”

Lu Yang gasped. Freezing time in a localized area, could the Time ariya-phala really accomplish such a thing?!

“When Immemorial Immortal first became an immortal and formed the Time ariya-phala, he couldn’t do this. It was only with my help that he mastered this technique. To thank me, he created a space where time stands still for my use.”

“Fairy, are you also proficient in the power of time?” Lu Yang recalled the time-related divine powers mastered by the Everlasting Fairy.

One was a feigning death technique that could control her own time, accelerating the decay of her corpse.

Another was a weather forecast ability that could accurately predict future weather.

No matter how he looked at it, the Everlasting Fairy didn’t seem capable of instructing Immemorial Immortal.

“Immemorial Immortal said that only when facing a threat can the power of the ariya-phala be stimulated. But for an immortal, there are almost no threats.”

“So he asked me to cook for him. He wanted to freeze his own time while eating. After a few days of practice, he mastered it.”

Lu Yang: “…”

“Maybe while eating, he remembered being pinned to the ground and beaten by me during his Tribulation Crossing Stage days, and felt a sense of ‘threat.’ Nonuple Immortal taught me that this is called a conditioned reflex.”

“Tribulation Crossing Stage?” Yun Zhi perked up at the keyword, recalling a story she had read in ancient texts. “Fairy, do you know about the grand battle that Ying Tian Immortal and the other three went through before they became immortals, back when they were still in the Tribulation Crossing Stage?”

“The final battle before becoming immortals?” Lu Yang’s interest was piqued. This sounded like an epic story, evoking numerous passionate and thrilling associations.

Yun Zhi nodded slightly, reminiscing about the contents of the ancient texts. “According to legend, before the four ancient immortals achieved the Dao, there was a great decisive battle.”

“Ying Tian Immortal, Qilin Immortal, and Nonuple Immortal, these three proud prodigies, joined forces against Immemorial Immortal. According to those who witnessed the battle, Ying Tian Immortal sternly questioned Immemorial Immortal during the fight, asking ‘Who can become an immortal!’. Facing Ying Tian Immortal’s question, Immemorial Immortal didn’t dare respond, losing in terms of mindset.”

“People speculated that among the four ancient immortals, Immemorial Immortal’s true form was a Heaven-Reaching World Tree, a being that existed for countless ages with terrifyingly deep foundations, making him the most likely to become an immortal. Ying Tian Immortal and the other two teamed up to prevent Immemorial Immortal from becoming the first immortal.”

At first, the Everlasting Fairy furrowed her brows, not recalling any such final battle before becoming immortal. But as she listened further, she suddenly realized, “Oh, that! You’ve come to the right person. I know about this.”

“Let me tell you, before Immemorial Immortal became an immortal, he always had his nose in the air, looking down on everyone. At that time, we were both in the Tribulation Crossing Stage. Immemorial Immortal once asked me, out of all the heroes in the world, who could become an immortal?”

“I asked if Ying Tian Immortal could, and he said Ying Tian Immortal placed too much importance on his status, which was a burden on the path to immortality.”

“I asked if Qilin Immortal could, and he said Qilin Immortal was a crude warrior, relying on innate luck, and his smooth cultivation path made it difficult for him to pass the trials of becoming an immortal.”

“I asked if Nonuple Immortal could, and he said Nonuple Immortal had mediocre talent and would have been defeated by other prodigies long ago if not for his Immortal Physique. Such a person couldn’t become an immortal.”

“I asked if I could, and he said I was too sharp and aggressive. Though I walked the path of invincibility, being too rigid would break me. He also said I had a meticulous mind, which was not in harmony with the natural way, making my mindset inferior and thus impossible to become an immortal.”

“I asked him who could become an immortal then, and he lamented that despite the vastness of the world, only he could become an immortal, doomed to eternal loneliness.”

“I was so angry at the time that I pinned him to the ground and gave him a beating. Only then did he admit that I could become an immortal too.”

“Even then, I was still angry, feeling that one beating wasn’t enough. But having already beaten him once, doing it again wouldn’t look good. So I told Ying Tian Immortal, Qilin Immortal, and Nonuple Immortal about our conversation.”

“Then the three of them teamed up to teach Immemorial Immortal a lesson.”

“In one-on-one combat, Immemorial Immortal feared no one, but against three, he was just there to take a beating.”

“When Ying Tian Immortal asked him ‘Who can become an immortal,’ Immemorial Immortal knew he was in the wrong and didn’t dare answer.”

Yun Zhi: “…”

So this was the true story behind the legendary final battle of the four ancient immortals before they achieved the Dao?

Lu Yang sneaked a glance at Eldest Senior Sister’s reaction, thinking, now you know what kind of ancient stories I listen to every day, right?

(End of the chapter)

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