Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 232: Senior Brother Dai, We’ve Captured the Nine Nether Sect Leader

“Are you sure your past life was the leader of the Nine Nether Sect?” Lu Yang scrutinized Li Haoran, finding it hard to associate him with the leader of the Nine Nether Sect.

Li Haoran hesitated and said, “Most likely, yes. Yiren mentioned that as my cultivation level increases, I would receive fragments of memories and recall my past life.”

“After I broke through to the mid Foundation Establishment stage, a scene flashed in my mind.”

“In the scene, there was a man dressed in black, probably my subordinate. It was dark all around, so I couldn’t see the surroundings clearly.”

“The subordinate was holding a few sheets of paper, saying, ‘Sect Leader, here is the annual income and expenditure of our sect in spirit stones. Please review it.’ I took the papers and saw the first line read ‘Nine Nether Sect spirit stone income and expenditure.’”

“Before I could read more, the scene disappeared.”

“Being addressed as Sect Leader and given the financial records of the Nine Nether Sect, it’s clear who I was in my past life.”

The Nine Nether Sect is one of the four major demonic sects.

Just as people don’t know the name of the Undying Sect’s leader, they also don’t know the name of the Nine Nether Sect’s leader.

Now Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou knew—it was Qin Haoran.

Lu Yang pondered, and with this new information, it did seem that Li Haoran was indeed the reincarnation of the Nine Nether Sect leader.

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He looked at Meng Jingzhou, who was also deep in thought. “What do you think?”

Meng Jingzhou raised his head, frowning. “The Nine Nether Sect is quite poor. They can’t even light a lamp.”


Lu Yang ignored Meng Jingzhou’s odd focus and analyzed, “If Junior Brother Li’s past life was the leader of the Nine Nether Sect, it explains some things Senior Su mentioned.”

“For instance, why was Qin Haoran, a Unity Stage late-stage cultivator, unknown to everyone? He either practiced seclusion like Senior Su or had a special identity that couldn’t be revealed.”

“And why was Qin Haoran being hunted at the beginning? There are usually two reasons: either he obtained an extremely precious spiritual treasure, and the attacker wanted to rob him, or Qin Haoran held a very high position, and the attacker wanted to usurp power.”

“The first scenario is unlikely on the Central Continent. If that were the case, Qin Haoran would have sought help from the Great Xia Dynasty, avoiding the need to run into Senior Su’s cultivation area.”

“So, the second scenario is more likely. There was an internal rebellion within the Nine Nether Sect, aiming to seize power. Qin Haoran was outmatched and severely injured.”

“Qin Haoran never told Senior Su about his identity and mentioned his actions were very dangerous. The less Senior Su knew, the safer she would be. As the leader of one of the four demonic sects, he couldn’t reveal his identity. If Senior Su knew, she would also be in danger once the Nine Nether Sect’s affairs were exposed.”

“Qin Haoran also mentioned his special identity, saying that unless he broke through to the Tribulation Crossing Stage, he would never see the light of day. If a demonic sect leader becomes a Tribulation Crossing Stage cultivator, they could do many things they previously didn’t dare to.”

In fact, Lu Yang had long suspected Qin Haoran’s identity but had no proof. He couldn’t just tell Su Yiren that her husband was a demonic sect leader, not someone honorable.

Lu Yang looked at Li Haoran and smiled, “Junior Brother Li, do you now believe you’re the reincarnation of Qin Haoran?”

Lu Yang had also considered the possibility that Su Yiren might have fabricated a memory and implanted it in Li Haoran’s mind. Although unlikely, it was still possible.

However, Everlasting Fairy had confirmed that it was indeed Li Haoran’s own memory, with no tampering involved.

Li Haoran was dejected. Given the circumstances, he had no choice but to believe it.

Suddenly, he thought of another issue and broke into a cold sweat. “The Great Xia Dynasty doesn’t have a policy of holding people accountable for their past life’s actions, right?”

Lu Yang quickly reviewed the books he had read in his mind and confidently said, “No, the legal principle of the Great Xia Dynasty is that responsibility ends with death. You’ve been reincarnated, so the Great Xia Dynasty has no jurisdiction over you.”

Li Haoran breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why are you three up so early?” Li Haoran’s mother saw the three of them practicing in the courtyard and beamed with delight.

“Auntie, Haoran just broke through to the mid Foundation Establishment stage,” Lu Yang said with a smile.

Both of Li Haoran’s parents were at the early Foundation Establishment stage. Previously, Li Haoran had surpassed them in combat strength, and now he had even surpassed them in cultivation level, which made his mother very happy. freёwebnovel.com

Li Haoran decided not to mention his past life identity to his parents to avoid causing them unnecessary worry.

“Oh, we should definitely celebrate. See, didn’t I tell you? If you spend more time with Little Lu and Little Meng, you’ll definitely make progress.”

Li Haoran: “…Yes, you’re right.”

During the celebratory meal, Li Haoran informed his parents that he needed to return to the sect. His parents were quite surprised.

The matter of Li Haoran being the reincarnation of the Nine Nether Sect leader was too significant for the three of them to handle alone. They needed to report back to the sect as soon as possible.

“You’ve only been here a few days and now you’re leaving. Little Lu, Little Meng, have you had enough fun yet?”

Lu Yang put down his chopsticks and smiled reassuringly. “Junior Brother Li’s breakthrough needs to be stabilized by the elders in the sect. We need to return as soon as possible.”

This was a lie. The Dao Seeking Sect always encouraged self-cultivation without needing elders to stabilize breakthroughs. However, Lu Yang’s tone was sincere and believable.

Hearing this, Li Haoran’s parents no longer insisted that they stay a few more days.

They set off for the Dao Seeking Sect again with Old Ma pulling the carriage.

Meng Jingzhou urged Old Ma to hurry back to the sect. Old Ma nodded leisurely but continued at his usual unhurried pace, covering hundreds to thousands of miles with each step.

“Junior Brother Li, your identity as the Nine Nether Sect leader has great potential. Once we return to the sect, if we handle it well, we can make a significant gain. How about we split the profits three to seven afterward?”

“Is there really such a good thing?”

“Of course, but you’ll have to bear with it for now.”

Before long, the three of them returned to the Dao Seeking Sect and headed to the task hall.

“Is Senior Brother Dai inside?” Lu Yang asked the guarding senior brother.

The senior brother looked up and saw Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou smiling, with Meng Jingzhou carrying a burlap sack on his shoulder.

“Senior Brother Dai is inside. He said if you two have business with him, just go in directly, no need to report. But what’s in the sack?”

“A trophy.”

“Oh, then go ahead.” The guarding senior brother didn’t think much of it, assuming it wasn’t anything dangerous.

The two carried the sack into Dai Bufan’s room. As usual, Dai Bufan was reviewing documents and searching for task clues.

“What brings you two here? What’s the matter?” Dai Bufan asked.

Meng Jingzhou spoke up first. “Good news, Senior Brother Dai! After our relentless efforts, we finally captured the Nine Nether Sect leader. I wonder how many contribution points this achievement will earn us.”

“The Nine Nether Sect leader?” Dai Bufan looked at Meng Jingzhou skeptically. Meng Jingzhou showed no signs of lying, meeting Dai Bufan’s gaze without guilt.

Dai Bufan then looked at Lu Yang, who also showed no guilt and met his gaze.

Dai Bufan grew more puzzled, unable to figure out what these two were up to.

“Where is the Nine Nether Sect leader?”

Meng Jingzhou loosened the sack, revealing Li Haoran, gagged and bound. With a righteous gesture, he declared, “It’s this villain!”

Dai Bufan: “…”

Do you two think I’m an idiot?

(End of the chapter)

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