White Online

Chapter 196 - HandsomeLord’s Spawn.

Somewhere in a snowy forest.

A battle between two Marksmen were currently ongoing.


A silhouette was moving with incredible speed while bullets were flying through the air and destroying the trees around him.

The figure who was dodging the deadly bullets was a young man with short black hair. He didn't have any special descriptions, except his unusually long eyebrows.

Pieces of broken wood and broken bullets flew all around him, but he managed to dodge them all; with luck or skill, it was unknown at this moment.

A nameplate was seen on his winter jacket, which was on the color of brown.


Soon, the bullets stopped flying.

''That was the fifth bullet….'' He grabbed his Musket Rifle and stepped out of his hiding spot, and fired instantly a bullet towards the hiding spot, where he thought his opponent was.


His bullet destroyed a snow pile around fifty meters away from him but didn't get any notifications that he hit his opponent.

''Where?'' He thought anxiously and scanned the area, but his opponent had vanished somewhere.

''10… 9…'' He had been counting the time of the reload and was getting more anxious after not finding where his opponent was.

LethalFury decided a risky move and started running straight towards where he expected his opponent to be.

''7… 6…'' After reaching a count of 6, he arrived at the place.

He jumped over a snow pile and aimed his Musket Rifle towards the bottom of the snow pile, where he expected his opponent to be hiding, but there was no one there.

''Fuck!'' A curse escaped his mouth, and after looking around him, he noticed that he was completely exposed.

'A trap?' With fear rising inside him, he thought, 'Why did I have to find a Pro?'

After having a feeling that his opponent was better and smarter than him, he thought because his opponent was a pro, but it was a simple tactic, which he completely forgot.

His opponent simply counted every shot of his and relocated instantly after firing the last bullet.

''1… 0…'' After he counted to zero, he gave up after a sound of a bang appeared.


The bullet pierced through the side of his skull, instantly killing him.

Only ten meters away from him, another young man popped up. He was only hiding behind a tree because he would be spotted if he ran further away.

LethalFury didn't think about that and thought that his opponent was already far away, but if he had kept his calm composure, he would have figured it out fairly easily.

''Easy.'' The young man said with a grin. He had short blond hair, a height of 180cm, and an athletic build, with very thin clothing.

A nameplate on his chest had words [HandsomeLord]

HandsomeLord, the young man that was the one who survived the battle between Marksmen, arrived at the corpse.

He touched the texture of the winter jacket and grinned with satisfaction, ''Nice, it was getting quite cold.''

He took the winter jacket off from the corpse and started wearing it. Instantly, he felt much warmer, but still, cold wind made his legs feel very uncomfortable.

Looking at the corpse's pants, they looked warmer than the one he was wearing, which caused him to take them as well.

Soon, the corpse on the ground was only on his long-sleeved t-shirt and without pants.

''Nice.'' HandsomeLord was satisfied at the things he received from the LethalFury, but he also remembered to take the bullets.

Soon, his pockets were filled with bullets.

He didn't have a leather pouch because he threw it away almost instantly after buying the bullets.

He thought he didn't need it because he could store items in his Inventory.

Now, he has to store his items in his pockets, which hinders his movements and slows him down significantly.

''Ahhh…'' He took a breath of satisfaction, and once again, he lied down on top of a small snow pile.

The barrel of his musket rifle barely popped out from the snow pile. He had his left eye closed as he waited for anyone to pop up in his sight.

He wasn't worried if someone could come behind him, because there was a large mountain that blocked anyone from ambushing him!

With great luck, he spawned right at this point, and since then, he hasn't moved an inch and has earned three kills already!

He thought it wasn't needed for him to move anywhere. Instead, he can stay there camping and kill everyone who comes after him.

He also found a small cave in the mountain behind him, only around 5 meters in length, but it was enough for him.

The cold made his stay uncomfortable, but now, that has been fixed by the winter clothing he received from LethalFury; now, he can stay camping longer and maybe get a few more kills before going to the cave hiding.

With a confident and smug expression, he waited for another victim to arrive.

His muscles were relaxed, and he already dreamed about being surrounded by beautiful women while swimming in a sea of money.

A trail of drool left his mouth, and he even giggled a little bit. Mythical Legacy would bring him to the top of the world, and his family that used to despise him would have to kneel before him.

He hatefully thought about his classmates and the girls who rejected him.

''Just wait… Once I get my hands on the Legacy, you guys have to beg for me even to take a glimpse of you lot!''

Soon, his fantasies were interrupted as he saw a reflection of light some distance away.

''Eh, what is that?'' HandsomeLord frowned and turned the musket rifle's barrel towards the reflection of the light and barely managed to see an outline of a scope!



A bullet flew with a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Without even being able to react to his demise, the bullet pierced through his eye.

''Ohh…'' HandsomeLord didn't even notice that bullet pierced his skull, and he kept repeating the exact words, but then his head lowered with a trail of blue blood dripping down the snow pile, where he was camping just a moment ago.

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