White Online

Chapter 526 Society Leaders!

Chapter 526 Society Leaders!

Inside the cave.

''My head…'' Kornwell muttered in obvious pain as he held his aching jaw. It felt like he got kicked in the jaw by a footballer.

''Oh, he is awake.'' Then, he heard a calming voice echoing across the granite walls.

Arthur and the four men sat around the proper campfire built with sticks. The fire burned intensely, and a delicious meat scent wafted towards Kornwell's nose.

This time, Arthur kept his flaming sword hidden. The previous experience proved that he shouldn't let his guard down, even if their location seemed secure.

Kornwell's eyes slammed open, and he saw the five strong-looking guys; their shadows stretched across the granite walls, making them look taller in his eyes.

He immediately moved his hands across his waist. Then, he realized that both his sheaths and daggers were gone.

''What do you want?'' Kornwell asked after gulping dryly. A fear started sprouting in his heart as he remembered the scene before he fell unconscious. The dread he felt when looking at the average-looking man resurfaced.

''We want to talk to your clansmen, that's all.'' This time, Arthur took the role of negotiator. He, after all, had the most experience dealing with people like Kornwell, who seemed too arrogant for their own good.

''Hah, they will kill you!'' Kornwell acted tough while laughing mockingly. However, the cold sweat that dripped down his face revealed his thoughts.

''Unlikely.'' Arthur picked up the meat from the campfire and took a large bite. The rest of the men took their own portions.

Isaac cut a tiny piece of the rabbit and threw it over to Kornwell.

Kornwell watched as the piece of meat bounced on the rocky ground and landed right in front of his fingertips. He gulped hungrily and hesitantly grabbed it.

Without a second thought, he threw it inside his mouth, chewing greedily.

They ate in silence for the next ten minutes.

After that, Kornwell noticed that he wasn't chained or anything. He looked towards the cave's exit and thought about running away.

However, he felt like he wouldn't be able to escape. There was a lingering feeling that he wouldn't even make it outside.

Xerxus wiped his lips while boringly looking at Kornwell. He wouldn't mind if he ran away; at least he would get a little bit of exercise. With him here, it would be impossible for any Non-Chain Breaker to escape.

''You are Demi-God, aren't you.'' Kornwell turned towards Isaac and asked.

''Demi-God?'' Isaac frowned and looked at Arthur, who also looked confused.

''Yes…'' Kornwell scratched his index finger and continued, ''Your speed, and strength… I have only seen that kind of power from the Three Leaders.''

''Three Leaders?'' His words attracted Arthur's attention.

'He must mean Chain Breakers…' Isaac thought to himself.

''Just a heads up, but even if you are Demi-God, you can't defeat my leader, Blair!'' Kornwell held his chest with a confident expression, ''He is one of the three leaders of the three factions and work directly under the Society Leader!''

''Society Leader?'' Arthur scratched his cheek.

Kornwell's eyes shook, and he immediately covered his mouth. His face turned slightly crimson as he held his breath because of his blunder.


''Continue, what is this Society Leader?'' Arthur added more pressure to his words, and even the walls started trembling.

''Quiet, he is someone way above us, almost like a God!'' Kornwell snapped and shouted with a fervent gaze.

''I guess that Section Leader is weakling because someone like you has to protect him,'' Arthur said with a mocking grin.

''I am not protecting them!'' Kornwell growled like a wild animal, ''Even one Society Leader is enough to wipe you all out, but there are four of them!''

''Imagine, four!'' He showed four fingers and boasted loudly, ''How can you even compare yourself to them?!''

''While you can't even beat Blair, who is miles weaker than Society Leader! And, then, there is someone above Society Leaders!''

Kornwell's breathing turned slower as he looked out of the cave towards the enormous mountains. His eyes turned calm, and only his breathing echoed across the granite walls.

''He is called The Man At Peak, the ruler of these mountains. No one knows his real name, not even Society Leaders. But, he is said to have walked on earth for nearly three hundred years!''

''Now, do you understand how insignificant you are?!'' Kornwell whipped his head around and shouted. But then, he saw Arthur and the rest smiling calmly and immediately realized what he had just done.

He revealed everything out of anger!

''Damn it!'' Kornwell held his face and yanked his head backward. The back of his skull struck the rocky wall, and his skin slightly ruptured, making blood flow down his hair.

That woke him up from his disoriented state.

''Well, I am curious how strong they truly are.'' Arthur said calmly while crossing his legs, smiling without worry, 'This must be why the Souldeath family doesn't dare to come here. They must be enemies.'

'To think that the rumored Secret Society was this close to White Paradise…'

A few hours later.

The wind drifted across the mountain, lifting the snow from the ground. The sky was light blue, and the white clouds obscured the sight of the sun.


Then, a single voice traversed across the air.

Inside the cave, everyone perked up their ears and looked out of the cave.

The footsteps started becoming louder.

''Brother!'' Kornwell recognized the voice and screamed with ecstasy. As the footsteps turned rapid, he expected to see the whole battalion of villagers coming to rescue him.

However, once the footsteps entered the cave. His hopeful gaze crumbled as he only saw his brother alongside three Apprentices.

''Kornwell!'' Hallwell screamed in excitement as he saw his brother alive. However, he then saw the bloodied hair, and his face turned ashen.

He angrily turned towards the five men, who slowly stood up from the ground.

''How dare you?!'' Hallwell lunged forwards and pulled out an axe from his back. The blade slashed through the wind and air.

''No, brother!'' Kornwell tried to stop his brother from killing himself.

The two young men and one young woman pulled out their bows and arrows. They readied them and prepared to shoot.

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