White Online

Chapter 517 The Descent from Heavens

Chapter 517 The Descent from Heavens

"Where did it go?" Xerxus questioned as he peered over the top of the computers.

"To Kalzer's room," Isaac said.

Inside Kalzer's room, there was a slight rip in the air, and a letter flew through the opening.

The letter softly landed on the top of the desk, just to the side of the VR Helmet.

"Wow, what exactly is this weapon?" Arthur's interest got piqued. He approached Isaac and peered curiously at the Silvernium.

"I don't remember this weapon being on White Online, but oh well, there are hundreds of unknown items that even I am not aware of."

"This is a teleportation gun?" Arthur asked with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Something like that" Isaac smiled wryly as he responded and then reached for Amour's letter. After that, he pulled the trigger, and the letter vanished into thin air.

After he finished with Xerxus' letter, he reached into the front pocket of his coat and took out his own letter. After throwing it into the air, he fired the gun, and a fissure appeared in the air, swallowing it whole.

Soon after that, his letter presented itself to him on his pillow.

"Are you positive that the letters have entered one of our rooms," Amour questioned with a trace of hesitance. They only revealed their addresses and the locations of their bedrooms.

"Yes, for sure." Isaac's self-assurance stemmed from the fact that Silvernium's voice kept popping up in his head at random intervals. He explained where the letters were ultimately delivered.

"Good." After giving a small nod, Xerxus looked down at his odd body and asked Arthur, "Can I change my mask? I am afraid my speed will be affected."

"There is no need to worry about it. It doesn't." Arthur had stowed the masks away in his bag. Due to the fact that they are extremely rare White Online products, he had no intention of abandoning them here.

"I certainly hope so." Xerxus began to stretch and moved his limbs around his body. As he lifted his legs toward the ceiling, he demonstrated an impressive degree of flexibility.

Arthur walked over to the window, peered out, and saw the deserted streets. From this vantage point, he could see that his house was in ruins and that it had been completely demolished.

"What the hell just occurred?!'' A man with graying hair strode into the control room, looking eerie. This location served as the Souldeath Family's Military Facility, built close to White Paradise in order to keep an eye on things.

There were thousands of soldiers just on the command deck watching the monitors that displayed White Paradise. They were keeping a close eye on the situation. Nevertheless, a few hours ago, for some unexplained reason, each of the monitors suddenly turned off.

They learned during this time that four different people had entered White Paradise. They were unable to assess their appearance because the monitors were malfunctioning.

Now, the men stationed there have vanished without a trace.

The highest-ranking member of the Souldeath military stood up, saluted the commander, the eerie-looking man, and announced, "Sir, four unknown figures have entered the Legacy Company and have met with Arthur!"

"Damn it! Are they members of his support group?" Indignantly, the man with the ash-gray hair asked.

"I am not sure, sir!"

"Then find out!" The man with the ash-gray hair sat down and then reached into his pocket for some pills. He shoved them down his throat and swallowed them quickly.

His name is Lunatic Souldeath, and his father, Lord Souldeath, dispatched him to this location with the mission of monitoring their troops.

Already very unhappy about the fact that Arthur had not passed away, Lord shared the sentiments of many other members of High Society. Still, they had no intention of sending their most capable soldiers to eliminate an insect.

Their preparations for White Online were still not finished. They needed time, and once done with preparations, they would finish off Arthur once and for all, then log into White Online and seize control of it.

During that time, they were certain that they could dethrone the gods.

The highest-ranking soldier rendered a final salute and then turned his attention to the monitors. He was so worried that he bit his lower lip because if he didn't discover their identities, they would be doomed.

Lunatic Souldeath was a man widely known for his very unreasonable behavior. If he didn't approve of something, he wouldn't hesitate to let others know how he felt about it.

"Come on, show yourselves on the monitors!" The soldier let out a scream as he looked at the monitors, which displayed the image of the tall building. Unfortuitously, wooden blanks blocked the windows, making it impossible to peer inside.

As the sun gradually disappeared from the sky, a blanket covering the entire sky in a dark color gradually appeared.

The view of the moonlight was obstructed by the clouds, which gave the impression that the White Paradise was enclosed within a pitch-black dome.

It was now officially nighttime.

The five individuals, including Arthur, emerged from the stairwell on the ground level of the Legacy Company building.

They saw the dead bodies lying on the floor, and the blood from their wounds stained the floor.

They quickly averted their gazes and exited the structure. They were separated from one another by a gust of icy wind, which created an atmosphere of peace and stillness.

The city appeared to be at rest but also deserted, like a setting from a horror movie.

Arthur asked Xerxus to check the route while he adjusted the collar of his winter jacket.

"Roger." Xerxus moved his right arm behind him while simultaneously moving his left arm in front of him. After that, he moved forward one step while maintaining the same fluid movement with his arms.


After Xerxus moved, the wind blew stronger than before, and this time, it was warmer, and the snow slightly got pushed away from its wake.

In a matter of seconds, a bolt of lightning moved across the city, and then it reappeared right next to Arthur.

"Empty," Xerxus spoke with composure, exhibiting no signs of being out of breath at all.

"All right, let's get moving!" It was up to Arthur to take the lead, so he started walking through the deserted streets.

Amour conjured up his two-handed axe and slung it across his back before continuing. Almost instantly, his aura grew stronger, becoming a dangerous hunter.

The spear that appeared on Kalzer's back was not Odin's spear. Before he given his legacy, he used this spear, which was one of his older ones. Because it was an ordinary spear, he decided to use it to conceal his true identity.

Amour did the same.

Isaac drew out the Black Silvercloud, which had a silvery sheen to it. Even though Silvercloud was repulsed by the decision, just before he left, he painted the gun completely black.

They started walking in a relaxed manner while maintaining a heightened vigilance in all of their senses.

Arthur continued to search the empty buildings and cast several looks toward the empty rooftops as he did so. The entirety of the City gave the impression of being deserted, just as Xerxus had predicted.

On the other hand, as they progressed further into the City. Arthur's actions came to a halt, and he let out a yell.

"Be on the lookout!"

His right arm suddenly sprouted a golden shield, which he used to cover the rest of his body.


A hail of bullets descended from the heavens.

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