The world became peaceful.

The gods who had attacked other gods to increase their faith, turning the world into chaos, have now become as docile as beasts whose fangs and claws have been pulled out.

Thanks to this, most gods are nurturing the faith of their believers and growing their faith, shifting from a hunter-gatherer economy... Can I even call it an economy? Anyway.

The social structure of the gods changed, giving a sense of transitioning from hunting and gathering to agriculture.

In the process, the power dynamics between the gods changed slightly, but it was a minor matter, so let's move on. After all, Baal continues to be the king of the gods.

Anyway, the gods who listen to the voices of their believers and use their powers to help them. Hmm. This is what a proper gods should be like.

Compared to the gods who caused chaos and made a mess, this is much healthier.

And so, the gods of the entire pantheon began to grow, gradually nurturing the faith of humans.... Hmm....

Now, can I take a break?

I've roughly divided my tasks among various avatars and let them handle things on their own. Unless something like the continent suddenly gets destroyed or the fragments of Erebus deep underground suddenly merge and rise up, I don't need to step in.


"I'll go into hibernation for a while."


Shamash, who had come to complain to me about a trial between the gods, widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Hibernation, all of a sudden?"

"I feel like I need some rest."

"Mom needs rest...?"

Shamash looked at me as if she couldn't believe it. Hmm. What does he think of me?

While I may not get physically tired, I do get mentally fatigued, you know? I need a period of rest where I can hibernate and browse the internet of other worlds.

To be honest, I've worked too much until now. I think it's time I took a break.

I'm also getting tired of Baal constantly running over and whining for my help whenever he gets the chance.

I've made arrangements for the tasks that need to be handled to be taken care of on their own. Unless there's a crisis that could destroy this world, there's no need for me to wake up.


"Pass on the message to the other children and Baal that I'll be going into hibernation for a while."

"Uh... Are you sure? Everyone's going to freak out."

"Sure or not, who's going to stop me from taking a break?"

I'm mentally exhausted from being active without hibernation. It feels like I'm constantly awake because I can't fall into a deep sleep.

Roughly speaking... in human terms, it's like not being able to sleep properly for days on end while working... Ahem.

Anyway, I'm going to rest! I'm going to rest deeply! I'll wake up after a few hundred years of hibernation!

Humans and other races will be looked after by the gods, and wars between gods are prohibited, so there's almost no chance of chaos breaking out.

I've delegated all my tasks to be handled automatically. It's the perfect situation for me to take a rest!

"I understand. If that's what Mom wishes, I have no right to say anything."

"Mm. Thank you for understanding."

Actually, it doesn't matter even if you don't understand.

I'll just cut off all communication, dig a cave underground, seal the entrance, and fall asleep. That's all there is to it.

"Then... how long do you plan to rest?"

"Hmm. About 500 years?"

"500 years... That's quite a long time."

"And I've already shortened it significantly."

If I just lie down without thinking about anything, I could sleep for thousands of years.

"I see. I'll let everyone know."

"Yeah. Thanks."

After sending Shamash away, I went to find a suitable secluded place.

The rough location was... the western edge of the continent.

It was a rugged mountainous area where monsters frequently appeared, so it was less developed.

There were hardly any humans, but plenty of monsters... Well, those insignificant monsters won't be able to disturb my sleep, so I don't need to worry.

Since there are hardly any humans, there won't be any influence from other gods either. Hmm. Good. I can sleep peacefully here.

After digging deep underground and sealing the entrance to the cave, I curled up on the ground in my original form.

Alright, then... Sleep well!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The world is full of unfair things.

Just because they were lucky enough to be born to good parents, stupid and dull fools can eat their fill, while smart children like me have to suffer as orphaned beggars, unable to find proper work.

At least I was taken in by the temple, so I didn't have to starve like other orphans... But still, it's unfair.

"Hey! Rat!"

See? That fool is trying to pick a fight with me again.

"Rat! Why are you ignoring me?"

"You're not worth answering."

I pulled the weeds in the garden, muttering gruffly.

The priest at the temple is a kind person, but he strictly follows the rule of "those who do not work, shall not eat." If I don't do any work, my meals will be reduced.

Even though I already eat more than others, making me feel self-conscious. If I don't do anything, it will be even more difficult.

"Why are you doing such a boring job?"

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"Because if I don't, my dinner will be reduced. So don't disturb my work and go play with your stupid friends."

Those two idiotic friends of his are watching from over there.

"Hmm... so if I have dinner, I don't have to pull the weeds?"

"Well, I suppose so."

But dinner doesn't just fall from the sky, does it? It's been months since I've eaten a whole loaf of bread. Unless it's a great god's festival day, it's hard.

Even though it's a small village in the mountains, it's too poor. This village.

Why did Mom drop me off in this small village and leave? If it was a wealthy village, I could have somehow managed to earn and eat.

In this rural village, the only things a child can do are small errands, which don't earn any money.

Ugh... I should have tried to cling to the merchant who came to the village and gone to the city. I could have done something there.

"Okay, then I'll bring you dinner. In return, let's play together."

"Shut up with your stupid talk. How can you bring me dinner?"

"I'll just give you my food. I can skip a meal or two."

This idiot's dinner? Hmm...

After briefly calculating in my head, I nodded.

If I can get a full meal by playing with this child a little, it's better than pulling weeds.

"Come on, rat. Let's go play. I found a new cave in the back mountain."

"What? The back mountain? Monsters come out in the deep parts of the back mountain!"

"The cave I found is near the entrance, so there are no monsters. So let's go! It'll be fun, I'm sure!"

The idiot is pulling me by the hand. Really, when will this fool ever gain some sense.

"I've told you before, I'm the older one. I'm a rat beastman, so I'm just smaller in size."

In about a year, I'll be an adult. By then, I'll break free from this small village.

And so, I was led by the fool's hand towards the back mountain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Long ago. I don't remember it well, but I've heard stories from adults.

They say there's a dragon sleeping somewhere in this mountain.

It was probably just the drunken ramblings of a drunkard, but... Honestly, how many people would believe such a story?

And a dragon, no less. That's a monster that only appears in legends, in hero's tales. Dragons, really?

But... that nonsense.


Why is it right in front of my eyes?

A huge silver dragon. It seems to be asleep now, eyes closed, taking even breaths, the thunderous sound of its breathing.

In front of this dragon, I tried to hold my breath and back away as quietly as possible.

Ugh. I shouldn't have listened to that fool's words. What cave? Falling for the idiot's nonsense about there being treasure in the cave was my own stupidity!

There was a plausible crevice in the cave, and I was forcefully pushed in by my small size. Suddenly, the ground sank down, and I slid down painfully, only to see a faint light at the other end of the cave, thinking it might be the outside.

And there was the silver dragon, as big as a mountain!

I have to get out of here. That huge mouth! I'm small enough to be swallowed whole without a second thought, a whole house could fit in that mouth!

To think there's such a terrifying dragon in the back mountain's cave... Even if I tell the adults, they won't believe me. No, they won't believe it.

Speaking of which... what happened after I safely escaping from here?

I tried to back away as quietly as possible.

One step, then another. But in the middle of walking,

Something caught my foot.



I quickly covered my mouth, not realizing the voice had escaped from it. It wasn't that loud, so the dragon wouldn't have woken up, right?

It'll be fine. With a dragon that huge, my small voice wouldn't be heard properly. So...

I carefully turned my head to look in the direction of the dragon.


My eyes met the dragon's huge golden eyes.

"Aah! Aahhh!!!"

I frantically backed away on all fours from the dragon! I'm going to be eaten! Devoured!!!

The dragons in hero's tales were terribly ferocious monsters, breathing fire and having scales harder than most metals.

I'm definitely going to be eaten!!!

I crawled on the ground, hiding behind a rock in a corner, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

Please, may this dragon not pay attention to me. Just ignore me and go back to sleep.

I covered my mouth and held my breath, staying still.

After some time passed and the dragon's sounds faded, I carefully peeked out from behind the rock.

If this much time has passed, the dragon must have fallen asleep again.


[Small beastman.]

The huge dragon's head was right in front of me.

And then everything went dark.

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