What It’s Like Being a Vampire

Chapter 65 - 65 Chapter 65 A Torn Tissue

65 Chapter 65 A Torn Tissue
Translator: 549690339
“Chapter 65 A Tissue Paper

Xiang Kun closed his eyes, focusing intently on pinpointing the location of the tissue based on its faint scent, which gave him a surprisingly accurate direction.

This was highly unusual!

Like sound and light, scent also needed time to transmit.

Generally speaking, the transmission speed of a scent was much slower compared to that of light and sound.

However, scents in the natural world were more likely to cling and persist, which paradoxically made them easier to track.

But for a scent to persist, a certain baseline number of scent molecules needed to be present; otherwise, they wouldn’t be detectable by the olfactory system.

Xiang Kun’s sense of smell was far more advanced than that of ordinary people and even surpassed that of hunting dogs.

But the tissue was unscented to start with and had a relatively weak odor requiring fewer scent molecules to trigger a response in the olfactory system. Besides, the influence of other unused tissue odors within the room made it easy to be disturbed.

Generally, even if the tissue were hidden inside his house, relying on scent tracking alone might not lead him precisely to it.

But now, not only had the tissue been bundled into a trash bag, it had also been thrown into a garbage can, an environment rife with competing smells.

Judging by the time, it should indeed have been put on a garbage truck and driven out of the community by now.

Theoretically, there was no way for the scent from that tissue to travel all the way back to him.

Moreover, generally speaking, unless the smell source was potent, and the tracker was within the direct zone of influence, it was challenging to instantly determine the definite origin of the scent source based on the scent.

Just like when he tracked Miss Yang’s lost husky, he followed a trail of individual scented points, stringing them together to estimate its direction.

But now, the scent from that tissue in his mind was able to distinctly point out its direction, so distinctly that even Xiang Kun thought it was an illusion.

You must understand, the same garbage bag contained stronger odors, such as from the rabbit giblets. Yet these scents hadn’t seeped into Xiang Kun’s mind like the tissue’s.

“Should I verify it?”

Xiang Kun decided to set out right away, following the direction of the tissue scent in his mind, to see if he could truly find it.

Otherwise, if he waited a bit more and the garbage truck reached the waste treatment plant, even though the garbage wouldn’t immediately be incinerated, it would be piled up and ferment in the storage pile, making the search exponentially more difficult.

Before leaving, Xiang Kun hesitated but eventually swapped for a more casual long-sleeved shirt and trousers, donning just slippers.

He was prepared to rummage through the garbage if necessary…

After leaving the estate, Xiang Kun called a cab on his phone, and then directed the driver.

The guiding scent from the tissue wasn’t like an average scent-following exercise that needed to be trailed gradually—it directly pointed out its direction and location in his mind.

Under Xiang Kun’s direction, the car sped on until, after a dozen minutes, they reached an intersection and spotted the garbage truck waiting at a red light.

Xiang Kun could clearly sense the scent of the tissue—it wasn’t quite right to say he ‘smelled’ it anymore, it was more like he “sensed” it.

Checking the remaining red light time, Xiang Kun quickly paid the driver and got off, then started running towards the garbage truck.

Xiang Kun jumped onto the side-step of the garbage truck’s driver side, pressing close to the door. Through the half-opened window, he addressed the garbage truck driver who he’d startled.

“Guru! Sorry for bothering you, can we park unseen for a while? I left something crucial in the trash, let me search for it!”

“Get down now! It’s too dangerous! This is against regulations…” the driver shouted.


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